EXO High: Mock Exam

EXO High


Kyungsoo's POV~ 

It's almost here. The mock exam that could determine whether we get to experience Suho's family resort or not. The famous resort all over Korea and is also known as the President's favorite. 

If the mock exam is a success, we get free access to the VIP island. I heard its not easy to reserve a place there. Oh my...

Here's a quick secret. I've been trying to reserve a single room in that island myself but to no avail. It was either always fully booked or they become picky with their customers. 

I was so glad Kai brought the idea up that day. 

Which reminds me, I should meet up with Kai later on before normal classes starts. 

I need to make sure he is ready for tomorrow!

I then stood up and proceeded to the kitchen to start cooking our breakfast. I noticed Xiumin's door to his room was slightly open. Out of curiosity, I walked to check upon him if he was already awake. 

"Xiumin? What do you want me to cook for breakfast?" 

I blinked my eyes and rubbed them.  


No one was inside the room. He wasn't there. 

"That's weird. He shouldnt be up so early." I thought. 

I then decided to shrug it off and went back to start cooking. 

Perhaps he went out for a quick jog. He should be back soon. 


Normal classes has ended and I was now on my way to the seminar room for our study program. 

"Is everybody here?" Suho finally asked. He scanned the room for any missing students. 

"Kyungsoo, where is Xiumin?" he asked. My eyes grew wide, realizing my room mate was missing. Everyone else landed their eyes at me as if I was responsible for him. 

"I don't know. When I woke up this morning, he was not in his room." I said. 

"He wasn't in class today as well." Kris from the back added. 

Suho then gestured for Chen to call Xiumin while he continued with his announcments. 

"As we all know, mock exam is tomorrow. Although I believe everyone is ready, you do have the option to not to come for your morning classes to prepare for the mock exam. We've already informed the teachers about this. Please do come before 5.30pm and have your dinner beforehand as the exam will take about 4 hours or so. And if everyone does well, I will bring everyone to my family's very own "Diamond Island Resort" also known as the VIP island."

Everyone cheered due to the last phrase Suho had said. We utilized the remaining time to meet with our respective tutee for a quick review. 

Chen and I assessed Baekhyun and Tao. We gave out questions to them to answer and furtonately, they got correct answers. Same thing happened for the other students. It was all well...but Xiumin was still out of reach. 

"How was Xiumin's performance?" I asked when I walked over to Chen. He was standing by the door, looking worried.  The other students were now chatting freely. 

"He's quite good actually. Fast learner and he has a good memory." 

"If so, then why do you look so worried?" I asked. 

He sighed heavily, as if all the problems  in the world was his. 

"Haven't you noticed him acting strange lately? Coming home late, looking as if he gave up on life. A few days ago, he got drunk." 

I couldn't believe what I heard. 

Xiumin? drunk? No way. I've known him for years, he wouldn't do such a thing. He never drinks. 

"He was drunk last friday." 

"The last time I saw him was on a saturday night.." I paused. I grew terrified when I realized something.

"I-I didn't see him yesterday. Oh my god...I just realized." 

Xiumin was gone for two days. And I didn't even notice it. I felt guilt building up in me. It grew more when Chen's face looked worried sick. Without a word, chen darted to Suho. Within a few seconds of their conversation, Suho nodded over something they discussed before Chen ran out of the room. 

At that moment, I felt so guilty and helpless. I felt the same feeling again when Kai was brought to the hospital because of me. Only that in Kai's situation, I felt more like dying out of guilt.  It felt way worse than this.


Study program has ended and Chen never came back. Suho informed me that he went off to look for Xiumin. 

Without a second thought, I began to call my personal assistant for help. I decided to help in looking for Xiumin. I asked my personal assistant to check the CCTV's for the past 2 days while I went around to check the entire campus for Xiumin's whereabouts. 

An hour and a half later, I still couldn't find him. I was tired and out of breath. I almost lost hope until my phone rang. 

"Yes, Jason?" It was my personal assisstant.  "Ive checked the cctv and Xiumin was last seen in the dorm." 

"Which one?" I asked. 

"The one where Xiumin stays. He's by the staircase." 

Chen's POV~ 

Hours of wandering around to find him finally paid off. In fact I should have gone to this place before anything else. 

I found Xiumin lying asleep in the same staircase that I've found him drunk a few days ago. 

"Xiumin, wake up!" 

I got a few groans as a response but he never bothered to open his eyes.
After a few minutes, he finally gave in and opened his eyes. 

"Oh...it's you...again.." he croaked as he slowly got himself to sit up. I swore I could sense some disappointment in those words. It felt as if he was expecting someone else could have found him. 

"I was so worried about you. I mean, everyone is.  We've been looking for you, why in the world are you even here?" 

"Worried about me?" Xiumin's voice somehow raised which got me dumbfounded. 

"Everyone is worried...about me?? hahaha! You'd think someone will even care? You think he even bothers at all?" Xiumin began to raise his voice higher, he sound extremely upset though he wasn't even drunk. 

"What are you talking about, Xiumin?" I asked though I already have someone in my head that Ive suspected. 

Before Xiumin could open his mouth, tears began to roll down his cheeks.  

It just...broke me as well. To see him in such a mess, broken, hurt and weak. It was painful to bear. I was so helpless, all I could offer him was a tight hug and a shoulder to lean on. 

"I made a huge mistake. I made a fool out of my friends to satisfy myself. I'm so selfish, aren't I, Chen? I fooled them to get what I wanted. I'm terrible..I'm terrible.." 
Xiumin confessed, sobbing horribly.

I caressed his back softly. "Shhhh, The only thing you did was you loved him too much. You did nothing wrong."  

Finally Xiumin calmed down and ceased crying. Though he was still in my tight embrace as we sat in the staircase comfortably. Minutes later, Kyungsoo arrived. 

"I finally found you!" he declared, catching his breath in between words. "Let's go back to our dorm now, shall we? We have a mock exam to prepare for." 

Xiumin broke the hug and turned to Kyungsoo with a sincere smile. 

"I'm already ready." 

Nobody's POV~
The next day, Mock Exam

The day has finally come.  Chen  has already finished printing the papers before lunch time. Suho was beside him checking the papers for any printing errors. 

The study program students were in their dorms. Though their tutors think they were ready, they took the morning for a time to review and also, to compose themselves. 

"Sehun, look." Tao let his hand rest in the air.  Sehun scoffed, realizing Tao was referring to his trembling hands. The latter then scowled. 

"I really can't help it okay! What if i'll have a mind block the moment I receive the paper!" 

Sehun raised his hands that were trembling very badly as well. "You're not the only one here."   Both of them laughed at their shared worries. 

Meanwhile, Xiumin was alone in his dorm, doing his own review. Kyungsoo went out for a while to see Kai. 

"What brings you here?" Kai asked the moment Kyungsoo stepped in his living room. 

Kyungsoo took out a bar of chocolate with a wide smile. 

"For you. To wish you goodluck." 

Kai became flustered but decided to contain himself, then giving back a smile. Kyungsoo felt vulnerable when he noticed Kai didn't reach out for the chocolate he offered. Instead, the latter inserted his hands in his pocket, looking for something. 

The doe eyed Kyungsoo blinked when Kai presented him a very familiar crystal stone that came out from his pocket. 

"I already have this. I have more than enough luck with me." he smiled. "But I'll still take the chocolate in case I go hungry." 

"You still keep that?" Kyungsoo pointed at the crystal, teary eyed. He remembers that it was his late mother's gift for him. 

It was something so dear to him, but he was willing to entrust it to someone he really wanted to be friends with ever since he laid eyes on him. 

"Why are you crying?" Kai came closer to him, worried. 

Kyungsoo then hurriedly wiped his tears and smiled to reassure Kai. 

"It was nothing." 

Kai came closer and hugged him tightly. "Don't cry again please." he begged. 

Kyungsoo couldn't utter a word. Besides his cheeks growing warmer,  the hug made his body warm as well. He felt safe and protected within those arms.  He closes his eyes and hugs back even tighter. 


"I got this for your birthday!" 

Little Kyungsoo's eyes darted to a purple crystal in his mother's hands.

"How did you—" 

"Wasn't this the one you saw from a store a day ago? I knew you really wanted this." she smiles.  

Kyungsoo nodded, without taking his eyes from the crystal stone. His mom handed then handed him the stone. 

"Like what you heard from the store owner, this stone can take away the negative energy in your body. From now on, I want you to hold onto this whenever you're sad and lonely. Whenever I'm out overseas with your dad, you must hold on to this, okay?"

"Okay." he smiles and embraces his mom. 

Ever since that day, it became Kyungsoo's habit to hold on to the stone whenever he us angry, sad or lonely. Like what his mother said, he hold it tightly to bed whenever he misses her when his parents went out of the country for a business trip. 


"Hello?" kyungsoo rubbed his sleepy eyes. It was still 9am in the morning when he got a call from his mom. 

"Happy 10th Birthday honey!" 

"Thanks mom."

"Your dad and I will be home very soon. Would you like to meet us in the airport?" 


"Well then, please ask Jason to drive you to the airport, alright? I found a very nice place for us to have our dinner later." 

"I'm still sleepy mom. I just woke up." 

"Fine dear. Go back to sleep but before that, pass the phone to Jason  will you? I'll be giving him the instructions instead." Without delay, he passed the phone to his personal assistant and went back to bed. 

His mom instructed for Jason to drive him to the said restaurant. She changed the plan as she believed it wasn't really necessary for Kyungsoo to see them at the airport. 

That afternoon, Kyungsoo was on his way to the restaurant when Jason got a call that made him turn the car around. 

"Where are we going?" Kyungsoo asked, confused. 

He didn't get any answer but Jason seemed to be really in panic. 

"I thought we are meeting my parents at the restaurant?"

"Did you drive the wrong way?"

"Who was that on the phone?" 

"Was it mom and dad?" 


"Answer me!"


"I'm taking you to your parents. They are not in the restaurant. Change of plans." Jason curtly said. 

Kyungsoo sat at the back of the car silently. He was still and silent until he noticed that the car stopped in front of a building. 

"J-Jason, this isnt a restaurant." 

"Forgive me young master but we have no time to talk. I'll explain it to you later." Jason then rushed out of the car and opened the door for Kyungsoo. He brought Kyungsoo around the building's first floor. They ceased walking when Kyungsoo finally saw his father, sitting by a bench by himself. 

Kyungsoo ran towards him. Jason came after. 

Kyungsoo gradually stops running as he got a clearer view of his father. He was sweating. His eyes were puffy and were b with tears. His white shirt and hands were dirtied by a strong color of red. 

"D-Dad?" a soft voice comes out from his mouth, more like a whisper. 

"Where's mom?" he simply asked while he stood in front of him. 

"S-she's inside. Inside that room." he pointed to a door which says "emergency room" hands were terribly shaking. He begans to sniff and cry silently. His dad covered his mouth to stop him from bawling in front of his son. 

"Dad, is mom okay?" Kyungsoo finally asked. The longer Kyungsoo stood, the more questions formed in Kyungsoo's head. He thought of the possible serious situation of his mother. 

"Mom isn't dead, right?" he asked with a sob. 

His dad just stared blankly at the door. No sign of wanting to respond.
Jason took Kyungsoo's hand and dragged him carefully to one corner. 

"She's okay, she's getting herself treated. Let's stop asking your dad now shall we?" Jason feigned a smile. 

Jason pulled Kyungsoo away to a corner where he can't see what was happening to his father. 

"Sit here while I go and buy a drink for you. You must be thirsty." Jason said as he left to look for the nearest vending machine. 

Kyungsoo sat alone in his seat. He got a little worried as to how could have the treatment for his mom went.  

He took out his crystal stone that he got for his birthday last year. He begans to hold on to it tightly. He believes that the stone would take way his worries and it did. 

He begans to feel impatient as Jason took a little while to come back. He looks around to entertain himself till he notices a kid about his age, seated a few bench away from him. 

He curled with his knees touching his forehead, a slight sob could be heard. Kyungsoo walked over him and began to talk. 

"Hello. I'm Kyungsoo. May I know your name?" 

The kid looked up but didnt respond and then went back to his previous position. 

"Are you all by yourself?" 

The small kid finally straightened himself up and sat properly. He wiped his tears and then looked behind Kyungsoo before replying.

"You seem to be all alone by yourself as well. I'm Kai." he said softly.

"Oohhh Kai it is. Anyway, I'm not alone. My personal assistant went out to buy something but he will be back. Besides, my parents are around somewhere. Though my mom is on treatment." Kyungsoo then sits beside the kid. 

"Where are your parents?" Kyungsoo asked. 

"They are inside the emergency room." the kid named Kai pointed to a door which opened right at the moment. 

His eyes widened. Kai then stood and came closer to the doctor who just came out of the room. Kyungsoo hears the doctor asking where was Kai's guardian. Kai shook his head. 

"I'm alone. Where's my mommy and daddy? " 

The doctor couldnt reply. 

"I want to see my mommy and daddy." 

The doctor crouched down to meet Kai's eye level. Hesitant to say a word but feigns a smile. 

"Well you see young man, we need someone grown up with you right now." the doctor said. 

"Kai!" a young female voice echoed the lobby. Kai's elder sister came running, breathless.

Kyungsoo was at the scene, listening and observing to everything that was happening to his new found friend.

"Where are my parents?" Kai's elder sister asked while she covered Kai's ears.
"I'm afraid you're too late." 

"The impact of the car crash was too great...I'm afraid we couldn't do anything to save them.  You're little brother miraculously survived it. He doesn't have any serious injuries. Someone said they found your mother hugging your brother to protect him during the accident." 

Kai's sister fell on her knees, crying in so much pain. 

Kyungsoo became teary eyed realizing what was the whole situation about. 

He felt sorry for Kai. For his loss. 


********end of flashback******* 

Kyungsoo tightens the hug. 

"I wanted to do this. I wanted to hug you so badly." he said. 

Kai grew more flustered at those words. "W-What do you mean?" 

"That night in the hospital. You must have felt way worse than I was." 

"You mean, when I was admitted to the hospital because I fainted? Come on Kyungsoo! I forgave you about that, remember?" 

"I lost my mom that night. It felt horrible. But...you lost both. Your mom and your dad." 

Kai grew silent. 

"I only learned about the truth when I was in highschool.  Our families were the ones involved in the accident. I learned that my dad was supposed to file a complaint about the incident. Though after hearing what happened to your family, he changed his mind. I wish that night, I came back and hugged you. I wish I gave you the crystal stone earlier. I thought you needed it most more than I did."

"You were that kid who talked to me in the hospital when I was young..." 

Kai slowly pulled himself away from the hug, "Kyungsoo, I—" 

"A little more. I want to hug you a little more. Let's stay like this for a while. Okay?" Kyungsoo pleaded, pulling Kai back into a hug, his chin resting on Kai's shoulder. 

"Okay." Kai loosen the embrace to be able to look straight into Kyungsoo's eyes. As always, the latter's eyes were wide in surprise. 

"W-what is it?" Kyungsoo asked. 

"Nothing. Just...Thank You." he smiled "and sorry." he added. 

"Sorry for—?" Kyungsoo couldn't finish his sentence as he was silenced by Kai's lips that captured his without warning. 

So that was the sorry for.

Kyungsoo thought before closing his eyes and returns the kiss passionately. 


Xiumin's POV~

"I don't even know why he kissed me." 

"What?!" I exclaimed. 

Yes, yes, mock exam has finished and I am here right now chatting with Kyungsoo in our bedroom. At first our topic was about the correct answers for the paper and how I possibly, without a doubt, passed it. But we sidetracked when I asked him where he was this afternoon. 

"And you didn't ask him why he kissed you?" I asked, extremely dumbfounded. 

"I can't even feel the ground, how am I to come up with questions like that! " Kyungsoo replied. 

"Gosh Kyungsoo! I can't even get a proper confession, I mean, I get punched for confessing to my crush and there you are, getting a kiss for a reason you didn't bother to ask! wait, do you even like Kai?" 

"Wait—what? who punched you? Chen punched you after you confessed to him?!" Kyungsoo asked, surprised. Not even answering my question if he likes Kai. 

"No, of course not. Why did you even mention Chen?" 

How did chen got into this anyway. 

"Kyungsoo, do you like Kai or not? why did you even think I confessed to Chen?" I repeated the main questions that I believe he certainly is avoiding. 

"Who was the guy you confessed to?" Kyungsoo threw a question back. And I'm not answering that. 

"Answer my questions first." I insisted.

"That's unfair! I have only one question for you and yet you can ask me two questions. 1 for 1 question only!" 

"Fine. go ahead and answer 1 question. I'll answer one later." 

"Well,...then...yes. I like Kai. I followed him here in this school to watch out for him out of pity. But this year, I fell for him unkowingly. happy? now its your turn. Who punched you? To whom did you confess to?" Kyungsoo waited for my answer. Like I said, there's no way I'm answering his question.

"But I wanted you to answer the question about Chen and not the one about Kai. Your previous answer was not counted so its still a 1 for 1 question." 

"You're cheating, you little baozi!" Kyungsoo screamed and threw a pillow at me. 

I threw back a pillow and laughed at him who was now red as a tomato. He just admitted he liked Kai after all. Now what's left for me to find out is about the Chen issue. 

I couldn't have made everyone think I actually like Chen, right? How could Kyungsoo ask if Chen punched me? that I have confessed to him? 

"Kyungsoo, did you think I like Chen? Have I possibly done something that made you think I like him?" I abruptly asked him.

"What. ummm...well...uh....Aha! 1 for 1 question, remember? You still owe me an answer thus I can't answer your new question. " Kyungsoo makes a sly smile before throwing a pillow back at me. 


We had a pillow fight that night. 

I'm still  really bothered why Kyungsoo brought up Chen's name.



A/N: I'm sorry if there are typos ;___; There's so much going on here tbh... D: 

im confused myself hahahaha. well basically, kyungsoo's parents got in an accident with kai's. 

kyungsoo, the very very good natured kyungsoo, felt sorry for kai cos if he already felt bad and devastated for losing his mom,

the pain he felt would probably been time two of that for Kai. 

*hides inside a hole. T_T* 



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just two more weeks people, two more weeks and ill be able to update!!


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Chapter 24: Yoy can't leave me like this!!!!!
Chapter 24: Ahhh I hope you decide to come back to this fic, it's soooo good!
Chapter 24: please update soon..... i really miss this fic because of school. I'm a fan of yours because you wrote awesome fics....... SARANGHAEYO AUTHOR-NIM <3 <3 .....
Chapter 24: wooooooooo love is in the air jijijiji
whaaaaa-? why am I here..?
aegyobyun #6
Chapter 24: Miscommunication guys. Always say what you feel.
Chapter 24: Plz update!
omona-kpop #8
Chapter 13: Tsk tsk tsk. Baekhyun and that mouth of his. Saying things he ends up regretting.
PrettykikwangGF #9
Chapter 24: ._. I don't like how everyone is blinded by their happiness for hunhan and don't even care for Xiumin D:::: my poor baby... T^T waaaae ? Do you know how it feels to be punched by a friend ? Even worse after you confessed to him ;~; he loved him...But he punched him... I'm not saying this because Min-babe is my biais but author-nim, can you feel Xiumin's pain ?!

And omg baekyeol ._. Like, it feels like nothing is moving D: they only communicate to put taoris together. They cannot fall for each other just like that :0 . Plus Baek lied to Chan' ._. I'm sorry, I'm just super curious about how it's gonna happen... Fighting author nim ( I'm sad there's no xDD /dies/)