Chapter 23

Friendly Competition




Yoseob and ______ were on the phone, while she packed her overnight bag, AND as they were loading the cab.

She and Ricky were on the way to Yoseob’s house to spend Christmas with them.

‘I still think this is moving fast, BUT…it would be nice to spend more time with Yoseobie.’ ______ thought. “Aah, Yojinnie, I forgot how to get there.”

Yojin started to tell ______ the directions to get to the house.

“NUH UH! You’re supposed to take a left, THEN a right.” Yoseob argued.

“NO, Oppa, It’s a right then a left!”

“Aigoo…you don’t know how to get to your own house?” she sighed. “Okay…I give up. Driver-nim?”

She leaned forward to speak to the taxi driver.

“Yes, Agassi?” the driver replied. He made eye contact with her through the rearview mirror.

“Can you take us here?” she asked handing him the address.

“I sure can.”

“‘KAMSAHAMNIDA!~” she bowed while seated. “No, really, KAMSAHAMNIDA! You saved me from listening to my boyfriend and my best friend argue about directions. If I let them continue, we’d be there by January.”

“That’s only a few days away, Noona.” Ricky pointed out.

______ smiled and kissed his forehead.

“I didn’t say 2013. I meant 2014.” She sighed.

“Yojinnie is wrong though!”

“Oppa, you’re going to get Unnie lost!” Yojin scolded.

They continued to talk for most of the ride.

"Are you here yet? Are you here yet? Are you here yet?"

"Don't be cute."

"Are we there yet?"

____ looked at the cab driver.

"Ahjussi, Mianhae." She bowed. "Seriously?! Yang Yoseob, don't encourage him or I'll turn the cab around."

"NOOOO!" Yojin exclaimed. "ANDWAE!"

"I won't do that...the poor driver has been through enough. Anyway!~ I’ll hang up and call back later.” ______ said. She said her goodbyes and hung up the phone.

Meanwhile, Yoseob was fixing up the house.

“Hiding the things that you don’t want ______ Unnie to see?” Yojin teased.

It amused her that Yoseob was in panic mode.

“You should be cleaning up the house before Umma and Appa come home.” Haeyeon nodded.

"AISH...Noona, could you please help me? I mean, instead of making fun of me?!”

Haeyeon sighed.

"Andwae, I can't help you."


"I'm practicing being a strict Protective Noona. I have the dialogue in my head."

Yoseob made a face and continued to pick up random stuff that was lying around.

"Some 'Protective' Noona." He muttered. "If she was protective she wouldn't let me stress myself out...ALL ALONE! Yah, Kim Yojin, she's your friend too."

"Arasseo." Yojin nodded. "That's why I cleaned our room so Unnie can stay with us. She's not staying in YOUR room."

Yoseob's eyes went wide and his face turned red.

"YAH! Of course not! I'm still shy when we kiss, sometimes. At least I can speak to her without forgetting my name or where I am." He sighed. "Whatever, I'm still trying to impress her."

"You got Ricky." Yojin said. "The sure fire way to impress Unnie is to be nice to her brother. Also, be genuine about it."

"I AM GENUINE ABOUT IT! The kid looks up to me and I'm doing my best to not let him down. I like them both. You failed at being a boy, so...this is my only shot at having a little brother figure."

Yojin looked at all the stuff that Yoseob had tossed into his closet.

"Pictures of you and Kikwangie Oppa?! Why are you tossing these into your closet?"

"Why not?" He shrugged. "I don't need this junk lying around. A punch in the face is enough to end a friendship."

"You punched him too."

"Exactly...I'll dispose of them later."

Yojin sighed.

"Fine, Oppa, I'll let it go. It's the Holidays and Unnie is coming over. Tis the season to be Jolly!~"

In about 10 minutes, ______ and Ricky arrived  there.

She recognized the place instantly, even though she had only been there once.

"Aah, here it is." ______ said coming up to Yoseob’s house.

"Cheongmal?! This is Hyungnim's house?" Ricky said.

He had his face pressed up against the glass.

"Ne." ______ said. She was comparing the address on the house to the address that Yojin texted to her.

They gathered their belongings and paid the cab driver.

“Kamsahamnida!~” the siblings harmonized together.

______ walked up to the door.

She hesitated for a bit.

“Noona, push it.” Ricky whined. He was impatient.

“A-Arasseo.” She stuttered. She reached out and rang the doorbell.

Inside, Yojin and Yoseob were playing a game.

Yojin lost and had to take a punishment.

She flinched, moving her bangs aside.

"Oppa, go easy on me!~"

"NO WAY! SHIREO!" He moved his hair aside to reveal a very red forehead. "Revenge is sweet, little girl."

They heard the doorbell ring.

 "Saved by the bell!!" Yojin shouted.

Haeyeon shook her head and laughed.

"Weirdos. My Dongsaeng are weirdos."

"We are normal!" Yoseob insisted.

"Well, I am." Yojin sighed. “Oppa…I’m not so sure.”

"Who is it?" Haeyeon spoke into the intercom.

______ showed up on the screen.

"Yah , Noona." Yoseob said. "Who's at the door?"

 He pushed his way through.

He was so excited for ______ to come that he was forgetting other things, such as respect your elder sibling.

"What did you say? 'YAH'?!?" Haeyeon scolded.

"Um....sorry." He frowned.

"Unnie is here?!" Yojin squealed, running over. "______ Unnie, Annyeonghaseyo!"

"Annyeong Yojinnie."

"______ Unnie, you took so long!"

"Aish." Yoseob moved Yojin aside to let ______ and Ricky in.

"Annyeong." he said to ______ smoothly.

"Annyeong." she smiled, giving him a kiss on the cheek. She noticed his forehead and became concerned. "Yoseob-ah, what happened to your forehead?!"

"Ask her..." He said pointing to Yojin.

"It was a friendly game."

"Yeah...friendly......." He side-eyed her. "She was out to get me.”

“Yojin-ah….” ______ warned.

“What? Unnie, Oppa would’ve done the same to me!”

“Not true.” Yoseob shook his head.

“Oppa, don’t hit girls.”

“You’re a girl?” he gasped. “I didn’t know.”

“AHEM!~” Haeyeon cleared . “YANG YOSEOB! Don’t be rude! Why aren’t you introducing your guests?”

Yoseob smiled.

“Aah, Mianhae Noona!~” he said cutely.

 They went around and introduced themselves.

“Aaah, she IS pretty.” Haeyeon whispered to Yojin. “You sure they’ll last?”

“OF COURSE!~” Yojin told her. “Haven’t I told you about ______ Unnie?”

“You have.” Haeyeon laughed. “So has my brother.”

“Ricky-ya!” Yoseob exclaimed. “You’re staying in my room, with me!”

He grabbed Ricky’s bag, put his arm around his shoulders and led him to the room.

“Well, since the boys are bonding…Unnie, come see our room!”

While the boys bonded, so did the girls.

“______ Unnie, Haeyeon Unnie is very creative!” Yojin said.

“Aah, cheongmalyo?” ______ smiled. “Haeyeon-ssi, what do you do?”

“I make accessories and things. You know, girly stuff. Want to see?!”

Haeyeon took ______ over to her jewelry chest to show her the cute little bow, earrings, rings, and other things she had made.

“Aah, Haeyeon-ssi?”

“Unnie.” Haeyeon corrected. “If you’re dating my brother, you should call me Unnie. Plus, you’re Yojinnie’s friend so…we’re going to be getting closer.”

Yojin smiled.

She pulled both girls into a group hug.

“YAY!!! Haeyeon Unnie, I was worried you freak out after meeting ______ Unnie.”

“Well…..”  Haeyeon started nervously. She turned to ______. "You know, before you walked in..."

"Huh?" ______ replied. She was confused.

"I was prepared to be an overly protective Noona. I wanted to be relentless, strict and hardcore. Even after all the things my Dongsaengs told me, I was a skeptic. I wanted to be tough on you to freak you a little bit. Then I saw you look at him the way you did...I forgot all the mean thoughts. We’ve been in this room for a couple of hours…I don’t really know how to be strict.”

“That’s alright, Unnie.” ______ said. “I’ll teach you. It’s been just Changhyunnie and I for the longest time. I’m plenty strict.”

“Well, ______ is too adorable to hate.” Haeyeon said honestly. “Awww…why couldn’t Yoseobie bring her home earlier!”

“Oppa and Unnie were BOTH too afraid to admit they had crushes on each other.” Yojin explained. “They found out that it’s a mutual thing though.”

“Geurae.” Haeyeon nodded. “Yojinnie, why didn’t YOU bring her home sooner? Haven’t you known her longer?”

Yojin’s jaw dropped in shock.

“Unnie…” she frowned.

“What? I couldn’t do a better job in setting up my baby brother. I feel like we have a lot in common." Haeyeon said. "I would be protective of my Dongsaeng, otherwise."

"Of course, I expected that you would be. Noonas get overprotective of their little brothers. It's something that just happens. It's beyond your control."

"I KNOW!~ They can irritate you and push every button to make you angry, but you'd still protect them. Does he irritate you?"

“He? Which ‘HE’ are we talking about?” she asked.

“My brother.”

______ shook her head.


"He does too!~" Yojin insisted. She motioned over to Ricky and Yoseob who were bonding again, in the living room.

"Well, when they're like that, YES!"

"Oppa, are you dating ______ Unnie or Ricky?" Yojin shouted over to the boys.

"I thought they were a package deal.” Yoseob replied, standing up. “Plus, you two stole her. Even if I'd like to be alone with won't let me."

Haeyeon shook her head.

"Aigoo! She was merely admiring Haeyeon Unnie's accessories. Women love accessories and pretty clothes. Jewelry is a girl's best friend."

"I thought it was diamonds." He raised an eyebrow.

"Would you buy Unnie diamonds?"

"If I had money for it."

“Aigoo!~” Haeyeon sighed. She walked over to Yoseob. “Babo-ya, take your girlfriend out on a date!”

"Hyungnim!" Ricky spoke up.


"Take Noona ice skating."  The younger boy suggested.

"Jinjja?! That sounds like fun." Yoseob clapped excitedly.

______’s eyes went wide.

She looked as though she was horrified by her brother’s suggestion.

"YOO CHANGHYUN!!!!" She whined. "I'm not trying to die!!!"

Yoseob gave her a look.


"He knows that I can't skate. Little twerp!"

“You can’t skate?” he said in disbelief.

"Noona! It's romantic!~~” Ricky insisted. “ If Hyungnim knows how, he can teach you!"

"I can. Do you want to try? Just the two of us? We hardly ever get one on one time." He said glaring at Yojin. "Kim Yojin."

"I'm pushing you out the door now."

"Yoseob-ah, bundle up! Make sure ______ is dressed warmly too, Arasseo?" Haeyeon said.

"Arasseo, Noona."

“I’ll watch over these two so that they don’t crash anymore dates.”

Yoseob left with a reluctant ______.

"Are you scared?" He asked, putting an arm around her shoulders.

______ looked at him and nodded.

"Yeah, for you."

"Me?!" He chuckled. “Why me?!”

______ nodded again.

She pointed to his feet.

"Are your skates going to have steel toes? Either that or you can wear a metal suit. If you don't, you might lose toes or fingers."

"I can take care of myself." He said, fixing her scarf.

"Would you prefer a girlfriend who could take care of you or..."

"Or one who amputates body parts? Can I just have you and pray that my body stays intact!"

"You shouldn't have listened to Yoo Changhyun then."

Yoseob smiled and shrugged.

"Well, he just likes to be included in our decision making. It was just the two of you for years."

_______ smiled.


"So...why are you so afraid to decapitate me?" He teased.

"YAH! I dismember...not decapitate. Usually people learn to skate as a kid. I never got the chance. I had to grow up fast. My childhood just...was pushed aside because, in my eyes, He's more important. I hope I raised him well though." She sighed.

"Well, Ricky isn't going to turn into some delinquent teenager! You raised him to have a conscience and heart. I'd say you did well by him. You, on the other hand, could've used more attention. What are you 22 going on 50?"

"Probably." She laughed. "Yoseob-ah, I'm trusting you, Arasseo? You better take care of me."

"I promise."

______ slipped her hand into Yoseob's.

"Hmm...I trust you."

"Good." he smiled.

"You wouldn’t let me fall on my face, right? You won't make me regret trusting you, will you?"

"I'm skinny, so I wouldn't be much padding for you, if you fall. Still, you can fall on me. I'll be the protective layer between you and the cold, hard ice."

______ giggled.

"Well, I'll have to avoid falling then."

"My bones and I would appreciate that."

They sat down, on a bench, to put on their skates.

Yoseob kneeled down, in front of ______ to offer a helping hand.

He started to tie her skates for her.

"I'm not doubting your ability to tie shoes. I mean, I saw your photos at the shoot, and those shoes look complicated. I just figured, it would be a romantic thing to do. Guys in dramas and movies do this for their girlfriends, right?"

______ smiled.

‘SO ADORABLE!~~~~~~’ she squealed on the inside.





The next chapter will be up soon.

I seriously considered stopping this story and "Still Singing Just For You". I don't have much time to update anymore. Working all the time gives me severe writer's block.

I have the next chapter ready to post soon though.

Do you want it?

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Thank you!
UPDATE!! As much as I would LOVE to update, my hours at work have increased. Its getting hard to focus on my stories. MIANHAE! Ill post ASAP! I ♥ you!!!


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wafflewaffle #1
Chapter 47: finally finished chapter 45 ^^
i love how they finally realize that they love each other!!
ah, junhyungie kinda forgotten in last chapter? bcs in the beginning of story he's there but suddenly he's gone, no? just asking tho :D
Chapter 47: YAY! You're still alive!

I hope your writer's block passes soon! Fighting!
aimz_c #3
Chapter 45: yaaaaaaaaaaaaay new chapter thank you thank you thank you :)
Chapter 44: omg!! ricky~~ why you are so innocent???
thanks for the updating author-nim~ ^^
Chapter 43: *laugh* beast miss kiseob so much~~~ XP
thanks for updating author-nim, :D
Chapter 42: i can'y stop laughing at what kikwangie said about boat. *LOL*
Chapter 41: yoseobie is going to explode too!! somebody help him!! XD
Chapter 40: hahaha... Ricky and Seobie will be the cutest brother... ^^
claudiamacy #9
Chapter 40: nice one seobie :) update soon
Chapter 39: go away from ___ and Seobie Jieun!!
yay!! ricky is really hyper to hear ___'s sing again.. ^^