Guilts and Jealousy

Bread of Love

Hana's Pov-

I woke up to the sound of clashing and banging. "Omg are they taking my house?" I immediatly wondered. The sound sounded further away, I looked out the window and there was construction workers across the street building something. Actually, more like remodeling really loudly. A new sign was posted up, "Hwang's  Baguettes" Ohh boy, looks like there's gonna be competition. I got up and did the usual routine then went to school. 

Mir's Pov-

I entered school normally. Greeted by the usual fangirls, AND tripping on the usual step up the stairs. The fangirls giggled and pointed. OH how much I felt liek strangling them but I kept my cool. I brushed off the dirt and continued walking. 

Jonghyun's Pov-

I walked onto campus and was then pulled by a girl. "Ow, let go please?" I asked. She ignored me and pushed me to the space between two building. "Wait, are you Hana's cousin?" I asked. "Don't you call her my cousin." she hissed. I stared at her and shook off her grasp but she held on. She pointed a threatening finger at me, "Do you care for Hana?" she asked. I ignored her. "It's best to keep away from her. It's for her own good." she said and walked out. I followed because that was the only way out but she suddenly turned her big face around and... Our lips met. I pushed away in shock, and a little to hard I guess because she was fell. No matter how cruel and evil she was, I'd still a that soft spot in my heart for girls. I lended her my hand and pulled her up. "Oh Thank you Jjongggg" she cooed. I walked away like nothing happened then I saw her. 

Hana's Pov-

Was.. that... Jonghyun... with...- nahhh. I turned around and walked away. "Mimi~~~~" I called. She turned away from Thunder to look at me, "Do you have food?" I asked mehrong-ing. "Yah fatty" she replied and a few minutes later the bell rang. I tried to not think about Hye Su and Jonghyun but it just kept creeping up into my head. AGH WHAT THE HELL!!??!!?! T_T I just can't stop thinking about it. Since I couldn't take it anymore I asked the teacher for permission to go to the restroom. I wanted to splash my face with water and clear my mind up but..... once I got there I saw that Hye Su...

Hye Su's POV

Oh my god! Damn did I just kiss Jonghyun?!?! KYAA~ His lips are so soft and smooth <3! Wah I knew it! This 'peach-lover' lip gloss was definitely good luck. I should put on more for good luck! Just when I was applying my 3rd layer the door opened and damn did it smell like . I wondered what it was and it turned out that whorebag came into the restroom. Looking at her hideous clothes I said "Oh damn what the hell did you put on ugh Why did Jonghyun even tolerate to get near you? You smell like sh*t!" She rolled her eyes and was about to go out but I grabbed her wrist  and pulled her back in. Pft since she's here I should have some fun shouldn't I? "Tsk tsk..... I feel so bad for you" I said with a sympathetically. "What do you mean?" She said back. "Where was your boyfriend this morning? Hm?" I teased.

Hana's POV

 Jonghyun? My eyes widened when I thought about he and Jonghyun. "Theres no way he would get with you" I spat back. "Oh? What ever are you talking about? I was just asking where your boyfriend was this morning." She said teasingly. "Having doubts already?" She asked. I rolled my eyes and went to the sink to finish my business. "You know I really wonder how my lips tasted" she blabbed on but I didn't pay attention to it. She's only trying to break me and him up afterall. Must be desperate since he didn't fall for her ty ways. *rolls eyes* "Look I would really love to chat with you but I don't wanna waste my time on a so bye!" I said and left. Ugh calm down hana.....

Hye Su's POV

I stood there in shock after she left. HOW DARE THAT SAY THAT TO ME!? I threw my bag at the wall in frustration and cursed under my breath. Why did Jonghyun choose her over ME! I got the body, looks,money, face, hair, oh did I mention looks? Ugh what does Hana have that I don't?! I wear better clothes than her, perfume, shoes, bag, EVERYTHING IS BETTER THAN HANA SO WHY!?!?! Hana you better enjoy your time with jonghyun while you have him. Besides.... I have Minho might as well enjoy him while I have him *grins evily*.

Jonghyun's POV

OH MY GOD I JUST CAN'T STOP FEELING SO GUILTY! OH MY GOD! Ugh... that stupid hye su.... What will happen if Hana saw? "Ahem.... Jonghyun please read page 478 2nd paragraph" The teacher yelled. "O-Oh.... umm.. 1987 the war of......" I read. For the rest of the class I thought about what I was gonan do. I ended up with only one solution. If I wanted no misunderstandings between us I needed to talk to her! YEA! But then again....what if Hana doesn't wanna be with me....but then again....AGH SCREW IT I'M TALKING TO HER! At lunch we went to our usual spot at the cafeteria and talked with the rest of the group. After we finished eating I signalled her with the we-need-to-talk face and she nodded. "So....what did you want to talk about?" she asked when we reached the garden. "I-uh.." just when I was about to talk Minho and Hye Su came. "Oh hey hyung! :D" Minho said. "oh uh hey" I said back. "What is SHE doing here?" Hana said in an annoyed tone. "Oh I finally asked her out :D so now we are a happy couple right babe?" Minho said. Just when he said that my jaw dropped. He.....HE DID WHAT!?!? I looked over at Hana and she also had the same reaction. "B-but just a few hours ago you said-" Hana started but was then interrupted. "Oh I was just kidding about that besides the only one I love is Minho oppa <3" She said disgustingly. "Uh yea.... anyways Minho can I see you for a sec?" I asked him. He nodded and followed.

"DUDE WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?!" I asked. "Umm Hyung what do you mean? " he said. "I MEAN YOU AND THAT-THAT -THAT THING!" I whispered yelled. "HYUNG! Thats mean! So rude! I really love her! I could literally feel the energy between me and Hye Su! Like I could feel was warm and pumping Like I could ffeel it, it was warm...and warmm and liek I could like feeel it! (NIGAHIGA FTW!) -" He said but I interupted him with "Yea yea shut up I get it -.-" 

Hana's POV

"Why are you with him?" I spat at her. " somebody jealous?" Hye Su spat back. I rolled my eyes and we stayed in silence for the next few minutes. " Seriously what are you trying to pull off this time" i asked her. " I seriously like Minho what the hell is wrong with that? Or do you keep asking me because you just want minho well guess what Minho is mine!" She said. I rolled my eyes and scoffed "Why would I want Minho? huh? Isn't it you who wants Jonghyun? In the bathroom you seemed pretty desperate to me" I spat back. "HOW DAR- OH~ Oppa <3" Oh dear lord how disgusting. I just wanted to puke right then and there when I heard her voice. "Um....Hana?" Jonghyun asked. "Yea?" I asked him. "Nvm lets go back to the others" He said. I nodded and followed. Damn you Hye Su


Happy New Years!!!~ Bright red for good luck ^^ 

Like my background? xD even though christmas past D;

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JaeYong_TY #1
Chapter 6: Ok well first of all i javnt finihed reading this but i deffenaitlu will latr on

oh and please make it jonghyun and hana

Ohh and mir and mimi

theyre mu two fav on the world
but i will always and i mean ALWAYS be a BLINGER
Chapter 41: I noticed you haven't wrote on this one for quite some time... Did you drop it? :|
I was liking it**
Momo431 #3
Chapter 38: You finally updated, yay!

Oh gosh, for the "dun dun dundun" at first I thought you meant Beethoven's 5th symphony. Haha, my bad :P
Aww.. I miss this fic... please update soon ;)
dorkfics #5
Chapter 31: hehe, your comment made my day ^-^
Momo431 #6
Chapter 31: Haha, Thunder germs? :D Totally made my day!
Chapter 27: Uhm.. Taemin, you're mine. Never forget that. xD
Chapter 26: Give her your shirt Jjong!!
Momo431 #9
Chapter 1: Whoa, I'm only on the first chapter and I already LOVE it!!! <3
The font and the colors sometimes bother my eyes, but other than that, this read is going to be epic :)
Jonghyun definitely likes Hana LOL Just a prediction x)