Chapter 25

Friendly Competition




_______ woke up in the morning and found that the electricity was still out.

Her phone was hanging on, nearly dead.

She looked over to the melted candle.

'He's so sweet.' She thought. "Wow, ppoppo killed the power. Did we kill Christmas?"

"Yes, Unnie. You killed Christmas!" Yojin stuck out her tongue teasingly. "How will we light up our Christmas tree? No more kissing for the rest of the year!!!!"

"How did the power die?" Haeyeon asked. She looked out the window.

Outside, it looked as though snow fell all night long.

"It's so white outside. Blame Yoseob Oppa and ______ Unnie."

"There was a snow storm last night." Yoseob's mother said walking in.

"ANIYO, Aunty!" Yojin protested. "Oppa and Unnie did it."

Haeyeon stifled a laugh.

"What is she talking about?"

"I went outside to go to the bathroom. I saw Unnie and Oppa kiss...then it went off."

_______ blushed.

"Kim Yojin!"

"I saw the spark, like 5 years ago."

"I didn't know him five years ago." She laughed.

"Ugh..." Yoseob grumbled walking up to the  doorway. "The power isn't back on yet?"

"The wind gusts and the snow storm caused power outages everywhere."

" it wasn't us." Yoseob chuckled.

"It was too." Yojin insisted.

Yoseob poked her nose.

"Shush. It was merely a coinky-dink."

"Unnie's candle melted. You know, Oppa, you could've given her a flashlight."

"Ani, candles are warm too. It served two purposes, right? Light and warmth."

"Someone is pretty smooth lately." Haeyeon commented.

"I'm getting better."

"Cocky too." She shook her head. "Where did you learn to be so romantic and sweet?"

"Umma and Appa." He said simply.

"Aah, I don't think Umma and Appa were that weird."

"It's not weird, it's practical! Light and warmth!"

______ smiled.

"Unnie should keep the melted wax to remember you by. So romantic."

"Now, THAT is weird." Yoseob said. "______-ah, we should go take Ricky to play in the snow. He's been staring, longingly, at the freshly fallen snow."

______ stifled a laugh.

"My little dork." She giggled. "Awww...he's a kid, of course he has been."

"I do too. It looks soft and fluffy. Fun idea for a date."

"By fun you mean, it's not as threatening to your life?" ______ asked.

"Pretty much. We can't do much inside anyway." He chuckled. "I mean, until the power goes back on."

"You can play games."

"But, Noona, the snow! Ricky wants to play in the snow. If Ricky wants to play in the snow, we’re playing in the snow! We can save the board games for later.”

They dressed up warmly and The four went outside.

"Aah, it's so cold!~" _______ shivered.

Yoseob pulled her into a hug.

"Better? If give you my jacket...but then I'd be cold. Then you might scold me. I figured hugging is better."

"Hugging IS better." she giggled. "Kissing is best."

She softly kissed his lips.

"Ewwww!" Yojin said. “The cold air is giving someone such confidence. In the summer skin ship is going to be at a minimum.”

Yoseob bent down to make a snowball and hurled it at her.

"Shut it! Yah, We're allowed!"

"Stop hogging my best friend!!" she whined, throwing one back.

"Don't throw snowballs at my boyfriend!" ______ shouted throwing a ball at Yojin.

"MANSE!" Yoseob chuckled.

He did not expect to get a snowball in the face.

From ______ no less.

He blinked in shock.


"You!" she pointed at his face. "No throwing snowballs at my Yojinnie!"

"Noona, whose side are you on?" Ricky asked.


The four of them started to fly snowballs at each other.

After the tiring snowball fight, they relaxed a bit.

Ricky, Yojin, and ______ were building a little snowman, while Yoseob drew with a stick in the snow.

______ walked over.

"Yoseob-ah, Mwohaneungeoya?" she asked, squatting next to him.

"I'm drawing you." he said cutely.

______ blinked.

She tilted her head in different directions, trying to see it.


"What? You don't see it?"

"No...I do. Who am I kidding? NO!~"

Yoseob pointed to each part.

"What do you mean?!" he teased. "That's your I made it too big."

______ stifled a laugh.

"YAH! My hair is like Medusa's snakes?"

"Nah, I can't add texture. Your eyes aren't two different sizes either."

He fixed it up a bit.

"Well, now THAT is a mirror image." she laughed.


______ shook her head and playfully shoved him into the snow.


"Alright! I'm sorry!" he chuckled.

"WAIT! Don't mess it up!" she shouted.

She pulled out her phone to take a picture.

"Memories of my horrible snow drawing of you?"

"Yep." she nodded. "I like it though."

"Yah, I like to draw. I never said I was good at it."

Yojin walked over.

She tilted her head to the side, staring at the drawing.

"What is that?"

"It's me." ______ smiled. "Yoseobie drew it."

Yojin's jaw dropped.

"Aww...Oppa. Do you not like Unnie...AT ALL?!?!" she nagged. "How horrible!!"

"Yeah, it's horrible. She liked it so...whatever."

Meanwhile, The guys were hanging out at Kikwang's house.

They walked outside to go get something to eat.

"So, Haekyung went ice skating with his friends the other day."


"He said he ran into Yoseob. He said, from the looks of things, he was on a date."

"She's his girlfriend. You realize that, right?"

"Yes. I just can't believe they've been together this long."

"Well...Yang Yoseob has always been a romantic." Junhyung said.

"Yah, how would you know?" Doojoon teased. "Dating behind our backs."

"Aigoo! Stop shipping JunSeob, it ain't going to happen. I just know it because Yoseob has given me date ideas. He hasn't had a girl so he didn't have anyone to do it with. He let me use his ideas."

"The ladies liked it?"

"Well, Junhyungie Hyung has way more dating experience than we do."

"Well, that can go either way though. Maybe Yoseob's ideas were bad and Junhyungie got dumped. If he's single he has to move into the next girl to try out the next idea with."

"Yoseobie and ______ have been dating for months now, I think it's working for him."

"Hyung?" A familiar voice.

"Jaehyo-ya." Junhyung greeted. "Annyeong."

"Annyeonghaseyo!~" Jaehyo bowed politely.

"What are you doing?"

Jaehyo held up a laptop that he had in his hands.

"I have a best friend who murders her electronics, somehow. It's so badly broken and she doesn't even pay me. I work hard to do this for her. She better appreciate it. I had to open up this thing to fix the insides."

Junhyung introduced Jaehyo to his friends, since they kept staring and being nosy.

"Jaehyo Hyung must get a lot of women." Dongwoon said. “Hyung is very handsome.”

“Aah, Kamsahamnida.”

"He's not charismatic enough." Junhyung shook his head.

"Hyung, who are you, Yoo ______?!?! She says the same thing. She likes to insult me. PSH! Aah…. Which reminds me, she may seem all sweet and innocent but she will murder me if I don't get this back to her soon. Annyeonghaseyo! It was nice to meet all of you!" He bowed politely and left.

"Who is he?" Kikwang asked, watching Jaehyo's back as he left.

"An old friend."

"By Yoo ______, does he mean Yoo ______? I mean, Yoo ______, as in Yoo ______?"

Junhyung blinked in confusion.

He looked to the other members for help but they just shrugged or shook their heads.

"Do you hear yourself when you speak?"


"Yes, Yoo ______ is Yoo ______. Who else who Yoo ______ be besides Yoo ______?"

"There could be a lot of ______s in the world."

"Yeah, maybe, but I only know one of them. Yang Yoseob's girlfriend."

Kikwang made a face.

"I haven't spoken to Yang Yoseob in months. Who is Yang Yoseob again? I've erased him from my memories. He probably did the same for me."

"I still think this is ridiculous." Dongwoon sighed.

"Son Dongwoon, as right as you are...DON'T DISRESPECT YOUR HYUNGS!” Doojoon scolded.

“I think Lee Kikwang is jealous.”

“What do you mean? She’s not even MY girlfriend. Yang Yoseob should be jealous, he’s a handsome guy.”

“Are you calling Yang Yoseobie ugly?”

“Yes…compared to him. Hell, I’M ugly compared to him! EVERY GUY is ugly compared to him.”

Hyunseung shook his head and patted Kikwang’s back.

“At this moment, I’m STRONGLY questioning your ual preference. Aigoo, ______ rejects you for Yang Yo and you go gay? Aren’t you taking this a little too hard?”

“SHUT UP!~” Kikwang whined.

Back in the snow, ______ and Yoseob were making snow angels.

He grabbed her hands and helped her up to avoid making hand prints in the snow.

“Aah, perfect!~” he said. “Such a pretty snow angel.”

______ smiled.


Yoseob turned around to see where Yojin was.


Yojin squatted down to hug a stuffed toy.



“Oppa, can I get this?”

“Don’t you have money?”


“Then…pay for it yourself.”

Yojin pouted.

“Please Oppa?!”

Yoseob rubbed his temples and looked at ______.

“Why are you being like this now?!” he grumbled. “You know that I don’t want to look like a horrible Oppa in front of ______!”

“Buy it for me!~~”

Yoseob made a face.

“Arasseo.” He nodded. He turned to Ricky. “Ricky-ya, do you want something?”

Yojin pouted.

“Aww…Oppa, you’re more than happy to get something for Ricky but not me?”

“Yep.” Yoseob said. “Ricky is not my blood. Yah, Kim Yojin, this is your Christmas present! You won’t be getting anything else.”

“MWOYA?!” she grumbled.

“Are you sure you want this stuffed dog?”

“It’s cute.”

“Arasseo. Geurae.”

He went to pay for it, taking Ricky to pick something out too.

______ smiled.

She shook her head at Yojin.

“Yah, Kim Yojin, what was that all about?”

“It’s cute! I just wanted to see if Oppa would do it. I just wanted to get rid of him.”

______ frowned.

“WAE?!?!” she whined. “I don’t want to get rid of him.”

Yojin smirked.

“Arasseo.” She grinned smugly. “You and Oppa are too cute. I think you’re falling for him!~”

“NUH UH!!!!” ______ shouted defensively. Her cheeks were burning pink.

“No need to get so defensive.”

Just as Yoseob and Ricky came out of the store, ______’s phone rang.

“Aah, mianhae.” She said answering the call. “Nuguseyo?”


______ covered to stifle a laugh.

“Who is this?”

“YAH! Why do you answer the phone for strangers? Today’s strangers are tomorrow’s best friends.”

“You’re going to bully me a few days after my birthday?!”

“Awwww…Pretty nerd!~” her tone changed. “Tangerine-ah, Happy belated birthday!~ I miss you!~~~~”

“Uh huh, sure.” He pouted. “You miss me because I’m fixing your computer.”

“Nonsense!” she said. “I always miss my best friend.”

“I’ll pretend that I believe you. Aah, by the way, I ran into Junhyungie Hyung a few minutes ago.” Jaehyo told her.

“Junhyungie Oppa?”

“Junhyungie?” Yoseob repeated, hearing _______.

“ Aah, Jinjja? Aigoo, I still can’t believe you know him. You’re not very charismatic.”

“YAH, do you want me to murder your computer? I just fixed it. I know how to mess with it. I can take it apart and ‘accidently’ leave a piece out. That miniscule piece could be vital to your computer’s health and ability to function.”

“ANDWAE!~ Mianhae!~” she whined. “As much as I missed the nerd talk...did you really fix my computer?”

“Duh!” he said in a sassy tone. He start to go into detail, in what sounded like a foreign language to her.

“KAMSA!~~~~~’ ______ squealed happily, ignoring his nerd speak. “You know that you’re the best, best friend ever…right?  Yah, didn’t the power go out where you are?”

“Ani.” Jaehyo answered. “Wae? Are you in the dark?”

“Psh, yes!”

“Aah…you with electronics. It’s that bad that you killed the power in the whole city?! AIGOO, YOO ______!!!”

“SHUT UP! Thank you, bestie, for fixing my computer.”

“Mhm…I’m working while you’re having fun? You know, when I was with Junhyungie Hyung, I remembered that you like one of his friends. I met four of them. Which one is he? I tried to figure it out…but…”

“Yah! Nosy but!!!!!! The person that I like is not there!”

“Are you sure?!” Jaehyo teased. “I know your type.”

Yoseob’s cheeks turned pink.

“Geumanhae!~~~~~” she whined childishly. “Yah…you think you do, but you’re wrong.”

“Is that Hyung?” Ricky asked ______. “You never act like a baby with anyone else, Noona.”

“Kamsahamnida…for fixing my computer. That’s your birthday present from me.” She giggled.

“WHAT?! Yah, Yoo ______, my birthday present is the opportunity to fix your computer?”

“Kamsahamnida, Tangerine.” She teased. “Aah, I have to go. Leave Junhyungie Oppa alone, arasseo?”

She hung up the phone.

“Yep, it’s that Hyung.” Ricky chuckled. “You don’t just hang up on anyone else.”

______ shrugged.

“My best friend and I have that kind of relationship.”

“Unnie, I thought I was your best friend!” Yojin said.

“You’re her whiny friend.” Yoseob patted her head.

“Male best friends are different from girl best friends.” ______ explained. “He’s my nerd. My computer Doctor.”

“Oppa, who is your best friend?” his cousin pushed.

Yoseob narrowed his eyes at her.

“That’s it! This puppy is going back!"

He grabbed the stuffed toy and walked back to the store.


"Be quiet then. I have four best friends. That's that." he said.

______ did the math, mentally.

'Four? I thought there were SIX of them. would he have FIVE best friends?' she thought.




I wanna have a snow date!

Too bad I can't, here in Hawaii.

Stupid boring HOT Hawaii.  D:


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UPDATE!! As much as I would LOVE to update, my hours at work have increased. Its getting hard to focus on my stories. MIANHAE! Ill post ASAP! I ♥ you!!!


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wafflewaffle #1
Chapter 47: finally finished chapter 45 ^^
i love how they finally realize that they love each other!!
ah, junhyungie kinda forgotten in last chapter? bcs in the beginning of story he's there but suddenly he's gone, no? just asking tho :D
Chapter 47: YAY! You're still alive!

I hope your writer's block passes soon! Fighting!
aimz_c #3
Chapter 45: yaaaaaaaaaaaaay new chapter thank you thank you thank you :)
Chapter 44: omg!! ricky~~ why you are so innocent???
thanks for the updating author-nim~ ^^
Chapter 43: *laugh* beast miss kiseob so much~~~ XP
thanks for updating author-nim, :D
Chapter 42: i can'y stop laughing at what kikwangie said about boat. *LOL*
Chapter 41: yoseobie is going to explode too!! somebody help him!! XD
Chapter 40: hahaha... Ricky and Seobie will be the cutest brother... ^^
claudiamacy #9
Chapter 40: nice one seobie :) update soon
Chapter 39: go away from ___ and Seobie Jieun!!
yay!! ricky is really hyper to hear ___'s sing again.. ^^