
Bread of Love

Hana's Pov-

He seemed to be struggling what to do next. He looked cute when he's pissed. Aiyah, just cute, like a dino, not like I like him. 

I really didn't like the state I'm in. Those jackasses almost took off my top! Good think I had the straps tangled, but he didn't manage to yank some parts off. D: My hair is really tangled and I bet I look like a monster right now. We're both barefooted... I was getting hungry. I sat down on the floor and tried to mend the straps on my neck. "Here," he said and took off the knots. I tied them back on quickly. I leaned back on the wall and groaned, "Ughhhhhh," to break the silence. I took off the rubberband on my hair and combed it with my fingers. "Are you cold?" he asked. "A little." I answered. "Okay," he said. He took off his T- shirt quickly and pulled it over me before I could protest. 

Jonghyun's Pov-

This was the only solution left so I took off my shirt and put it on her. "Lets go." I said and carried her bridal style. "I can walk!!!~" she whined and kicked the air. "Nuh uh. I'm carrying you." I walked back to where our stuff was but then my cellphone rang. I put Hana down and took out my cellphone. Taemin calling. 

J: "Hello?" 

T: "Hyung! Where are you?!" 

J: "Uh, meet us back at the beach, where we left our stuff." 

T: "Okay, Byee"

End of call.

I put my cellphone back in my pocket to carry Hana again but she jumped on my back making me give her a piggy back ride which I was perfectly fine with. "Omg, it's my Jjongie!!" fans said. My? Get a life, I'm reserved.

"Ahhh~ Jonghyun oppa can I have an autograph?" Omfg cant you see I'm busy?

"Oh em gee! He's shirtless kyaaaaaa so hot!" Oh stfu already.

I went past the crowd that were annoyingly taking pictures. I went back to the sand and saw Taemin and Mimi standing in the middle of no where kissing. "Ookayyy..." I said awkwardly ruining their moment. Mimi was wearing PAKFAAMGHMBBFFKF-Image-1-Flowers_by_Zoe_ that now. Hana was quiet behind me I wonder why shes not saying anything... "Haha, so cute. Look she sleeping!" Mimi said. I turned my head and saw that she was sleeping like an angel on my back. I had no choice but she wake her. I bounced her up and down from her legs "Hanaaaaa Wake up" I cooed. "Ah, sorry." she apoligized rubbing her eyes. I let her down and summarized what happened earlier. "Um, we couldn't find where your stuff were..." Taemin said. "WHAT?" both of us yelled. "It's not there.. we checked everywhere. Someone might have taken them... But Hana, I have extra clothes if you need them." Mimi said and pulled out AAAADMxOQNMAAAAAAEVKKw.jpg?v=12404178660"Thanksss Mimi!" she replyed. "Jonghyun oppa I need to go to the girls restroom~" she said. O.M.G she called me oppa :'D "Uh, sure." I said and followed her. I'm not letting her out of my sight anymore plus I need my T shirt back. "Hyung!" Taemin said and threw a pink Tshirt at me. "Yah! Whats this?" I asked. He just blinked. "Am I suppose to wear this..?" I said slowly.. Well, better than nothing. I put the T shirt on and walked to the restrooms. Hana went in and and out with my T shirt. "You're comfortable with a wet swim suit underneath? You're gonna catch a cold." I said motherly. I must have caught the keyummaphobia. "Ehhh." she replied. 

Hana Pov-

Aiyuh what's with his motherly act. Since the dress was Mimi's I didn't want to take off the swimsuit. He pulled his T shirt on me and again and said more demandingly. "Take it off under this, I'm not letting you get sick, and no I'm not a ert." he said. I did it obeyingly since it was uncomfortable. We walked back to the car with Mimi and Taemin. His T shirt was still over Mimi's dress on me when we were in the car. "I'll wash all of this and return it tomorrow." I said then drifted off to sleep. I woke up at 5:00 p.m in my room with the T shirt and sundress still on so I changed into my home set of clothes.  4480242.1.png shortsAmericanEagleAEDestroyedCutoffDeniand put their stuff into the washing machine. Oppa left a note in my room saying he took the twins to Toddler's Playplace and make sure to cook yummy dinner. So I got started on the dinner. I made jjajangmyeon for them. I went to my room to read but they just came home so we ate together. My dad came home 5 minutes later and joined us.


I tucked the twins into bed and went to sleep myself looking forward to school tomorrow. 

Hana's POV

       It was Monday and since everything was ok now I decided to go to school. I didn't want to get kicked out and loose my scholarship ESPECIALLY after that incident. After I accidentally reminded myself of that my heart sank. The unwanted thoughts came back to my head. I tried to block it out but it was no use. Slowly the tears formed again and dripped down my face. I wiped them away and washed my face again. I went into the kitchen and continued my flow of thoughts . I still needed to bring the school a note with my dad's signature. I'll just say that i was sick...yea....Or a family matter. Pft whatever. I made some bento for everyone, including Dad and Oppa. Dad decided to still work at the restaurant and Oppa was having a recording session. I taped a note on their bento's saying "HWAITING"! For the twins, I made a really cute anime based bento. This was Heeyoung's and Youngho's bento:

images?q=tbn:ANd9GcShUY134zmaW-6yts2wl8p . On the note it said " Work hard in school! Be nice or else no icecream!"

I smiled at my accomplishments and realised it was already time to go. When I got out I saw Joon outside. WAIT HUH!?!??! How does he know I'm here? He waved and signaled me to come. "What are you doing here Joon and how do you know I was here?" I asked him. "Well there's something called I know how to text and I know Jonghyun/Mir. So yup" He replied. I made my lips into a "O" shape and nodded understandingly.

Joon's POV

       Was she crying? Her eyes are a bit red and puffy. I knew she was crying because of the "mom" incident but I didn't wanna ask her. I put on a smile and waved to her . "So anyways are we gonna stand here and wait? Get in the car I'll give you a ride" I told her. "Huh why? I could always walk it." She said. -_- This girl...."Sure if you want to take 30 minutes to school or more go ahead and walk." She tipped her head to the side. Aiyah this girl...I sighed and explained how long I got here by car. "Wait then I could take the bus!" She said. "If you take the bus its too late because it already left and you would still be late to school." Hana sighed in defeat and gave up. She went in the car and off we went. It was pretty awkward in the car. Mir and Jonghyun explained what happened to Hana over the phone too......Poor thing..IF ONLY I DIDN'T HAVE A RECORDING THAT DAY! ARGH! I coughed and spoke "So....I heard what happened to you, Mir and Jonghyun told me by the way." She didn't answer me. We continued sitting in silence and finally I couldn't take it anymore and drove to the side and parked my car there for a while. I looked at Hana and Hana stared at me confused. "Look Hana you don't have to go through this yourself! You have me and the rest of the group. Everybody is worried about you and we want to help you! Stop hurting youself! I know it's hard but that doesn't mean you have to put up an act. I will always be there for you so just let it out" after I said that I hugged her tightly. "What do you know" She muttered. I kept quiet but didn't let her go. She wanted to pull away but her struggles were useless. 

Hana's POV

    After Joon reminded me about that incident. I looked away at the window. I wanted to hide my tears that were threatening to come out again. I put on a hard face and didn't answer him. 5 minutes passed and we stayed in silence. Then all of a sudden he pulled to the side. I stared at himbewildered with his action. "Look Hana you don't have to go through this yourself! You have me and the rest of the group. Everybody is worried about you and we want to help you! Stop hurting youself! I know it's hard but that doesn't mean you have to put up an act. I will always be there for you so just let it out" He said and then pulled me into a hug. "What do you know" I muttered. He kept silent. I was getting mad and I didn't kknow why. I tried to pull away but in the end it was all useless. I ended up bawling in his arms. He held me tight and I felt really warm and safe in his arms. I didn't know how long it lasted but we eventually pulled away. We were both blushing and awkward. "Thanks......" I said. He grinned and kissed my forehead. The kiss left a warm mark there that made my cheeks burn. I looked down and he laughed. "Hmmm looks like someone has to wash my shirt for me!" He teased. I playfully hit his shoulder. "YAH! I wasn't the one who pulled you into a hug :P" We continued talking and the awkwardness between us faded during the trip to school. We reached school in 10 minutes and we walked towards our hangout spot. Cho Hee and Mimi hugged me and talked. Joon went to the rest of the boys. Taemin then went to Mimi and backhugged her. Cho hee and I just went in awe. "Where were you?" Mimi asked and kissed him on the cheek. "Eh just getting this." He then pulled out a bouquet of flowers and game it to Mimi. "Happy one week anniversary " He said and grinned and then pulled her in for a kiss. Mimi was in awe but then she took out a small box. "Did you think I would forget?" This time Taemin was in awe and when he opened it he was even in more of a shock. He took out two necklaces:


      After a while of hugging and kissing the whole group cringed from the cheesines.WE ARE FOREVER ALONE! "Yah you two are going to injure your lips from kissing too much...." G.O said. OMG AHAHA IT WAS SO FUNNY EVERYBODY LAUGHED! They both stopped kissing and giggled shyly. Cho hee shook her head and I did the same. The bell rang and we went to class.  Our homeroom teacher announced something. "Class today we are going to the auditorium to discuss the events for next week. Some of you might've heard about the 'Battle of the Clubs'. Next week will all be dedicated to showcasing the clubs and signing up for the clubs. The event will be explained in more detail at the auditorium. I would like you all to line up and head there." We stood up and lined up with Joon, Thunder, and Cho hee. Since everybody was shoving and everything I ended up bumping into somebody's chest. "Oh my goodness I'm so sorry-" I looked up and saw Joon. He laughed and I remembered the hug we had in the car and blushed. We walked to the auditorium and sat down. I somehow found my way to Cho Hee and luckily she saved a seat for me. Joon and Thunder sat next to us. The principle and a group of studentssat on the sides of the auditorium and each of them had a club shirt/sign. They are probably the club leaders. "Ahem...Good morning. I hope you all are ready to learn and I hope you all are charging your school spirit. Why? BECAUSE THE ANNUAL BATTLE OF THE CLUBS IS COMMING!" All the older kids roared and some freshmen jumped up and cheered. " For all the freshmen the Battle of the Clubs is a one week event that is dedicated to the school clubs. During this time you may walk around and look at the attraction each club has set up. Monday and Friday will be the opening and closing ceremony. Tuesday is dedicated to all the academical clubs. Wedsnday will be for all the sports clubs. Thursday will be the Arts club (performing arts, visual, etc.). You may also showcase your talent to the club leaders too if you are willing to. The opening ceremony will be a festival like day as well as the closing ceremony. Except Friday will be even more grand and there will be a special surprise. I hope everyone enjoys!"

~Aly & Tiffany

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JaeYong_TY #1
Chapter 6: Ok well first of all i javnt finihed reading this but i deffenaitlu will latr on

oh and please make it jonghyun and hana

Ohh and mir and mimi

theyre mu two fav on the world
but i will always and i mean ALWAYS be a BLINGER
Chapter 41: I noticed you haven't wrote on this one for quite some time... Did you drop it? :|
I was liking it**
Momo431 #3
Chapter 38: You finally updated, yay!

Oh gosh, for the "dun dun dundun" at first I thought you meant Beethoven's 5th symphony. Haha, my bad :P
Aww.. I miss this fic... please update soon ;)
dorkfics #5
Chapter 31: hehe, your comment made my day ^-^
Momo431 #6
Chapter 31: Haha, Thunder germs? :D Totally made my day!
Chapter 27: Uhm.. Taemin, you're mine. Never forget that. xD
Chapter 26: Give her your shirt Jjong!!
Momo431 #9
Chapter 1: Whoa, I'm only on the first chapter and I already LOVE it!!! <3
The font and the colors sometimes bother my eyes, but other than that, this read is going to be epic :)
Jonghyun definitely likes Hana LOL Just a prediction x)