A Cool Night

8 Boys, 1 Heart

So, here I was. Back at home. I took a warm shower and changed into my nightie when I received a message from my Baby dearest.


Donghae: Hey Dear, how's work today?


Me: It was fun. The most fun-filled day I've ever had.


Ouh come on! Tell me Getting-Back-At-Your-Ex-Boyfriend will not be fun. I felt like a complete sadist but I had a reason of doing so.


Me: So, how was your day in Japan?


Donghae: Well, Japan is Japan. Nothing can change that. But I miss you.. alot.


I soften when he said that. I was shifting over to my right so that I could easily place my phone on my ears but little that I know, I gave out a little moan also.


Donghae: Dear, please. Not on the phone. I'm clearly right now.


Me: Huh? What? What did I do?


Donghae: Huh? You didn't know? So, who are you with then?


Me: Eh..?! What are you talking about?


Donghae: Dear, why did you moan? Are you..? Gasp! Don't tell me you're..?


I didn't understand him at first but then slowly it came to me.


Me: Oh my freaking goodness! Lee Donghae! What the hell?!


Donghae: What..?


Me: I moaned because I wanted to lay down on my side. Your erted brain and you are gonna get in trouble!


Donghae: HAHA!~ This is hilarious! > <~ For a second, I had a mini heart attack!


Me: Sigh, what am I gonna do with you?


There was a brief silent to show that he was trying to calm down.


Donghae: Dear, moan again.


I know where he was going but I still did it anyways since he is a long way from home and he misses me so much. There is only so much I can do.

So, I did.


I could hear his voice waver and he replied back to the phone.


Donghae: Dear, that was just..


I cut him off and continued . Until I think he could not managed it, I stopped and waited for his response.


Donghae: [Exhale] ..mean. That was mean.


Me: Hehe, I know. Goodnight baby.


Donghae: You too, dear. Dream about me..


Me: [Whisper] Bye~



Ayoooo, guys! Heehee, I'm sorry fer da short update. I'm having fever but I didn't wanna leave eu guys hanging. So, here's a goodnight post fer all my readers and 2 cool suscribers:)~

Cr not mine > <~


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uPDATE sOON love itt
Yi_JiEun #2
Kekeke, ure my first comment-er EVER! Thank eu> <~