Hide and Seek and YOU?

Bread of Love

Mir's Pov-

"Okay, so once manager hyung goes get his daily coffee, we run. "Joon explained. "Got it." The rest of them replied. "Okay guys wait for me here, Im going to go grab my coffee. " our manager said. The rest of us snickered. "Lets go! " I said once he went into the coffee shop. All of us ran at full speed but it was so cold we were only jogging. " Ahh he came out! " Joon yelled and ran even faster. "Wait up hyung. " I told him. G.O, Seungho and Thunder turned right while Joon and I turned left. " To the library! " I said. Joon followed. "Once we got in the library it was toasty warm~ "

Joon's Pov-

"Wow, I haven't been here since I was 10 and that was only because some lady shoved me through the door because I was playing with the door handles. " I said thinking back to a few years ago. "We have to go hide, I think he's following US. " said Mir. "Oh yeah huh. " I replyed. I got a book and tried to find an empty table. What? No empty table? " Hyung, lets ask that girl if we could sit there. " Mir said. "Okay. " I said casually. That girl was cute so I had no problems agreeing. "Annyeonghaseyo may we sit here?" Mir asked politely. "Oh, sure. " she replyed quickly and went back to her book. Oh sure, THATS IT? I was expecting Oh My Goodness you're from mblaq! kind of thing and some crazy fangirling. Seemed like Mir was thinking the same because of his expression. We both turned when the door opened then we sat down and quickly hid our face in our books. 

Mir's Pov-

I really thought that girl would ask us for our autograph, only she didn't so I was really suprised. Maybe she doesn't reconize us. Our manager was heading toward us, but looking through each bookshelves. "Hmmm. " he said while scratching his head. I was trying to hold in my laugh but I was about to burst. He suddenly started sniffing and saw us. He stomped the rest of the way here. "Uh oh he found us. " Joon whispered. "So this is the second time you decide to run away huh? What gives?" our manager said. "Hehe. " I said softly. "Come on, lets go find the others. " our manager said. We obediently followed.

Hana's Pov-

Ok that was weird. I was confused about who those two guys that were dragged off by that tall musculine man. I was confused for a second and was trying to ignore the stares from the people in the library by reading my book. They are such idiots really, I wonder who they were.

Thunder's Pov-

"Im starting to get hungry. " I said. "You just had a big bowl of rice, how do you get hungry so fast. We've only been here for 13 minutes. " G.O said. "I think I'm getting hungry too." Seungho said. G.O sighed. "I saw our manager go into the library looking for Joon and Mir. Lets not risk it. " G.O said. "I won't get caught, I'll just enter the snack store through the back." I said. No one answered so I stood up and started walking out. "Thunder! " Seungho called me as I was leaving the gate of the park. "Yea? " I answered. "Get me a corn dog please. " he said. "Sure. " I answered and left. 

Mir's Pov- 

Gosh, where are they. I'm tired and freezing. "Lets try the park. " Joon suggested. "Okay sure. " our manager said. I saw Thunder leaving the park. "HEY THUNDER wait up! " I yelled. "AH! " he scream and ran off. Joon chased him while I jogged slowly. "Caught you! " Joon said while dragging him by the collar of his sweater. "So.. where's the rest of them. " our manager asked. Thunder hesitantly pointed at the park. "Lets gooooo! " I said and ran.

Seungho's Pov-

I heard footsteps. Was Thunder coming back already? Was he caught? He better not be. "I ran so fast didn't I? " I heard Joon's bragging. Ahh he did get caught. I saw our manager pulling Thunder by his wrist and then Joon and Mir. "You guys were hiding here the whole time? As punishment I expect all of you to jog five laps around this park. " our manager said smiling. "FIVE LAPS? IT'S TOO COLD! " Mir complained. "Punishment's punishment. " our manager said. So we all started jogging, and of course, Joon had the lead. Hah, he just tripped.

Joon's POV

      Urgh! Manager Hyung wanted us to freakin run in this type of weather?!?! IS HE CRAZY! Urgh whatever. We were on our second lap. I was, of course, in the lead but Thunder was catching up real quick. Just because he's young.....wait....NOW I'M STARTING TO SOUND LIKE A GRANDPA. Mir was a few inches behind Thunder and he was surprisingly still looked fresh. Everything was going great, I felt the wind on my face, my hair was ily flowing with it, and I was still in the lead. Even though the wind was cold it still felt good so I put my arms up and "flew" with the wind. The whole sensation was amaz- WOAH! My whole world turned upside down and I was getting pancaked by Thunder and Mir. Damn did they gain weight? 

"JOON YOU DIRTIED MY SHOES!" Thunder yelled. "YAH IS THAT THE WAY YOU SHOULD TALK TO YOUR HYUNG!?!" I scolded him but it had no effect. "AWWWWW! YOU JUST RIPPED MY BRAND NEW JACKET YOU IDIOT!" Mir yelled at me. Both of them were glaring at me and holding onto their damaged items. They looked like they were about to rip out 2 of my ribs and stuff a donkey up my so I did the most reasonable action anyone in that situation would do....RUN! Thunder and Mir quickly chased me down. They were a few inches behind me so I sprinted my off. We were chasing each other around the park and I didn't care about the cold weather or how many laps I ran but I needed to get out of here. Suddenly I saw the huge crowds around the park. Some were taking pictures of us and some were whispering and giggling while others were doing the fangirling thing. Mir saw what I was staring at and followed it. He seemed surprised but the next thing you know, THE FANGIRLS STARTED APPROACHING US which also meant we were going to get stripped or even worse. So now we had to sprint our off again. We ran out of the park and started running all around the streets. Luckily the other two were so distracted by the situation that they forgot about what happened earlier. We ran for half an hour and finally lost them by hiding in an alley.

     We were huffing and puffing for a while." Finally we got rid of them" I said. "Well we wouldn't be in this situation if it weren't for somebody" Thunder said while glaring at me. "Anyways we are going to need disguises if we want to escape the fangirls" I said. I looked around the alley and saw a used wig, 3 used hats, a hobo jacket, a few broken glasses, and a shopping cart. I pointed to it but the two didn't want to use it. I debated with them for a while and finally they gave up and listened to their hyung -_-" when will they ever learn. After we put on the disguises we went hoboing around the street. By luck we saw Seungho and G.O suddenly walk out of a gift shop. We quickly hid behind a food cart and saw them walk into a convenience store. We devised our plan and put it into action. I went to the back door and took off my disguise. The employees were shocked to see me but i gave them the silence finger and asked the manager if I could hide behind the counter. Once I got on Ok I quickly signaled the disguised Thunder and Mir to get in line. Seungho and G.O were in front of them and when it was their turn to pay the game was on. Thunder pretended to check out the gum and candy while Mir looked at the side pastry's. 

       When Seungho handed in the money I quickly jumped on the counter and in a quick second jumped on G.O. He yelped and was shaking furiously.


      URGH! Joon definitely gained weight! He was about to break my back so I quickly shoved him off but being the annoying brat he is he jumped right back on and held onto my neck. I saw two other hobo's that held Seungho down but when I looked closer it was actually Mir and Thunder. 

"YAH GET OFF ME U " I yelled furiously. "HELL NO YOU'RE COMING WITH US! AND WHY ARE YOU SO TALL!" Joon yelled back. Seungho was also struggling but being the grandpa he had no chance against those two youngsters. After a few minutes of wrestling we both gave up and came with them leaving the commotion in the store. We all apologized and went to manager hyung. DAMN! He made us run 10 laps!! WHY!?!?! IT WAS COLD TOO! While we were on our 5th lap I noticed all 4 of them were laughing and smiling and pointing towards a direction. They quickly went into the van and I saw Seungho speed up. I was clueless for a moment so I stopped and looked at the direction they were pointing at. ! There was a whole group of girls gaining on us. NO WONDER SEUNGHO RAN! I sprinted and caught up with Seungho. We went around the park and finally lost them an hour later. We were too tired to escape again so we went back and slept in the car.

~The Next Day~

Thunder's POV

  "Hyung I'm hungry!" I complained to G.O. "Kid you're not the only one" Seungho told him. "Lets take a 30 minute break we've been practicing nonstop Hyung~" Mir whined. It was disgusting when he did aegyo so I cringed a bit. Seungho finally agreed to the 30 minute break and I suggested that we played a game and the 2 loosers would have to go buy bread. We all agreed on it and played a game of rock, paper, scissors. In the end Mir and Joon lost (like always ;o) and lazily stood up and got their wallets and jackets. It was boring waiting for them so we all just played games and the Hyungs murdered my face with stickers.

Hana's POV

    I looked at my watch AND WTF! I'm LATE FOR WORK! It was 1:10 and my shift started at 1 so I was late by ten minutes. I quickly checked out my book and thanked the librarian and quickly took off with my bike.

Mir's POV 

    URGH I LOST NOOO!! Oh well. Me and Joon went out and looked for a near by bakery. We found one 2 blocks away and we quickly went in. I looked around and saw delicious bread all around me. I was starting to drool. As I turned my head to the counter my mouth dropped and I yelled "OH MY GOD ! ITS YOU HIIIII"


HII!~ Hope you guys enjoy this chap DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE! IF YOU DON'T I'LL HUNT YOU DOW- 

Uhh.......Anyways Hope you like it

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JaeYong_TY #1
Chapter 6: Ok well first of all i javnt finihed reading this but i deffenaitlu will latr on

oh and please make it jonghyun and hana

Ohh and mir and mimi

theyre mu two fav on the world
but i will always and i mean ALWAYS be a BLINGER
Chapter 41: I noticed you haven't wrote on this one for quite some time... Did you drop it? :|
I was liking it**
Momo431 #3
Chapter 38: You finally updated, yay!

Oh gosh, for the "dun dun dundun" at first I thought you meant Beethoven's 5th symphony. Haha, my bad :P
Aww.. I miss this fic... please update soon ;)
dorkfics #5
Chapter 31: hehe, your comment made my day ^-^
Momo431 #6
Chapter 31: Haha, Thunder germs? :D Totally made my day!
Chapter 27: Uhm.. Taemin, you're mine. Never forget that. xD
Chapter 26: Give her your shirt Jjong!!
Momo431 #9
Chapter 1: Whoa, I'm only on the first chapter and I already LOVE it!!! <3
The font and the colors sometimes bother my eyes, but other than that, this read is going to be epic :)
Jonghyun definitely likes Hana LOL Just a prediction x)