Chapter 42

Friendly Competition






Yoseob looked over at ______ and sighed.

"You alright?" Jaehyo asked coming up behind him.

Yoseob turned around to see him there and nodded.

"Jaehyo-ssi? Yeah, I’m okay.”

“I just figured after the scene Lee Jieun just made…”

“Mhm, I was angry that she showed up like that. The Director wants professionalism and that was the opposite.”

“It was. I never expected her to be like that.”

“Me neither. I won’t let her say untrue things about ______.”

Jaehyo smiled.

‘Of course not, you hurt my best friend or let her get hurt, and I’ll have to hurt you.” He said trying to sound tough. “Okay, so I’m not a violent person BUT I can hack your computer and give you a nasty virus!”

Yoseob looked at him a chuckled.

‘Ahn Jaehyo is jjang!’ he thought. “Jaehyo-ssi, Can you let ______know that I’m leaving but I'll give her a call later."

"Yeah sure. Will do."

"Kamsahamnida, Jaehyo-ssi."

When he walked away Jaehyo smiled.

“Hmm…I really like him.” Jaehyo whispered.

Yoseob headed out to the coffee shop.

Jieun was already there.

"Oppa!!!" She waved him over to the table.

He sighed and took a seat.

"Jieun-ah..." he said softly. ‘Figures she would be here already.’

"You're here, Oppa!" She said.

"I am."

"You sounded so serious on the phone. Are you angry?"

Yoseob just stared at her, emotionlessly.

'WOW! Shes perceptive isnt she?! She caught in quickly.' He thought sarcastically. "Mhm.....I am."

"Well, drink this and cheer up!" she said cheerfully, sliding a cup towards him.

He stared at the cup and back at her.

"What is this?"

"I ordered your usual."


"I knew you'd come around."

"What is THAT supposed to mean?!"

His blood began to boil.

"I knew you'd come to me. Your heart was always m-."

He growled, cutting her off.

"What did you just say?"

"I knew you'd come back to me. I knew you'd leave that seductress."

"S-Seductress?!?!" he scoffed.

Now, THAT was the most ridiculous thing he had ever heard.

"Of course she seduced you away from me."

He was dumbstruck.

"M-Mwo? That's ridiculous! We were never together."

"We could've been. If she never appeared!! If she didn't strut in and seduce you."

"Are you serious, right now?" He growled through his teeth. "What the heck did they put in your coffee? Are you on drugs?! When was there ever an 'US'?!?!"

"It was close."

"You are pushing me over the edge! I seriously don't know why I even considered asking you to meet with me! You don't even listen to me! It was the same back then, I was like a toy to you."

"A TOY?!?! That's insulting."

Yoseob shrugged.

"It's the truth."

".......not nearly the truth."

"Truth is...I wasted my time trying to get you to see me as a man! For years you strung me along like a pet or a toy. Take your pick. Now, I have someone who does see me as a man, and you're trying to mess it up?! You think what I said is insulting?! What you're doing is far worse!!"

"What am I doing? I'm confessing to you! That's insulting to you?! My confession is an insult to you?!"

"YES!" He snapped. "I devoted years and years to trying to get you to come to me. It wasn't very fruitful, was it?"

"It was too!"

"That's crap." He shook his head. "You only want me now, because I'm taken."

"No...I always had feelings for you! Oppa, I like you. I like you a lot."

Yoseob shook his head at her.

"Too late."

"ANDWAEYO!" She snapped. "It's not too late!"

"I have NO feelings for you!"

"If Yoo ______ never appeared, you'd be mine. You know that, don't you?! If you never met her, we'd be together."

"Nope, I'd still be a pathetic boy unable to give up on a one-sided crush."

"Admit it, Oppa! If you and Yoo _______ never met, I would be your girlfriend. Admit it!"

"NO!" Yoseob snapped. "I don't want to imagine what my life would be like if we never met."

"Why not?!"

"WHY NOT?!?!" He growled. "It's because IM IN LOVE WITH HER!! THAT'S 'WHY NOT'!!!!!”

“You’re what….”

Yoseob had the realization and it was clearer now.

He knew that was what he was feeling.

“ Yoo ______ is the woman that I love. Don't ask me what could've happened if I didn't meet her! You just keep insulting MY ______! I am losing respect for you to such an extent that I don't even want to be friends! You walking out the door because I'm not swooning over you like lovesick puppy, anymore...was childish! We are adults now, ACT LIKE IT!"

He stood up to leave.

"Yoseobie?" A voice came from behind.


"Jieunnie too? What's going on?"

"I'm leaving."

" can you be in love with her?" Jieun shouted, standing up.

"In love?" Kikwang repeated. ‘Mworago?’

"Kikwang Oppa, why didn't you hold into that _______?"


Kikwang was shocked.

Where did THAT even come from?

"If you held onto her..."

"YAH!! I just walked in here, why are you yelling at me? Are you trying to break up Yoseobie and ______?! WHY?!"

"Oppa, she could’ve been yours."

Kikwang growled.

"Yah, Lee Jieun!!! Stay away from them!"

"Why are you giving up so easily?"

"They both like each other! Breaking them up won't help you!"

"Oppa were in the same boat."

"AISH...this girl is stubborn. Yang Yoseob, just walk away. I won't let anyone try to break those two up. What do you mean we're in the same boat? I've already jumped out, swam to shore and taken the paddles with me."

Yoseob smiled a bit.

"Dude...what the..."

"I'm just're trapped in the middle of the ocean! The water is getting rough and you could tip over. Either learn to swim or drown."

Yoseob chuckled and shook his head.

"Thank you for bring my mood up."

"I don't even understand what the he k is going on with that girl." Kikwang shook his head. "Why did you even meet with her?"

"I don't want ______ to bother herself with this. I don't want her to think that I still have a thing for Lee Jieun."

Kikwang scoffed.

"Psh! That one is obvious! ______ie is your first girlfriend and you're already one of the best boyfriends ever."

"Duh! I am the best boyfriend ever."

"I would say, Lee Jieun waited too long. She shouldn't have hesitated. You're kind if unique."

"Oh I'M unique?" Yoseob replied. "Did you hear what you just said about the boat and whatever the heck that was?"

"I had a dance session with Hyunseungie earlier."

"Yah, is your leg even completely healed?!"

"Aigoo, he's going to be helping out as my substitute for my classes while my foot has time to heal. Yah, you're not MY boyfriend."

"Best friend." Yoseob shot back. "That explains a lot though. It's very 'Jang Hyunseung-esque'."





Awww...Yoseobie had a realization! YAY!!!~~~

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UPDATE!! As much as I would LOVE to update, my hours at work have increased. Its getting hard to focus on my stories. MIANHAE! Ill post ASAP! I ♥ you!!!


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wafflewaffle #1
Chapter 47: finally finished chapter 45 ^^
i love how they finally realize that they love each other!!
ah, junhyungie kinda forgotten in last chapter? bcs in the beginning of story he's there but suddenly he's gone, no? just asking tho :D
Chapter 47: YAY! You're still alive!

I hope your writer's block passes soon! Fighting!
aimz_c #3
Chapter 45: yaaaaaaaaaaaaay new chapter thank you thank you thank you :)
Chapter 44: omg!! ricky~~ why you are so innocent???
thanks for the updating author-nim~ ^^
Chapter 43: *laugh* beast miss kiseob so much~~~ XP
thanks for updating author-nim, :D
Chapter 42: i can'y stop laughing at what kikwangie said about boat. *LOL*
Chapter 41: yoseobie is going to explode too!! somebody help him!! XD
Chapter 40: hahaha... Ricky and Seobie will be the cutest brother... ^^
claudiamacy #9
Chapter 40: nice one seobie :) update soon
Chapter 39: go away from ___ and Seobie Jieun!!
yay!! ricky is really hyper to hear ___'s sing again.. ^^