What a week

Bread of Love

Hana's POV

     I woke up feeling a bit sore. Urgh my shoulder....and my back -_-". Aiyah probably from the clean up from last night's feast. I had to admit I was feeling a bit grumpy and a bit weak. As I was getting ready the twins came and clang onto my legs. I didn't know why but it pissed me off really badly and in the end I started yelling at them. Oops.....bad move -_- they ended up tearing up but in the end I made them laugh and whatnot. At school just made my mood even worse. My cramps were getting worse every minute until I couldn't take it anymore during P.E. Mimi and Cho Hee noticed that I was pretty cranky so they quietly came with me to the nurse's office. I was so cranky during my classes that I even ignored the guys -_- and didn't even notice Joon came back while Mir was staring at me. Then by lunch time  as I went to the restroom I found out why I was so cranky. I was on my period. -_-" No wonder I've ben having cramps and mood swings. I went to the nurse's office afterwards and she gave me a pad. For the rest of the day my mood lifted but I was still a bit cranky. Luckily the others knew not to bother me or annoy me so they just let me have my own space. 

Joon's POV

 I turned my head and found out that Mir jumped me. "GET OFF ME YOU FATSO" I yelled at him while shaking him off. He laughed and said " Hahaha you're just too weak :P" After he said that I smacked his head playfully and he continuously whined all the way to class. Since Mir jumped me I was too distracted to think about how I was suppose to confess to Hana. Once we reached the door I remembered and I silently sighed. I breathed in and out and then took heavy steps into the class. I looked around for Hana but she wasn't there. Huh? Usually she comes early. After a few minutes she came to class with a pretty cranky mood. O_O is she on her period? She walked towards her seat without saying "Hi" to any of us. Not even Mimi or Cho hee. It continued all the way till P.E until she asked the teacher to go to the infirmary. Cho Hee and Mimi followed silently knowing that she was in a bad mood. At lunch time she came to our table 5 minutes late. She seemed to be happier but none of us bothered her. Maybe I should go to her house afterwards ^_^!

Mir's POV

  O_O is Hana ok? DID SOMEONE BULLY HER?? OR DID THAT BASTARD JONGHYUN MAKE HER MAD? I wonder why she's so mad. Well atleast she looks happier at lunch time but she still was a bit cranky so lunch time was quiet. Everyone exchanged quiet gazes to each other. The two lovebirds Mimi and Taemin exchanged worried looks and didn't even hug/kiss once today -_-". They are definately too touchy! It hurts to see Hana like this. I was really getting worried. For the rest of the day it was the same and quiet but oh well she might get better tomorrow...right? WAIT I SHOULD GO TO HER HOUSE! Psh Genius! Wait wouldn't she be pissed? Ehhh who cares I'll make her laugh afterward.

Hana's POV

   I felt alot better when I got home. But weirdly no one was there. I went to my room to change and I didn't notice the note on my table until I was about to do my homework. I picked up the note and it said " Honey please pick up the twins. Your mother and I are going to go to the contracter's place to get the paperwork done ^_^! We will be home late so don't wait for us!" Wait......PICK UP THE TWINS?!??!! SHOOT IMA BE LATE THEY GET OUT AT 3:15!!!! I had 5 minutes left and the kindergarten was 3-4 blocks away. I had to sprint this I quickly grabbed my bag filled with my keys, wallet, and other nesscesities and sprinted out of my room, out of the door and was about to continue sprinting until I heard a honk. Is that Jonghyun?? What's he doing here? "Haha where're you going need a lift?" He asked. Well I did need a lift and I had to get to the kindergarten fast so I nodded and jumped right in. I was telling him the directions and unconsciously I was shouting them out. "Woah we're in the car no need to shout" He joked. I was a bit embarrassed but we reached the kindergarten in 3 minutes. Coincidentally the bell rang at the same time we got there. I waited for them at the front gate and told them to mind there manners in the car but like usual it didn't work. In the end Jonghyun became Jonghyun Ahjusshi or Old man. Jonghyun looked pretty pink at the comments but he looked pretty cute? Eh whatevs. We stopped by the bakery and grabbed some of the "Special" bread and took off. We thanked him for the ride and he went. The twins kept talking about their day as I cooked, I honestly didn't mind one bit but I would get distracted and almost burn myself.

The rest of the week was just typical.

  It was a saturday morning and I went to go meet up with Mblaq, Shinee, Cho hee, amd Mimi. Somehow they arranged a hangout in a matter of hours -_- but who cares :P. We agreed to meet up at the train station. Everybody came at 9 and headed off. They decided that we would go to Lotte world. I couldn't afford it but Shinee said that they got tickets from their boss. They originally had 5 only but they asked for more and luckily the boss was nice enough to do that since SNSD couldn't go. I honestly feel so bad doing this but oh well. We reached Lotte World an hour later and got in. We decided that we were gonna spend time at the ice rink at night and play during the day. We all agreed. The first part of the park we went to was the indoors amusement park. We went on several rides including the merry go round and the other kid rides. Joon and Mir kept fighting over who go to sit with me but in the end Mir won a few times and Joon won the rest. Outside was so crowded. Luckily we had the front of the line pass too so we didn't have to wait as long. Unfortunately Taemin's hat came off and his sunglasses by accident and the fan girls noticed him. WE LITERALLY RAN OUR BUTTS OFF!

Mimi's POV

     AIYAH LOOK AT THE ATTENTION TAEMIN ATTRACTED. In the end we were separated. We found out 30 minutes later that we were split up into 3 groups. Hana, Jonghyun, Onew and Key were together. Me, G.O., Minho and Taemin were together, Chohee and the rest of Mblaq were together.  We all agreed to meet up at the food court at 12 so we could all play for now. Aiyah........Hope Hana and Cho hee are alright.

Narrator's POV

    They all played for a while and went to meet up. They all decided to order stuff to eat. After eating for 30 minutes that started playing AGAIN!

Jonghyun's POV

      Ahhhhhh.......so full. We were walking around wondering what rides or attraction we were going to do next. Then Hana yelled out "LETS GO TO THIS ONE!" I turned to my left and saw a haunted house. SH*T! I don't like haunted houses but since I didn't want Mir or Joon to go with her I dragged her there. Once we reached the entrance I was starting to shake but I gulped it in. "Are you ok?" Hana asked. "We could go last if you want" I nodded my head lightly and she pulled me back. The first few couples went first. I was scared out of my mind. I started clenching my fist but then I felt something warm over my hand that tightened. I looked down and saw Hana's hand over mind. But as I looked up I could've sworn I saw Mir glare at me. Uhh whatever? Well it felt comfortable having Hana by my side. But it all when we entered the haunted house. I kept screaming and stuff and I even hugged her by accident >_<. Hana calmed me down luckily and as we stepped out everybody was laughing at us except for Mir and Joon. 

We rode on almost all the rides? I couldn't tell because if they variety of rides they had. From merry go rounds to the crazy scream- your- heads- off rides. When the sun began to set, we thought it was time to go.

~Next day~

-YAWNNNNN- ughh the library's not open.. wasthe first thing that came in my mind. Dammit. Anywayssss I was planning to stay home the whole day today so I wouldn't meet people I didn't like. But, my plan immediatly failed when Mir texted me to go an ice cream parlor... o__o

From Mir

HANAAA! ICE CREAM! YOU, ME, NOW ^^ my treat. Meet me at the parlor next to the bakery. 

Of course I said yes due to my big love for ice cream <333 It was only like 8 in the morning but I could it anytime, so I dressed into tumblr_lqal17QFbF1r1bjq0o1_500_thumb.png

He told me to go to the parlor on Main Street so I did. It was only a block away from the house. When I got there I found no one except for Hye Su wtf does she want and why is she here? "What the fudgee?" I asked. " 'Sup Hana." she said with an evil grin. The guy at her side was a tough looking guy. The road was empty and it suddenly felt scary as they were walking towards me. Good thing I knew some skills so I stayed put. 

Hye Su's Pov-

" 'Sup Hana." I said cooly and grinned. It was time for Miss.Loser to loseeeeeee. I told my soon to be ex boyfriend (once I get Mir or Jonghyun) to help me torture her. Surprisingly she didn't back down and run for her life, because I had my camera ready to showed everyone. "Oh, you're not backing down? That's nice because it would for me to go through a bunch of trouble and 'borrow' Mir's phone for no reason." I said. "Borrow? Or steal. Anyways I'll be staying here. So did you need something?" she replied annoyingly which got on my nerves. "Yea, we're here to ruin up your ugly face even more." I said and approached her until we were face to face. "Hysuiee let me handle that thing for you, I don't want you to ruin your nails for our wedding my love." InHo said. He took my place and pushed her from the shoulders. She stumbled a bit but remained calm on the outside. "Low lives. What's the benefit of ruining my face?" she mumbled. "In case you didn't know, I like Jonghyun and Mir and one of them is going to be my future boyfriend." I said without thinking. OH SHT BAD MOVE! InHo literally GLARED AT ME LIKE THERE WAS NO TOMORROW. He immediatly pushed me to the ground and kicked me until I rolled over. Man where are  witnesses when you need them. Hana was trying to hold in a smirk as I got up. Oh that girl, she's dead. "No, no stop Inho love, that was just an act." I said but he kept slapping me. Hana was walking away when I held her wrist.

Hana's Pov-

"Help." she yelped. Psh as if. "Why?" I said and pulled my wrist out of her grip. "I'm going, to, die." she whispered weakly. "I don't care" was what I wanted to say, but my mouth didn't agree with my brain, instead my leg kicked that dude in the...place. He fell to the floor next to where Hye su was kneeling. "You're on your own." I told her. I had no idea why I just kicked him, I should have just left her there to solve her own problems. I walked back home since it was still early and the bakery is remodeling today. 

Jonghyun's Pov-

WOAHH just woah. I was walking past while I saw that Hye Su girl with a guy trying to do something to Hana. I was going to run to her but Hana handled it well. She was calm and confident. I stayed from a distance to watch because it didn't seem like she needed help plus it would ruin her image.

Hana's Pov- 

I was walking back but Jonghyun came and said he saw everything. "Aish you stalker!" I said. He chuckled. "Hey since we have no homework how about we go to the beach!" he exclaimed. "Okay!! I'll go get ready.Who else is going?" I asked. "Ummm i don't know, invite someone and i'll pick you up at your house?" he said. "Okay it's one block down from here, I'll wait for you at the corner down the block." I said and walked home quickly and he went to his car. 

Before looking for what to wear, I called Mimi if she wanted to go and she yes if she can bring Taemin. I was thinking Cho Hee but I guess it's alright she might be busy anyways. I dressed intoimages?q=tbn:ANd9GcTy07aCMJbLENFiBAApBgn with Screen-shot-2009-09-16-at-3.40.02-AM.pngbecause the tank was see through and images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRvojnAQx-uiMeKTSds6LHover my swimsuit. I put some sunblock on and some other stuff in my bag  along with a sundress4_Sundresses_650x650.jpgjust in case. I wore the bracelets Jonghyun bought for me and headed out the door with my sandals ruffle-sandals_100608.jpg I walked to the corner of the block to wait for him. One minute later he arrived with Mimi and Taemin in the car already. Taemin must have told him. Mimi was wearing images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQFnlGzzZj_NH4Q5ej03ET over her swimsuit and the guys were just wearing same colored Tshirts and shorts. 

Jonghyun's Pov-

I was totally spazzing when I saw Hana. She was soo cute! I think I drooled a little too. Ahem, anyways. I drove in silence until I broke it. "So what are we gonna to at the beach?" I asked. I was already at the parking lot so we all got off the car. Mimi and Taemin walked hand in hand while I walked next to Hana. No one really talked until we made it to the beach. "I wanna go swim~" Hana said cutely. "Me too! Lets go." Mimi said. They both took off the clothes on top and went into the water. Omgggg so seksii ~ kekeke. How do they keep their bodies in shape seriously, I work out almost everyday to get this kind of muscles. Anyways, I watched her swim and she was such a good swimmer. I decided to join her so I took off my T shirt to show off my buldging mucles and swam to her. "BOOOOOOOO" I screamed from behind. She jumped a little and started splashing water at me. "BABO! YOU SCARED THE HELL OUT OF ME!" she exclaimed. I grinned widely. She's so cute. "Hana~ I'm hungry, can I go get some food on the pier?" Mimi asked. "Yea go ahead." she answered. Great :D Now I can spend time alone with Hana. I found out about her favorite foods, color, ideal guys. (Yes I pretty much forced her to tell me). Around 1:30 we went to get pizza and the mini pizza parlor on the pier. No one felt like riding on the rides because of yesterday. I guess you could say we were going to have "ridephobia" for the next few weeks. We walked around and went into the arcade. The endless amount of games kept us busy for hours, until we thought we played all the good ones we went outside to watch the sunset. It was a beautiful sight and impossible to describe. I drove the girls home and went back to the dorm. There goes one day.



I changed into my home set of clothes.  4480242.1.png shortsAmericanEagleAEDestroyedCutoffDeniand put their stuff into the washing machine. Mom had cooked some dishes to save me the trouble and after eating I ended my day with a book.


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JaeYong_TY #1
Chapter 6: Ok well first of all i javnt finihed reading this but i deffenaitlu will latr on

oh and please make it jonghyun and hana

Ohh and mir and mimi

theyre mu two fav on the world
but i will always and i mean ALWAYS be a BLINGER
Chapter 41: I noticed you haven't wrote on this one for quite some time... Did you drop it? :|
I was liking it**
Momo431 #3
Chapter 38: You finally updated, yay!

Oh gosh, for the "dun dun dundun" at first I thought you meant Beethoven's 5th symphony. Haha, my bad :P
Aww.. I miss this fic... please update soon ;)
dorkfics #5
Chapter 31: hehe, your comment made my day ^-^
Momo431 #6
Chapter 31: Haha, Thunder germs? :D Totally made my day!
Chapter 27: Uhm.. Taemin, you're mine. Never forget that. xD
Chapter 26: Give her your shirt Jjong!!
Momo431 #9
Chapter 1: Whoa, I'm only on the first chapter and I already LOVE it!!! <3
The font and the colors sometimes bother my eyes, but other than that, this read is going to be epic :)
Jonghyun definitely likes Hana LOL Just a prediction x)