Official meeting

I'm EXO-K's Bodyguard?! (hiatus)

"We are Exo-M!" Luhan stood beside them and they all bowed out of sync, you laughed lightly.

"This is Tao their maknae!" Baekhyun pushed the tall black haired guy at you. You gulped nervous because he looked angry. He had deep eye bags and he looked scary.

"I'm. My name. It's, well my name is." Tao started and kept pausing which you found really cute.

"Hi I'm Tao, and I'm not really as scary as I look! I'm the rapper and I can do martial arts! Buing buing" He put his fist up to his hand and did a buing buing. *I judged him completely wrong*

"This guy that is not paying attention, is Lay. He's their main dancer like me" Kai gestured to the guy who indeed was playing with the hem of his sweater.

"Oh uhm, I'm Chen. I mean I'm Lay" He stuttered awkwardly.

"I'm Chen, not this guy. Main vocal here." A guy stepped in front of Lay and waved awkwardly at you.

"Also this is our leader Kris" Tao popped back up out of nowhere and tugged the extremely tall guy. He was taller than Chanyeol and had sharp features. *Why are all the all ones so scary? Chanyeol is the only tall guy not scary looking, that and Sehun* You coughed nervously.

"Hyung you're scaring her say something" Suho elbowed Kris in his rib. Since Suho was standing next to Kris, you noticed how short Suho was and how tall Kris was.

"What about me? Why didn't anyone introduce me?" The big cheeked guy complained.

"Because you were too busy eating." Chen snickered. 

"Nice to meet you all but what exactly am I supposed to do that involves all, twelve of you?" You counted them out.

"That's what I'm here to explain" SungHwan Exo-K's manager came in.

"Oh, good uh afternoon SungHwan. What brings you here?" You asked politely greeting the manager.

"Since, we decided to have EXO travel as a whole, we will have to add an additional amount on security, but you and another person will most likely be assigned as their mains. Exo-M's main bodyguard's name is Jung. She's kind of like you, but not really. She's a little hard to deal with honestly but she's got a great background" He scratched the back of his head at the last part.

"When do I meet her?" 

"Meet who?" A tall girl walked into the room with her arms crossed. She had a baggy sweater on, with torn black jeans. To be honest, she looked scary as hell. Her eyeliner was a bit on the thick side. Her thin lips, along with her sharp narrow nose made her very pretty, but her sour expression made her look unfriendly.

"Ah, Jung we were just talking about you, meet Miyoun she's Exo-K's bodyguard" Sunghwan gestured to you. You were a bit nervous but didn't want to seem weak so you gave her a salute.

"Nice to meet you Miyoun, I hope we can get along." She slightly bowed and sauntered off.

"That was better than I hoped for, maybe she's annoyed because she has to deal with six crazy guys all the time" Sunghwan joked.

"Maybe, I think the Exo boys are quite fun" You grinned.

"Oh I need to talk to her actually, Jung! Come back!" Junghwan darted out of the room, leaving behind an awkward atmosphere.

"So, how long have you been with our other half?" Tao chirped.

"For about a month now, it's been pretty fun. The only thing that's a bit hard to handle is the amount of fans they have" You admitted.

"Yeah some of them, are a little scary" Tao shuddered.

"When can I leave the hospital? I don't like it here"

"I'm not sure, I'll go ask a nurse" With that Baekhyun walks out of the room.

"I'm hungry, let's go get food" Xiumin poked Kris's back.

"Stop poking me, go get it yourself" Kris slapped his hands away.

"Laaaaaaay, come get food with your gege" He whined to Lay.

"Fine, I'm kind of hungry too" They walked out but before Lay left he poked his head back in.

"Feel better soon Miyoun!" He cheered with a dimpled smile then walked out. *He's so laid back, and cute* 

"I'm bored." You blew a raspberry and childishly kicked your feet around.

"Let's play a game with Miyoun you guys" Sehun waved to the others. Kris, Chen, Kai, Luhan, Chanyeol, Tao, D.o and Suho huddled around the bed.

"Uh, I feel like I'm a show and tell project" You mumbled quietly. With that comment everyone took a step back, you giggled at their courtesy.

Sehun on the other hand just comfortably sat on your bed next to your legs. "Luhaaaaan, buy me bubble tea" Sehun cooed.

"Let's go then maknae" Luhan patted his pockets making sure he had his wallet.

"I'll be back for you noona" Sehun chirped and left the room.

Baekhyun bumped into them after returning with the nurse. She was shocked to see 7 more extremely good looking guys all accompanying you.

"Well, the doctor left in your charts you have to rest for another couple hours, then you can leave alright? If you need anything ask for Seoyeon ok?" With that little recommendation she walked out of the room, slightly pink.

As soon as you heard her footsteps disappear you burst out in laughter.

"Uh is she okay?" Chen whispered to Baekhyun.

"She thinks it's funny how we could make a nurse so embarrassed" Baekhyun explained. He found it pretty easy to read your expressions now that he's been around you long enough.

"Yup exactly" You nodded then clutched your head. *Why can't this headache go away*

"Miyoun, are you hurting? Want me to get Seoyeon?" Baekhyun was by your side within seconds.

"No I think I'll just sleep it off, thanks though. Wake me up when I can leave alright?" You said before snuggling into your blankets and trying your best to drift into dreamland.

"See you later Younnie" Chanyeol chirped and pushed Kai and D.o out of the room. 

"Get better soon" Tao and Kris said softly and followed suit. Chen and Suho both awkwardly waddled out before wishing you the best of health. You giggled and Baekhyun was last out.

"Call me if anything" He tucked your blankets in around you and walked out.

You soon drifted asleep, thinking about how to handle twelve rambunctious boys, along with a seemingly cranky partner.


Short update I know I would like to apologize once again. I will soon get on track with updating, I had a project to work on the last few days but, I will do my best to update again on saturday!

I don't have much time today, so no pics or gifs, maybe I can add one later but I doubt you would check again. Haha well, I wish Lay and Kai would be up and healthy again soon. I feel really worried for them. Have a nice afternoon/evening/ or morning. I'm sorry, I shall reply to the comments in the next chaper!

leebyungiee out



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I thought I would be back by now but. I'm just. Not as interested in this fic. I need to sort out my thoughts. Sorry guys. 7/12/13


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madesu1 #1
I love it!
Quietttt #2
pls update soon...
asianfanficlover #3
Chapter 29: Please upate soon!!!"^_^
I Love It!!!!!! I want to read more!!!! Please Update!!!! It's awesome!!!! <3333
Chapter 29: <3 Lay. My bias
Chapter 29: Update soon author-nim *^*
Chapter 29: Hmmmph my Internet has problems so I can't be first to comment grrrrrr but anywaaaays my exo babies got called byuntaes omggg!!!! But I wudnt scream if I actually saw exo while I'm at a sauna hurhurhur
Chapter 29: OMG they went to the woman's room?! aigoo these boys -_-
author-nim! i missed your updates! TT^TT
Heyinpiniteu #10
Chapter 29: HAHAHA!! Omg , they are seriously dorks !