New friend

I'm Entirely in love


You woke up the next morning to find yourself in the outfit from yesterday, guess you dint change. The scary scene of the 4 drunk guys from yesterday flashed in your head sending uncomfortable shiver down your spine.

You washed up and went down stairs. You dint fell hungry so you just grabbed milk and walked around the house. "may be I shouldnt have said that to him" You whispered to yourself. You had no idea why you said but you did.

'did mean it? would I have fallen for lay if I wasnt suppose to marry kris' You head was heavy with thoughts. You needed to go to someplace quite and you know exactly where to go. You walked over to kris's bedroom and slowly peeked in with no sound. He was sleeping. Good!

You slipped into you shoes and walked out of the house towards the han river. You walked to this certain place in han river, no one comes her except you its always deserted. You discovered this place when once you got lost in han river when you were very young, so you'd come here whenever you feel stressed.

You sat down in front of the water channel with water from the river flowing. This place smells so refreshing, one of the reason why you liked coming here. Its like the instant you keep you feet on this place every worries of your flies away. This place is truly remarkable.

You started to resume your thoughts and you hugs your knees and sat comfortable making yourself ready for long thoughts and decisions. Also to mention that you kept your phone on silent so no one can disturb you.

You remember what happened yesterday, it was terrible. Also that you heard lay's and kris's conversation in the kitchen. Please...dont..hurt her. Lay's plead kept repeating in your head.

'So kris doesnt like me being around lay?'

Well, You sorta blamed yourself for kris's behavior yesterday. You were to much with lay, observing him, admiring his looks and thanking God to create such handsome masterpiece and also the hair fixing erra, yah you were to busy with lay to pay any attention to kris. But then he ignores you all the time but dont you do the same you ignore him too.

You conscious and sub conscious started to fight with each other in your head and you just let it happen. Few hours pass by like this, with your one thought leading to another then t another then to another. There was this point of time when your were thinking about the photoshoot then in few seconds that thought lead to jeju islands. You had no idea how that was related.

Then this was this point of time when you were suffocating with guilt.You really shouldnt have said that to kris. He hated this arrange marriage thingie as much as you did. And you just told him that you would be in love with his best friend if you dint have to marry him? You were cruel!~ he must hate you right now more then ever.

"haahhh~This is so frustrating!!!" You cried out loud~ Just then you heard the sound of crumbling leave from behind you. You turn around to see who it was.

You found a girl of your age sitting in the same position as you. You stared at her and she stared back at you. The atmosphere screamed awkward.

chip chip~

"I dint know I shared my secret hide out with other people" The girl broke the awkward silence. You blinked before replaying "Same goes to you" You both stared at reach other again. another awkward silence.

chip chip..........

Out for no reason you both started laughing, funny silence you can say. The girl scooted up and sat besides you. now you both sat facing each other legs flooded.

"Whats your name?" she began with a so bright smile it make hard for you to see.

"Kim Seung Mi~na, And you?"

"Zhang HyunRi" The girl replied you.

You month was in the 'o' shape "Are you..." Your question got cut by hyuri "Chinese?" She finished for you. "Yes I am, Im Chinese korean" she said, he smile never seems to die.

You laughed slowly "wow~Im korean japanese" You announce to her, this time was in the 'o' shape. She looked cute.

"I guess our secret hide out is not the only thing in common then" Hyunri joked and you both shared a good laugh. You observed her face. She looked a lot like you. You both shared the same face cut, same hair color, same pouty lips. You catch her staring at you too.

"Are we twins by any chance?" Hyunri blurts out.

"So you noticed it too?" You asked her back.

Hyuri tilt her head to the right too look at you better "Do you smile?" She asked cutely. "Hardly" You admited. Hyuri gives this enthusiastic and happy aura unlike you who gave the quite and uncomfortable aura.

"I come here when Im upset" Hyunri reviled looking into the water that flows besides you. You nodded slowly "Me too"

"So whats your deal?" Hyunri asked, her face turned serious. You decided to tell her since you wanted to talk to someone. You filled her in with your past 2 weeks ironic advebture, from the party where your dad introduced you to kris till you statement to him last night. You just dint take kris's and lays's name that all you missed, because kris and lay are celebs and you dint know if hyunri was a EXOtic or not you dint want to tell.  Hyunri nooded understandingly and listened to you carefully.

You blow raspberry when you finished. "I dunno why I said that to him, I feel guilty now"

"Why dont you apologize to him then?" Hyunri suggested.

"huh?" You hate being slow.

"Go home and apologize to him, Im sure he will understand"

You looked away not sure. Hyunri sighed and rested her hands on your shoulders "Seung Mi~na. your dad choose him for you, right?. do you really think your dad would give you away in wrong hands?" You looked up yo meet hyunri's eyes. You remember sunmi saying the same thing to you.

You nodded "I guess I will apologize to him" You smiled at hyunri, she did help alot. "Whats your deal?"  You asked her.

"Me? pisht~ The place I work in is shuting down so I lost me job" she said like it wasnt a big deal "Its not a big deal" Hyuri laughed like she read your mind. "I come from a wealthy family, I just work to keep myself busy~ becuase my dad is most of the time in his company and I dont have a mom"

You looked at her sympathetically you know that feeling "I dont have a mom either" you said in a soft voice.


"Yeah mine died when I was 3"

"Mine too, well....when I was less then a year old baby" Hyunri siad. Its was nice to have person who you can share same feelings with. Hyunri took your phone can called herself. "I'll call you later save my number okay, and you have loads of missed calls?" You nodded. You dint bother to check who it was. You made a new friend it was nice.

Hyunri stood up and pulled you up "Dont you have to apologize to him?"

"I wanna stay longer" You whined.

"No no no! You should go its already evening! go go go go!" Hyunri pushed you to go. Evening? You dint realize it got this late.

"Oh okay" You said in a small voice.

"Seung Mi~na FIGHTING!!!" Hyuri cheered. You laughed, it was hard to keep up with her enthusiasm.














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I was about to update chapter 33 today for kris's birthday. But my pathetic net connection is acting gay and wont ket me. So I apologize for the delay and I tmr


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fayrenz #1
Chapter 1: Just started reading :) It's interesting! I look forward to the upcoming chapters :D
Chapter 46: ahahaha... just wow!!!!!!!!! update soon
LascoTM #3
Chapter 2: I love the conservations between characters and the observations you slip in here and there. ^^ , adore the casual flow of the story too '
Great job , keep it up !
Chapter 44: great update!
chooseme #5
love this...
givinkrishead #6
Chapter 42: Yeayyy double update!!
Aiyoo just confess already?

I wanna read fluffy soon!!
Palli palli
krisus1029 #7
Chapter 42: awwww... the father is cuteeee
Chapter 42: Awww... I would like a cupcake from Kris anytime.. hehehe ^^

But.. still Appa!
Chapter 41: Update soon, Author-nim~! Daebak^^
upew21 #10
Chapter 39: caring kris^^