EXO High: Weird

EXO High


Nobody's POV~

An evident frown was drawn across his face.

Seeing that there was nobody, not even Luhan in the lobby, has made Sehun disappointed.

Sehun was hopeful a few days ago that he would catch Luhan in action if he went to his locker and spy him.


His hopes skyrocketed again when he realized that he haven’t received any letter either. It made him think that If he had not seen Luhan near his locker anymore, then it would still make sense that he shouldn’t be receiving any letter either.

Sehun  bit his lip as he smiled secretly while walking back to his classroom.

His thoughts weren’t in class at all that day.

He kept on thinking what could happen if Luhan were to confess. What would he say?

What was the best way to tell him he likes him too? What could be more romantic?

Would Luhan even confess?

The question struck him right away.



Resting his chin on his palm, he pondered upon the chances.

He remembers what the previous letter wrote and from the looks of it, the letter sender mentioned that he wasn’t courageous enough to risk the friendship.

If that was the case, Luhan certainly was not gonna show up and say, “It’s me, the one who sent the letter.”

Sehun jutted his lower lip, feeling really troubled.

He wanted Luhan to confess badly.

He tries to remember  their conversation about the letters. He remembered how he dismissed Luhan’s idea of having a guy like him.



"How can you think of a guy liking me? That's so far fetched!" 

"I mean, you never know." Luhan mumbled in his breath. 

"I know." Sehun widened his eyes at him.  "And a guy liking me isn't gonna happen." Sehun said firmly. 

Luhan looked away from the taller. "Right." He nodded reluctantly. "You're right." 

*end of flashback*


He remembers Luhan’s pained expression. He looked hopeless.

Sehun started hitting his head in frustration. It all made sense to him now.

As to why Luhan wouldn’t confess to him and could only do so in letters with a hidden identity.


“I must have given him the idea that I’m not gonna like it if a guy would like me.” Sehun thought.

The younger thought carefully, completely distracted from his class at the moment. 

He thought of ways to change Luhan’s mindset.

He thought he should make Luhan feel that he’s fine towards the letter and to stop making Luhan feel that he was disgusted whenever he got the letter.

That was it.

He adjusted his sitting position and sat properly as he made up his mind.




Kyungsoo’s POV


Placing my laptop in my bag carefully, I hoisted it and walked out of the classroom hurriedly.

I just finished my class and was now heading to the library. I thought of staying there until 5pm, when the study program starts.

My thoughts were occupied with today’s lesson and our upcoming open house.


Everyone’s been crazy busy this entire week, most especially those who were in for the study program.

The national exams are just a few weeks after the open house which has got most of us worried.

I found an empty table and took a seat. I took out my laptop and checked my email.


As soon as I noticed Chen’s name in my inbox, I immediately clicked the message.

A zip file was attached to it which was password protected. The email contained the secret password and a few notes from Chen.


I have just finalized the test papers for the mock exam. It’s in a pdf file.

Please have a look and inform me if there are errors. The mock exam is only for the study program students.

This exam paper is not to be distributed to those who are not included.

The mock exam will take place a week from now, so that would be next Tuesday.

As you know of, we all have our clubs to attend to on Wednesday so Suho and I decided to have it the day before.

It will be from 5pm till 10pm. I have already informed the students through text but please do remind them to study.

That’s all. Thanks.

I opened the zip file and reviewed the questions carefully for each subject. I leaned closer to the screen and continued to read the rest of the questions.


After about an hour and a half, I leaned back with a sigh. I batted my tired eyes and began to stretch my arms.

I began to type a  reply to chen.


The questions are fine, I don’t see any errors. I’ll be having a talk with Baekhyun and Tao later. I need to ensure their performance. I think I’ve focused too much in Kai lately. Ive only met Baekhyun and Tao once a week. They seem fine but I have never done a test review on them. I might need your help. I’m really sorry about this.


A few minutes after I sent the message, I noticed a chat box flickering. It was Chen and he was online.

“If I remember well, Tao and Baekhyun are fine with other subjects except Maths right?”

“Yes. And Kai was bad at everything since he’s mostly asleep in class. That was why I focused on him.” I typed.


Chen: Have you met Kris and Chanyeol though? We were their tutors, remember?

Kyungsoo is typing…

Kyungsoo: I have.. They were doing well last week. Much better than I expected. I think you must have done an intensive lecture on them the previous week before they met with me :PPP hahaha

Chen: I certainly have. Glad that it worked for them. Is Kai doing well though? o_o

Kyungsoo: Very well. I’m pretty confident with him >__<

Chen: Then, this leaves us with only Baekhyun and Tao to assist this week. I’ll talk to Baekhyun when I reach our dorm. (^_^)/

Kyungsoo: Thanks :D How is Xiumin by the way? XD

Chen: -__-‘’

Chen: You’re his room mate, you should know that best.

Kyungsoo: What I meant was, how are you and Xiumin? When are you going to confess to him?

Chen: -_- Now is not really the time to confess. Everyone’s very busy.

Kyungsoo: stop with this -_- emoticon. I bet you look like this >//////<

Chen: …

Kyungsoo: Just confess to him already.

Chen: I can’t.

Kyungsoo: Why? Are you scared?

Chen: no. There’s..

Chen: a person he likes.

Kyungsoo: oh…I.. I didn’t know that. We don’t really talk about our personal life when we are in our dorm. Im sorry. L

Chen: It’s alright.

Chen: Hey,  I’ll go offline now. I need to print some stuff. See you later :-}

Chen has signed off.



I felt bad for bringing the topic. It must have been tough on him.

I glanced at the time in my laptop screen and there was enough time for me to get my early dinner before the study program starts.

I began to pack up my things and left for the cafeteria.


The cafeteria was almost empty when I arrived. A smile crept on my face when I noticed a familiar figure.

“Kai!” I waved when he turned to me. He looked rather surprised to see me.

“Have you received Chen’s text message?”

“I-I uhh…you mean the exam? Y-Yes I think I might have.” He stammered.

I noticed he bought lay’s chips, two of it. “Is that for you?” I asked.

Kai shook his head vigorously, “It’s f-for sehun and Luhan.”


I cocked my head to a side, grimacing at how weird he was acting.

He seemed like a robot about to lose its power soon. I decided to feel his forehead in an attempt to find out what was wrong with him.


I was certain I felt Kai’s body stiffen at the contact.  

His eyes grew even wider. “You don’t seem like you’re sick. Are you ok? Why are you acting really strange?”

I only got surprised eyes as a response from Kai so I took my hand away.

The moment I did so, Kai immediately announced that he needed to hurry back and meet the others.

He didn’t even let me respond as he swiftly ran away and turned his back on me.


Weird. Well time to eat my early dinner.






YES It has been A WHILE. IM SORRY. 


I was in a terrible writers block and so I focused on my drawings instead of my stories. 

a little more while and all of the pairings will be established Kyaaaaa im excited myself to finally write the 

real good parts. Expect exciting revelations for the next chapter/s :) 


I want to share some good news tho ;A; 

-Sehun's fansite Sehunadotcom liked my quick chibi fanart for them. and she replied me with a thank you <3 <3 <3 

-EXO's producer for wolf saw my HunHan drawing process video and he liked it and many more praises. 

-EXO's stylists, punkyspider & onederz liked my sehun and hunhan drawings respectively. 

(this happened when they were in russia)


if you're curious, here is the video that exo's producer had seen [link]

@xxxvspr   is my kpop fan art instagram where exo's stylist liked my drawings. 

as for sehunadotcom, here's a screenshot~


Sorry, i just wanted to share T_T I was gone for a reason and that reason was because I died with all

of this happening in a month and duhh exo's comeback. HUHU. 

I'll be back soon with an update <3 thanks for the support for this story <3 Im really really grateful ;)


also, i'd like to take this chance to thank LeeJulian ! She's very friendly and she write awesome stories too! Im just really grateful :)

do check her stories out and you wont regret it ever. :) 

Do comment and upvote, subscribe if you havent yet ~






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just two more weeks people, two more weeks and ill be able to update!!


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Chapter 24: Yoy can't leave me like this!!!!!
Chapter 24: Ahhh I hope you decide to come back to this fic, it's soooo good!
Chapter 24: please update soon..... i really miss this fic because of school. I'm a fan of yours because you wrote awesome fics....... SARANGHAEYO AUTHOR-NIM <3 <3 .....
Chapter 24: wooooooooo love is in the air jijijiji
whaaaaa-? why am I here..?
aegyobyun #6
Chapter 24: Miscommunication guys. Always say what you feel.
Chapter 24: Plz update!
omona-kpop #8
Chapter 13: Tsk tsk tsk. Baekhyun and that mouth of his. Saying things he ends up regretting.
PrettykikwangGF #9
Chapter 24: ._. I don't like how everyone is blinded by their happiness for hunhan and don't even care for Xiumin D:::: my poor baby... T^T waaaae ? Do you know how it feels to be punched by a friend ? Even worse after you confessed to him ;~; he loved him...But he punched him... I'm not saying this because Min-babe is my biais but author-nim, can you feel Xiumin's pain ?!

And omg baekyeol ._. Like, it feels like nothing is moving D: they only communicate to put taoris together. They cannot fall for each other just like that :0 . Plus Baek lied to Chan' ._. I'm sorry, I'm just super curious about how it's gonna happen... Fighting author nim ( I'm sad there's no xDD /dies/)