Friends' Teases

It's A LEGIT Love Triangle


*Ding Dong* *Ding Dong*

Hyejin was in the closet when the doorbell rang.  She just finished dressing up to her uniform so she dashed for the door.

"Yes?" she asked while looking up at the person.

Her eyes grew wide seeing Sungjong but he looked totally different, "Annyeong."

Sungjong waved at her while smiling and Hyejin just stood there still soaking in her brain his new look.  His hair that used to be golden brown was now changed into chocolate brown that is almost black and his haircut was also changed.

"O-oh, annyeong," she finally said.

Sungjong showed a little pout seeing Hyejin's shocked look, "Do I not look good?"

Hyejin immediately complied, "A-nni.  You look great, oppa."

Sungjong saw her beaming smile and he smiled in return.  "You ready?  Let's go to school together."

"Okay.  Hold on, let me get my stuff," Hyejin stepped aside to let Sungjong in then she went to her bedroom.

"Oppa let's wait for Myungsoo too.  We usually go to school together," Hyejin shouted from her bedroom.

"Okay," Sungjong replied while walking around her small living room.

He saw frames of Hyejin's pictures from her childhood.  Of course, everything contained Myungsoo in it.  He then saw the picture on the counter with Hyejin and Myungsoo that was probably taken just a few years back.  He held it up and examined it.

*Even when she was younger she had that beautiful smile.*

Subconsciously he smiled.  It's like an instinct action for him to smile when he sees her smile.  Be it a picture or in reality.  He realized that they don't have pictures of them together anywhere in her apartment.

*I should take a picture of us.*

Hyejin came out from her bedroom and Sungjong dropped the picture to look at her, "Ready?"

"Mhm," Hyejin nodded.

They got out of her apartment and saw Myungsoo locking his own apartment.

"Morning, Myungsoo," Hyejin greeted.

"Morning," Myungsoo waved then looked up from his doorknob.  "Oh, Sungjong.  You changed your hair."

"Eo.  Got tired of my old hair," Sungjong explained.

They started walking and Hyejin popped up between Sungjong and Myungsoo wrapping each of her arms around their arms.

"It feels so good going to school with the two most important guys in my life," Hyejin beamed as she happily walked in between them.


When they got to school, Sungjong's phone vibrated.  He picked up while Hyejin and Myungsoo started their own conversation.

"Myungsoo-ah, when your team's next game?" Hyejin asked.

"A week from now.  When's yours?"

"This coming Friday," Hyejin answered.

"Are you even practicing?" Myungsoo turned a serious face at Hyejin.

"Of course.  Wae?  You're doubting my skills now?" she faked a hurt expression.

Myungsoo chuckled but shook his head, "Anni."

Sungjong got out of his phone then turned to Hyejin, "Gina and Hyosung are at Inspirit Cafe.  It's just a few blocks from here.  Wanna come with?"

"Mhm," Hyejin nodded then turned to Myungsoo.  "Do you want to come too?"

"Anni.  They guys are waiting for me.  You two go ahead," Myungsoo stated.

"Oh, okay.  See you later, Myungsoo," Hyejin waved as they parted ways.

"Do we have enough time before school starts?" Hyejin asked.

Sungjong nodded then he noticed that her hand and his hand were slightly swaying side by side and it would brush against each other once in a while.  Hyejin doesn't seem to mind though but to Sungjong it was bothersome.  So he reached out and intertwined their hands together.  Hyejin looked at their hands then at him who showed a toothy smile.

They got to Inspirit Cafe and quickly spotted Hyosung and Gina drinking iced coffee since the weather have been getting hot lately.  Summer was slowly approaching.

The couple sat down in front of them and the two girls looked at them with wide eyes. 

"Annyeong," Sungjong and Hyejin greeted them with a smile so bright they would think they were looking at the sun.

"Wow, you guys got REALLY close, huh?" Gina added emphasis hinting Sungjong at what was going on.

"Waah~ Sungjong-ah.  You changed your hairstyle.  You look more manly though," Hyosung exclaimed which made him shoot her a glare.

"So what did we miss?" Gina propped her elbows at the table and leaned her chin on her interlaced hands.  She was really curious at how much Sungjong changed after not seeing him for just three days.

"Nothing much.  We just had a little vacation in Busan," Hyejin shrugged.  Of course, she didn't think Sungjong changed that much except for his appearance but Gina and Hyosung was a whole different story.

"It doesn't seem like nothing much," Hyosung eyed their laced hands.

"What's wrong with us?  Aren't we a normal couple?" Sungjong asked seeing Hyosung look at them suspiciously.

*I'm gonna get something out of you Lee Sungjong.  Later.*


Hyejin and her friends were still absent from the table so only Sungjong, Gina, and Hyosung were present.

"Start talking, Sungjong," Gina blurted out.

"Wae?  What did I do?" he whined as he played with his food.

"Oh c'mon.  Don't pretend like we don't notice.  You and Hyejin are too lovey-dovey," Hyosung explained.

"Oh.... that.  I-I...." Sungjong looked down on his food.  "I like her."

"Mwoh?!" Gina and Hyosung both exclaimed.

"But I thought...." Hyosung started.

"I thought so too.  But I guess I'm not," Sungjong explained.

"What made you think you were gay in the first place then?" Gina asked while placing salad in .

"Your s," Sungjong answered truthfully.

Gina choked and Hyosung laughed hysterically at the bold answer from Sungjong.

"M-my what?!?!" Gina asked between gulps of water.

"We went swimming a lot of times and you would always wear those revealing bikinis but every time I see you I was never attracted," Sungjong explained and Hyosung laughed more.

"Mwoh?  So you mean this body," Gina pointed up and down her body.  "Never attracted you but those non-existent curves of Hyejin did?"

Gina was not usually mean.  She actually likes Hyejin but honestly speaking she just think that she have a better body than her.  With that D cup of hers.

"I don't know.  I guess," Sungjong shrugged.

"Wah~ so something did happen in Busan," Hyosung was enjoying all of this since she was the only who wasn't being humiliated.

"Anni!" Sungjong exclaimed.  "Yah!  Stop thinking dirty thoughts!"

"Who's thinking dirty?" came Woohyun's question with the rest of their friends sitting down with their tray of foods.

Sungjong grew flushed and looked down at his food.  Hyejin spoke up as she sat beside him, "Did we miss something?"

"Anni.  Nothing much.  Me and Gina were just curious at what happened in Busan," Hyosung then turned the teasing eyes to Hyejin.  "You know, you and Sungjong rooming together is kinda suspicious if you ask me."

Instantly, all heads perked up.  They caught on with the word dirty thoughts and now everyone's eyes are at the flustered couple.

"A-anniyo, nothing happened," Hyejin fervently shook her head.  "Myungsoo was in the room too."

Hyejin tapped Myungsoo's arm for help but he too was in the mood to tease them, "But not the last night.  I saw you two so cozy in the bed together so I left and slept on the living room."

"Oooooo~" All of them chorused and the couple's face was as red as a tomato.

"Wah~ Hyejin's not a anymore," Hyunah blurted out.

"Unnie!" Hyejin exclaimed but her outburst was only returned with laughs all around the table.

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sandyliuyr #1
Chapter 27: Omgggg! Please update soon!!! This is such a cheesy story and I love it so much!!!
Smileonce133 #2
Chapter 27: Update pls
Chapter 27: Update please??
Chapter 27: I fel bad for myungsoo though /frowns/
Dont worry myunggie you have me! /bricked/
UPDATE SOON , <3 puh leash?
Chapter 7: I really love Sungjong to be with her !! >.<
Chapter 27: They are sooo cute~~ xD Im happy that Sungjong really likes her now~ But I feel kinda sorry for Myungsoo... He should've confessed to her earlier... *sigh sigh I'm really happy for the Hyejong couple though kekeke xD
winniepillow #8
Chapter 27: writer-nim, i love this story A LOT. i would be sooo unhappy if you stopped this story...please update soon!
New reader. Please update soon :3
hellopanda23 #10
Gahhhh breaks my heart for myungsoo Gahhh. Why he no convince earlier. :(