Mystery Man in My Dreams.

A Whisper


Bomi POV

Every time I dream, I’m with him.

They’re all filled with him.

I just wish I knew who he is.

This mystery man in my dreams.


I mostly dream the same things over and over again.

The parachute. The cake. The dead man. Blood. His smile. His warm expression. His cold expression.

I don’t tell anyone about these dreams. Not even Taemin.

I don’t even tell him about the ones I have with him. The ones where we are in a blinding white room, and he appears from behind an invisible door and greets me with a warm smile.

Every time I tell the therapist that I don’t remember anything. I notice the hint happiness in her eyes. I even tested her out.

A week ago she asked me if I remembered anything. I said I think. Her eyes flickered and her brows raised slightly. The intensity in her gaze was no joke.

When I said I dreamt of chocolate cake and that it must have been my favorite she instantly loosened up.

Now that I know my suspicions about her are accurate, I am especially aware around Joohyun. I still feel uncomfortable around her. I wonder if the reason will come in one of my dreams.

She seems bothered lately. I also see her staring at the closed off area every once and a while.

One thing that is bothering me. Is Taemin.

If this mysterious man really was at my mission. He knew about it.

I know this because he asked me. He asked about the guy I saw. I trust him, but it is weird. Did he know they were erasing him from my memory? If so, why wouldn’t he tell me? Or did I mention the man when I reached the meeting point? My memory is still hazy from that day.

For now, I trust my instincts. They’ve been right so far. And they’re telling me Taemin is good.



“You have another mission, lovely.” Youngjae says as he barges in my room.

“Do you know how to knock, Youngjae?” Joohyun asks, irritated.

“Why would I do that?” He teases and sits on my bed. She scoffs and leaves the room. “I can see why you don’t like her.” He says childishly. I look at him in confusion.

“What makes you think I don’t like her?”

“Please.” He laughs. “You act like you’re spying on her.” He laughs again. I guess I’m not being discreet enough.

“What’s the mission?” I ask to change the subject.

“It’s nothing exciting but, they are sending me on a stakeout in Jeju for one week, maybe less. Well, more like infiltration but, whatever.”

“How do I work into that plan?”

“Well, I said it would be better to have someone else go along. They tried to push Yuri for it but I suggested you. I didn’t even have to fight they just agreed.” He says triumphantly. ”Yuri will be near by though, taking care of things off the radar.”

“That’s weird.” I say. I honestly wasn’t expecting them to send me on another mission after the last one. For some reason… I don’t think they accepted just because Youngjae asked.

“I know right. First they make you a recluse and now they are willingly letting you out into the world.” He says and shrugs.

“Are we the only ones going for this mission?”

“Yeah. All we have to do is act like a tourist couple. There is this tourist company believed to be run by some pretty bad guys.” He says and hands me a folder of some pictures. There are pictures of a few guys with a red label under them reading--Dangerous.

“They own a camp site, and this man--” He points at a picture of a fairly handsome guy with light scruff. “Is rumored to be there tomorrow.”

“What’s his name?”

“Don’t know.”

“How do we know he’s bad?”

“Apparently he’s been spotted in other situations.”

“What kind of situations?”

“I don’t know.”

“So we are just expected to spy on a man and we don’t even know why?” I vexedly sneer.

“Welcome to spy-hood, love.” He shrugs.

I take in a deep breath and sigh. This kind of thing just doesn’t sit right with me. If I’m being told to spy and steal information from people. I want to know why and what information I’m supposed to be gathering. For the greater good, isn’t good enough for me. I need more information than Dangerous. How are they dangerous? From these pictures, they don’t look “dangerous” at all. I expected harsh eyes. The only one with harsh eyes is the one we are supposed to spy on. But I don’t feel harshness when I look at the picture. His eyes are more sad than anything. I wonder if this guy is even bad at all.

“Here comes Taemin.” Youngjae says as if he’s preparing for a battle. I turn around with a smile. But his expression shows he’s not in a friendly mood.

“What are you doing?” Taemin asks Youngjae as soon as he reaches.

“Letting the prisoner have her yard time.” He jokes.

“How funny.” Taemin says sarcastically.

“What are you so mad at?” I ask.

“Don’t worry Bomi. He’s just jealous. Since we have to be a couple and all.” Youngjae teases. Taemin acts like he is going to hit him. “Okay! Okay!” Youngjae says in defense and gets up. “I’m going to go prepare, see you at 0500, sweet.” He winks and leaves as Taemin glares.

He sighs and sits where Youngjae was; grabbing the mission files and reads over them in silence.

“Am I getting some sort of silent treatment?” I ask as he flips through the pages. He sighs and puts them down.

“No.” He says and rubs his temples.

“Why are you mad?”

“I’m not mad, I’m concerned.” He says and sighs deeply.

“I’ll be fine. It’s nothing extreme. ”

“I know.” He says and fixes some stray strands of my hair. I smile as my stomach flutters.



No one’s POV

“I’m not going to do that.”

“We need someone on the inside, Lay.”

For weeks Baekhyun has been trying to convince Lay to contact Yuri.

“She thinks I’m dead. Either that or a traitor.”

“All the better. There is nothing worse than thinking the one you love is dead or a traitor.”

“I won’t put her into that type of danger. She is probably already under their radar because we showed up at their mission. They know now that I was the inside source for you. Us showing up there, will cause them to think there is someone else. Would you contact Bomi if our roles were switched?” He asks. Baekhyun sighs and sinks in his chair.

“No. I wouldn’t.”

“Then stop asking for the impossible.”

“I’m sorry. I’m just--”

“I know. We will find a way. If Bomi and Yuri go on a mission together again. We can’t make contact.”

Baekhyun looks at him like he said something crazy.


“If we make contact, Yuri will be in danger. I won’t let that happen even if I have to shoot you. We should just observe. Or we could somehow secretly get a tracker placed on Bomi as well. It will be safer for both of them.” Lay finishes talking and Baekhyun nods slowly.

“Yeah, you’re right. We should also reach out to our other contacts.”

“What could they do?”

“It’s a slim chance but, one of them may come across Bomi. Also we have to warn them. Since Whisper hit Finance Global, they are really starting to lock in on those who have any connection to me. Luckily they didn’t find out who exactly is helping us but it’s still a little unsettling.” Baekhyun says and sighs. Lay nods. “We’ll warn them, and if they are still willing to work with us we can ask them to put a tracker on her if they come across her. Or give us any information they can.”

“Okay, let’s do that.”





Bomi’s POV

“So far he’s helped a lost child. Helped people carry their bags and willingly got scolded for something he didn’t do. Real dangerous guy.” I say sarcastically after three days.

“Spy-hood isn’t always thrilling, sweetheart.” Youngjae says and sips his strawberry kiwi fruit blend.

“It bothers me.” I shake my head as the horrible feeling continues to linger.

“Look, it bothers me also. But I sometimes think it’s better to not know all the horrible things they do. Only the worst of worsts get onto Whisper’s radar.” He says and I can see all the possible scenarios running in his head. Scenarios that would give anyone nightmares.

But even I can see in his eyes, how much he thinks this mission is strange.

This on top of the secret area they continuously have blocked off, and this guy named Lay that everyone says is dead but I hear some people talking in secret about him as if he is alive… Whisper is hiding too many things.

“Are you wearing a wire?” I ask. I’m taking a big risk here. But a thought ran through my head. A thought that may explain why we are here. I have next to no evidence of it… it’s just a hunch.

“No.” He says and laughs a little.

“I’m about to share some things with you, that I haven't with anyone else.” I say calmly. He looks at me surprised, then it changes to amused.

“Not even Taemin."

"No." I say and he smirks.

"Whisper’s hottest couple has secrets?” He teases.


“Please Bomi, you’re insulting my intelligence. Unless you’re just being shy about it?” He snorts and shakes his head. I blush a little and clear my throat.

It’s not that I don’t notice how Taemin feels about me, and it’s not that I don’t feel something for him. It’s just that it feels like something is missing between us. Like a puzzle piece that doesn’t fit just right.

“Do you want to hear what I have to say or not?” I ask; pushing the romance subject out of the conversation.

“Spill it.” He says and scoots a bit closer.

“Do you know about the man on the roof?”


“At the last mission, right before I jumped.”

“There was a man?” He asks, clearly confused.

“Yes, and he obviously knew me.”

“Why wasn’t this in the mission report?” He asks with a serious tone.

“More importantly why was he, and the parachuting erased from my memory?”

“What?” He asks, shocked.

“I have dreams. Every night-- of this mystery man. As if they are memories trying to claw their way out.”

“Have you told your psychiatrist about them?”

“No. Because every time I hint at remembering something before my accident. She erases it.” He furrows his brows. “I dream about him, about random people I don’t know… The only one from Whisper that I do remember is Taemin. I remember him appearing out of a hidden door in this completely white room.”

“White room?” He interrupts, as if he knows about it.

“Yeah, the ceiling is one huge light, two walls facing each other are a mirror; two walls and the ground are white. The bed is also white…”

“Your clothes were white and close fitting, with circular holes on the shoulders and elbows. No shoes.” He finishes.

“You know the place?” I ask.

“Yes.” He says almost breathless and looks like he’s contemplating something. “I will also share a secret.” He mumbles then looks at me seriously. “Those white rooms are in the closed off area.” My eyes open wide.

“That’s why it feels so familiar.” I say and shake my head. This is too much.

“I was selected for a special assignment. I was to this girl to and from this white room and into another, without question.”

“What is the other room?” I ask. For some unknown reason I shiver and feel fear after asking.

“I dont know. What I do know is that almost every time I her to the room she looks scared, when I pick her up she is almost soulless. When I leave, it’s almost as if her eyes are begging me not to go.” I sigh and nod.

“In my memories, that’s how I felt. Terrified and..." I try to think of a way to describe exactly how I felt. Only one word comes to mind. "Dead." I mumble.

There is a moment of silence between us. “I think they sent us on this mission, because whoever the man was, they are trying to capture him. He showed up at my first mission… maybe they let me go on this one so easily because they hoped he would come to this one also.”

“I don’t think so, they originally wanted Yuri to do this mission.”

“She still is here. That’s the only thing I can’t quite put together. I feel like they wanted both of us to be here, I just don’t know why. I understand me, but I don’t know where she falls into the equation.” I say and he nods.

"If that's true then I bet there are other agents near by."

"Yeah, like the couple three tables behind me." He takes a look.

"I've noticed them since we got here. They're always near us and they hardly act like a couple." He lets out a laugh and shakes his head. The same reaction he makes when I out wit him.

"Why didn't you say anything sooner?"

"Because it didn't matter until I found out what this mission is really about."

"Yeah, but you don't know that your theory is true."

“You're right, I don't know. I feel that's it's true." He sighs.

"Well, they look like the only ones." He says and surveys everyone else.

"Hopefully, or it's going to be really awkward when I tell our target to make his escape."

"What?!" He says and almost chokes on his drink.

"He's not bad. He's being used as a scapegoat. He's probably friends with this mystery man in my dreams."

"And what if he is bad and so is your mystery man?"

"They're not."

"You're ‘feelings’ talking again?" he chuckles.

"No. My intuition."

He smirks and takes one last sip of his drink.

“This is why I like you, you’re not afraid to cause some trouble. Lucky for you, I also believe in your ‘intuition’.” he says and puts on a serious face. “...and your dreams.” He mumbles and looks concerned about something. My guess---the girl he escorts.







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MissTopakin #1
Chapter 20: Please update even if its been so long! Im dying to read moree!
Byungchan_angel #3
Chapter 20: Please update soon!!
Eririn #4
Chapter 20: I can't decide on which pairing I prefer. Thank you for updating.
lolly98 #6
Chapter 19: Update soon pls.. baekmi
thinkinfree23 #7
I guess Baekhyun should be with Bomi but I really want Bomi and Taemin to be together! I know it won't happen but can you make a one shot of Taemi if Baekmi's gonna happen?
LoverKpoper #8
So far its a great story! plz update soon! take your time! keep the great job
blackmyungeun #9
Chapter 19: Update sooooon. I wanna see baekhyun bomi moments again.