EXO High: Dense

EXO High
Tao's POV~
The movie had just started 10 minutes ago and I'm already trembling with fear. Thankfully, there weren't any scary scenes yet. I took that time to think of a way of saving myself from fear if a scary scene was to happen. 
Plan 1: Just scream 
No, that's a turn off for Kris. 
Plan 2:  Cover my eyes or turn to a side
Kris will judge me I believe.
Finally, I decided to just close my eyes and sat firmly in my seat as the scary scenes played. 
I could hear some screams from the viewers but no I'm not scared since I was closing my eyes tightly.  I wasn't moving too much either. From what I believe, Kris probably thought I was enjoying the movie. 
From time to time, I jerked when the music startled me. I have not the slightest idea of what's happening in the movie.  I only open my eyes when I hear no scream from the audience or when there is a dialogue in the movie.
I checked the time and it's almost an hour, the movie should be ending soon. Which also means the is near and more scary scenes will follow. I closed my eyes tightly again as I hear the sound turn creepy. 
I jerked when I felt a hand cover both my ears. I stiffened as I let myself lean on what seemed like someone's warm chest. My left ear could hear his heartbeat while the other was covered by a hand. 
I looked up and met his gaze. 
Kris smiled.  He was trying to cover my ears for me. 
I tried to take his hands off, not to be rude but I felt rather a burden to him. Besides, the movie will end in a about 20 minutes. 
"I'm okay," I said, trying to pull myself away from him. 
"Just let me. I'm sorry I didn't realize earlier that you were terrified with horror movies." he said as he pulled me back into his chest. 
I stayed still just like that for 20 minutes that seemed like years. I could hear his heart beat faster. Perhaps due to the movie. I couldn't really tell if it was about to end since the sound was muffled in my ears, thanks to Kris.
Kris loosened up and took his hand that covered my ear. I slowly pull away from the contact and gave him a quick smile. It was rather awkward the entire time, frozen in that position with him. 
It was evening when we got out of the mall. Baekhyun and Chanyeol were trailing behind us, clinging to each other as if they were glued to each other. 
"Where do you guys want to eat?" Kris turned behind to finally ask the two love birds. It was getting really silent and awkward between me and Kris. 
Chanyeol's POV~ 
Baekhyun and I walked at least 3 ft away from each other while we observed the interaction between Kris and Tao in front of us. 
To our dismay, they weren't even talking. Baekhyun expected Tao would be clingy to Kris after the horror movie but he seemed to have tried to hide his fear in front of Kris. This made Baekhyun really upset as his plan failed again. I tried to keep a safe distance from Baekhyun in case he starts to be violent again and vent his anger on me.  
All of a sudden, Kris turned to us, Baekhyun swiftly moved next to me, interlocking our arms together. 
"That was close! from now on, stick with me no matter what." Baekhyun mumbled behind me. I nodded slightly and rested my hand around his small waist while smiling at Kris. 
"Where do you guys wanna eat?" Kris said. I turned to Baekhyun who was thinking deep of a better place to eat. I then got an idea. 
I leaned to Baekhyun's ear, my lips touched his tiny earlobe making him stiffen at the sudden contact. "Let's just leave the two to have their dinner." I said softly. Baekhyun giggled, pretending that we were having a very intimate discussion in those whispers I gave. 
Obviously, we managed to convince Tao and Kris that at this point, we were really dating for real. 
"Chanyeol said he wants to have dinner with just the two of us." Baekhyun said. Tao squirmed at this while Kris was rather understanding as he smirked. 
"Yeah right. You certainly need to get a room." Tao said sarcastically. I let my lips give a slight peck on Baekhyun's neck, not really certain if I went too far with my acting. "We do need a room. Now if you'd excuse us." I winked at both Tao and Kris.  Tao was near tears, wanting to make Baekhyun stay with him badly as he doesnt want to be left on his own with Kris. 
Kris on the otherhand was giggling to himself, pretty amused with mine and Baekhyun's public display of affection. I'm quite surprised he wasn't disgusted though. For a manly guy like him, he was quite open and understanding after he knew I'm dating Baekhyun.
With that, we turned our back at them and started walking away with smiles of success.
Kris POV~
"I guess it's just the two of us now." I felt for my nape as I declared and give him a nervous smile. 
He returned the smile to me softly, he seemed rather nervous too. I decided to bring him to one of the restaurants I like nearby. It was mine and Chanyeol's favorite. 
Our dinner went smoothly but it was rather silent. Not that I minded. I was so focused on my food that I didn't even find it awkward. Tao seemed to love the food too. He even asked for another round.
These days, I find it really fun to hangout with Tao. I was initially worried that since Chanyeol would be dating Baekhyun, I'll be left out on my own more often. Although Tao is way different from Chanyeol, he was fun to be with in his own way. He doesn't talk much when we are out but his company makes me feel better. 
"Kris?" a soft voice of a woman startled me. The voice was very familiar, I swore I've heard it a lot before. I tried to face the voice owner, wishing my guess was wrong. 
I was right though. 
"It really is you!" she beamed before throwing herself into me for a hug without warning. I wasn't really pleased with the contact so I tried to remove her hands off of me. My eyes darted to Tao who had a surprised look in his eyes. 
"S-Stacey, why are you here?" I managed to speak after she pulled away from the hug. 
She smiled. "For you. I've been searching high and low since last week for you. Honey, let's go back to Canada." she urged, almost whining as she held my hand.
"Stacey, we've talked about this." I reminded her. I really wasn't in the mood to deal with her, I was having my dinner. My favorite food is now neglected on my table, thanks to this certain someone. 
"Oh come on. I knew you were just joking. Let's go back now okay? I'm no longer busy, I promise. I'll take care of you better. Please, Kris?" 
"I have a date right now." I said. Stacey furrowed her eyebrows and immediately turned to Tao who was more surprised than ever. 
"You're dating a guy?" 
"I've told you before. And I will tell you again. I'm no longer interested in you. So please, stop following me around from one country to another. I'm tired." I said firmly.
I then walked towards Tao and grabbed his hand. I forced him into a tight embrace and whispered into his ears, 
"Just go along with my act just this once, will you?" Tao agreed to which I was expecting...but I didn't expect the following scenes that would come after. 
"haha. Oh kris, If you'd exchange me for a guy, at least find someone who's deserving." Stacey scanned Tao from head to toe with disgust written on her face.  That face that I'd do anything just not to see it ever again. 
"He can't even afford to get that dark circles below his eyes done. Hmm to be honest, it wouldn't be that expensive to have that fixed. I'd be so kind to recommend you someone who can fix that for you...with a discount." she said with a sneer, belittling Tao as much as she can.  
I was deciding in my head whether to walk away or slap the hell out of her until Tao stepped in.
He was trembling with anger.  He drinks a glass of water to calm himself down and then, without a warning, spits the entire liquid all over Stacey's face, earning attention from the other customers around us.
Stacey was beyond speechless and hopeless. Her face was wet and her dress was drenched with water.  She stood shaking, unable to come up with something that could prevent herself  from getting embarrassed. She looked pitiful but deep inside me, I thought she deserved it. 
"Here. A card for a laundry shop nearby. Go and get your dirty self cleaned.  I heard they clean very well, even the dirtiest personalities can be cleansed. Try your luck. Nice meeting you, Stacey." and with that, Tao grabbed my arm and turned our back from her. 
"And oh by the way, it's free of charge. The expenses will be on me." 
Tao's POV~
"and you walked away just like that??? HAHAHAH! I'm so proud of you beef!" Baekhyun exclaimed, clapping his hands with excitement and pure joy.
I couldn't believe I've done such a thing either. Well, I guess anger hit me really hard I just had to speak up. Worst, it was in front of Kris!  What would he think of me now? I shouldn't be allowed to live anymore. 
"So, who is this Stacey girl anyway?" 
"Well, Kris said she was his exgirlfriend that he doesnt really want to talk so much about. I think we could already guess why." I assumed, raising an eyebrow. 
"With that nasty and clingy behaviour? Who would want to talk about her." Baekhyun added.
Both me and Baekhyun were chatting in the living room that saturday night after our own dates while Sehun was alone in his room, studying.
I know, it's suprising.  
"Did Kris say anything after that?"  Baekhyun asked. 
"After what?"
"After what you said to her." 
I stammered finding the right answer. Trying to remember what he said but couldnt remember any words coming out from him in that moment. 
"W-well..he just smiled at me. A nice wide smile." 
"Not even a word?" Baekhyun pressed.
"Yeah...  That's why it has gotten me worried! What if it gave him a bad impression of me???? Oh my god..beef, please fry me now.." I begged genuinely. ARghhhhhh Tao, you are always getting yourself in a big trouble.  Who asked you to fight back when you could walk away that moment? 
Stupid me. 
"Stupid. Why do you think he smiled at you? You think he's advertising some toothpaste brand by showing off his perfect white teeth to you? Idiot." Baekhyun remarked.  
"He isn't?" I asked to which earned me a good whack on my head. 
"I'm going back to my dorm now. Goodnight." Baekhyun stood up from the couch and said goodbye to my room mate Sehun before heading to the front door.
"Wait, aren't you going to explain why he smiled???"  I asked eagerly. 
Baekhyun shook his head.  "If I told you he liked what you did, would you believe me then?"
"Of course not! That's very unlikely!"
"Exactly." Baekhyun nonchalantly said, staring straight into my eyes. 
With that, he shut the door behind him, leaving me puzzled. 
A/N: I know. 
It has been a very long while. No other culprit of my absence but college. I'm in 
my long awaited holidays right now and ill only be back to school in january. So..
before that comes, I will try my freaking best to complete this  story before I go busy again.
I'm really sorry for my readers and to those who might need to re-read some of the chapters
because you've already forgotten the story due to my long hiatus. :< 
I was thinking of ditching this story but it wouldnt be fair if I wont give it any proper ending.
Though this story has been around for about a year or sth, (and its not even complete yet) 
I think completing it late rather than never would be better. After all, its almost near the ending. 
I really appreciate everyone of you who are willing to spend your time reading my (silly) stories. 
Like most of us here, we do this for fun and I'm glad some of you are having fun as well,  reading this 
Sorry if it didnt though XD   
so yeah. Goal >> complete this story before january. 
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Thank you!
just two more weeks people, two more weeks and ill be able to update!!


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Chapter 24: Yoy can't leave me like this!!!!!
Chapter 24: Ahhh I hope you decide to come back to this fic, it's soooo good!
Chapter 24: please update soon..... i really miss this fic because of school. I'm a fan of yours because you wrote awesome fics....... SARANGHAEYO AUTHOR-NIM <3 <3 .....
Chapter 24: wooooooooo love is in the air jijijiji
whaaaaa-? why am I here..?
aegyobyun #6
Chapter 24: Miscommunication guys. Always say what you feel.
Chapter 24: Plz update!
omona-kpop #8
Chapter 13: Tsk tsk tsk. Baekhyun and that mouth of his. Saying things he ends up regretting.
PrettykikwangGF #9
Chapter 24: ._. I don't like how everyone is blinded by their happiness for hunhan and don't even care for Xiumin D:::: my poor baby... T^T waaaae ? Do you know how it feels to be punched by a friend ? Even worse after you confessed to him ;~; he loved him...But he punched him... I'm not saying this because Min-babe is my biais but author-nim, can you feel Xiumin's pain ?!

And omg baekyeol ._. Like, it feels like nothing is moving D: they only communicate to put taoris together. They cannot fall for each other just like that :0 . Plus Baek lied to Chan' ._. I'm sorry, I'm just super curious about how it's gonna happen... Fighting author nim ( I'm sad there's no xDD /dies/)