
Only A Number

Yo! So it's Halloween, I'm a bit hyper and I don't have any work to do. My teachers are giving us a break from Exams tomorrow so...

Here's an update! ^^
Let's go back to the days where Channie was still a child...-cough- hint: and witness love blooming -cough-
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"Let's go trick-or-treating." The black-haired boy pouted, poking the side of my cheeks.
I pulled a smile, before slapping his hands away and turned the other way. Daehyun, the black-haired dog, refused to give up and plopped on my lap with a whine. "Himchanchan I want to trick-or-treat~!"
"No." I simply answered, pushing the heavy weight off my suffocating thighs.
"We're in 5th grade, Daehyun. We shouldn't be do-"
"ChanChan! Did you just hear what you said?"
"We're in 5th grade, Daehyun." I repeated, placing the book I pretended to read beside my bed and fixed my gaze on the excited little dog.
"Exactly. 5th grade! Daehyunnie wants to trick-or-treat!"
"Over my dead body we'll trick-or-treat."
"Why~?" He pouted. I could see the tears forming in his eyes already.
What a crybaby. "Fine. We'll go. But we don't even have cos-"
Daehyun pulled out his blue suitcase and popped it open, revealing a couple costume for 'Beauty and the Beast.' So that's what it was for. That makes sense...I guess.
"I'm not going to wear that dress you little milkcow. You're being Belle." Before the dog could complain, I simply threw the yellow fluffy glittery object in his hands and snatched the Male costume. 
Daehyun looked absolutely beautiful in his dress (Shut up. It's normal for a guy to find his best friend in a dress beautiful.) and my mom nearly fainted at the sight of the two of us. 
"My son in law is so cute~!"
Daehyun smiled sheepishly as he lifted up his fluffy dress to scratch his .
Yeah, absolutely dashing mom. "We'll be going now." I grabbed on to the pumpkin shaped baskets, making sure to give Daehyun two (knowing his love for sweets) and held onto one for myself. 
"Make sure to stay around this neighborhood!"
I nodded. "Bye mom~"  Daehyun giggled, linking arms with mine as we left the house and walked towards my neighbor. 
Knock Knock.
Smile, Himchan. Smile.
"Wow! Both of my baskets are full already ChanChan!" Daehyun smiled throughout the night today, and I found it kind of cute.
"That's nice. Did you have fun?"
He nodded, tightening his link on my arms (Yes, we've been spending the night like that) and sighed. We walked by a few more houses, trying to find our way home when a particular house caught our eyes.
It was tall -- a bit mansion like -- and had fog surrounding it. We saw a nice old lady by the door with a bowl full of candy. 
"Want to go get some candy, Daehyun? My basket still has room for more."
He nodded. "Okay."
We walked towards the old lady and bowed respectfully towards her. "Trick or treat~"
She smiled. Instead of giving us a handful of candy though, she pushed us inside the house and whispered "Good Luck. Have fun." in a creepy voice.
Daehyun was already shaking and screaming in fear. 
"What's wrong?"
"I-I-I hate the d-d-dark and s-s-stuff like th-th-this."
 How adorable. "You're a boy, you're suppose to like stuff like this Daehyunnie!"
"W-w-well I do-" Creak. Another screech escaped the boy's lips.
I chuckled, entwining my fingers with his and lead him through the house. What exactly did that weird old lady wanted us to do? The house had nice expensive looking furniture with fake webs hung all over the place and fake blood splattered on the floor. We walked by a empty basement where distant screams and undistinguished sounds could be heard. I shrugged it off while Daehyun on the other hand, was shaking uncontrollably with tears roaming down his cheeks.
"Daehyun, it's only a fake haunted house."
"I don't c-c-care!"
The sound of footsteps and water dripping sounded clear, like it was coming towards us. 
I pulled Daehyun behind me, realizing it was coming from the basement. Maybe this wasn't just a fake haunted house after all. I pulled him close, wiping the tears off his now rosy cheeks. "Daehyun it's okay. It's okay. I'm here. I won't let anything happen to you. I'll protect you 'til the end, okay? I'll stay by your side, no matter what. So please stop crying, Daehyunnie. I'm here. Everything's going to be alright." I whispered softly in his ear, running my fingers through his hair.
The sound of sniffing could be heard and I smiled. That meant Daehyun stopped crying.
The sound of footsteps came near and I swore my heart was beating twice as fast. Daehyun perked his head up trying to probably overcome his fear. The door slowly opened, revealing a hand covered with black gloves. The person's sleeves were light blue and had the color red splattered all over it and the fog escaped from the room, blocking the person's face.
My eyes fell to the object they were holding. A knife covered with a thick red liquid.
I'm guessing Daehyun followed my gaze or saw it too because he let out another high-pitched scream but this time doing the unbelievable.
He body-slammed the person.
The man groaned, having difficulties to sit up again. "What was that for? Jeez, trick-or-treat take it and leave brats." He threw the candies in our baskets and glared at Daehyun. "You're strong for a pretty girl."
A pretty girl.
How funny.
Poor him. If only I would have recognized your grandmother sooner. 
"Oh Himchan, you should have wore the dress. You would've looked great~"
"Go Die." 
"I'll die when you give me a kiss."
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another hint: 
This is the unknown person from chapter 15 c;
Does that mean the guys from chapter 15 & 17 are different? Dunno.
I promse I'll update as soon as Exams are over~ ^^ 
I might delete this later on because when I'm tired and hyper I don't know what in the world I'm writing lol. 
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Chapter 25: Wowwwwwww what on earth is going onnnnnn!?!?!?!?

I just really hope BangHim gets together in the end, no matter how much I love everyone loving Himchannie, BangHim is my ultimate OTP <3
petalcha #2
New reader here!! And yeah, I literally didn't stop reading until your last update. ㅋㅋㅋ

Himchan you surely aren't doing the right thing. T______T But srsly I dunno his feelings anymoarrr. But I'm sure it's the hardest on his part. It's not easy to be loved by everyone too. ㅎㅎ
Chapter 25: Oh squueelllllsss!!!! Daehyun finally confessed!!! Omgggg! But he's leaving..... TAT that's kinda saddddddd
Chapter 24: No confession.... QAQ.... That's so sad... Idiot daehyun ahhhh... But nevertheless... Himup being lovey dovey...
wondermikichan #5
Chapter 24: poor daehyun TT_TT arrrrgh my himdae feels
btw welcome back authornim XD
Chapter 23: <3
why do you end on cliffhangers???
pychify #7
Puhahaha channie can get them all! No one gets hurt puhaha xD yup yeah that'll be awesome xd
Chapter 23: O-O??! So I guess the pov at chp.17 was Daehyun I never expected that, I thought it was either Zelo or YoungJae.
Aigoo ouri Himchannie is just too irresistible that he attracted 3 hot guys (who are older, same age and younger than him in this fic), as expected of our princess.

Nice chapters author-nim, can't wait for more :)
angelica #9
Chapter 23: BANGHIM.. PLEASE BANGHIM.. MORE BANGHIM..T_____T... my heart is crying and i dont know why and i guess youngjae would be perfect for DAEHYUN so dae should not be sad.. but i'm worried about jong up cause its like he's being played alright.. but but but.. hwaaaahhhh.... BANGHIM PLEASE OR I'LL DIE :) BUT hey wait.. where is ZELO in there?? haha.. he cant be inlove with jong up hwah. i just want BANGLO a little i guess..xDD
Chapter 23: Wae...wae...I say I don't want HimUp..coz my BangHim's feeling..Now I confused between HimDae N BangHim... I Don't want gukkie babo and Dae hurt...NUHU...NO NO NO NO BROKEN HEART AGAIN PLEASE....