Chapter 28

Friendly Competition





Kikwang and Yoseob hadn't spoken much since _______ chose Yoseob, if they even spoke at all.

______ was finished with work, for the day.

She took her phone from her purse, and was about to dial Yoseob’s number, until she noticed where she was.

‘Wait…this place? Isn’t this where Kikwang-ssi’s studio is?! Aah, maybe I’ll stop by. It’s been a while since I’ve seen any of Yoseobie’s friends…especially Kikwang-ssi.’

Kikwang was concentrating, hard.

He was trying to compose a routine to teach his students.

“Almost got it…” he muttered to himself.

"Kikwang-ssi...?" ______ asked, stepping into the dance room.

 He stopped dancing and turned around to see her there.

"______-ssi...? What are you doing here? Ricky isn't here today."

"Ara...he went out with Yoseobie."

Kikwang flinched at the mention of his name.

"Aah, of course. How is Yang Yoseob?"

______ just stared at him in confusion.

She thought he would know.

"Mwo?! Aren't you like...BEST FRIENDS? Haven't you spoken to him?"

Kikwang shook his head.

"Aniya. Not lately. We've been fighting. We haven't gotten along for a while."

"MWOYA?!?!?! Why not?"

He sighed.

“You really didn’t know that Yang Yoseob and I weren’t on speaking terms?”

______ frowned.

“Aniyo, he never told me. I don’t understand!” she exclaimed. She thought for a bit. “How could you not be speaking? Aren’t you super close? You were. What happened?”

"Honestly? You want to know?”

“YES!” she shouted. ‘What the heck is going on?!?!?! Why didn’t Yoseobie tell me?!?!?!’

“What came between us, was sudden.”

‘Kikwang-ssi….” ______ mumbled. “Tell me, chaebal…”

‘It was you." He smiled a bit.

It wasn't a happy smile though.

______ could tell.

"MWOYA?!?!?! Me?"

"Yep, it was you."

"How could it be me?!?! What did I do?" she pouted. ‘Me? What the…’

"Yang Yoseob likes you.”

“Arasseo, that’s why I’m dating him." she explained.

Kikwang shifted his feet, awkwardly.

“So did I….” he finally admitted to her face.

______'S eyes widened.

Her pulse quickened.

THAT was, totally, unexpected.

"M-M-Mwoya?!" she stammered. "You liked me?!

"Mhm." he nodded. His cheeks slightly pink. "We didn't want to let our friendship, ruin our chances with you."

"So you let ME ruin your friendship?!" she shouted. "Do you know how it feels hearing this?! Are you two really that stupid?! I don't want to be that person who broke you two up. It's all on me! I feel guilty now! Aish!"

"Y-You're mad?"

"Hell yes I'm mad!! I'll talk to you later..."

She stomped out the door angrily.

"Uh oh ...what just happened?..."

After ______ walked out the door, Kikwang turned the music back on.

He started his hardcore dance practice.

He was distracted thinking about ______.

'She was pissed...' He thought.

Since his thoughts were somewhere else, he fumbled with his steps and hurt himself.




"Yah, Lee Kikwang, don't push yourself too hard." Yoseob scolded.

"I almost got this down!" Kikwang stubbornly insisted.

"Babo-ya, you can practice more tomorrow! We've been here all day!"

"ANDWAE! Once more."

He went harder.

His feet fumbled and he landed wrong.

Yoseob stood up and rushed to his side.

"Yah, gwaenchana?!?!"

" leg."

"Want to go to the emergency?"

"It's not that ba-AHH! Okay, fine."

Yoseob piggy backed him to the hospital and stayed with him, while the doctor ran tests.

"So...aren't you going to say, 'I told you so'?" Kikwang asked.

The older boy just shook his head.

"Ani. I'm not. Just get better, Arasseo?"

"Yah, the dance copy machine could take over my part."

"Andwae." Yoseob shook his head again. "There is no Lee Kikwang substitute. You're my best friend, alright? Just let me be the first to sign that cast."

When Kikwang got the cast put on, Yoseob wrote at the bottom of the heel.

He made sure it was difficult to read.

Kikwang made a face at him.

"Yah, I can't read it."

Yoseob just grinned.

"You will, when you take it off."


A couple of months later, when the cast came off, Kikwang read Yoseob's message.

'Babo-ya, I told you so! Don't you dare do it again! ㅠㅡㅠ Remember to stretch it out well. Saranghae, BaboKwangie!~'



------End of Flashback--------


Kikwang let out a sigh.

"That punk." He chuckled. "I should've listened to him. I miss the punk.”

______ was at another shoot, hanging out with Yojin.

It was really bothering her to think that it was her fault that Yoseob and Kikwang weren’t close anymore.

She looked at Yojin for answers.

"Yojin-ah, when did Yoseobie and Kikwang-ssi have that whole falling out?" ______ asked  Yojin.

"Falling out? What do you mean?” Yojin asked innocently.

______ just stared at her.

“Yojinnie…chaebal.” ______ begged. “I need to know.”

“Honestly, Unnie?" Yojin sighed. ‘Unnie looks so sad and guilty about something?’

"Yes, I saw Kikwang-ssi today! I came from another shoot that was nearby his dance studio. He asked me how Yoseobie was doing and...I was confused. I thought they were friends."

"It's been a few months."

"A few months?!?!?? When, a few months ago?" ______ continued to question. “Clarify…”

"About the time, you and Uri Oppa started dating." The younger girl admitted.

______ sighed.

"Cheongmal? When we started dating?!?! Kikwang-ssi, did say that it was over me. That's ridiculous! It sounds so stupid!"

"When guy friends fight over a girl, whom they both like, they act stupid. I agree that Uri Oppa's hatred for Kikwangie Oppa has gone too far, but he's stubborn."

______ looked at the ring on her finger.

"This has caused so many problems, in his life. How close were they?"

"Oppas were always like brothers."

"When I met them, they were so close. It was the cutest bromance!"

"Is that why you were confused with which Oppa you wanted to date?"

______ sighed and nodded.

"Yeah, if I knew that they both liked me too..." She frowned. “..I would’ve…”

"What? If you knew that they both liked you, you wouldn't have chosen Uri Oppa?"

"I don’t know what I’d do! I probably wouldn't have chosen either of them! It would hurt me to not be with him, BUT NOW..." She rubbed her temples. "Now, I feel guilty. Yojinnie, you know me. I like people to stay together, because you never know what could happen. I'm more mad at myself for killing that friendship."

Yojin gasped.

“Unnie, it’s not your fault that the Oppa are being stupid boys.”

“Yes, it is!” ______ insisted.

She felt so bad and couldn’t stop thinking about it.

"I have to take care of some things. I'll call you later."

______ stood up and walked away.

By the feel of the conversation, Yojin knew where this was headed.

She didn’t like it…AT ALL.

She pointed to the ring.

"UNNIE, DO NOT REMOVE THAT RING!!!! ANDWAE!!!!!!!! Uh oh………………………"

______ was already out the door.

When Ricky came home, ______ was sitting on the couch.

She was thinking about a lot after her talk with Kikwang and her talk with Yojin.

"Noona, I'm home!~~"


"Yoseob Hyung is waiting outside." He told her.

"Aah Jinjja? Wae?"

"He's a gentleman, DUH! I told him he could come in, but he said a lady lives here so he can't. Noona, let him in."

"Arasseo." she giggled. "I have something to say to him anyway."

"I'm going to shower, then."

He gave her a quick hug and kiss on the cheek before running upstairs.

______ smiled.

"Don't forget to wash behind your ears."

"They are kinda hard to miss, Noona."

She went to the front door.

"Are you a vampire?" she teased.


"You’re waiting to be invited in? Well, if you've already been invited in before."

"Ara...but I wanted to be respectful." he said.

‘Aish, he’s killing me. I know he’s corny, at times, but he’s so adorable!’ she thought. “Uri Changhyunnie is always so happy when he’s spent the day with you.”

“Did I promise to keep up my good relationship with him?”

______ nodded.

“You did. Arasseo. What did you do today? He's semi-hyper."

"We share some of the same interests. We had our sugar EARLIER. So it's wearing off...or it should be?"

She opened the door more, and motioned for him to enter.

"Come on in, we need to talk."

Yoseob blinked at her.

"Talk? A-About what?"

"I went out today, after a photoshoot."


"The shoot was close to Kikwangie's dance class."

Yoseob in his cheeks.

He tensed up a bit.


"So I went to talk to him."


"If I'm coming between the two of you..."

His eyes went wide.


She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Am I?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean...when I met two were, pretty much, BEST FRIENDS."


"Now you don't speak to each other?!?!"

"I...It's complicated."

"Not really. I like you."

"Ara...I like you."

"He likes me too?" she asked.

Yoseob sighed and nodded,

"He does too."

"I'm not concerned with that, right now. All I'm concerned your friendship! If I'm coming between two friends...I don't want to be here!"


"I like you but...Kikwangie was good to me too. I feel so bad. I can't be the person to tear you apart. I just...can't. As much as it kills me to not see you...I feel like it’s my fault."

"You didn't do anything."

"Yeah...but I'm the one that caused you two to separate. If I had just let you date Jieun..."

"If I went out with her...would you date Kikwang?! You already made him your date to Junhyungie’s party!"

"I'm not sure." She shrugged.


"At least your friendship would still be intact."

"No! It wouldn't be intact! I like you! I wouldn't be able to hang around with him, because it would hurt to see you two together. It would be EXACTLY THE SAME!"

"I wouldn’t have chosen him! I like YOU!!!” she snapped. She let out a sigh and her tone soften. “Mianhae, Yoseobie...we need to..."

"Please don't say it!" he begged.

Ricky came downstairs when he finished his shower.

He heard the shouted and came to investigate.

"What is going on?"


"NOONA!!" Ricky whined running in between the couple. "What's going on? WAE?!?!?!?!








What's going to happen?!?!

Drama! Drama! Drama!

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UPDATE!! As much as I would LOVE to update, my hours at work have increased. Its getting hard to focus on my stories. MIANHAE! Ill post ASAP! I ♥ you!!!


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wafflewaffle #1
Chapter 47: finally finished chapter 45 ^^
i love how they finally realize that they love each other!!
ah, junhyungie kinda forgotten in last chapter? bcs in the beginning of story he's there but suddenly he's gone, no? just asking tho :D
Chapter 47: YAY! You're still alive!

I hope your writer's block passes soon! Fighting!
aimz_c #3
Chapter 45: yaaaaaaaaaaaaay new chapter thank you thank you thank you :)
Chapter 44: omg!! ricky~~ why you are so innocent???
thanks for the updating author-nim~ ^^
Chapter 43: *laugh* beast miss kiseob so much~~~ XP
thanks for updating author-nim, :D
Chapter 42: i can'y stop laughing at what kikwangie said about boat. *LOL*
Chapter 41: yoseobie is going to explode too!! somebody help him!! XD
Chapter 40: hahaha... Ricky and Seobie will be the cutest brother... ^^
claudiamacy #9
Chapter 40: nice one seobie :) update soon
Chapter 39: go away from ___ and Seobie Jieun!!
yay!! ricky is really hyper to hear ___'s sing again.. ^^