Chapter 2

Friendly Competition

_______ came home after her photo shoot.

"Just as I expected." She laughed.

There were teenage boys strewed across the living room.

“Yah…the movie wasn’t even THAT scary.” The eldest of the group nagged. “Noona…they’re clinging for dear life.”

The two youngest of the group had vice grips on his muscular arms.

"Noona, you're home?" one of the boys squealed.

He didn’t dare release his hold until he saw her.

He got up and ran into her arms.


"Noona!~~~ I missed you!!"

He hugged her super tight.

"Na do." she giggled. "Yah, Yoo Changhyunnie, Noona is going to pop if you squeeze any tighter."

"Oh, mianhaeyo!~" he said cutely. "We were watching a scary movie.”

“It wasn’t that scary at all.” The eldest said.

“CAP Hyung, I beg to differ! Did you hear Chunji’s screams?”

“I didn’t scream.” The 2nd eldest, Chunji said.

“Not you, I meant Ricky.”

“Aww…Humph…see?! Hyung still doesn’t even know my name! Why did I invite him to our house?”

______ giggled.

She patted the top of his head.

“Don’t you boys have school tomorrow?

“Noona, I'll clean up. Go take a nap, Arasseo?~~"

"You have school tomorrow!"

"Ara..." he pouted. "After school, tomorrow, I'm going to Jonghyunnie's house, remember?"

"Ne, I remember." she giggled. "You'll behave for his parents, right?"


"Noona, you know he likes to cause trouble." one of the boys in the living room said.

"Yah, I may be the cutest one in the group but I'm still older than you. Just because my aegyo can light up a room, but your serious expressions give people nightmares, is no reason to be jealous."

"I'm taller than you."

"Yaaaaah...." Ricky whined. "That isn't my fault!"

______ giggled.

"Aah, I will not envy Jonghyunnie's parents tomorrow. I feel must they must be feeling. Good night, my babies!"

"Goodnight Noona!!" the six boys exclaimed in unison.


Yoseob's phone rang, long before he set his alarm to go off.

He knew who it was from the set ringtone.

"Aish..." he grumbled as he tapped the screen to ignore the call. The person called back anyway. "Yah, DO YOU WANT TO DIE?!"

"Favorite Oppa!!!"

"Oppa is sleeping. Go do...anything else please!!!"

"YAH!~~ OPPA!!!~~" she whined.

"What do you want?!~~~" he complained. "Go away!"

"Noooo! Shireo!~~ Wae are you so grumpy? Did you drink? Are you drunk? Oh, do you have a hangover?"

"Psh...No. It's 5AM! I'm tired! Can't you go back to sleep and call me at like year 2013?"

"You're mean! I was going to go out for coffee with my best friend. She's your age and I thought…"

Yoseob rolled his eyes.

"Yah, you're trying to set me up on a blind date….at 5AM?  No thank you! Now, can I go back to sleep?"


"Kim Yojinnie, you know that I love you, right? If you call me again, before 9AM, I will murder you."

Yojin giggled.

"So, can I set up your meeting with my Unnie?"

"NO!” Yoseob snapped into the phone. “Yah, I know that I haven't had a girlfriend in my life…”

“Except for MEEE!!!~~~~” she squealed.

Yoseob made a face.

“Disgusting…” he mumbled, and resumed his train of thought. “...Nor have I been on a first date...but do I look THAT desperate to you?"

Yojin paused for a moment.


"Good bye." he mumbled, hanging up the phone. He quickly took out the battery and put the phone aside. "Aah, that feels better."

"Yoseob-ah!!~~ Are you awake? Do you want to come for a run with me?" Kikwang asked, poking his head into the room.

Yoseob growled as he reached for his pillow.

Kikwang flinched and ducked, expecting him to throw it.

Yoseob decided not to throw it and just placed it over his face to scream into it.

"Eh...well I'm not going back to sleep anyway. Aish...why does no one want Yoseobie to sleep?! Yah! Do you see these eye bags? Geurae…let’s go.”

After the boys went for their run, they stopped by the coffee shop.

“Yoseobie needs energy…” Yoseob said in a sing-song voice. “Triple the amount of caffeine sounds good right now.”

"Oh…Yoseob-ah, isn't that Yojinnie?" Kikwang asked, nodding in the direction of a table.

Yoseob looked up to see Yojin leaving her table.

"Oh dear god." he muttered. He made an attempt to hide his face, but failed.

"Oppa!" she squealed.

“Aah, Yojinnie…Annyeong.” He said, with no enthusiasm, what so ever.

"Yah, Oppa, did you take your battery out of your phone?" she scolded.

"Mhm…I did." Yoseob nodded.

"Aww...wae?" Yojin pouted at him.

"For one, you put me in a zombie-like state, waking me up FAR TOO EARLY! Two, you implied that I'm desperate and need a blind date."

"She did?" Kikwang chuckled. "Wae? Yojinnie, did you have a good candidate for him?"

"Ne! She's a good friend of mine. You just missed her actually. She had to go to a photo shoot." Yojin said pointing towards the door.

Kikwang stared dumbly.

"Okay...wait...she's a model?!"

"Mhm. I met her at work.”

Kikwang turn to Yoseob.

"Yah, Yang Yoseob, you rejected a model?! Are you just not having good luck with girls? Just the other day, you froze up and forgot how to form words when you met a girl."

"When has Oppa ever had luck with girls? I mean besides me." Yojin teased.

“Again…DISGUSTING!!!” Yoseob exclaimed, making gagging sounds. "I'm too shy around women. Don’t you guys know that by know? Yah, Yojinnie, do you expect Oppa to be able to hit it off with your friend? Are you just punking Oppa?"

Yojin pouted.

"Oppa...fine, I'll give her to Kikwang Oppa."

"Mwo?" the two friends said in unison.

"Nah, I'll find another guy for Unnie to date. The ones that I know, are OBVIOUSLY not good enough for her. Mehrong!~~~~”

Kikwang looked at Yoseob.

“Yah, Yoseobie, I think she just insulted us.”

“DUH!” Yoseob said shaking his head. “BaboKwangie.”

“Both of you are Babo Oppas.” Yojin sighed. “Anyway, I have to head off for a photo shoot.”

“Then why are you still standing here?” Yoseob teased. “You’re trying to bug Oppa? Do you want to get fired?”

“Aniyo, I just like being with my favorite Oppa!~” She squealed, wrapping her arms around him tightly.

Yoseob shook his head and hugged her back.

“Geurae…” he chuckled. “Get lost…”

Yojin made a face and looked up at him.

“Yoseob Oppa…you look dead. What’s the matter with you?”

“Yah! Whose fault is THAT?!”

“Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! Oppa better go quadruple on that caffeine, and then, stay indoors in case you explode.”

Kikwang was next to Yoseob snickering.

“KA!”  Yoseob said through his teeth. “You …”

“Nado SARANGHAE!!!~” she teased making a big heart with her arms. “I’m bringing a friend to dinner tonight, arasseo? ANNYEONG!~~~ Saranghaeyo!~~”

Yojin skipped out the door.

Kikwang couldn’t stop laughing because Yoseob’s eye, was almost twitching.

“Awwww…you got to love Yojinnie. She is DAEBAK!!~ Especially, daebak, at getting under your skin.”

“I think I might need to quintuple my caffeine intake.” Yoseob grumble. He nodded. “Yah, do you think that’s safe?”

“Yoseobie, for you, half the caffeine is a lethal dose.”

“I need it though!~ Plus, you have to come to my dinner thing tonight.”

“Arasseo. I love dinner with your parents.” Kikwang put his arm around him. “Aigoo, I swear, Kim Yojin is just a female Yang Yoseob.”

“NOT TRUE! So…six time the caffeine?”

“Let’s go with the normal amount of caffeine. I’m going to my dance class, after this. I’m pretty sure the guys will murder me for returning you, back to the dorm, high off of caffeine.”

Yoseob pouted.

“Arasseo. OR…I could come to your class with you?” he suggested.

“Aww..wae?!” Kikwang whined. “Sure, you can come…BUT not on a day when you’re so cranky and grouchy. We’re supposed to be the cheerful ones, who are always smiling!~”

“I can’t be cheerful when I’m halfway dead.”

“ You can go get some sleep instead. Want Kikwangie to tuck you in and kiss your forehead?” Kikwang winked.

Yoseob glared at him.

“Back off!” he laughed. “You’re so weird.”

He ordered his coffee and walked towards the door.

“Yeobo, see you at dinner!~” Kikwang shouted.

“Aigoo…how can you be so hyper this morning?”

“Exercise makes me happy.”

“Good, then you don’t need caffeine? Can I have yours?”

“You’re a sugar and caffeine addict, and I’m cutting you off at one cup! Annyeong!”

Yoseob pouted and walked out the door..

“Arasseo. Annyeong…””

He walked out the door and made his way towards home.

“Yeah right, like he’s going to be able to sleep with coffee in his system.” Kikwang laughed. He looked down at the floor and picked up a little bag and picked up a paper. “What is this? Aah, Yojinnie was at this table. Maybe it’s hers? I’ll give it to her later.”






Chapter 2!~

I hope AFF is nicer to us this weekend :D
I have chapter 3 in the process.

Comment, if you want me to post it sooner!~ ♥ ^-^





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UPDATE!! As much as I would LOVE to update, my hours at work have increased. Its getting hard to focus on my stories. MIANHAE! Ill post ASAP! I ♥ you!!!


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wafflewaffle #1
Chapter 47: finally finished chapter 45 ^^
i love how they finally realize that they love each other!!
ah, junhyungie kinda forgotten in last chapter? bcs in the beginning of story he's there but suddenly he's gone, no? just asking tho :D
Chapter 47: YAY! You're still alive!

I hope your writer's block passes soon! Fighting!
aimz_c #3
Chapter 45: yaaaaaaaaaaaaay new chapter thank you thank you thank you :)
Chapter 44: omg!! ricky~~ why you are so innocent???
thanks for the updating author-nim~ ^^
Chapter 43: *laugh* beast miss kiseob so much~~~ XP
thanks for updating author-nim, :D
Chapter 42: i can'y stop laughing at what kikwangie said about boat. *LOL*
Chapter 41: yoseobie is going to explode too!! somebody help him!! XD
Chapter 40: hahaha... Ricky and Seobie will be the cutest brother... ^^
claudiamacy #9
Chapter 40: nice one seobie :) update soon
Chapter 39: go away from ___ and Seobie Jieun!!
yay!! ricky is really hyper to hear ___'s sing again.. ^^