appa's operation

I'm Entirely in love

You hurried into the hospital with kris following you. All you cared about now was to see you dad.

You stoped at the receptionist "Excuse me is there a patient name Kim YongHo turned in maybe few hours ago?" you asked.

The receptionist told you to wait till she finds. You nodded "Please hurry!!".

In few seconds the receptionist looked up at you "Yes ma'am. He is in room 347 on the 3rd floor" . You dint bother bto say thank you and just rushed over the the room.

When you reached there, your dad's assistant was waiting for you. "Yoon ahjussi!!" you called out as you reached "Where's appa??"

Mr Yoon pointed at the door behinde him "He is in here miss. He is getting his tests done"

"Can I go inside?" you asked.

Mr yoon shook his head "Your not allowed to". You got more frustrated at you couldnt see you dad right away and you expressed it by rubbing your face.

"What happened excatly?" Kris asked Mr yoon looking at your worriedly. He has never seen you so upset.

"Sir suddenly started coughing and vomiting after the meeting we had so I brought him here. I thought young mistress should know and told the hospital to contact her" Mr yoon explained.

"V-vomiting?" you stuttered your eyes getting watery and ready to cry "Apppa!!!!! please be okay~" you prayed out loud as tears started to flow down your cheek again.

Kris walked over to you and made you sit on the waiting seats available. He cant see you cry "Shhhh~ nothing is going to happen. Your appa will be just fine. please dont cry" Kris comforted you kneeing down in front of you and cupping your face in his hands.

"But yoon ahjussi said appa vomited. appa never vomits" You said as your cried. Kris used his thumbs to wipe the tears streaming down your cheeks

"May be Mr kim ate something wrong....dont worry nothing bad will happen" he ensured your with his wild guess.

You slowwly nodded "I hope its like that kris". Kris got up and sat besides you on the chair and brought your head to rest on his chest. and gladly did you burring your face in his chest, muffling your cries so the other people in the hospital dont up their attention on you.

Mr Yoon exmained every thing. How kris consoles you and the most suprising is that you were crying in front of him. A person like you who doesnt like to cry in front of others who arent close you, to cry in front of kris just showed that you trust him...alot. And mr yoon knows its a good sign.

After half an hour the door of the room opened "Mr Kim Yongho?" he called you. You stood up instantly "Y-yes". The docter smiled "Im Dr Lee JaeHyun, and you must be the Mr kim's daughter" You nodded.

"Please come with me to the office so I can tell you the results of the tests" Dr Lee indicated you to enter his office which was just opposite to the room your dad is in. You nodded and followed.

"Miss I'll be with you father" Mr yoon said and you nodded.

Dr Lee sat on his chair and you sat across him while kris sat beside you on the other chair. Dr Lee noticed kris, but because kris was in disguise he couldnt recognize him "And you are?"

"Her husband" Kris said pointing at you. You were in no state in scolding him or correcting him for just calling himself your husband when you both arent married yet. Dr Lee smiled and held his hand out for a shake "Oh, hello Mr~"

Kris shook Dr Lee's hand "Wu Jiaheng" kris said some name. Quick thinking. "Oh you're Chinese--" Dr Lee said but you cut him off "Dr Lee the results" You remained.

"Oh yeah, sorry" Dr lee smiled at you but soon it became serious "Mrs Wu" He started and you blushed a little when he addressed you as 'Mrs wu'.

"According to the teast, You father has kidney stone from past 6 weeks" he continued. "Kidney stones happens at ta lack of water or wrong food intake. In your fateher's case its both. I would have been gone without much pain but its been 6 weeks already and the case got really serious"

You vision became blury. You dad was suffering from so long and he dint bother to tell you. why?

"How do we treat it Dr?" Kris asked.

"The sooner the better. Usually kidney stone patients go for the slowly treatment were we ake the stone just dissolve, but is in case were they discover they have kidney stone in the starting stage. but since Mr kim has had it for 6 weeks its better if we do the operation and remove the stone." Dr Lee explained.

"o-operation?" you stuttered.

"Yes. Its your choice. If you go for the slow treatment, it will be for 5 to 7 months. It wont hurt your father but in the future they maybe chances of the many problems because he dint treat it at early stage. If you be do the operation your dad would have back pain and wont be able to work but the stone will be completly gone"

You looked at kris for help, you dint know what to do. You dont want your father to be in pain. But kris looked as confused as you. "Kris what to do?" Your voice bearly a audioble but kris heard it. He reached out and held your hand "Your choice" Thats all he could say.

You took a deep breath "We will do the operation" you said.

"Correct choice Mrs Wu. I'll give you the details by tommrow but until the operation your dad has to stay here in the hospital to do his short treatment before the opreations so there wont be any complications" Dr Lee explained while standing up and did too.

"Now go meet your father"









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I was about to update chapter 33 today for kris's birthday. But my pathetic net connection is acting gay and wont ket me. So I apologize for the delay and I tmr


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fayrenz #1
Chapter 1: Just started reading :) It's interesting! I look forward to the upcoming chapters :D
Chapter 46: ahahaha... just wow!!!!!!!!! update soon
LascoTM #3
Chapter 2: I love the conservations between characters and the observations you slip in here and there. ^^ , adore the casual flow of the story too '
Great job , keep it up !
Chapter 44: great update!
chooseme #5
love this...
givinkrishead #6
Chapter 42: Yeayyy double update!!
Aiyoo just confess already?

I wanna read fluffy soon!!
Palli palli
krisus1029 #7
Chapter 42: awwww... the father is cuteeee
Chapter 42: Awww... I would like a cupcake from Kris anytime.. hehehe ^^

But.. still Appa!
Chapter 41: Update soon, Author-nim~! Daebak^^
upew21 #10
Chapter 39: caring kris^^