Meeting EXO

I'm Entirely in love


The entire day went off with you spending it in SunMi's house, you told your dad that you'll be staying over at SunMi's. You din't mind going back home, its just that you wanted away stay from the discussion about the "marriage' with your dad, you werent in the mood of it.


You sat on the SunMi's bed with your legs straight out straight, filling your mouth with chips while SunMi laid with her head on your right thigh and filling your mouth with chips as well. Its was 10 in the night and you both were watching movies.


You felt your phone viberated on your side. You checked the caller ID and it wasn't the number you knew. "one sec" you excused yourself and went to the Conner of the big room while SunMi lower the volume a little.


"yeobosaeyo~" you answered the call.

"yeobosaeyo" the guy with a really deep and hasty voice on the other side of the line replied.

"erm....pardon me but may I know who this is please" YOu asked politely, it wasnt the voice you recognized 'maybe its...?nah it can't'


Okay, your guess was right. The annoying seductive deep husky voice only belonged to one person in the world and that was your 'future husband'

Your face immediately turned in to a frown.

"YAH!!!!" You shouted on the phone.

"you sounded better when you din't know who I was" Kris replied and you roled your eyes.

"WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET MY NUMBER!!!?" You shouted again.

"I have my sources" You figured that he was smirking at the other side of the line.

"oh shut up!! why did you call?" you asked sourly

"I'm taking you with me to my rehearsals tomorrow to meet my band members" He replied as if he was forces to take you.

you raised your eyebrow "You have'nt told me in which band your in" though you knew which band he was in, you still wanted to know about if from him, for some reason.

"I don't want to waste my time, you will find out when you come tomorrow"

'rude!!! why cant he tell it'

"Can my friend come?" you asked considering that SunMi seems to be a fan of EXO

"Whatever" Kris replied which you took that as a yes

You were smiling on the phone bitting your lower lip, you saw SunMi looking your way with a grin on her face.

"save my number" he told you, more like commanded you.

"Nae~ .........g-good night then" you replied still smiling, no idea why.

"yeah, good night" he hung up the phone.

You found yourself smiling in the mirror in front of you. 'why the hell I'm I smiling?'. You walked bach to the bed and sat down beside SunMi.


"What's with all the smiling?" She nudged you in side as you sat. You rolled your eyes. "Nothing, it was just Kris. he said he'll take me tommyrot to meet EXO and I asked if you could come and he dint mind." you tod her filling your moth with chips again.


You heard SunMi squeal beside you "omg!! I'm going to meet EXO.....oh I need to pick out my dress..and" she out up and you pulled her down. "after the movie!!!!" you gave her a dead glare and she nodded and sat back down.


"WOW! JANG GUK SEOK OPPA IS SO HANDSOME!!" you exclaimed at the movie actor. SunMi hit your shoulder "oww!! what was that for?" you whined. "Your not supposed to look at other men now that you have Kris." she poked you cheeks.


You roled you eyes "oh shut up" and hitting her back on the shoulder.





You and SunMi sat the lobby waiting for Kris to come. You wore white Tee with grey hoodie cardigan and short maroon skirt was dint even come till you mid thigh, revealing you long doll like beautiful legs. SunMi had no problem leanding her new clothes to you, in fact she dint like the skirt so you kept.


SunMi wore baby pink top and grey denim shorts with white over coat. she let her chest nut short brown hair down on her shoulders.


You saw a Lexus X-5 stop in the side, you immediately knew who it belonged and walked out towards it with SunMi following you. "She on time" SunMi commented excitedly


You walked towards the car and were about to open the back seat door when SunMi stopped you "Your suppose wo sit in front wait Kris". You sat in the front seat without protesting.


"Hey!!" Sunmi flashed her brighter then the sun smile as she sat in the car. Kris turned around to SunMi and gave a gentle man smile "Hello".


SunMi's smile grew wider "I'm Hae SunMi". Kris smiled again and introduced himself.


You smiled at Kris. 'He smiled at her? he never smiled at me?......and no I dont include smirking in the smiling category!!' Kris then turned to you and his smiling face turned to face.


"hey" he greeted you with no emotion as he started the car.


"hey" you replied the same putting on your seat belt. The conversation between You and Kris was for exactly 2 seconds, after which you both fell silent minding your own business.

The ride to SM building was awkward but short thankfully. Kris pulled his car in the parking lot. You and SunMi out out if the car and followed inside the building.


"its so obvious that you both dont ike each other" SunMi whispered in you ear, walking in inside the lobby.


"well then, get use to it" You replied back, following kris inside the elevator.


As you reached the 5th floor, You saw identical door at ever 10 tiles which you assumed as the practice rooms. Kris lead you to one of them and opened the door for you to get in.


Fooling around the room where 11 boys, some were learning dance some were teaching, some were running round and some imitated the other. Kris coughed indicating them to stop and pay attention. You walked in further in to the room, while 11, 11 handsome boys stared at you as if you were unseen creature standing before them.


"umm...Guys this is Kim Seung Mi~na and her friend Hae SunMi" Kris introduced pointing the individuals respectively. You bowed greeting them. Its was awkwardly quite as they just stared at you until on of the giraffe like long neck and extremely creepy smiling guy ran over to you exclaiming "KRIS HYUNG ISN'T THIS YOUR WIFE???" No, his deep voice dint match his small face.


He bend down too look at you closely, still smiling creepingly. You tilt your head back because his face was too close to yours.


"chanyeol! move your scaring her-r.." Kris' sentence got cut of by chanyeol "OMO! SHE SOOOOOO PRETTY" he exclaimed as he pulled you in to a breath taking hug..........when I mean breath taking I mean so tight that you cant breath.


"chabyeol-ah! I wanna see too" the others ran over to you viewing you in interest.


"wooahhhh~ she is so pretty"


"hyungs! she looks like a doll~"

"She has so soft skin~!"


You tried to pull away from the grab as they all surrounded you, hugging you, touching you, making it extremely uncomfortable.
















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I was about to update chapter 33 today for kris's birthday. But my pathetic net connection is acting gay and wont ket me. So I apologize for the delay and I tmr


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fayrenz #1
Chapter 1: Just started reading :) It's interesting! I look forward to the upcoming chapters :D
Chapter 46: ahahaha... just wow!!!!!!!!! update soon
LascoTM #3
Chapter 2: I love the conservations between characters and the observations you slip in here and there. ^^ , adore the casual flow of the story too '
Great job , keep it up !
Chapter 44: great update!
chooseme #5
love this...
givinkrishead #6
Chapter 42: Yeayyy double update!!
Aiyoo just confess already?

I wanna read fluffy soon!!
Palli palli
krisus1029 #7
Chapter 42: awwww... the father is cuteeee
Chapter 42: Awww... I would like a cupcake from Kris anytime.. hehehe ^^

But.. still Appa!
Chapter 41: Update soon, Author-nim~! Daebak^^
upew21 #10
Chapter 39: caring kris^^