Chapter 12

Friendly Competition




The other four managed to separate Yoseob and Kikwang.

“Hyungs, we should get out of here before someone calls the police.” Dongwoon said. “Yoseob Hyung and Kikwangie Hyung look a bloody mess.”

"Let's go to Kikwangie's house." Doojoon said.

“MWOYA?!” Yoseob shouted.

He spit some blood onto the concrete.

"Kikwangie’s house is the closest!’ the leader explained. “His parents aren't home right now. Yoseobie, where are your parents?"

"I'm not going to HIS house. My parents shut down the restaurant and took the day off. They'd be can't go there."

"Yoseob Hyung's parents are home. He wouldn't want to worry Eomeonim, anyway," Dongwoon said.

"Where do we go? All of our Ummas would freak out. They consider us ALL to be their own sons." Junhyung said.

"Maybe a girl's house? Yoseobie and Kikwagie could use a few tampons." Hyunseung said, pointing to their bloody noses.

"They can borrow yours?" Junhyung teased.

"Yes...I'm sure Geurim has some."

Kikwang shook his head.

"That was a shot at you. You realize that, right?"

Yoseob got up.

"Can I just leave?" he asked.

"Yoseob-ah, what if you have a concussion?" Junhyung scolded.

"I'm sure I don't."

"You'd be okay, going home all covered in blood?"

"It's not all mine." Yoseob smirked.

Kikwang glared at him.

"Cut it out, you two! Kikwangie, your house is the closest. You have a first aid kit, right?"

"Yeah..." he grumbled.

"You two will just need to act your age for a while. Could you behave like civilized human beings...not beasts?"

"Is that a trick question?" Yoseob asked.

“Just come on…”

The rest if the members dragged them to Kikwang's house.

"Hyung?!~ Oh...what happened to you?!?!" a boy asked.

"Lee Haekyung, what are you doing home?" Kikwang shouted.

He never expected to see his brother there.

"Um...I live here. I'm allowed, aren't I?"


Haekyung turned to Yoseob.

"Yoseob Hyung, what happened? YAH!!! Hyung, what did you do to Yoseob Hyung?!?!"

"You, automatically, assume that I did it?"

"Duh...didn't you?" the younger brother snapped.

Yoseob nodded.

Kikwang glared at him.

"I didn't start it though."

"You did."

"Aish...not again." Doojoon face-palmed. "Haekyung-ah, do you have a first aid kit?"

Haekyung nodded and went to get it.

"Dongwoon Hyung, why did the Hyungs fight?"

"Over a girl."

"I didn't start it!" they shouted in unison.

"NO, you both did. We're ending it."

"No..." Yoseob said. "I'm ending it."

He stood up to leave.

Junhyung sighed and rubbed his temples.

"I'm NOT taking sides. This is can stay at my house." He said to Yoseob.

"NOT TAKING SIDES?!?!?!" Kikwang snapped.

"You're both, equally, retarded! BUT, you're home. Yoseob can't exactly go home looking like THAT. Doojoonie, you’ll handle things here?"

“Mhm, you take care of Yoseobie and I’ll handle Kikwang. Hyunseungie and Dongwoonie should head home for the night.”

Yoseob headed to Junhyung's house first.

Then, Hyunseung and Dongwoon and left Doojoon with Kikwang.

Meanwhile, at Yoseob’s house, Yojin was getting worried because he hadn’t come home.

She took out her phone to call him.


"OPPA, where are you?!?!" Yojin shouted.

She was in a worried panic.

"At Junhyungie's house...Wae?!"

"OPPA!!! Why didn't you call? I was so worried about you."

"Sorry." he apologized, "Yah, Yojinnie, are my parents there?"

"Yeah, they’re in the living room."

"Let them know where I am?"

"Why are you there?"

"Aish! Just let them know so they don't send out a search party."

"FINE! What happened though."

"I fought with Kikwangie."

"MWOYA?!?! Yah, Oppa!!! You fought?!?! Over what?!?!"

Yoseob was silent and that was all the answer she needed.


"BABO!!! These Oppas are HUGE BABOS!!!! Unnie isn't some trophy!!!"

"I KNOW THAT!!" he shouted.

"Don't act like such a Babo! I thought that Yoseob Oppa and Kikwangie Oppa were better than that!"

Yojin heard a beep.

It was her call waiting.

She let out a sigh.

"What? What was thy sigh for?"

"______ Unnie is calling me. I ship you two together, but if Oppa is going to behave this way...I could change my mind."


"Oppa, I'll call you back later." she said hanging up.

Junhyung pat Yoseob's back.

"Damn, Yojinnie is loud!"

"Especially when she's scolding me."

"Yoseobie, I could hear every word she said. She's right, you know..?"

"Ara..." Yoseob sighed.

"You and Kikwang are too shy to confess to ______, so you beat each other up instead? Kikwangie may be able to talk to her easier...but...he's still awkward too. He can be confident until it’s time to confess and then BOOM...confidence gone. If she was his girlfriend...he'd freeze up too."

"Yeah." Yoseob chuckled. "Maybe, if he tried to confess to her first, he'd choke. That would be daebak."

Junhyung face palmed and shook his head.

"Seriously? That makes you happy? Aigoo, does Yang Yo have a demonic side?"

"PSH! I have a busted lip, and I think my nose may be broken. I don't care." he scoffed.

"You two are being so immature. You know that, right?"

Yoseob shrugged.

"Aish...can we not talk about him?"

"Mhm. Please do. You could help me come up with song lyrics."

"Arasseo!~" Yoseob said cutely.

He cuddled up with a pillow.

Meanwhile, Yojin was on the phone with ______.

______ noticed Yojin's mood was down.

"Yojinnie, Gwaenchana? Are you sick? You don't look too happy. You were your, usual, hyper self before leaving the shoot today."

"Aish...I know! I'm not sick...just...annoyed. Cheer me up!" she whined.

"Hmm...I had dinner with the guys today."

Yojin made a face.

"Guys, what guys?"

"Yoseob-ssi and Kikwang-ssi...etcetera."

Yojin's slapped her forehead.

'Well, that explains a lot! THAT explains why the Oppas were feeling so macho today. They saw Unnie and decided to turn off their brains. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Poor Unnie, she likes two idiots.’

"Yojinnie, what's with that face?"

"I'm just worried." she said softly.

“Aww…about what?”

"Oppa isn't home." She pouted.

"WAE?! He was fine at dinner."

"He was?”

“Of course! He was cheerful, like always." ______ said. Yojin's mood worried her a bit. "WHAT HAPPENED?!?! Is he okay?"

"He's just...ANNOYING!"


"There was..."


Yojin giggled a little.

"Unnie, you're in love with Oppa, I know...but calm down."


"No, there wasn't an accident."

"Then what?"

"Yoseob Oppa is usually not the type...but...he got into a fist fight."

______'s eyes widened.


"That's why he's not coming home. I just got off the phone with him. He told me to tell my Aunty that he's staying at Junhyungie Oppa's house."

" did he get into a fight so fast? It was just hour ago, that I left."

Yojin shrugged.

"I don't know. Boys are different than girls. Boys are...more impulsive about those things."


"I didn't think he had it in him either. I hope he wasn't the loser in this one. I'd hate to see what he looks like."

"Yojinnie!!" ______ panicked.

"It's like Yoseob Oppa more than Kikwangie Oppa."

"PSH! It's instinct!!" ______ shouted. "I always worry!! If a friend is hurt…I WORRY! I can’t help the fact that my heart aches when people are hurt. That’s just how I am.”

“Tsk. Tsk.” Yojin clicked her tongue. She knew all too well what ______ was really thinking. ‘Unnie is in denial. Admit it, Unnie. My Yoseobie Oppa is the one you want.’

“AISH!!! Can we change the subject? I’m about to go insane.” ______ growled. She ruffled her hair up. “So, aside from giving me a heart attack, what are you doing tonight?"

Yojin smirked a bit, but angled her head down so that ______ wouldn’t see it.

"Oh nothing, I was going to bug Oppa but Oh...that wasn't really a change of subject, was it?"

Yojin covered to stifle a laugh.

______ whimpered and messed her hair up even more.

"GRRRR! YAH! Don't make me yell too loud! Changhyunnie is sleeping! He has school tomorrow."

“Arasseo, I’ll let you go. Good night, Unnie.”

“You evil, little person. Good night Yojinnie. I’m going to have nightmares because of you.” ______  whined. “How can I still sleep anyway? I’m too worried now.”

“Mianhae, Unnie. Oppa isn’t dead though, so it’ll be fine. Don’t think about it, arasseo.”

______ grumbled under her breath.

“Easy for you to say…after putting it into my head. Night.”

After hanging up, Yojin let out the breath she had been holding.

“I’m so evil.” She giggled. “BUT…I almost got Unnie to admit that her heart belongs to Yoseobie Oppa. Hmmmm….well…at least Unnie didn’t ask me who the other guy was. Aigoo, if she knew that the guy Yoseobie Oppa fought was Kikwangie Oppa…she’d worry even more. Aish…why did I tell her it was a fight? Aish! If I didn’t she’d assume the worst possible outcome. Yoseobie Oppa needs someone like Unnie, as his girlfriend. She’ll genuinely have feeling for him and they’d take care of each other. I’m praying for them to get together soon. ___Seob couple, FIGHTING!”

She threw her fist into the air before she headed off to bed.






Writer's Block, Writers Block, Go Away!~ Come again...NEVER! XD


YAY! I got a chapter up...


"Still Singing Just For You"

THE SEQUEL to "Always Singing Just For You~"

is up!
GO SUBSCRIBE and chapter 1 will be up soon!~ ♥♥♥

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UPDATE!! As much as I would LOVE to update, my hours at work have increased. Its getting hard to focus on my stories. MIANHAE! Ill post ASAP! I ♥ you!!!


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wafflewaffle #1
Chapter 47: finally finished chapter 45 ^^
i love how they finally realize that they love each other!!
ah, junhyungie kinda forgotten in last chapter? bcs in the beginning of story he's there but suddenly he's gone, no? just asking tho :D
Chapter 47: YAY! You're still alive!

I hope your writer's block passes soon! Fighting!
aimz_c #3
Chapter 45: yaaaaaaaaaaaaay new chapter thank you thank you thank you :)
Chapter 44: omg!! ricky~~ why you are so innocent???
thanks for the updating author-nim~ ^^
Chapter 43: *laugh* beast miss kiseob so much~~~ XP
thanks for updating author-nim, :D
Chapter 42: i can'y stop laughing at what kikwangie said about boat. *LOL*
Chapter 41: yoseobie is going to explode too!! somebody help him!! XD
Chapter 40: hahaha... Ricky and Seobie will be the cutest brother... ^^
claudiamacy #9
Chapter 40: nice one seobie :) update soon
Chapter 39: go away from ___ and Seobie Jieun!!
yay!! ricky is really hyper to hear ___'s sing again.. ^^