Chapter 34

Friendly Competition






"Her boyfriend took her brother to the cafeteria,"

"Aah, Changhyunnie. He must be big now. I remember how small he was when we shared a room."

"Shared a room?" Kikwang echoed.

"I took Jaehyo's room."

"He gave it up, easily."

"We were always close and he's a gentleman."

"Wait, Ahn Jaehyo? I think I met him. Junhyungie introduced us. I have a bad memory."

"Mhm, you forgot that you were deathly allergic to seafood?!?!" ______ teased.


"They WAE?!?!?!"

"You're worried about me?"

"Of course!"

“Yoseobie and I weren’t speaking. I was trying not to speak so I was careless.”

“You know how hilarious this fight is starting to sound, don’t you?”


______ smiled.

“Good, I’m glad you see it too. By the way, Oppa, I was just talking about you today!"

"Is that why my ears were burning?" He joked. "I thought JaePoop was bad mouthing me."

"I'd never let him do that Oppa. Don't you know that I love you more than him?"

"Of course. Yah, since this is a friend of yours...I won't do a half assed job, Arasseo?"

Kikwang's eyes widened.


"Oppa is playing. Lame jokes run in the family.”

“Sorry to freak you out but it's great that ______ has more friends."

"Speaking of friends of mine...he said he had to meet you." ______ told the doctor.

He just shrugged and continued to check Kikwang.

"Aah, were supposed to meet but I may be running late. I don't mind him nagging me. As a doctor, I can't just leave a patient behind."

He read through Kikwang’s charts and gave him some medication to help him get better faster.

Yoseob took Ricky to the cafeteria and bought him some ice cream and a drink.

"How are you doing, Kid?"

" freaked me out a bit. Hyungnim seemed more shaken up than I was. Are you alright, Hyungnim?"

Yoseob smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm okay. It's just...the mild heart attack made me think."

"About?" Ricky questioned.

"About what your Noona said to me. I thought about her reasoning behind the break. What of something happened? What if I wasn't there? What if he didn't get to the hospital on time?!"


"Sorry to drop this on you kiddo."

"ANIYO! I'm listening. Were friends too, aren’t we, Hyungnim?"

"Of course. Why don’t we start off by dropping the 'nim', you can just call me Hyung."

"Aniyo! Andwae!"


"I already think of you as a brother in law."

"Aww..." Yoseob smiled.

"So, Hyungnim, You're saying that Noona was right?"

"She was."

"So you're going to make up?!"

"Yep, we'll work on it. This way, I can keep my girlfriend and my best friend."

"Don't forget me!"

"Well I'm definitely not forgetting you. Maybe their done talking...shall we head back?"

"Yes! Hyungnim, don't let Seonsaengnim take Noona."

"Aye, he couldn't if he tried. She told me that I'm the only one that she likes the most."

They headed back.

When they got there, ______ was leaving the room with the doctor.

"Kamsahamnida, Oppa!"

"No problem."


"There he is." ______ said.

"Changhyun-ah, are you friends with the patient too?"

"Kikwang Seonsaengnim is my dance instructor." Ricky said.

"Changin Oppa is the doctor who is taking care of him."


"We'll, I know how much you love dancing so I'll take good care of him."

"You know the doctor?"

"Her best friend is my Dongsaeng."

"Best friend?" Yoseob repeated. "Oh...."


"Small world."

"It is." ______ nodded. "Oppa, this is my boyfriend!"

Changin grinned.

"I saw that glow when you said that."

Yoseob looked at ______'s blushing face.

"Oppa..." She whined in embarrassment. "Not you too! I got the same thing from....JaePoop today."

"Yeah, but he's just annoying! He recently photo shopped a photo of me and Woori having our wedding."

".........I bet you're happy he's working."

" a punishment, I'll make him wait."

Kikwang shouted out of the room.



"I just administered his medication. It could make him a bit loopy."

"It's not the medication, he's always loopy." Yoseob said walking into the room.

"Seobie~~~ I miss you!~~~~~~"

“Well, I’m leaving for the evening.” Changin said. “If you need ANYTHING, you can ask any of the nurses. Of course, _______ has my home number.”


They peaked into the room to see Kikwang with Yoseob in a tight embrace.

“Seobie!~ MIANHAEYO!~~~~~~~”

“YAH! Your muscles are crushing me!”

“I don’t like fighting with you! Are we done fighting?”

“ARASSEO!! Let me go and I’ll consider it.” Yoseob whined struggling to get out of his arms.

______ smiled.

Kikwang release him from his hold and smiled.

They did a little friendship handshake and hugged again.

Just then his parents walked in.

“Uri Kikwangie!~~” His mother cried caressing his face. “Yoseob-ah, how is he?”

“He’s drugged. He should be fine.”

“You’re always there for our son. Thank you. If you hadn’t been there, I don’t want to think what could have happened.”

“It’s no problem.” Yoseob said.

“No problem? Umma, Appa, Seobie is my love!~” Kikwang sang.

Harking snickered.

“Hyung is mental.”

“Lee Haekyung, be good to your Hyung, arasseo?”

“Arasseo, Yoseob Hyung.” The boy agreed.  He looked at ______ and Ricky. “Annyeonghaseyo!”

“Aah, it’s Kikwang-ssi’s Dongsaeng.” ______ recognized him from her date with Yoseob. “Annyeonghaseyo!”

She introduced herself to the family.

“Pretty girl.” Kikwang’s mother said.

“Are you friends with our son as well?” Mr. Lee asked.

“Yes, I am. My Dongsaeng is a student of his. Kikwang-ssi, will you be okay?”

“Your doctor friend promised to take good care of me!~”

Yoseob looked at her.

“______ie, are you leaving?” he frowned.

She nodded.

“I have to go. It’s getting late and Uri Changhyunnie has school tomorrow.” She said.

Just then, the 4 guys walked in the door with stuffed toys, and balloons.

“Kikwangie!~~~~” They announced.

“You’re not unbreakable, you know that right?!” Doojoon scolded.

“Uri Yoseobie is always a hero.” Junhyung said pulling him into a head lock.

He pulled off his hat to mess up his hair.


“We’ve been waiting for you to reconcile. Aigoo, Kikwangie, so dramatic.” Hyunseung sighed shaking his head.

“Well, now that the room is full, we really should head home.” ______ told them.

She took a step towards Kikwang and gave him a hug.

“Not too long…” Yoseob muttered.

______ smiled.

“Yoseob Hyungnim wants a hug too.” Ricky chuckled. “He’s the hero, he should get a MASSIVELY HUGE HUG!”

“This kid…” ______ laughed. “Say goodbye and wait in the hall.”

“Arasseo!” Ricky said and did as he was told.

______ looked at Yoseob.

“Someone gave him ice cream.” She shook her head.

 Kikwang pointed to Yoseob.

“I bet it was him!”


“Awww…look what couple is back to normal!” Hyunseung teased. “Don’t you just love it?”

______ smiled and nodded.

“I really do.”

“Of course you’re happy. This is what you wanted.”

“It is.” She agreed.






YAY! They finally made up!~~~


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UPDATE!! As much as I would LOVE to update, my hours at work have increased. Its getting hard to focus on my stories. MIANHAE! Ill post ASAP! I ♥ you!!!


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wafflewaffle #1
Chapter 47: finally finished chapter 45 ^^
i love how they finally realize that they love each other!!
ah, junhyungie kinda forgotten in last chapter? bcs in the beginning of story he's there but suddenly he's gone, no? just asking tho :D
Chapter 47: YAY! You're still alive!

I hope your writer's block passes soon! Fighting!
aimz_c #3
Chapter 45: yaaaaaaaaaaaaay new chapter thank you thank you thank you :)
Chapter 44: omg!! ricky~~ why you are so innocent???
thanks for the updating author-nim~ ^^
Chapter 43: *laugh* beast miss kiseob so much~~~ XP
thanks for updating author-nim, :D
Chapter 42: i can'y stop laughing at what kikwangie said about boat. *LOL*
Chapter 41: yoseobie is going to explode too!! somebody help him!! XD
Chapter 40: hahaha... Ricky and Seobie will be the cutest brother... ^^
claudiamacy #9
Chapter 40: nice one seobie :) update soon
Chapter 39: go away from ___ and Seobie Jieun!!
yay!! ricky is really hyper to hear ___'s sing again.. ^^