Sungjong's Family

It's A LEGIT Love Triangle


That night instead of going to the club, Sungjong ended up spending time comforting Hyejin.

*It's not her mom who was hospitalized yet she acts like it is her mom.*

When Sungjong got home, the maids bowed at him, "Welcome back, young master.  Dinner was just served."

Sungjong nodded signaling them to disperse as he made his way to the dining room.  At the long table sitted his parents and his older brother, Lee Sungyeol.  Sungjong sat in front of Sungyeol who was looking at him while shaking his head.  Sungjong scowled at his brother in return.

Sungjong was never in good terms with Sungyeol for various reasons.  One being because he was like their parent's pet.  He would do anything their parents told him and hear not even the slightest complain about it from him.  Being the oldest, he was in charge of the family business and was even set to marry a stranger that was the key success to their growing company but even at that he did not say anything.  Sungjong never even once heard his older brother's opinion about their parent's decisions.

"Oh, hey Sungjong.  I thought you wouldn't be joining us for dinner today," his mom said.

One thing he hated as well was the fact that their parents were so strict on Sungyeol but he was free to do anything he wants.  He's mad that Sungyeol doesn't do anything about it.  He didn't hate his older brother but he was rather mad that Sungyeol does nothing to attain freedom.

"Plans changed," Sungjong kept his answer short.

"Well, it's good that you can join us for dinner.  We were just talking about your brother's marriage.  We were thinking about waiting until he finishes college so it won't be too hard to manage his life," Mr. Lee explained.

Sungjong secretly rolled his eyes then looked at Sungyeol who kept a poker face.

*Of course he wouldn't say anything.*

"What about you, son?  I don't seem to see you with girls.  Well, except for Gina since she's your childhood friend," Mrs. Lee asked.

"What about that girl Hyosung?  Didn't you bring her home with Gina a couple of times before?" Mr. Lee suggested.

"Oh, yeah.  But I don't think there's chemistry between them though," Mrs. Lee was smiling from ear to ear as she placed both her hands under her chin while her elbow was supported by the edge of the table. 

She looked at Sungjong anticipating his answer but the only thing that was in his mind at the moment was how mad he was at Sungyeol. 

He glared at him while answering his mom, "Well, actually, I do have a girlfriend."

"You do?!" his parents said in unison.

"Neh, her name is Park Hyejin," Sungjong darted his attention to his mom.

"Well, why didn't you tell us about her?  You didn't even introduce her to us," Mr. Lee asked in disbelief.

Sungjong returned staring at his brother, "I will, soon."

*Unlike you, I choose to do what I want not what our parents want.*

Those were the words that he wanted to pass to Sungyeol.

After dinner, Sungjong was about to go up to his room when Sungyeol called him before he could go up the stairs.

Sungjong turned around, "What?"

"Can we.... talk?" Sungyeol asked nicely.

Another thing that he hates about Sungyeol.  He was too nice to him when he's supposed to be jealous.  That's what anyone would be anyways when their at Sungyeol's position.

Sungjong gave him a half nod then they both walked to the basement lounge room.  That room was rarely used but the maids kept it squeaky clean.

"What do you want?" Sungjong asked as soon as they got into the humongous room.

"You know, you don't have to lie," Sungyeol sounded concern for his little brother.

Sungjong scoffed then glared at him, "Lie?  Why would I lie?"

"I know you're mad at me for being like this—"

"Then why don't you change?!" Sungjong was now yelling at him.

Sungyeol sighed then patted Sungjong's shoulder, "You'll understand.....  Someday."

With that, Sungyeol walked pass Sungjong and was about to go up the stairs when Sungjong spoke up.

"I'm not lying though," Sungjong turned around and faced Sungyeol, "I really do have a girlfriend."

Sungjong walked pass Sungyeol and got out of the basement before him.

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sandyliuyr #1
Chapter 27: Omgggg! Please update soon!!! This is such a cheesy story and I love it so much!!!
Smileonce133 #2
Chapter 27: Update pls
Chapter 27: Update please??
Chapter 27: I fel bad for myungsoo though /frowns/
Dont worry myunggie you have me! /bricked/
UPDATE SOON , <3 puh leash?
Chapter 7: I really love Sungjong to be with her !! >.<
Chapter 27: They are sooo cute~~ xD Im happy that Sungjong really likes her now~ But I feel kinda sorry for Myungsoo... He should've confessed to her earlier... *sigh sigh I'm really happy for the Hyejong couple though kekeke xD
winniepillow #8
Chapter 27: writer-nim, i love this story A LOT. i would be sooo unhappy if you stopped this story...please update soon!
New reader. Please update soon :3
hellopanda23 #10
Gahhhh breaks my heart for myungsoo Gahhh. Why he no convince earlier. :(