She's That Special

It's A LEGIT Love Triangle


"Why does your eyes keep wondering, Hyejin-ah?" Myungsoo asked.

It was a typical day in school during lunch time and Hyejin kept glancing to her right.  Upon hearing her best friend's voice, she looked up at him, "Oh it's nothing."

Myungsoo looked around the spot were Hyejin's eyes were and found Sungjong eating while chatting with his friends.

"Why don't you go up there to talk to him?" came Myungsoo's unexpected question.

"Well.... I don't want to leave you guys," Hyejin said truthfully.

"Fine.  I'll ask him to come here then," Myungsoo said but before you could stop him he already called on Sungjong, "Sungjong-ah!"

Fellow students started glancing at him wondering why he's yelling across the room but that was the least of his worries.  Sungjong looked to his right and saw Myungsoo waving at him and Hyejin was beside him flustered.

"I wonder what he wants.  Better go find out Sungjong," Hyosung said as she took a bite of her taco.

"I will," Sungjong stood up and made his way to where Hyejin was sitting.  "Yes?"

"Sit with us here so you can be with Hyejin," Myungsoo said straight forwardly.

The other three guys were confused as to why he needs to sit with Hyejin but Hyunah, on the other hand, was ecstatic knowing that her friend and Sungjong are finally dating.

"Er..... I kinda don't wanna leave my friends over there...." Sungjong pointed at his table.

"Anni, it's okay," Hyejin finally butted in.  "You don't have to. I understand that you want to be with your friends too so you don't need to sit here."

"Okay," Sungjong nodded and slowly went back to his table.

"Oh. My. Gosh!  So he accepted your confession?" Hyunah squealed in delight and giddiness for her friend.

"Mwoh?!" everyone on their table yelled even Myungsoo who already knew about it.

"You confessed to that guy and now you two are dating?" Dongwoo was the most enraged since he's the one who's most protective over you next to Myungsoo.

"Hyunah knew about this and I didn't?" Myungsoo was enraged as well.

Hyejin felt guilty right away but Hyunah was there to back her up, "Eish!  Yah, sometimes Hyejin can't say stuff to her guy friends so she needs a girl friend."

"Mianhe, Myungsoo-ah," Hyejin apologized.

Right away those negative feeling washed out of Myungsoo's system but that wasn't the end of the enraged group of guys.

"Forget about your jealousy, Myungsoo.  How come we didn't know about this?" This time it was Woohyun who asked.

"Er.... we haven't announced it publicly yet," Hyejin gave an excuse.

"What?  So we're part of the public now?  We're not on your private life now, Hyejin?" Hoya asked.

"Anniyo!" Hyejin quickly said.  "I just.... I.... you..."

"Yah, don't give her a hard time," Myungsoo scolded the others.  "She didn't even tell me until I found out and I'm her best friend."

"So why aren't you guys sitting together?" Woohyun asked.

"Oh, well I have my own friends and he have his own friends and we both don't want to leave you guys out so...." Hyejin tried to explain.

"Why don't we all just sit together then?" Dongwoo suggested and Sungyeol and Hoya agreed immediately.

"I.... guess we could do that," Hyejin said.

They all stood up and threw their garbage away then they came over to the other table.  Noticing six people standing beside their table, Sungjong, Min, and Gina looked up only to see Hyejin and the others looking at them.

"Can we.... sit here?" Hyejin asked.

Sungjong slowly nodded a little bit confused.  All six of them sat at the table.  Hyejin, of course, sat beside Sungjong.

"So.... uh.... what brought you guys here?" Sungjong asked.

"We decided that since the two of you doesn't want to leave your friends, we just insisted on sitting together so you two could be together," Hyunah explained.

"I hope it's not a bother...." Hoya trailed off.

"Oh, no.  It's fine," Gina said.

Sungjong stared at Hyejin and in his head he was thinking:

*Even these gorgeous guys treats Hyejin like she's someone really special.  Am I the only who thinks otherwise?*

Hyejin noticed Sungjong staring at her and her face was flaming the redness in her cheeks and ears were very visible.  The group of friends were tense at first but as time passed by they were getting close and soon they were all joking around. Hyejin and Sungjong were all listening to their friends talk. 

Hyejin noticed Sungjong's right arm that was laying on the table in front of him.  Flustered, she placed her left arm inches away from him.  Their hands were brushing but Sungjong didn't notice anything while Hyejin pretended like everything's normal.

Dongwoo, however, noticed her actions and seeing Sungjong doing nothing made Dongwoo think that Sungjong was dense.

*He needs some manly advise.*

The bell rung signaling the end of lunch and everyone stood up instantly.  Hyejin noticed Dongwoo whisper something to Woohyun and Hoya.  When the trio got up they walked around Sungjong.

Woohyun wrapped his arms around Sungjong's shoulder, "Hey buddy, we need to talk."

Hyejin was about to come over and ask them what they were trying to do to Sungjong but Myungsoo stopped her.

"Don't mind them.  They just want a friendly talk with Sungjong," Myungsoo said.  He knew what they were gonna do to him.

"Oh, okay," Hyejin smiled then went back to her class along with Hyunah who was in the same class as her.


"What is it?" Sungjong was bewildered.

"I think we need to give you some advise about Hyejin," Hoya answered.

Sungjong rolled his eyes in his head.  He could careless about Hyejin but he couldn't just say that to them so he slowly nodded.

"Earlier I noticed that she was purposely brushing her arms next to you," Dongwoo stated but Sungjong was still confused.  "That means she wants you to hold her hands.  I can't believe you didn't get the signal."

"Oh, I didn't know." Sungjong said.  It was true though he barely noticed her.  How could he when his crush is just sitting across from him.

"And some more advise:  don't buy her ice cream she hates those," Hoya stated.

"All the words you say matters to her so be careful.  Choose your words wisely.  That's just how she is," Dongwoo added.

"Oh, and she's immensely afraid of dogs.  It could even be to the extent of being her phobia," Woohyun said.

The trio then turned serious.

"Hyejin is a really great girl.  If you ever play with her," Dongwoo smirked and so did the other two, "She's got us to back her up.  Better be careful, Sungjong."

Sungjong gulped.  It was frightening how they changed from being the bubbly friends to a murderous threat in a second.  Sungjong slowly nodded and that's when the trio went back to being goofy.

"Good.  Let's go to class," Woohyun stated.

*She's that special.  I guess.  I think I will never know why.*

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sandyliuyr #1
Chapter 27: Omgggg! Please update soon!!! This is such a cheesy story and I love it so much!!!
Smileonce133 #2
Chapter 27: Update pls
Chapter 27: Update please??
Chapter 27: I fel bad for myungsoo though /frowns/
Dont worry myunggie you have me! /bricked/
UPDATE SOON , <3 puh leash?
Chapter 7: I really love Sungjong to be with her !! >.<
Chapter 27: They are sooo cute~~ xD Im happy that Sungjong really likes her now~ But I feel kinda sorry for Myungsoo... He should've confessed to her earlier... *sigh sigh I'm really happy for the Hyejong couple though kekeke xD
winniepillow #8
Chapter 27: writer-nim, i love this story A LOT. i would be sooo unhappy if you stopped this story...please update soon!
New reader. Please update soon :3
hellopanda23 #10
Gahhhh breaks my heart for myungsoo Gahhh. Why he no convince earlier. :(