Chapter 10

Friendly Competition


 ↑↑↑↑  New poster, credits to Shaza_BigBang_ ♥♥  ↑↑↑↑





______ was walking around with Yojin in a mall.

They met to hang out before they had to go to their photo shoots.

"I really think you and Yoseob Oppa would make a cute couple." Yojin blurted.

It caught ______ by surprise.

"MWOYA?! Yah, Kim Yojin!"

"What?" she said innocently. "Oppa has never had a girlfriend before. Hell, Oppa has never even gotten his first kiss. He's so shy."

"You know all of this?"

"Of course, I know my Oppa."

"He's so cute though!~" ______ squealed. "He's sweet too."

"Unnie, do you like Oppa?" Yojin squealed.

"I'm not sure."

Yojin pouted.

"What do you mean, 'I'm not sure.'?!" She whined. “UNNIE!~~~”

______ shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know!~ I have been hanging out with all of the members of their little group."

"Oh…Kikwang Oppa? Mhm..." Yojin teased.  "All of the Oppas are shy, and awkward around girls.”

“All of them? It doesn’t really show.” ______ giggled.

“Yoseob Oppa is the most awkward and shy though.”

“Oh yeah, that one is obvious.”

“Unnie, are you attracted to my Oppa?"

______ couldn't hide her pink cheeks.

"I find a few guys attractive."

"Oh well...but Yoseob Oppa is one of them, right?"

"Um...Kikwang-ssi is attractive. He's handsome, hott, and cute."

"Unnie, are you trying to avoid answering my question?" Yojin teased.

She eyed the older girl, suspiciously.

"No way!~~~ Hey, I want coffee, shall we go get a cup of coffee? Doesn't THAT sound nice?”

Yojin shook her head.

“Changing the subject, hmm? Fine, I do need a coffee. I used up all my energy on waking Oppa up.”

“Did you have fun, with that?”


The girls laughed as they walked towards a coffee shop.

Just as they were about to go in, they saw Yoseob.

He was about to enter the same coffee shop.

"Oh look its Oppa. Speak of the"

He was soon followed by a girl.

They were smiling and laughing.

“Speak of the devil…Oppa!~” Yojin exclaimed.

She ran over to him.

"Oh Yojinnie."  Yoseob greeted.

"Oppa, Annyeong!~" she said cheerfully. ‘Who is she?’

"Yojinnie, I thought you had a photo shoot today?"

"I do, but ______ Unnie and I were going for coffee first."

"______?" He repeated. "She's here too? Where?..."

They looked around.

"Oh, she was just here."

"Annyeonghaseyo." the girl said.  She introduced herself. "I'm Lee Jieun."

"Oh...Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Kim Yojin. Yah, Oppa, you're not on a date, right?!"

Yoseob's eyes widened.

"ANIYA!!" he shouted, waving his hands defensively.

Jieun gave him a weird look.

"We're not?"

"No, Jieunnie is just a Hoobae."

Yojin sighed.

"Now I have to find Unnie!"

"We were just going to grab a coffee. My treat." Yoseob said.

"Omo, you're buying?! CALL!!~"

Yoseob glared at her.

"Yah, that doesn't mean you can buy the whole shop!"

______ came out of a restaurant.

"UNNIE, where did you go?!" Yojin whined. "You disappeared!"

______ tried to think of an excuse.

She couldn't say it was because of Yoseob.

" saw a meat restaurant over there. I'm craving barbecue meat but I don't want to smell like smoke before the photo shoot. I'll go after."

Yoseob smiled.

'She’s is too cute!' he thought. "______-ah, coffee?"

"Oppa is buying." Yojin pointed out.

"Ah, Jinjja? Yoseob-ssi... you don't need to."

"Ara, but...I-I want to."

She smiled and they went inside.

"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Lee Jieun, by the way."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Yoo ______."

They bowed and shook hands.

Yojin nudged Yoseob.


"I thought you liked Unnie!" she said through gritted teeth. "Why are you with Lee Jieun?! Isn't she the girl you used to like before Unnie?! Yah, don't you still like Unnie?"

"I do." he insisted. "I really do. I've just recently found my voice with her though. How am I supposed to ask her out? What if I do and she rejects me?! I like her too much."

"I noticed when I mentioned her you whipped your head around so fast, looking for her, I'm surprised you didn't get whiplash."

"YAH!" Yoseob snapped. "Do you want your coffee or not?"


"Then zip your lips and toss the key into North Korea, Arasseo?"

He got her order and Jieun's.

"Yah, what about ______ Unnie's order?"

Yoseob just smiled and ordered.

When he brought the orders back he handed ______ hers.

"Just the way you like it?"

She took a sip and gave him a thumbs up.

"Yoseob-ssi, DAEBAK!~"

"How did you know?" Jieun asked curiously.

Yoseob shrugged.

"I'm THAT good."

Yojin rolled her eyes.

"You probably saw Unnie order that a million times."

"There's that too." he chuckled. "We always hang out here."

"We MET here."

Yojin laughed.

Yoseob slid a package towards ______.

"Is this...OMO! It's a tiramisu cake pop!~"

She opened the bag and squealed.

"You like those."

"Oppa, your bias is showing." Yojin teased.

"Yah, what happened to throwing the key into North Korea?!"

"I got it back and opened the lock before I got caught."

______ giggled, while happily eating her cake pop.

'Damn, Yang Yoseob, quit making me fall for you even harder!!' she thought.

"Wae? Did you want one too?"


"Then SHHHHH!!!"

 "Yah, are you sure you two are cousins and not siblings? Haha."

"Rather be my sister in law than cousin in law?"  Yojin whispered.

"YAH!! Kim Yojin."

______ blushed.

"What did she say now?"

"NOTHING!~" The two girls shouted in unison.

______ turned even redder.


She glared at Yojin.

"It’s a good thing I love you, if I didn't...I'd hate you right now."

Jieun blinked at them.

"Are you two..." she lowered her voice to barely above a whisper. "...lesbians?"

"NO!!" the three all shouted.

"Oppa, how would you know?"

"Um...just because...” he stammered. “N-No reason.”

"So Jieun-ssi, you used to go to school with My Yoseob Oppa?" Yojin asked, changing the subject.

"Ne." Jieun nodded. "I'm pretty sure he was my secret admirer too."

______ looked at Yoseob and frowned.

'That's his type? Right. He said cute and pretty with long straight hair.' ______ thought. "I get it now."

Yoseob looked at her confused.

"Yoseob-ssi, you told me your ideal type."

'I meant you!!!' he shouted in his head.

Yojin closed her eyes and let out a sigh.

'Aigoo, these two. When will they admit their feelings for each other, to someone other than me?!?'

"Jinjja?!" Jieun giggled.

______'s phone rang.

"Yeah....Well, thanks for the coffee." she said. "It's an important call."

"Aww Wae?!" Yojin whined. "Doesn't that boy know that you're busy right now?! Aish, that Squishy boy."

"Squishy Boy?" Yoseob mouthed and made a face.

"My 'Squishy Boy' needs me. Who else does he have to call?"

______ shrugged.

"I guess I'm going with you." Yojin said.

"You're leaving already?" Yoseob pouted.

"I'll let you enjoy your date." ______ bowed to him and walked out.

"M-M-Mwoya?! S-She thought it was a...ANDWAE!!! Wait, Jieun and I just ran into each other outside. Aish...WAIT, who is...'SQUISHY'?!"

"The other man in her life."


Yojin shook her head.

‘Oppa is getting jealous. Aigoo, it’s hilarious. Has he forgotten about her brother? DUH, OPPA!!!!’

______ stepped outside to answer her phone.

"Changhyunnie! Did you eat?"

"Ne!~" he squealed. "I had a huge bowl of jjajangmyun! Mmm...MASISSTA!~"

"Good, we'll go for meat later, Arasseo? After Noona gets paid."

"I like meat. Meat! Meat! Meat!~~ It's just the two of us, right Noona?"

"Of course baby."

" Arasseo, Noona. Good luck with your photo shoot."

"Kamsahamnida, Changhyunnie."

"Noona, Saranghae!!~"

"Nado, Saranghae."

"You guys are too cute. I wish I had a brother."

"You have Yoseob as a cousin."

"Nah, you can have him! We could trade if you want!"

______ shook her head.

"I'm attracted to him."

"Aah, you admit it?! He keeps making me fall for him even more. Why does he have to be so thoughtful and sweet?! I hate it!~"

"Yoseob Oppa is like that."

______ sighed.

"Make him stop!!~ My heart is going to burst!"

Yojin giggled.

"We have an hour before our photo shoot. Do you want to go back in?"

Yojin turned to walk back but ______ stopped her.

"Andwae! Let's leave them alone." she said softly.

Yojin blinked in confusion.

"Unnie, don't you like my Oppa?"

______ sighed.

"Of course...but...we're just friends. Let's go to our photo shoot."

When she turn to walk off, Yojin face-palmed.

'I love Oppa and Unnie...BUT OH MY FREAKING GOD! Such babos!!!'

The two arrived at the shoot.

In the dressing room, Yojin looked over at ______.

"So, Unnie, I guess...the question is… ‘Eye smiles or dimples?’, right?"

"Hmph! I hate them both!!!" ______ pouted.

"I prefer you with my Yoseob Oppa. Kikwangie Oppa is nice too...BUT I want you with my Yoseobie Oppa, Arasseo, Unnie?"

"Yah, Kim Yojin. I just said I HATE them both."

"You’re just sad because you saw Oppa with that girl! Does Changhyunnie know?"

"He knows that I like someone. That's it."

"He doesn't know its two people?" Yojin asked curiously.

"He does." ______ replied, causing Yojin’s eyes to go wide.

"MWOYA?! CHEONGMAL?!?! You told him?"

"Ne." she giggled. "I had to...but now he's being  nosy about it."

"He's your brother! Of course he will be. Yoseobie Oppa forbade me from dating." Yojin laughed. "He's so annoying!"

" cute."

"NUH UH!!! I mean...I don't like anyone...but I want to be able to date."

"Yoseob-ssi is so cute."

"Eww...Oh yeah. Oppa gave me a stuffed toy! It's so's not for me."

"Mwo? Then who?"



"Ne! He said he got it for your little brother. He thinks that he's really a baby. When you said 'baby brother'...I think he assumed Changhyunnie is a toddler."

"Quit making him sound cuter! I'm already confused! Did he Changhyunnie something?"


______ squealed.

"So sweet and thoughtful!!!! Aish...what about that Lee Jieun?!"

"I don't think he likes her anymore."

"Well...he might."

Yojin shook her head.

"Unnie, I know my Oppa!"

"He looked so comfortable with her." ______ frowned. ‘I don’t know why I feel so jealous.’

"If he liked her, that much, he wouldn't be. You know what I mean."

"What?" ______ blinked in confusion. “What did you just say? Was that even Korean?”

"Oppa isn't so shy around her anymore. He's shy around you though."

"Doesn't mean that he likes me though."


Yojin smirked.

"It doesn't matter if he does, or not. The main thing is, I don't think he likes HER, the same." she said. 'He DOES though! You babos like each other!!'


"Unnie, you were jealous seeing him with her, right?"

"..." she sighed. "You never know. He could end up finding those feelings again. Whether it’s Kikwang-ssi, or him...I'm not in rush. I don't want to bring anyone into Changhyunnie's life that might not be around for a long time. Or my own, for that matter. Changhyunnie and I are a package deal."

"I think that Changhyunnie and Oppa would get along well, don't you?"

"Oh dear god! I'm sure they would. Then Changhyunnie would get attached. If we don't last...he'll suffer."

"I feel like you and My Oppa, could last forever. If you give up on him...I'll cry. I'm not even kidding! I want you to be with Oppa sooooooo badly!"

"I like hanging out with him..."

"How marry My Oppa, and that's that?..."

"Yah, Kim Yojin!!!"

"I'm sorry!! I want you together SO BAD!! "

"Is no one rooting for Ki____?"

"Psh...I love Kikwangie Oppa, but I'm rooting for ___Seob!!!"

"That's not fair! He's good with instructing the dance class that Changhyunnie goes to."

"Oh yeah?! Changhyunnie is in Kikwangie Oppa's class?!"

"Yeah...I found that out recently."

"Don't go there!"


Yojin face palmed.

"DUH! How many times do I have to say it?! ___SEOB equals yes. Ki_____"


"Not as good.”

“If he likes that Jieun girl…it’s definitely better, not ‘not as good’.”

“Will you admit that you have feelings for my Oppa?” Yojin begged.

“I haven’t yet?”

“You said you like both of them. You like Kikwang Oppa too.”

“So, I did say it?”

“Unnie…” Yojin said in a warning tone.

“Yojin…” ______ imitated her tone.

“Come on!~”

______ walked off to model the outfit, she was dressed in.

“Sorry Yojinnie. I’m busy!~”

When the photo shoot finished, Yojin gave up asking.

She brought out the Teddy Bear, from her huge bag.

______ had the bear right in front of her face.

“Omo. Ige mwoyo?”

Yojin smiled.

“It’s cute, right? You like him right?”

______ smiled, taking the bear from Yojin.

“Kim Yojin, you are so pushy about this, aren’t you?”

“Mhm…I’m determined to get you two together.” Yojin nodded. “Let’s see what Changhyunnie says. Will you tell him who it’s from?”

______ nodded.

“Of course, I’ll tell him. I just don’t know about introductions…yet.”

They hugged and ______ went home to Ricky.

______ arrived home with the toy that Yoseob gave.

'Aww...this thing is cute. Yoseob-ssi is so awry and thoughtful!' she thought.

Ricky came running to greet her.


"Aegi-ya, did you miss me THAT much?" she giggled.

"Duh! I always miss my Noona."

She smiled and ruffled his hair.

"Aegi-ya, did you eat?"

"Mhm!~ I ate with my friends...but I'd rather eat with you. I can eat again!~"

"Yah, you're going to explode if you eat anymore! You are like my baby garbage disposal."

"What? I only ate a little bit! You were supposed to have dinner, with me. Don't you remember?"

"Of course."

She forgot because she had been distracted by the image of Yoseob and Jieun.

The stuffed bear caught Ricky's eye.

"Oooh!~ Who gave you that? Which boyfriend? Was it one of the two? Omo, Noona, is there a third?" Ricky's questions kept flowing out.


"Answer me!" he whined.

He stomped his feet childishly.

"It of them."


______ made a face.

She scoffed.

"Psh...before you start to ridicule me..."


"It's not like it's for ME, anyway." she pouted,


______ frowned and held it out to him.

"It's yours."

Ricky’s eyes lit up.

"MINE?! It's mine?! CHEONGMAL?!" he squealed.

______ nodded.


"KYAAAAA!!!!~ It's cute!!! It's really for ME?!"

"Yah, don't rub it in. Your Noona got NOTHING! Nada! Zero!"

"Squeeeee!!! Noona, you're going to choose this Hyung, right?"

"Yoo Changhyun! You sound like Yojinnie."

"Yojinnie Noona knows him?" Ricky exclaimed excitedly.

"Sort of."


"He's her cousin."

"DAEBAK! Choose him!"

"Wae?!" she giggled. "You know nothing about the other guy."

"That's okay. I like this one! Yojinnie Noona is awesome, so…if he’s her cousin…he has to be DAEBAK too!”

She smiled.

"..But…the other guy is nice also."

"But...this one thought about me too." Ricky said with a smile. "He knows that he'll get me too."

"Aish…I don't even know if he likes me, in that way..." she whispered. "Either of them."

Ricky's smile grew.

"A lot of guys like my Noona." he said. "It's a fact."

She kissed his forehead and ruffled up his hair.

"Aigoo. Come on, let's go to get dinner." she giggled.

"I'm serious! That's why I need to help you find a boyfriend. I see them looking at you! I need to be your body guard. Also, none of the guys that tried to date you...gave me something before. This Hyung, is at the top of my list."

"They still haven't. He's not interested in dating me. He's just a really sweet guy."

Ricky stared at her blankly.

He was NOT convinced.

'Hmm...I definitely think that this Hyung wants to date Noona.'

“Aigoo…BBALI!!!!~” She said, going towards the door.

“WAIT! I’m bringing Sir Bearington!~” Ricky said, dragging the stuffed toy along.

"Sir Bearington?"

"Sir Fluffy-?" he suggested.

"Aigoo...whatever you want." she giggled.

'I could always name him after Noona's boyfriend." he teased, wiggling his brows. "Want to give me his name?

"Psh..NO!" she blushed like crazy.

"Noona is BLUSHING!!~"

"Shut up!~" she giggled. "Are you hungry or not?"

"YES!~ Sir Bearington Mc Fluffy- is still coming along though."

‘Aigoo…Yoseob-ssi, you’re freaking killing me…" _____ thought. "Arasseo, Kaja!"






Uh oh! ______ saw them?!

At least Yoseobie got Ricky's vote, right? ♥♥♥

OOoh...Oooh...BTW....What do you think of my new Poster?



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UPDATE!! As much as I would LOVE to update, my hours at work have increased. Its getting hard to focus on my stories. MIANHAE! Ill post ASAP! I ♥ you!!!


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wafflewaffle #1
Chapter 47: finally finished chapter 45 ^^
i love how they finally realize that they love each other!!
ah, junhyungie kinda forgotten in last chapter? bcs in the beginning of story he's there but suddenly he's gone, no? just asking tho :D
Chapter 47: YAY! You're still alive!

I hope your writer's block passes soon! Fighting!
aimz_c #3
Chapter 45: yaaaaaaaaaaaaay new chapter thank you thank you thank you :)
Chapter 44: omg!! ricky~~ why you are so innocent???
thanks for the updating author-nim~ ^^
Chapter 43: *laugh* beast miss kiseob so much~~~ XP
thanks for updating author-nim, :D
Chapter 42: i can'y stop laughing at what kikwangie said about boat. *LOL*
Chapter 41: yoseobie is going to explode too!! somebody help him!! XD
Chapter 40: hahaha... Ricky and Seobie will be the cutest brother... ^^
claudiamacy #9
Chapter 40: nice one seobie :) update soon
Chapter 39: go away from ___ and Seobie Jieun!!
yay!! ricky is really hyper to hear ___'s sing again.. ^^