We meet again, and again and WOAH

Bread of Love


Hana's Pov-


"The two weirdos I met at the library came into the bakery. I reconized them right away. *Sigh* "Please don't be annoying" I thought. "OMG IT'S YOU !" the blond one shouted. "AREN'T YOU THE GIRL FROM THE LIBRARY?" the other one shouted. UGHH Annoying. "Hello, may I help you?" I said politely as I could. "YEA, I want a pork-" the blond one said but was cut off by "I WANT CHICKEN BUNS~" from the other guy. "Uh.." I said confused. "Sorry, I'm Joon and he's Mir." the one with the black hair calmly and smiled. So I guess they do have manners. "Nice to meet you." I said nicely. People around us were taking pictures of Joon and Mir. Are they famous or something? "May we order 5 buns? Cheese, taro, chicken, pork and beef buns." Mir said. "Sure." I said and went to get them. "Also 5 bottles of lemonade too please." Joon added. "Okay." I took them out of them fridge and handed it to them. "Thanks." Joon said and handed me the money. "What are those?" Joon said pointing at our prize winning bread. "That's our prize winning bread." I told them. "Why are they shaped like hearts?" they asked. "It was created a few decades ago by my grandparents. They said a person who eats it will fall deeply in love with someone or something within a week. But don't take it seriously." I said. "Wow,cool." Joon said facinated. "I'd love to try that." Mir said. "Here." I said while handing it to them. "Sorry but we don't have enough money." Mir said sadly. "No problem. Just take it." I told them. "It'd be kinda a shame to accept charity if front of fans.." Joon said softly so only Mir and I could hear. "Oh.. Just say you'll pay back later." I said. "Okay thanks. And we will." Joon said. "I gave them some bread along with the dip. "Thanks again." Mir said happily.  "No problem. Bye" I said. "Byeeeee see you next time." they replyed. Some reporters came in and interviewed me. Wtf. I answered in simple answers until they left. So tired. I wonder what group they were from. Anyways I don't really care. It was pretty weird the rest of the day because I kept getting distracted by the thoughts I had on the incident. My co-workers kept asking if I was ok and I reassured them that I was fine. By the time it was 3:30 my shift ended I quickly went to go buy groceries. On my way home I saw Hye Su flirting with a random guy in the street. I saw them walk towards the direction of the bar. I rolled my eyes and went home. God I am so happy to have these 2 girls as my friends. Luckily Cho Hee and Mimi got permission from their parents to help me babysit my little brother (Youngho) and little sister (Heeyoung). I met ChoHee at the summer school orientation for the freshmen in Seoul Private High. We haven't started freshmen year yet but we're starting this Monday. Mimi was my bestfriend since elementary. We did everything together and now we had Chohee in our group.


Mir's Pov-


"Wow, she's so nice." I said after we escaped the fangirls. We were in a alley close to the dorm. Joon suddenly stopped walking. He was looking in the bag. "What?" I asked. "There's only two pieces of bread." he said and smirked. "They'll never know." I said evilly and we both dug into the bag and grabbed the bread and dip. "SO GOOD!" I said."Mmmh." Joon said while the dip off his fingers. Ew did he even wash his hands. Looking at my fingers I did the same. Can't waste something so good anyways. We threw the container away getting rid ofthe evidence. "Lets hurry back." I said. "Race ya." said the competitive Joon and started running. What a cheater. He was waiting for me at the door. "Remember: not a word and don't act suspicious." he reminded me and we entered. 


Joon's Pov-


"What the hell took you guys so long." G.O said. "Long line. Duh." I lied. "I see." G.O said. "MY CHEESE BUN DID YOU GET IT?" Thunder came storming down the stairs. "Here." Mir handed it to him. We handed out the rest of the buns and drinks and threw the bag away quickly because we spilled some dip and crumbs in there. Seungho eyed us suspiciously. I ignored him and ate. We played a few games after since we didn't have a schedule.


Hana's Pov-


 I got home and prepared food for my sister and brothers. "Kimchi stew!" I announced. "YAY" they said and ran to the table to eat. Little angels :D Today was sunday so I had the candy shop for an hour and a half. I ate quickly and tucked my twins siblings into bed for a nap. I prepared my uniform and called my friends over to take care of them. My mom on a business trip until next friday. She's been gone for a month already. *DING DONG* my friends arrived and I left for work. 


Joon's Pov-


"No fairrr. MIR WHY DIDN'T YOU TAKE CARE OF THE BAG BETTER?" I yelled to Mir who was cleaning the bathroom. *No reply* "MIR GET YOUR RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW" I yelled again. I walked in to see no one in the restroom. GRRR. "DO YOU WANT TO DIE MAKNAE?" I stormed into his room. There he was holding his precious comics and sleeping on the bed. I put in a fart bomb and ran out. *POP* "AHH" he screamed. I went back in with a clothes pin on my nose. "You were suppose to clean the bathroom you idoit!" I said. "I'm going to rip a page out of your comic if you don't go right now." I said threatingly. "GOING!" he ran out and into the bathroom with the rag. I had finish my part. Seungho had saw the dip and crumbs in the bag that PABO MIR left and punished us for not sharing. To make it worse they went out to a 5 star restaurant leaving me with an idoit to clean the house spotless. I bet Mir never cleaned in his life. "AHH PEE!" he screamed. I ignored him and pretended to sleep on the couch. "I'm hungry." Mir whined. "Pizza?" I said. "YEA!" he said and went to the phone to order. "We have to go pick it up." he said. "Ugh okay fine lets go. I'm staving." I said.


Hana's Pov-


No one was in the candy shop except for the employees. I was displaying the chocolates until a kid came in to buy a box. I sold it to him then it became quiet and boring again. The other employees went to make chocolate leaving me alone. I walked to the door to get some fresh air and then I saw Mir and Joon walking to my direction with pizza in their hands. AGAIN? why couldnt they go to a different pizza parlor -.- I hurried back in hopeing they didn't see me. I ducked in the counter pretending to rearrange the candy but my face was still showing through the glass. "Did you just see Hana? or was it just me." I heard Joon say. DAMMIT! "Um no.." Mir said. Phew.. I slowly got up but then Joon turned to look in the window and saw me. . "I WAS RIGHT!" Joon exclaimed. They both went in the candy shop. "Hey again." I said caually. "Sup." Mir said and checked his wallet. "Can I have a box of truffles?" he asked. "Sure." I said. He paid me and I gave him the change. "So Hana. Want to hang out with us?" Joon asked. "Haha, I have school tomorrow and I need to get home right after work today." I said. "Oh. What school?" they asked. "Seoul Private High.You?" I said. "Well our manager said we had to go to school but he hasn't told us when or where.." Mir said. "Oh.. Hey could you guys-" I got interrupted by one of my co workers telling me to help them with the chocolate. "COMINGG. " I answered. "Sorry, see you guys later. Enjoy the chocolate. byee" I said and left. 

Hana's POV

    It was pretty awkward at the candy shop since I met them again. Urrrgh! I keep bumping into them. Imagine if they went to my school o.O....no! Don't even jinx it Hana! Even though they were fun to hang out with, it would be awkward if people kept staring at us because of their popularity. I don't even know much about MBLAQ but one thing was for sure. They were really popular... and that also means fan girls will be glaring at me if they found out I knew them not to mention talking or hanging out with them. UGH! Fan girls are so annoying! Well not those quiet ones but the ones that start squealing like a pig whenever their "oppa" is near them. I sighed and continued walking towards my house.  It was 12:15 so I had to speed up my walking pace. While walking I saw Hye Su. Oh GRRREEEAAATTT! Now I have to deal with her. I tried to avoid her but instead she blocked my path.

    "Looks like the sewer rat is going back to it's home" Hye Su said ( Sewer rat was only one of the brilliant nicknames she created for me -_-"). She smirked at me and continued biitching around. " So how's your mom, still ditching around overseas?" She devishly asked. " Oh please, Hye Su, she's not a she-devil like you. She's overseas for something called 'WORK'. Only a wouldn't know!" I said while smirking and glaring at this ugly monster. I was starting to loose my temper since she started mentioning my mom and she was her aunt! Usually when Hye Su starts ing me off I would be able to keep my cool but after she mentioned my mom things got out of hand.. "The only her is you. WE ALL KNOW SHE LEFT THE HOUSE ONLY TO GO WITH HER LOVER EVERYONE KNO-" I interrupted her biitching with a slap. I was pissed off and didn't even want to look at her ugly face. I kept cursing her in my mind after I left her shocked and still glaring at me. I was so mad, my eyes were starting to swell up and fill with tears.

    I held them back no matter what and worked on cheering myself up and being the quiet calm Hana again. But it was no use when I got home the twins noticed and hugged me tightly. They knew better than to ask me what happened and waited until I was ready to tell them. Somehow they had an idea it was about mom and I could tell from their faces. While I was making lunch, they were obedient and quiet. They even helped me out. I fried some leftover noodles we had and added some meat and vegetables to it. I wasn't in the mood to be making something big so while I cooked the simple dish I tried cooling off. The noodles were finished and the twins surprisingly cheered me up. They tried to be funny and they looked so cute! In the end I made them take pictures. Finally we finished lunch and it was 1:10 p.m. I still had time until my next shift so I started reading for 20 minutes and got ready for work.

       It wasn't as busy as yesterday but I was grateful because I didn't want to work after the little off with Hye Su. Wait Hana stop thinking about her. After a while work ended and I decided to take a detour to my house. I was trying to avoid the route I saw Hye Su at. I walked towards the park and through some trees. The sunlight, the rustling sound of the leaves, and the birds chirping made the surroundings peaceful. Without knowing I was already humming a lullaby. I didn't like singing in public but it was so peaceful and nobody was around so why not ^_^.


Mir's POV

    I was sitting in my usual tree. Hoboing around like usual. I didn't have any schedules and this was my secret place to rest so I came here to relax. Suddenly I heard someone coming. Wait but people don't usually come here. I checked who it was and saw Hana. Wait HANA?!?!?! I was about to shout out but then Hana started singing a sweet lullaby. I listened to her sing and thought she was really good. So good she could become a recording artist. I must've been really enjoying it because as I was leaning closer to hear her better I fell like an idiot. -_-" Great now what am I suppose to say to Hana? She looked at me weirdly. Hana really looked pretty. There was a small breeze that blew on her hair. It was almost like a scene out of a drama. I started blushing and apologized. She giggled and smiled " Nah its ok, are you ok? Did you injure yourself from the fall?" God, she just looked so dang cute WAIT MIR WHAT ARE YOU SAYING!?!?! It's not like I like her or anything :/. 

      "I'm alright, hey where did you learn to sing like that you are amazing!" I said in awe. I noticed that she was blushing really hard and was really embarrassed. "Y..y...you...h...heard..m..me sing?" she said in a shocked embarrassed state. "YES and you are amazing! Who taught you to sing like that?" I asked. "Umm... I guess I was born with it since my mother sings well and uhh thanks for the compliment" She was tomato red and she just looked so darn cute. "Uhh is it ok if I walk you home, its pretty dangerous for a girl walking around alone." She was about to reject my request until I grabbed her hand and walked side by side with her. I explained the whole falling situation while walking. She was pretty silent but I caught her grinning at times. When we finally reached her house, I said goodbye and left. I couldnt stop thinking about her.


Hana's POV

     I had a great time with Mir but I hurriedly got ready for bed and slept since tommorow was school


The Next Day

Hana's POV

      *RING RING RING RING* The annoying alarm bell sound in the morning. It was 5 a.m and I was really groggy. I got ready and made my bento quietly trying not to wake the rest of the family up. "First day of a rich kid school eh and first day of high school" I said quietly with a smile while eating my cereal. The school was 30 minutes away from my house so I went to wait at the bus stop at 6:30. I needed to go out early since I had to get used to the school. The only reason I applyed for a scholarship at that school was because Mi Hi   was going there. She forced me to apply for that full scholarship and of course because of my grades and the other activities I did I got accepted. I didn't know Cho hee until the oriental summer school the high school provided for the freshmen. I'm so glad I met her because now I have two trustworthy friends that help me out. The bus finally came and I got up and walked to an empty seat. There were groups of students from other schools but I didn't mind them. When it got to my destination I got out and went to the main office to get my schedule.


Joon's POV

      Manager Hyung woke us up at 6 a.m. " We don't have a schedule today" I said groggily. "But you guys have school.." Manager hyung said while waking the others up again and again to annoy them. I asked " Which school are we going to?" "Seoul Private High school" he replyed. Me and Mir were staring at him with wide eyes. " ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!?" we both yelled. "Yea why do you not like that school" he asked. Both of us shook our heads saying no and immediatly got ready. The others looked at us with a wtf face. " Looks like those two are excited." We got into the van and wen to the main office. To my surprise, we saw Hana going to the office too. She stopped and looked at us in disbelief. "HANA!!!!!" Mir and I yelled happily. " You're kidding...." Hana said still in disbelief.

To readers: Hope you guys enjoy <3 Don't forget to sub us ^_^ sorry if there are any grammar mistakes I edited so yea... >_<

~Tiffany & Aly

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JaeYong_TY #1
Chapter 6: Ok well first of all i javnt finihed reading this but i deffenaitlu will latr on

oh and please make it jonghyun and hana

Ohh and mir and mimi

theyre mu two fav on the world
but i will always and i mean ALWAYS be a BLINGER
Chapter 41: I noticed you haven't wrote on this one for quite some time... Did you drop it? :|
I was liking it**
Momo431 #3
Chapter 38: You finally updated, yay!

Oh gosh, for the "dun dun dundun" at first I thought you meant Beethoven's 5th symphony. Haha, my bad :P
Aww.. I miss this fic... please update soon ;)
dorkfics #5
Chapter 31: hehe, your comment made my day ^-^
Momo431 #6
Chapter 31: Haha, Thunder germs? :D Totally made my day!
Chapter 27: Uhm.. Taemin, you're mine. Never forget that. xD
Chapter 26: Give her your shirt Jjong!!
Momo431 #9
Chapter 1: Whoa, I'm only on the first chapter and I already LOVE it!!! <3
The font and the colors sometimes bother my eyes, but other than that, this read is going to be epic :)
Jonghyun definitely likes Hana LOL Just a prediction x)