
I'm EXO-K's Bodyguard?! (hiatus)


That night, you ended up having to do a series of ridiculous things, from standing on your head, to drinking kimchi water. Sehun spilled secrets about the Exo boys, and you burst out laughing each time. He told you about one time Suho was really cold and he was in his room. They kept getting up to open and close the door, Sehun thought it was hot while Suho felt cold.


It was finally the week where EXO-K would tour around for about a month around different parts of Korea.

"You guys packed everything up right?" You asked, as you did every morning. Except this time, they wouldn't be returning the dorm too soon.

"Yup! We got everything we need" They chorused back to you. You chuckled knowing their likeliness of forgetting things so you went over a quick checklist. As usual D.o forgot his wallet and socks. Chanyeol forgot to bring his favorite hat and otherwise everyone seemed to remember everything.

"Noona! Guess what" Sehun pounced towards you in a happy manner.

"Yes Thehun?" You asked with your brow raised.

"We get to meet our other halves!" He shouted gleefully then continued leaping around dorm.

"Other half?" You asked totally oblivious.

"Don't you remember, we told you about EXO-M" Baekhyun asked you.

"Uhm, not really" You shrugged and picked up your bag. "Let's go to the van now you guys!" You shouted out.

"Alright!" They saluted back and you chuckled at their childish behavior. Reaching the lobby, you saw that there were now hordes of fangirls outside.

Cracking your knuckles you took in a breath. You tapped your foot a bit impatient that the other guards were running late.

"Sorry boss, we got caught up in some problems at the back" The security guards huffed running up to you. They called you boss now, since basically you are the head of security since two weeks ago. This guy would be taking your job until you came back with the EXO-K boys.

"Ready to go?" You shook your hands.

You pushed the door open, and the shrieks of the many girls filled your ears. You got the boys into a single file line, and you rushed them to their van. 

Making your way through the crowds of girls proved to be difficult, there was a lot more this morning.

"Oppa! Marry me!"

"Oppa Oppa! OPPA!"



They shrieked pushing closer and closer.

"Move aside!" You shouted, seething with anger that they were getting so close. They were even grabbing for the boys clothes. *What type of fans do this? They need their personal space too!*

*No one touches the boys* You growled to yourself and intercepted them. You just were basically darting in circles around them trying to get their meaty hooks off the boys.

After getting them into the car, they fangirls stuck to the side of the vans like squids.

"Are you freaking kidding me? How are we supposed to move?" You sighed. You took your the water gun from under your seat and opened the window. You sprayed them with the cold water.

"EEK!" They shrieked.

"Don't worry, it's their drinking water, EXO-K'S DRINKING WATER!" You shouted at them. After the van drove off the girls were left squealing, thinking it was actually EXO-K's water.

"Well you have interesting ways of getting us in the van" Kai chuckled and leaned towards the window.

"Yeah I remember a while ago, you threw pieces of dry ice and called them sleeping bombs" Chanyeol chortled smacking his thighs.

"Don't forget about the time she had smoke bombs! That one was the best!" D.o joined in.

"I think when she had fire alarms go off, was the best one" Suho announced.

"Did you guys forget the time she tried taking each of us out at a time, in a glass dome?" Baekhyun raised his eyebrows.

"Hey! I saw it on tumblr and thought it was a great idea!" You shot back.

"Yeah, it didn't work out that great" Sehun mumbled. unfortunately he was the first one to test it out, and let's just say it wasn't so pretty.

"Shush, just go to sleep or something I'll wake you up when we get to the airport." Yes they were flying, because   it's faster and they are starting near the border of south Korea. From there, they will drive south.

They grumbled but compiled to your request. You plugged in your headphones and hummed a sweet melody.


In less an hour you reached the destination of the airport. You woke up the boys and the security guards were already there. They rushed the boys through the hordes of screaming teenage girls and you had to continuously swat their hands away.

When you reached the plane you could finally sigh in relief.

Suho sat beside the two maknaes Kai and Sehun. Chanyeol D.o sat in the row behind them and you sat next to Baekhyun in the last row.

The attendants gushed over the arrival such good looking guys and you noticed most of them were in their late thirties. *es* You grumbled to yourself.

"Hey Miyoun. You're alright right?" Baekhyun asked worried.

"I'm fine, just a bit stressed, you guys have to be in top shape to travel!" You said enthusiastically covering up your disappointment from the fans.

"We are all fine. We do worry about you too you know" He told you.

"If you don't mind I'm going to sleep alright?" You tell him before dozing off.


After the plane landed you stretched and took your bags along with extra ones. Everyone else snatched up their bags and headed out of the plane, before making sure to thank the attendants of course.

When reaching the walkway, there of course were screaming girls, this time though less. You were slightly relieved but still attentive to your surroundings.

After making your way through the crowds, you were constantly shoved around along with the boys. You took a head count to make sure everyone was there in the van. One, two, three, four, five, si... Six?

Where is..


You dart back into the crowd and Sehun in the sea of girls. The are close to his face and shoving cameras in his face. He towered over the majority, but since they were many bodies pressed against him he couldn't seem to move. You grabbed the nearest object which was an umbrella and opened it. You used it to make way in thesea fan girls and worm your way through the crowd.

"Sehun! Move!" You shout and continue whacking anyone that was in your space. The scooted away enough that you could get past. After what seemed like forever, you reached him.

There was some small girl attached to his back, and you found that extremely odd. You peeled her arms off Sehun and tried your best not to hurt her, and push her into the crowd.

You drag Sehun out and while you do, you're getting hit in the face by surrounding people. Right when you felt the sudden rush cold air, a hard object hits you in the back of the head and you're out cold in seconds.


You hear muffled voices in the brightly lit room you are laying it. You try opening your eyes and rub them with your fists. You open your eyes and see a Sehun look alike hovering over you.

"Wah!" You shriek and grab the nearest thing near you, which is a pillow and hurl it at the person's face.

"What happened?!" You see Sehun run in.

"Sehun! You're alright!" You reach your arms out towards him but as soon as you sit up you feel a tinge of pain rush through your head.

"Ah, my head." You rub your temples.

"Sheesh, noona you're worrying about me when you're the one in the hospital" Sehun grins goofily at you and sits on your bed by you.

"Uhm, why did she hit me with a pillow?" You hear the Sehun look alike whisper.

"Who's that?" You whisper.

"Oh, I forgot hehe. Luhan this is Miyoun noona, and Miyoun noona, this is Luhan my faaaaavorite hyung" He pulled Luhan in for a hug.

"Sorry for hitting you with uhm, whatever I threw" You grin weakly and apologize.

"It's okay, I heard about what happened at the airport. I can't believe a fan hit you with their camera... Since when did they get so aggressive?" He exclaimed shocked.

"I'll go get everyone else. Be right back" Sehun cheered and skipped out.

"Why am I in the hospital, I hate hospitals" You groaned to yourself but Luhan heard you.

"Well, you did pass out at the airport. Sehun totally panicked and just carried you to van screaming. Well I mean he was screaming not you, cause you know, you were knocked out. Not saying passing out is a bad thing. Uhm" Luhan continued stuttering. You studied his face while his whole blabbering and noticed that he was really cute, maybe even cuter than Sehun. He definitely looked younger too. Your thoughts were then interrupted by a deep voice.

"MIYOUN!" Chanyeol stormed in the room shouting, but this time you didn't see his derpy smile.

The rest of the guys walked in more quietly not wanting to annoy the other patients. 

"Come on you guys come in here, she won't bite!" Suho called out to the hallway.

*Other guys? There's other Luhan's?*

Five other guys stepped in one by one cautiously. You tilted your head slightly trying to get a better look at them.

"Miyoun, meet Exo-M!" Baekhyun introduced them.

*Woah holy crap, there's more of them?!

lol yeah, I'm going to have EXO-M in here for awhile and then they will leave. Did you like their mini intro? I'll update more in depth next time.

Thanks for subscribing reading you lovely little derps!

Comment replies~

BAPBabyy Yes the gifs! D.o is sooo omfgagakshfa

writingcrazed Thanks for reading! Baekie will forever be dah bawss! Haha I want pocky too.. Someone send me some!

LUckyLuhan I'll try to update more frequently, it's harder to do since school is stupid and weekend don't come often enough.

TaeMinhoOppa pocky flavors asjklfha, i want pockyy.. everybody is making me hungry!

eun_byung Chapter 23 was eerrggh? Is that a bad thing.. sorry..

Koalas Thanks for always patently waiting! Please do stay with me~ boys are stupid...

Sammiii All the gifs are from tumblr, if you want to find them you could just check out my tumblr? idk.

Lolala85 Yeea truth or date is a terrible game unless you know... you're Sehun.

OHMYGOD Sometimes I wonder, what type of EXotic doesn't ship them?

Locketlover Uh, JJJAAAZAANG! Surprise EXO-M mini introo

Small pic spam..

LOLOL Luhan, you're so manly..

This is D.o, he is just you know murdering me.. you know completly normal..

Splash Splashy splish sploosh KAWHOOSH this is uhm the performance of shinee's  love like oxygen. there's the link if you wanna watch..

Last one,  Luhan's face when he "kicked" Hunnie.

Just wondering but do you guys ever read my note? I guess some don't it's alright as long as you enjoyed the chapter I'm happy. I really think I should update more often... Please don't get upset at me. I have a life too. Have you guys noticed I changed the font? I realized that the weird normal font, made it look bold and it hurt my eyes at times. I hope this still looks alright. You can check out my other fics if you're bored otherwise just continue reading this one please!

leebyungiee out~




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I thought I would be back by now but. I'm just. Not as interested in this fic. I need to sort out my thoughts. Sorry guys. 7/12/13


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madesu1 #1
I love it!
Quietttt #2
pls update soon...
asianfanficlover #3
Chapter 29: Please upate soon!!!"^_^
I Love It!!!!!! I want to read more!!!! Please Update!!!! It's awesome!!!! <3333
Chapter 29: <3 Lay. My bias
Chapter 29: Update soon author-nim *^*
Chapter 29: Hmmmph my Internet has problems so I can't be first to comment grrrrrr but anywaaaays my exo babies got called byuntaes omggg!!!! But I wudnt scream if I actually saw exo while I'm at a sauna hurhurhur
Chapter 29: OMG they went to the woman's room?! aigoo these boys -_-
author-nim! i missed your updates! TT^TT
Heyinpiniteu #10
Chapter 29: HAHAHA!! Omg , they are seriously dorks !