First day with Exo-K

I'm EXO-K's Bodyguard?! (hiatus)

​Narrator's P.O.V. (well it's more third person because I can go into the character's minds)

Alright it is Saturday and I'm going to start working for EXO-K as their bodyguard. Seriously though, do they really need protection? Chanyeol looks like he can bulldoze over any unwanted fangirl attention.

Yesterday I made sure to pack all my belongings again. I just moved in wow. I took all of my chargers, clothes, and extra money I had. I'm not dirty rich if that's what you're thinking. I'm not poor either.

I conversed with Kimmie to tell her to always text me and call me whenever she has time. Right now she's driving me back to the SM Building or dorm? I'm still not very sure, whatever it's a building either way.

​There's traffic and the ride is a bit quiet for my taste so I turn on the radio. We hear a very familiar beat and we face each other smiling.

​oppan gangnam style (I think it's oppan if it's oppa and you are korean, tell me....)


We started out traditional car dance. Wiggling to the song and doing the hand motions. Some people were staring while others people in the car next to us joined in too. 

​After the song was over we looked at each other and laughed.

"Man I'm going to miss out time" Kimmie was still laughing.

"I know we had less then a week and I'm already moving out" You frowned again.

"Hey cheer up, you have a job now, WITH a place to live AND it's with Exo-K" Kimmie emphasized the Exo-K part.

"Yeah I guess." You shrugged.

"You get to meet my ultimate biases, work with them everyday. And you just shrug. Shrugging, are you serious MiYoun?" She scoffed at your sudden lack of emotion.

"But I don't know them personally besides Baekhyun. Him I barely know, you know how awkward I get around strangers!" You complained.

"Quit whining and just be happy alright? The boys are probably really nice." She tried reassuring you.

"Fine I'll be more positive." You looked out the window. The cars finally started moving.

"Yes! Now we won't waste gas anymore!" Kimmie pumped her fists. *I'm going to miss Kimmie* You thought as Kimmie drove down the highway and finally into the parking lot.

"Well MiYoun I guess this is goodbye, for now anyways." She made her trademark troll face in your direction.

"You are such a creep Kimmie why are you my best friend?" You taunted her one last time.

"It's because you love me. MiYoun go you're almost late!" She looked at her phone and pushed you out.

"Bye MiYoun!~" She watched you walk into the building. When you were through those doors she sighed then started to drive away.

You walked into the building for the second time yet was still amazed by its size. You heard someone calling you and this time it wasn't Sehun, Baekhyun or Chanyeol. 

​It's probably another one of the members. Well he does look familiar, he has really buggy looking eyes. He waved cutely at you before running up to you and introduced himself.

"I don't think you know my name but I'm Kyungsoo but I like to be called D.O.." He shook your hand. Oh now you remembered, he was the guy who sang in What is Love and the one who likes to cook. 

"Well nice to officially meet you." You smiled brightly.

"Let's go meet the rest of the guys!" He grabbed onto your wrists and tugged you into the elevator.

The elevator ride was a bit awkward so you took out your phone pretending to read your texts. You glanced towards him but when you saw him look up you stared back at your phone.

"So how old are you?" D.O. spoke breaking some of the ice.

"I'm 19 I was born on February 17th" You recited.

"I'm older than you but just call me D.O. for now." He shrugged awkwardly. This guy is so adorable. You snuck some peeks at him playing with your fingers.

"For now? Alright and you can just call me MiYoun" You shrugged too.



You peeked your head out of the elevator and looked both ways then jumped out. D.O laughed at your weird behavior.

"What?" You looked back at him.

"You're really different aren't you?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Yes I'm awesome" You bragged.

"Let's go to my dorm with the guys, manager couldn't make it today but I think you're staying with us." He said walking ahead of you.

When the two of you he reached the door and knocked on the door. You leaned against the wall waiting for someone to answer the door.

​After several seconds you heard loud thudding noises and shrieking.

The door was pulled open almost immediately and Sehun popped his head out shouting.

"Where's noona?" He asked D.O. not being able to see you.

"She's ri-" D.O started to say when Sehun interrupted him.

"I won't let you back in until you have noona with you" He announced shutting the door.

​Your mouth gaped open to how uncontrollable this maknae was. How could he shut the door right in front of his hyungs face?

You laughed at D.O.'s shocked expression before gently pushing out of the way and knocking on the door yourself.

"I said no noona means- NOONA" Sehun started saying when he actually saw you he pounced.

"I'm soo sorry~ I thought D.O. didn't get you. I would have gotten noona but they made me stay and clean up" He pouted hugging you tighter than before.

"Well hello to you Thehun.You should help clean up though." You hugged him back. He's so tall yet babylike. You patted his head and pulled out of his tight embrace.

"Alright noona I'll help clean up, for you." Sehun whined but pulled you into the room.

You looked into the room and saw a good looking guy and Chanyeol gawking at you.

"Is there something on my face?" You said touching your face.

"No it's just Sehun doesn't listen to me the oldest yet he listens to his noona." The good looking guy said.

"I guess he really likes me or something," You shrugged and Chanyeol poked the good looking guy and coughed. You thought Chanyeol was just being weird.

"Oh ok I'm Suho Exo-K's leader and the oldest here at the moment" Suho introduced himself then Chanyeol smiled and went to help clean.

"Yeah I'm MiYoun you guys sort of met me two days ago but I didn't get all of your names. So far I know Baekhyun, Sehun, Chanyeol, D.O, and you Suho. Isn't there another guy here? I saw him before." You scratched your head still pulling your suitcase along.

"Oh your room is over here, it used to me mine but I'm rooming with the maknae now" Suho gestured you to your room then heard Sehun shout.


"Thanks Suho." You said while starting to straighten up the room. It was light blue with a small bed and dresser. It was smaller than the room in Kimmie's house but it's fine. Kimmie, I wonder what you are up to.


​Kimmie's P.O.V.

My MiYoun is gone.

​My bacon is gone.

​The house is so quiet and lonely.

​Well this definitely means I'll be visiting soon. Prepare yourself MiYoun because I will make Chanyeol my husband. Just kidding I'm not that weird. Until next time.


​Back to Exo-K's dorm in Narrator's P.O.V.

You were unpacking your stuff and placing everything into the drawers. You took out your phone to see if you had any messages and saw that Kimmie texted you.

​Prepare yourself I will make Chanyeol my husband >-< keke -Kimmie

What the freak. Kimmie you weirdo why do you text me the most random things ever?

You reply back typing "Alright do that if you want fangirls up the " You clicked send and put your phone on the bed.

​What time is it you thought. You looked around in the room and saw an alarm clock with the time saying 11:30.

​I wonder if they are hungry...

​Should I make them food too? Well SungHwan did say I could make dinner for them and eat too. Might as well.

​MiYoun's P.O.V.

​I walk out of my new room and glance around. Where did they all go? I turn to my right and see a note.

We have to go on some errands we will be gone for a few hours and Kai-hyung is sleeping in his room. Try not to wake him up, he will be super grumpy if you do. Or just jump on him for all I care, he said my lisp is stupid.

P.S. Kai can be a little cold at first but just wait a little :D

​Love, Sehun <3


​That little dork left me alone with some dude named Kai? Who the heck is Kai? Let's see what's in their fridge.

​I bounded to the kitchen and opened the fridge. There's enough food for two people so I guess I'll make me and Kai some food.

​I pull out the ingredients I need and look for a pan. I rummage through the drawers and find a cute apron I put it on then then found a pan. I put it on the stove and stared at the stove for a moment before looking for the knob.

​After I got the pan heated I decided to make some fried rice. I cut up all the ingredients and turn on their rice cooker. I cook enough rice for about 3 people. Maybe this Kai guy will be a fatty.

When the rice is finished and I'm done slicing I scoop the rice out and put it into the pan and start stirring. The sweet scent of food emanates through the room. As I add the proper seasoning I smile to myself as I have made a successful lunch.

​Kai's P.O.V.

I'm so hungry. Where's D.O. eomma? I fidget in my bed and hear a crinkling noise under me. What the heck. A note.

​I'm going to the store with hyungs, probably will be back late. Don't scare MiYoun noona away or I will crumple up all of your drawings.


​Aish that little . Noona? What noona we have a noona here?

​Hehehe time to go scare this noona. I creep out of my bedroom when I smell something yummy. I thought they all left, is D.O. still here?

​I tiptoe into the kitchen and see a feminine silhouette in D.O.'s apron cooking. So this is MiYoun? She doesn't look that old. Sehun was fanboying about her the other day how old did he say she was? 19 I think. 

So could be older than me.... Aish Sehun you're never specific enough, but I'm a January baby. When is hers?


​Oh dear krisus my stomach can't take this anymore, I give up, time to approach noona.

​MiYoun's P.O.V.

​I hear some growling noises and brush it off as my imagination. I hear a voice croak my name. I whip around then I see him.

​I stare mouth wide open at this Kai guy. I would like to tell you something.


Like double daaaaaaaaaaaaamn

Wait how does he know my name? Wait never mind forget I said that.

"Hello Kai right? You want to eat now? I made you some food too of course." I flashed a smile while trying to collect my cool.

"Yeah sure" He replied sleepily.

​I grabbed two plates and put enough food for myself and some for Kai. I put more for him because well, he's a boy so he eats more right?

I grab utensils and wobble over to the table and set the plates down. I took a seat across from him and sit awkwardly eating. I glance up every once in a while to see if he is enjoying my food. I personally think it tastes alright.

"Do you like it?" I ask him nervously.

​He just smiles at me and nods. Oh I see how you are pretty boy, too cool to talk? Let's see how long you will be quiet for I thought smiling to myself.

​I finish eating quietly and trying to eat slower like a normal person. I wash the dishes quickly while Kai is still eating and I run off to my room to grab my phone. I search up Kai on youtube and plug in my headphones. I watch about three fancams when I can finally conclude that this guy loves to dance, giving fans fanservice and D.O.'s cooking from all those comments.

​Well I think that apron was D.O's, I wonder if they have dance central? I love that game.

I brought the CD with me I just don't have the gaming system.

​Maybe they have the system. I bound back out of my room seeing that Kai is done eating and left the dishes in the sink. Ugh I guess I'll wash those later. I go back into the living room and they do have the Kinect.


​Let's see if the dancing machine can resist this game.

"Hey Kai, can I use the Kinect?" I shout to him when he's sitting in his room.

"Sure what game?" He shouts back.

"I have my own, I got Dance Central." I call back to him. I hear a moment of silence then I see him running in smiling.

"Really? Can I play?" He asks wide eyed with his full attention on me. Haha perfect fell for my trap. I sound so creepy, but I just really want him to talk to me and not be so cold.

"Sure, you do know how to play right?" I smirk.

"Duh I Kai almighty would know how to dance" He scoffed at me.

Unlike him I've played and practically memorized all these dances on this device so I have an advantage over him. (Let's pretend that the Kinect has a kpop version okie?)

"You are so going down" You stuck your tongue out at him.

"That's what you think" He laughed at you.


​And hour and a half later~

"I totally kicked your " You laughed at him.

"It was just a few hundred points" He whined back.

"It's because you can't move like a girl" You proclaimed.

"One more dance then!" Kai exclaimed loudly whilst arm flailing.

"Which one then?" You raised your eyebrow.

"My song," He grinned deviously.

"What is my song?" You asked oblivious.

​He thought he could beat you in his own dance. History. The Kinect version changes each song a little depending on the difficulty, so sometimes it plays random parts of the song instead of start to finish.

"History" He smirked at you/

​Oh that one. I tried that song but the camera man kept zooming into your face. 

Well I'm not one to back down so I smile and say "Sure"

​The song starts from the chorus I start and Kai has a confused face before starting to dance.

It starts warping the song and moves it back to the beginning with the pants and Kai looks annoyed about how the song is going.

That's when you saw the title it was History The Remix version. No wonder. Kai you dumb you chose the wrong version and now you suffer.

​The song ended with the normal ending and you two tied for once.

​Kai gaped at the score and back at you, to the score, then back at you.

"How did y-you? W-what are? How c-could?" He stuttered.

"I told you so." I crossed my arms then ruffled my hair.

"But this is my dance you weren't supposed to tie with me either" He said flabbergasted.

"You chose the remix version smart one" I stared at him.

"Well oh REMATCH!" He shot up again.

"No I'm tired" I sprawled myself out on the couch. "This couch is awesome." You wiggled on the couch.

"Get off the couch you fat " He pushed you off the couch and you landed hard on the floor with a thump.

"Ouch" You whined and heard the door shut.

"KAI YOU HURT NOONA!" You heard Sehun shout as he stormed through the dorm to tackle Kai and wrestled him on the couch.

​Well at least I have Baek and Thehun...


​This chapter is sooo long I don't think I should put pictures...but I want to...because I love EXO gifs.

Alright mini pic spammage then~

D.o is so cuteeee

​Or is he? yup still cute..

​It's the derp couple <33

The maknae is sooo irresistible... even for Chanyeol

Chanyeol is like "LOVE EVERYBODY!"

<< Creepyeol here 


​Who do you want as your driver? Baekhyun the friendly driver? Kyungsoo the paranoid driver? Sehun the drunk? Or maybe Kai the flirty driver? WHICH ONE WILL YOU CHOOSE?

​Which pout? Choose one leave it in your comments for me to read :D

​I finished editing this 9/8/12 at 9 p.m.

I lurve you guys~

I have over 50 subbies so as a promise I did a double update bascially :D

Next goal 130. Will I ever make it?










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I thought I would be back by now but. I'm just. Not as interested in this fic. I need to sort out my thoughts. Sorry guys. 7/12/13


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madesu1 #1
I love it!
Quietttt #2
pls update soon...
asianfanficlover #3
Chapter 29: Please upate soon!!!"^_^
I Love It!!!!!! I want to read more!!!! Please Update!!!! It's awesome!!!! <3333
Chapter 29: <3 Lay. My bias
Chapter 29: Update soon author-nim *^*
Chapter 29: Hmmmph my Internet has problems so I can't be first to comment grrrrrr but anywaaaays my exo babies got called byuntaes omggg!!!! But I wudnt scream if I actually saw exo while I'm at a sauna hurhurhur
Chapter 29: OMG they went to the woman's room?! aigoo these boys -_-
author-nim! i missed your updates! TT^TT
Heyinpiniteu #10
Chapter 29: HAHAHA!! Omg , they are seriously dorks !