Thoughtful Her

It's A LEGIT Love Triangle


Hyejin bought her ticket to the train then went to a convenience store to buy foods. 

*Hhmm.... What does Sungjong oppa like?*

Hyejin scanned the chips and got some.

*Note to self: Ask him what his favorites are.*

She ended up buying foods that she likes.  While walking she saw Sungjong already waiting.  He turned around and saw Hyejin walk up to him.  He wave his hand to her and she waved back.  She couldn't stop herself from smiling at him.

"It's a four hour ride, you ready?" Sungjong was in an awfully good mood since he was going to see Myungsoo.

"Mhm," Hyejin nodded she was happy to see Sungjong happy as well.  She held up the plastic bag filled with snacks.  "I bought foods."

The train finally arrived and they both got inside.  They sat beside each other and placed their stuff at the sit in front of them which was not occupied. There's a foldable table in front of them and the seat with their stuff in it are facing their way.  Sungjong took the window seat.

"I bought a lot of snacks.  Just in case you didn't eat breakfast yet," Hyejin stated.

Sungjong looked at Hyejin as she takes out all the foods in the bag.

*Now I know what Gina means when she said you are thoughtful.  Whoever you end up with would be a lucky guy.*

"I didn't know which one you like so I bought a lot flavors," Hyejin kept babbling.  "Banana milk or strawberry milk?"

She held up both milk in front of her waiting for Sungjong's answer.

"Strawberry milk," Sungjong answered.

"Jinjja?  Strawberry milk is my favorite, too," Hyejin's eyes sparkled.  She handed him the strawberry one, "But you can have it.  I like banana milk too anyways."

Sungjong smiled and took the milk from her.

"I bought granola bars too," Hyejin got the food out. 

"No thanks.  I'm allergic to peanuts," Sungjong informed her.

"Oh, I like peanuts," Hyejin pouted which earned a chuckle from Sungjong.

*She gets upset over those things.  Wow!*

Sungjong latched on to a s'more, "I'll eat this instead."

"Bu-but I was gonna eat that," Hyejin pouted once again.

"But I like s'mores.  I wanna eat this," Sungjong demanded.

He didn't really love the food that he would get in a fight over it.  It just amuses him how Hyejin reacts.  It was funny but not in a bad way.

"Fine," Hyejin was still pouting.  "I'll just eat the granola bars."

Sungjong chuckled as he cut the s'mores in half, "We can share, right?"

He gave her the other half with a smile.  Hyejin's eyes lit up and she took it.  "Thanks, oppa."

Sungjong fidgeted hearing her say it again and Hyejin noticed his discomfort.

"Er.... you don't like me calling you oppa...." Hyejin said while looking at the s'more in her hand.  "Mianhe."

*There she goes again with her sorries.*

"Anni, it's fine.  You can call me oppa," Sungjong said just so he doesn't have to hear her say sorry.

Hyejin heartily smiled again with that famous smile of her but Sungjong was distracted by something else.

"Oh, we're already moving.  I didn't even notice," Sungjong stated and Hyejin looked at the window.

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sandyliuyr #1
Chapter 27: Omgggg! Please update soon!!! This is such a cheesy story and I love it so much!!!
Smileonce133 #2
Chapter 27: Update pls
Chapter 27: Update please??
Chapter 27: I fel bad for myungsoo though /frowns/
Dont worry myunggie you have me! /bricked/
UPDATE SOON , <3 puh leash?
Chapter 7: I really love Sungjong to be with her !! >.<
Chapter 27: They are sooo cute~~ xD Im happy that Sungjong really likes her now~ But I feel kinda sorry for Myungsoo... He should've confessed to her earlier... *sigh sigh I'm really happy for the Hyejong couple though kekeke xD
winniepillow #8
Chapter 27: writer-nim, i love this story A LOT. i would be sooo unhappy if you stopped this story...please update soon!
New reader. Please update soon :3
hellopanda23 #10
Gahhhh breaks my heart for myungsoo Gahhh. Why he no convince earlier. :(