Bacon and Porridge

A Whisper

No one's POV

     Bomi comes back out with the medical kit and tells him to take of his shirt.

     “You ert!” he gasps and puts his hand across his chest.

     “I have to change your bandages so it doesn’t get infected.” She reaches to take it off herself.

     “OH-UH!?” he yells and backs away. She hits him on the arm and tries again.

     “Yah!” he yells.

     “I have to change it!” she yells back.

     “Give me the kit! I’ll do it myself!” he says and reaches for it. She slaps his hand away.

     “Look, I know a lot more about medicine than you do!”

     “How do you know?” he scoffs.

     “And you won’t be able to see it properly to treat it! So stop being stubborn and let me!” He scoffs again then gives in.

     “Fine! Don’t blame me if you get ! I tried to stop you!”

     “I didn’t the first time. I think I’ll be fine.” She says and motions for him to take his shirt off. He reluctantly takes it off.


     Well, she wasn’t “” but she did feel her face get red as she un-wrapped his chest. It didn’t help that he was staring at her face the whole time.

     She removed the cloth to show the wound that was, to her surprise, much better… a little too much so…

     Her eyebrows furrow while her face was riddled with confusion.

     “What…ha-how can this be?” she looks up at him. His eyes were slightly cold as he stared right back at her.

     “Baekhyun, this wound is almost healed… how is that possible? It should still be fresh.” She looks into his eyes waiting for an answer… an answer that doesn’t come. She lowers her head quickly.

     “Can you please not look at me like that? Don’t make that face…” she says quietly. He had that distant emotionless look that has become her biggest fear… and the source of her nightmares.

     “What face?” he asks.

     “The one that looks like your soul has been destroyed.” She says without looking up. He doesn’t say anything.

      “I won’t ask you anymore questions about that night… or about why you heal so quickly… So please, don’t give me that face…” there was a moment of silence then she speaks again. “And don’t leave again… You may think it’s better that way… but it’s not…”

      He brings his hand up to her chin and raises her head. She avoids his eyes afraid of what expression they were holding.

      “I’ll tell you everything later… And I won’t leave again.” She slowly brings her eyes to meet his and to her relief they were warm, instead of cold. She smiles and continues to treat his wound in the spots that still needed some attention.

      “You’re aren’t you?” he says with a smirk. She hits him in his good arm and blushes. Why does he have to make things so awkward?!


     I finish wrapping him and he puts his shirt back on.

     “Are you going to feed me or are you just going to let me starve to death?” he asks and lays back down. She glares at him.

     “Alright. Wait a little bit.” She says and goes into the kitchen with a smile. She was hungry too since she hasn’t eaten in over a day. Honestly she didn’t feel hungry until now.


     “Porridge?” he asks staring at the food unsatisfied.

     “You had a bad injury and you had a high fever and you slept for over a day.” She says in an, “of course it’s porridge” tone.

     “You need to regain your strength.”

     “Believe me, strength is not my problem. It’s my taste buds.” He says and pouts. She sighs.

     “I worked really hard to make that.” She makes a puppy dog expression. His face contorts to show his disgust at the sight.

     “You’re puppy face .” She glares at him. He smiles and holds back his laughter. “But it was cute, so I’ll give in this once.” He picks up the spoon and starts to eat. Bomi does the same as she tilts her head down to hide her blush.


     “Porridge again?” he says even more unhappy. “Come on, lunch should be something tastier than this!”

     “I made too much this morning and I don’t want it to go to waste.” She says attempting to do the puppy face again. He sighs deeply.

     “It better be different for dinner or I am going to hit you.” he warns and shoves the food in his mouth. Bomi smiles triumphantly.


     Bomi places porridge on the table and takes a step back. Baekhyun stares at it.

     “YAH!” he yells and starts to get up.

     “HYA!” Bomi smiles and runs into her room and locks the door.

     “Aish!” He lets out a sigh of frustration and sits back down. He curses at the food and reluctantly eats it.

     “Get out here! I won’t hit you!” he yells after 5 minutes. She opens the door and peaks her head out. She sees him eating with a frown. A smile forms on her face as she walks out.

     “Breakfast better be bacon or else.” He warns and glares.

     “Araso! Araso!” she nods and eats.


     Baekhyun was complaining about having to wear the wrap around his chest so I decided to take it off considering he didn’t really need it anymore… in fact, he didn’t need anything…

     “It’s all healed.” Bomi says looking at the slightly red streak going across his chest and arm that would have been much worse if it happened to others.

     “Yeah, so that means no more porridge!”

     She kept examining trying to find an answer to why he heels so fast knowing she won’t find one... How can someone heal from something like that completely in only two days?... She sighs as she puts away the medicine that she no longer needs.

     “What? Are you upset that you don’t get to violate my chest anymore? ...” He says snickering. She rolls her eyes and gets up.

     “No, it’s because you smell like . Take a shower.” She says as she walks out of the room. He scoffs at her.

     “You’re one to talk!”


     Bomi gives him some of her sister’s clothes because he had none to change in to.

     She hesitantly takes a shower before him because he kept on insisting. She was afraid of leaving him alone.


     She comes out of the bathroom hair dryer in hand.

     “You can dry your hair in there, I’m in no rush.”

     “No it’s fine. I always dry my hair out here. Go ahead.” She says and sits down on the couch. She plugs in the dryer and turns it on. He smiles and then goes into the bathroom.


     He walks out of the bathroom with a towel on his head drying his hair. He pauses when he sees Bomi laying out bedding on the ground. She finishes laying out his and then lays into hers.

     “You know, you can sleep in your room. I already said I wasn’t going to leave.” She ignores him. He sighs.

     “Look, it’s hard to sleep comfortably with you breathing down my neck so go in your room.” She ignores him again.

     “Fine, I guess I will just have to stay up all night and not sleep.” She opens her eyes and gets up.

     “Fine. But I’m going to sleep with the door open so you better not leave.” She warns him and gets up, grabs her blankets and stomps to her room.


     A few hours later he wakes up and finds Bomi lying next to him.

     “Aish…I told you to sleep in your room…” he says to himself. She was holding his hand again. He sighs as he stares at her. He notices her shivering from the cold floor.

     “You could have at least brought your blanket out, idiot.” he says and pouts. Luckily her grip wasn’t tight like last time.

     He releases his hand from hers and lifts her head. He slips his arm under her head and brings her in closer. With his other arm he swings his blanket over her then pushes on her back so she now had her forehead on his chest.

     He rests his chin on the top of her head.


     “This may sound creepy but, what the hell? You’re asleep anyways... You’re hair smells good.” He says quietly and hugs her tightly while smiling.

     “Even though you hide it, I know you are uneasy about me. I’ll tell you everything tomorrow… I promise.” He whispers.

     “Don’t have any more bad dreams. Have good ones.” He whispers and continues to hug her firmly until he falls asleep from the warmth of her body.


      Bomi was in the kitchen making breakfast. Her face was still red from earlier.

      She woke up and found herself in Baekhyun’s arms and thought she was going to have heart attack.

      She kept thinking about it and how they ended up in that position. She slaps her cheeks and pinches them trying to get it out of her head. That was all for nothing because a few seconds later she feels arms wrap around her.

     “I didn’t think you were that big of a ert.” Her heart skips about 20 beats when he whispers in her ear.

     “Oh? What are you saying about?!” she mentally slaps herself for speaking wrong. He pursues his lips together trying to stop himself from laughing at her.

     “Hul… you have no shame… coming to a mans bed in the middle of night and then pouncing on them…tsk tsk tsk.” He says while holding back smile. He was having fun teasing her.

     “I didn’t pounce!” she yells in protest and tries to get out of his hold, which he doesn’t allow.

     “So are you saying I did?” She doesn’t respond. “I wake up to find you withering your way into my chest” he lies while taking his right hand and moving it across her stomach to demonstrate.

     “YAH!!!” she yells and successfully brakes away from his embrace. Her face goes extremely red because he accidental brushed his hand on her .

     “You touched my you ERT!” she yells and crosses her hands across her chest. He scoffs.

     “Says the one who holds my hand against it when she sleeps...” He smirks and walks out of the kitchen. As soon as he’s out sighs deeply and places his hands on his now red cheeks.

     I didn’t mean to touch her … that’s what I get for trying to make her nervous… karma is a …

     He was about to sit on the couch when he comes to a sudden realization. He runs back into the kitchen.

     “That better not be porridge you’re making!” he yells while pointing at the counter she was working at.

     “Oh? A-anyo!” she lies trying to hide her flustered face and the stuff on the counter. He grabs her arm and makes her face him.

     “You’re a terrible liar! Make bacon!” He yells and stomps his feet on the ground like a 5 year old. She scoffs and scrunches her face at the sight.

     “There is none.” She says and turns back to the counter.

     “What?!” He yells and forces her to face him again. “Why not?!”

     “Who has bacon just lying around? Of course I don’t have any.”

     He narrows his eyes and grabs her wrist and drags her to the door.

     “What are you doing?”

     “You’re going shopping!” He yells and throws her shoes at her.

     “What? You’re going to go out wearing that?” He still had her sister’s clothes on. He looks down at himself. He was still wearing the clothes I gave him. He had on some old pajama bottoms with flowers all over them and a pink shirt that had the word “Princess” on the back of them.

     “I’m not going you are!” he says and starts for force my shoes on. “You need to buy me clothes, obviously. And, you need to by bacon.”

     “One, why aren’t you coming with? And two, where do you expect me to find money for all of that? We can just go over to your new apartment and get your clothes.”

     He sighs. “I can’t leave just yet.” She gives him a confused expression as he goes into the living room and grabs his wallet.

     “What do you mean by, “I can’t leave just yet?” She asks slightly worried.

     “Here, you can use this.” He holds out a card to her. “It’s untraceable. There is a lot on it so don’t worry about the cost of things.” He says and puts it in her hands. He bends down to tie her shoes.

      “What’s going on?” she asks. He doesn’t say anything and starts to tie the other one. She wanted to ask more, but she promised not to question him so much. He stands up and smiles.

      “What I meant was that there is no way I’m going out looking like this.” He says with a reassuring smile… a smile that she doesn’t buy…

     “Now go get me bacon!” he yells and pushes her out the door.

     She sighs and heads down the stairs.

     “Is he hiding from someone?” she asks to herself. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath trying to ignore the nagging in the back of her head that was telling her that something is wrong… and that he was in danger. She was sort of relieved though knowing that he would still be there when she got back.


     It was 8 p.m. now and they were both sitting on the couch watching TV. Baekhyun was laughing while watching some variety show. Bomi was sitting with her feet on the couch and hugging her knees to her chest.

     No matter what she did she couldn’t shake the feeling from what he said earlier that day. She started biting her thumb trying to think of what could be going on…

Was the police chasing him? … No because they would have been knocking on her door for questioning.

Was someone trying to kill him? … Well, duh they already almost did…

     Those kinds of thoughts kept running through her head and the nervousness he was feeling kept getting bigger.

     Baekhyun laughed at something and turned to Bomi to see if she saw it too. That’s when he realized that she was completely spacing out. She looked scared and worried.

     He furrows his eyebrows and sighs. He turns the TV off and faces her. He knew he couldn’t keep it from her any longer…

     “Bomi.” He says softly. She doesn’t respond so he puts his hand on her shoulder. She flinches and looks at him.

     “Huh?” she asks with her eyebrows raised. He swallows and blinks his eyes a few times.

     “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier. I know you have a lot of questions.” He pauses as her eyes start to open wide.

     “I’m ready to tell you… I’m ready to tell you who I really am… and, what I am.”


To be continued...



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MissTopakin #1
Chapter 20: Please update even if its been so long! Im dying to read moree!
Byungchan_angel #3
Chapter 20: Please update soon!!
Eririn #4
Chapter 20: I can't decide on which pairing I prefer. Thank you for updating.
lolly98 #6
Chapter 19: Update soon pls.. baekmi
thinkinfree23 #7
I guess Baekhyun should be with Bomi but I really want Bomi and Taemin to be together! I know it won't happen but can you make a one shot of Taemi if Baekmi's gonna happen?
LoverKpoper #8
So far its a great story! plz update soon! take your time! keep the great job
blackmyungeun #9
Chapter 19: Update sooooon. I wanna see baekhyun bomi moments again.