awkward photo shot

I'm Entirely in love


Next few days went with you not seeing much of kris or the EXO members because they hectic schedules filled with magazine interviews, verity shows, radio shows, concerts, TV talk shows, photoshoots and so on Kris would stay at the dorm with EXO and not come home because he has more schedule the next day. You dint call him nor did he call you. So the last time you saw him was the night you both eat dinner together.

You on the other hand spoke to sunmi on phone once or twice, she was enjoying herself so you dint tell her that you were dead bored and alone. Nor did you tell her about the night you got drunk or the kiss you and kris shared or the part were you both slept together. You werent ready for a total freaked out sunmi on phone, it was better to tell her in person.

You did also talk to your father, telling him how kris left you and wont come home because of his schedule and told him that he should curse himself for choosing a idol for her to get married to. Not that you would have been happy marrying a wealthy man's son but anyone to you was better then an idol. emphasizing kris.

When you saw their interviews or performance or browse EXO on tumblr or twitter all you see is crazy fangirls spazzing on how perfect these aliens were. You have to admit these 'EXOtics' have a great sense of humor you actually got those inside joke they make, like the time when baekhyun took over the #bacon tag on tumblr was hilarious. And tao associated with Gucci, Lay with unicorn or those lay's chips, xiumin with baozi and your going to me husband associated with the eatery Krispy kream. You just couldnt see all these things in the same way like before.

You noticed that maximum number of fangirls were kris biased. That scared you. What will fans do after they find out that you were marrying kris in few months? will the hate you or support you? it was hard to tell. Especially with the existence of saseng fans of EXO.

Saseng means nightmare, they could even murder you. You dint want to face all this so soon, so you stop thinking about it.

Remember when kris asked you that you can watch them during their schedule? You agreed. They were having photo shoot for some magazine so you decided to go see them. Thankfully the photo shoot was at SM building, you were allowed to come and go whenever you liked. 

You some how mange to get to the SM building without you car, A wealthy girl like you had to take a bus, You crused the fact that your dad locked the garage where he kept his cars, so as you could drive with kris only. . You walked inside SM building and asked the receptionist where EXO-M were having their photo shot. The behind the counter knew who you were and dint even give you a smile. The effects of being kris's wife was showing now.

You sighed as you open the door of the room. You made you way through the lights and the large cameras and random stuff scattered over the floor. 

The boys came in sight posing for the cameras. Your eyes grew wide on how handsome they looked in suits. You walked over and stood behind the huge tv where the pictures that are being captured showed on the screen. You send a small wave to the boys when the saw you. You dint want to disturb so you stood their quietly.

Your eyes fell on kris who was was modeling like a pro. You had to admit he looked gorgeous in the suit, You wondered weather this is how we is going to look on the day of the wedding but you end up admiring lay instead.

The photographer signaled for a break till the staff went through the picture that they just captured.

"MIN~MIN NOOOOOONAAAAAAAA" Tao ran over to you giving you a panda hug. More like a king kong hug because you fell on the ground with a loud tugh.

Your body hit the ground and tao fell over you, not bothering to get off because he was snuggling you like a teddy bear. He lift up his head and pinched your cheeks. "Min~Min noona i misssssssssed you!! You look soo lovely~~" he squeaked still pinching your cheeks. You tried to push him off but he was too heavy.

Tao suddenly got ripped off of you "Get off her tao! your killing her" Kris held tao from the collar like he dint weigh anything.

"Are you okay Seung mi~na shii?" Lay held his hand and picked you up. 'What a gentle man' You smiled at him. At the side kris narrowed his eyes at lay.

"How are you min~min? Its been long since we saw you"  Xiumin came over. You brain remembered 'Baozi' and you laughed inside.

"Min~min!! I missed you sooooo much~! Why dont you come to see you oppa!" Luhan ran over to you and hugged you by the side. You had to close you eyes because luhan's brighter then the sun smile hurts your eyes.

Tao manage to get away from kris's grasp and ran over to hug you by the other free side of your body. Both luhan and tao held on to you like koala bears on trees. You mouthed chen and lay "help" because kris dint bother about you presence and went some where else to get his make up proper with xiumin. Lay and chen tired to pull luhan and tao from you but they did not sucseed

"Let go off her" Kris's one simple command from across the room was enough to make luhan and tao to step 20 feet away from you. The power of the duizhang!

The photographer told the boys to get on the set again. They did so. You later helped the boys with the photo shoot because when it come to style and make up you were pro~

The hairstylist were fixing EXO-M boys hair after they changed into the other costume. You saw all stylists occupied with tao, xuimin and che while kris and luhan were posing for the camera together. At the corner you saw lay's fail attempt on fixing his own hair.

"You need some help with that?" You offered as you walked up to him. You realized even though he was shorter then kris, lay was still taller then you because your head reached his chin.

Lay looked at you and nodded innocently, embarrassed by his failed attempt. You reached for comb and hairspray and tiptoed to match lay's height. You could feel lays warm breath on you neck. You felt you face heat up. 'damn why Im I blushing?'

With you one hand on lay's hair holding some hair wih the help of the comb, you tired to keep the hairpspary on th table with you free hand. Because you were tiptoed you lost you balance and fell backwards.

Lays strong arms were round your waist holding before you can fall. "T-tankyuu lay oppa". You dint know your face had the tint of non existent red.

He smiled and you continued fixing his hair, his arms unconsciously still holding you.


You both looked from where the flash came from. Another photographer held his professional camera at you and lay flashing pictures of you one after another

"Awwwww~ Im sorry I took you pictures like that! But you both just look adorable together." The photographer squealed you figured he was a gay.

Wait! together?.....

You looked at lay then down to your waist. You realized he was still holding you.

Lay quickly removed his arms and steped away from you. You on the other hand did as well.

The photographer chuckled. "You both are the cutest couple I have ever seen" Okay this gay should stop talking!!!!~

"c-couple?" You and lay questioned on the same time. And the ohtographer chuckled again.

"Kris shii please concentrate~ Your keep looking away! focus! look at the camera" The photographer who was taking shots of kris and luhan said.

You looked their way and found kris staring at you with a very unexplainable look on his face. His eyes were narrowed at you and his lips were pressed into a thin line. His were so dark it gave you cold sweat. If looks could kill.

"No~silly! Min~Min noona is kris gege's future wife" Tao walked over and hung his arms around the gay photographers shoulders and his free hand pointing at kris.

The photographer turn to look at kris. He let out a squeak "Im sorry about that" and ran away to some room. probably scarred from how kris looked right now.

You did the same and walked quickly to same area where kris cant see youn dugging you head low that your neck hurt. You felt kris's eyes on you till you moved out off his sight.

















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I was about to update chapter 33 today for kris's birthday. But my pathetic net connection is acting gay and wont ket me. So I apologize for the delay and I tmr


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fayrenz #1
Chapter 1: Just started reading :) It's interesting! I look forward to the upcoming chapters :D
Chapter 46: ahahaha... just wow!!!!!!!!! update soon
LascoTM #3
Chapter 2: I love the conservations between characters and the observations you slip in here and there. ^^ , adore the casual flow of the story too '
Great job , keep it up !
Chapter 44: great update!
chooseme #5
love this...
givinkrishead #6
Chapter 42: Yeayyy double update!!
Aiyoo just confess already?

I wanna read fluffy soon!!
Palli palli
krisus1029 #7
Chapter 42: awwww... the father is cuteeee
Chapter 42: Awww... I would like a cupcake from Kris anytime.. hehehe ^^

But.. still Appa!
Chapter 41: Update soon, Author-nim~! Daebak^^
upew21 #10
Chapter 39: caring kris^^