Mom's back

Bread of Love

Hana's Pov-

Home sweet home. This day was the best with the guys. "UNNIEEE! You're home!" Heeyoung shouted. "YUP! Unnie went to the mall. Want to see what I bought for you guys?" I said. "YESS!" the both of them said and tackled me down. "Alright alright. promise to behave arraso?" I asked. I pulled out the two pororo dolls. They took it and hugged it tightly. "Thank youuu!!" they said. I made jajamyun for dinner. Their second favorite food. My dad came home and ate with us. "Mom's coming home in 3 days right?" I asked my dad. "Yes sirr." he said. Finally in 3 days we can be a whole family again <33 I went to my room after dinner and Jonghyun and Joon were texting me. So I texted back. The telephone rang at the same time and said there will be school tomorrow because they heater had been replaced temporily. 

Joon: Hey. How you doing?

Hana: I'm great. Thanks and thank for driving us today.


Jonghyun: Hana? Are you busy right now?

Hana: Nope. I just finished dinner, did you need something?


Joon: You're welcome. 

Hana: Can I ask you something?


Jonghyun: Umm. Nevermind. I'll tell you tomorrow.

Hana: Okay ^-^ Thanks again for the bracelet and stuff :D They were adorable.

Jonghyun: Glad you liked it (: See you at school tomorrow! I have to eat dinner now.

Hana: Kk Bye~~

End of text convo with Jonghyun.

Joon: Of course.

Hana: Why did you and Mir seem mad when I came back after running away with Jonghyun from his fangirls?

Joon: Don't worry about it. It's just that the store didn't have my size of a jacket I liked.

Hana: Oh I see. Well see you in school tomorrow! I have some things to do.

Joon: Bye.

End of text convo. with Joon. 

What a nice lie Lee Joon. Like I'd belive that.. Whatever. 

{6:00 am} 

*RINGGGGGG* went the annoying alarm clock. I brushed my teeth half asleep and dressed into a button down collared sleeveless shirt and jeans  Not forgeting to put on the charm bracelet Jonghyun bought for me. I put on my book bag and ate some cerealil_fullxfull.236539466.jpgafter. I went to the bus stop to wait for the bus and IT WAS TAKING FOREVERRR. My bus finally came and I entered school. *Sigh* "Just another day of regular school" I thought. Mimi was showing me what Taemin had bought for her. 4521959375_d108e4fefd.jpg (451×324) charm-bracelet-1.jpg (590×393) 7317796628_dbc6fe0a26_z.jpg (640×480)"OMG!!" I squealed softly. "He must really like you!!" I said. "Hahaa I doubt that. Probably just for me to remember him" she denied. The bell for homeroom rang. I went in and chatted with Chohee. I wonder why Joon and Thunder aren't here.. Maybe a schedule? Maybe late? They are busy guys.. I assured myself. After 10 minutes the bell rang and I walked to first period.

History class is now my enemy... the teacher, in my opinion, was evil! He only assigned a page for homework which I finished in class and during class he kept blabbering about his cat named daughter. He even said that his cat has more common sense than us. I was poking Mir every now and then to not die of boredom. 

When the bell rang, I rushed to math because if I stayed in history class for another minute I would collapse. I enjoyed my math period. I took notes carefully and listened. I caught Mimi passing notes to Taemin, something she almost never does in class... Key was taking notes also, Onew was drawing chicken on his paper, Minho looked like he was asleep and Jonghyun was next to me playing with pencils.

P.E came and we had a great time. We had could play whatever we want today starting tomorrow we would have to dress in P.E. clothes and listen to teachers. We chose teams for basketball and it was halarious. The teams were: Me, Mimi, Cho Hee(she decided to try it) Jonghyun, Thunder and Key Vs. G.O, Mir, Seungho, Onew, Taemin and Minho. The other team got cocky when they had the lead so we started playing rough and won Key's victory dance was halarious.

          I was staring out of the distracted by the thoughts of yesterday's converstation. I sighed and put my head down. We were still in 4th period listening to the ever-oh-so-boring lecture. It was so easy but it the whole class had trouble with it except for me and the blond haired kid. Somehow I found out that his name was 'Kyle'. Surprisingly Mimi had troubles with the lesson so I wrote notes down to simplify the lesson for her. The teacher probably explained the whole lesson in a complicated way. I wasnt paying attention to the teacher but looking at the board time to time helped me with what we were learning. I passed my notes to Mimi and she whispered a thank you. I nodded and went back to staring at the window somehow time went faster this way, before I knew it, lunch came.

"HEY!" Jonghyun greeted me at the lunch tables. "Wassup :D" I replyed. I went to Mimi and saw her holding hands with Taemin while the rest of Shinee were chatting. "Woah what the heck." I say while looking at their hands. "Kekeke " Mimi lets go of his hand and pulls me away from the guys. She knew I wanted to know what happen so I didn't have to say anything else while she started telling me what happen. "Taemin. confessed. to. me!!!!" she squealed. "OMGGGG congrats on your first boyfriend! When did you like him though." I said. "I liked him from when we went to the mall. We were talking about stuff and got attached to him. " she answered and blushed. "I see. Well, I hope he'll take good care of you ^^" I said happily. "Hehe we won't be seperated everrr (:" she replyed with confident. "'Kay then, I'll always be there for you if you need it." I assured. "Thanks, you're the best !" she replyed and we walked back. They held hands again and walked away. My daughter is growing up well :'D Suddenly Mir popped up from behind and hugged me. "AHH" I screamed. He let go and started tickling me on my neck and waist. "Ahg." I squirmed at each poke.  Once he paused I pushed him jokingly. Luckily he was ticklish too and I got my revenge. "Okay stop!!!" he pleaded. I poked and tickled a few more times then stopped. He was kneeling on the floor panting when I stopped. "Babo, you're not suppose to mess with me!" I joked. "Ok, I'm, sorry." he said between breaths. I got my lunch and join the group, laughing our heads off and making fun the the lovers.

We didn't do much in fifth and sixth period because we were just getting introduced to the instruments and stuff. 

  I shopped for groceries and went home. As usual the twins were home already."HONEY I GOTTA GO PICK UP YOUR MOM RIGHT NOW" "KAY DAD!" I ran to the kitchen and prepared the dishes. It was still cooking and boiling so I told the twins to go wash up. They did as they were told and went up. I went to check up on the pot and luckily they finished cooking. I arranged the table nicely and finished the rest of the cleaning. After everything was done I went upstairs to change and wash up. I helped the twins get ready and went off to finish my homework.*DING DONG* OH MOM! I went to open the door and tightly hugged her. The twins clinged onto her legs. She placed her suit case on the wooden floor and everything else. "So how was business? Good? Bad? I can work overtime if I can and- hey weren't you coming back on friday?" I asked. "Business was good honey everything is taken care up and I don't have to go away again for a while oh and I'd thought I'd make a surprise arrival because I miss you angels" She said and ruffled my hair. "Thats a relief." I said. I helped her with her luggage and went into my room to read.

     After we finished eating and everything I helped clean up while mom went to go take a shower and rest. Dad insisted he clean half but I told him to go massage mom. He sighed and did as what he was told. I finished homework at around 9:30-ish and went to sleep.


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JaeYong_TY #1
Chapter 6: Ok well first of all i javnt finihed reading this but i deffenaitlu will latr on

oh and please make it jonghyun and hana

Ohh and mir and mimi

theyre mu two fav on the world
but i will always and i mean ALWAYS be a BLINGER
Chapter 41: I noticed you haven't wrote on this one for quite some time... Did you drop it? :|
I was liking it**
Momo431 #3
Chapter 38: You finally updated, yay!

Oh gosh, for the "dun dun dundun" at first I thought you meant Beethoven's 5th symphony. Haha, my bad :P
Aww.. I miss this fic... please update soon ;)
dorkfics #5
Chapter 31: hehe, your comment made my day ^-^
Momo431 #6
Chapter 31: Haha, Thunder germs? :D Totally made my day!
Chapter 27: Uhm.. Taemin, you're mine. Never forget that. xD
Chapter 26: Give her your shirt Jjong!!
Momo431 #9
Chapter 1: Whoa, I'm only on the first chapter and I already LOVE it!!! <3
The font and the colors sometimes bother my eyes, but other than that, this read is going to be epic :)
Jonghyun definitely likes Hana LOL Just a prediction x)