
I'm EXO-K's Bodyguard?! (hiatus)



Baekhyun's P.O.V.

I heard the door shut and decided to start stretching when I felt something on me, a jacket and a note on my forehead. It was a sticky note that said "I'll be unpacking if you need me, just shout" 

*Haha that's cute, I guess this isn't some scary obsessed fangirl that will me in my sleep.* I thought as I stretched.

I heard some singing upstairs, it was What is Love, it sounded like a girl voice. I walked upstairs quietly listening to the singing, she has a pretty voice, I wonder if it's a cover on YouTube?

I peeked through the door to see MiYoun my rescuer singing your song. I was mesmerized thinking someone  like her, strong and pretty could sing so well.

"I didn't know you liked our songs" I said interrupting her.


Narrator's P.O.V

"Aha well on the ride here i looked them up and I liked this one." You half laughed.

"You sing pretty well, Did anyone ever tell you that?" Baekhyun complimented you. You blushed a bit and tried to change the subject. 

"How are you feeling? Better?" You questioned him. "I'm good, just my phone died, and wait...wasn't I at the Cafe?" He asked you.

"Oh well you looked tired so I moved you a bit till you climbed on my back, then we took a taxi to Kimmie's house." You replied.

"Really sorry, didn't mean to cause any problems, but wasn't I heavy?" He looked at his feet and scratched his head.

*Cute* you thought. "No, you weren't that heavy, I mean I can carry Kimmie and she's probably heavier than you, since she's a dancer." You tried to reassure him.

"Oh" That's all he said as you sat on your bed listening to What is Love on repeat. A few minutes passed before you broke the silence saying, "You can come in you know." You said patting your bed.

"O-kay" He stuttered a bit before sitting on your bed, Kimmie put in a queen sized bed so it easily fit the both of you just sitting there. You took your phone from the speakers and your laptop to play music. You then started to walk out of your room with your laptop and then turned around and said to Baekhyun, "Aren't you coming?"

"Oh yeah of course" He said jumping from the bed and following you. You two went to the living room and you saw that it was starting to get darker and you checked your phone, it was about 6. You felt awkward around him alone, so you decided to play video games.

"Hey Baekhyun, Do you like Mario Bros Wii?" You asked him.

"What's that? How do you play?" He asked cocking his head cutely.

*Oh my gosh, no wonder Kimmie finds this guy adorable, He's gooing to make me melt asdfgasfasdas*

"Well it goes like this" You showed him all the buttons how to jump run and use the special moves.

"Oooooooooohhh I see" He said as he started to play.

"The queen has arrived!" You heard Kimmie sing as she opened and closed the with grocery in her arms.

The two of you paused the game got up from to help her bring the bags in the kitchen then she shooed the both of you out so she could start dinner.

"So Baekhyun, what's it like being an idol?" You asked him curiously. "Well, it's hard, lots of practice, not much sleep, and then there's those scary fangirls that you saw at the airport." He sighed.

"Then why do you do it if this is the result?, well this is your dream and all to become a singer right?" You smiled.

"Yeah it is, I just got to keep pushing through, and I'll become better." He said looking looking at you.

You looked and saw he was looking right at you so you blushed a bit. You noticed his deep brown eyes, his eye smile and his cute cheeks. His hair looked so soft you wanted to reach out and touch it. *Wait, don't think about that. But he's so bubbly and nice and his voice is so perfect.

"Hey are you alright?" He asked looking a bit worried waving his hand in front of your face.

"Yeah just thinking. How do you think you are going to get back to your friends? You said trying to cover up your thoughts.

"Well my phone died, so I need to charge it first" He said taking out his phone.

"You know what, i actually have the same phone as you so that won't be a problem. Just give me your phone so I can plug it in." You reached your hand for his phone. His phone had a cute little sticker of him and someone you didn't know. The person in the picture had big eyes, and a smile that took up half his face.

You decided not to ask and went to go plug in his phone in the kitchen. You plugged in his phone then Kimmie gestured to you so you went up to her. She whispered, "So how's Baekhyun?" She smiled mischievously.

"What are you talking about?" You hissed back. "Nothing is happening"

"Hey MiYoun. What's taking you so long?" Baekhyun started calling for you.

"I'm catching up with Kimmie, watch T.V if you want." You called back to him.

"O-okaay" He called back cutely. Wait no that wasn't cute. It was just Baekhyun.

"Well I'm done with dinner so get the table set" Kimmie clapped her hands then pushed you towards the cupboards. *Sheesh stop pushing me* You thought as she pushed you to the cupboards* You grabbed plates and set them on the table.

"Oh you two are done? Let me help." Baekhyun leapt from the couch and rushed over to the table to help. As you watched Baekhyun set up the table, he was lips.  "Uwaaahhh I'm so hungry!" Baekhyun chirped.

When the table was set we all started to eat, Kimmie eats normally unlike me I eat kind of fast. Baekhyun,






How do I not watch him eat, especially since he eats like that.

The three of you ate in a silent atmosphere when Baekhyun spoke up. "I really appreciate you guys letting me stay over, the two of you have been so kind to me when you barely know me. MiYoun you saved me at the airport from being mobbed, if you weren't there I would've probably been injured. Kimmie thank you for letting me stay at your house, and making me this dinner. I'll clean up the table, it's the least I can do" He smiled then bowed to us.

You and Kimmie both got up and waved your hands at him "It's alright we will help you!"

The three of you were washing rinsing then drying the dishes. Sort of like a dishwashing train? As you talked more and more, you learned Baekhyun was really funny, cute, and sweet.

While you were rinsing the dishes off after Kimmie washed them, some foam landed on your face. You looked at Kimmie and she was whistling. You flicked foam back at her. She threw more at you but missed and hit Baekhyun instead. He was surprised then he slowly wiped the foam off his face then he got some on his fingers and flicked it at both of you and smirked. All of you were flicking foam at each other and laughing when Kimmie grabbed a large amount the size of your head and threw it in the air.

"IT'S SNOWING!" Kimmie shouted gleefully and jumped up and down. By the time you were done with the dishes all of you had specks of foam all over.

"MiYoun I'm going to take a shower in my room,oh there's one near your room, I guess you and Baekhyun will have to figure out who goes first" Kimmie laughed evilly then went to her room.

"You go first" You both said at the same time, then laughed. "No it's alright I don't care, just go." You said nudging him. "B-but I don't even have clothes to change into" He mumbled. 

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I think I have some baggy shorts and a t-shirt, you can wear that. I'll go get it and leave it out the door for you just go"  You said then pushed him into the bathroom. You went to your room looking for the clothes and they were at the very bottom of your drawer. You grabbed them and realized you didn't have boxers for him. *facepalm* I know I'll just run to the store,buy some, and run back no problem right?

You quickly ran out of the house then ran back in, forgetting your purse. Ok I got my purse phone money, going to make a dash for it. You ran to the store which took you less than four minutes you quickly went to the guys aisle and blushed. Oh my gosh how do I know what to get? Maybe I should ask someone?  "Excuse me sir?" You asked a employee walking by on his name tag it said Kim Jonghyun. "Yes what do you need?" Jonghyun asked. You blushed ,"Can you tell me what a guy about your height,uhm what type of uhm, er b-boxers would he wear?" You stuttered. 

The employee looked at you for a moment, then laughed. "Well. Here, these are fine right? He handed you a pack of boxers and you thanked him and bowed. 

You quickly ran to the register and paid for it. Of course not before getting a weird look from the ahjumma at the register. You thought that Baekhyun might be out of his shower now so your sprinted back home. It has been about 12 minutes since he stepped foot in that shower. Kimmie was already done walking around in her pajamas and drying her hair. "Hey MiYoun why does it look like you just ran around the block? Hey, Where are you going?" She started shouting.

"I'll be right with you!" You shouted back.

Since the water was still running you quickly ran back to your room grabbed the clothes and the pack of *ahem* and left them out of the door. You plopped yourself on the couch by Kimmie and told her of your amazing adventure just now. She laughed at you then patted you on the back. "You got some brownie points huh?" She smirked at you still half giggling.

"Aish shut up" You said smacking her with the couch pillows.


Is it Okay so far? This took me forever to write because, my grandparents think I'm getting skinny, and keep making me eat. -.- Like no I'm fine. I could be the biggest hippo in the world if I want to. Comment please.


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I thought I would be back by now but. I'm just. Not as interested in this fic. I need to sort out my thoughts. Sorry guys. 7/12/13


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madesu1 #1
I love it!
Quietttt #2
pls update soon...
asianfanficlover #3
Chapter 29: Please upate soon!!!"^_^
I Love It!!!!!! I want to read more!!!! Please Update!!!! It's awesome!!!! <3333
Chapter 29: <3 Lay. My bias
Chapter 29: Update soon author-nim *^*
Chapter 29: Hmmmph my Internet has problems so I can't be first to comment grrrrrr but anywaaaays my exo babies got called byuntaes omggg!!!! But I wudnt scream if I actually saw exo while I'm at a sauna hurhurhur
Chapter 29: OMG they went to the woman's room?! aigoo these boys -_-
author-nim! i missed your updates! TT^TT
Heyinpiniteu #10
Chapter 29: HAHAHA!! Omg , they are seriously dorks !