Marriage Is For Lovers ONLY


Days pass, well only 3 days. And in those 3 days, the bunny and the fox just annoy each other. They did everything that they could do to annoy each other. What they didn't know however, is that their bestfriends annoyed at them too. They couldn't get peace inside the house, and it's always noisy. 

Eunhyuk and Donghae can't take it anymore. Even if they do things to make Kyuhyun and Sungmin together, they couldn't. It seems that the two like annoying each other. Kyuhyun and Sungmin became comfortable with each other though. It looks like they are friends but they just annoy and tease each other.

Until one day, they didn't have to plan anything anymore.

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I woke up with a loud thud. Wanna know why? This monkey just dragged me to the floor when I didn't wake up. Well, maybe he has a good reason, but it still ruined my beautiful sleep.

"Why did you wake me up all of a sudden?!"

"Aish, you can be so stupid sometimes." What?! What did I do now?

"And why did you say that?"

"Did you forget what today is?"

"Hmm." I thought. What's today's date again? I looked at the calendar. It says February 3. And then the bell in my head rings.That's right! It's my birthday today! And just then, a huge smile is plastered on my face.

"Yeah yeah, it's you're birthday today. so get up now and get ready because you have a big day coming for you." Eunhyuk said.

"What? Where are we going today? Aren't we going to celebrate it here at house?"

"Well we're going to your father's office first, since he has to do work even if it's your birthday while the two girls will prepare the food we'll eat later." THE TWO GIRLS?!

"Eunhyuk, I don't mind Donghae cooking food, but PLEASE don't let Sungmin cook. PLEASE ?!" I emphasized please. Who knows, maybe that bunny will put poison to my food! I don't want to die early. No. Not on my birthday.

"Shh. Kyuhyun, relax." Hyuk said as he saw my worried face. "Besides, it's your birthday! I don't think that Sungmin will stoop down to a level that she will poison you on YOUR BIRTHDAY." 

"Well, you do have a point." I said. But still, I'm having doubts about that girl.

"Now, get ready. Your father must be waiting for us now."

After that, I got ready and we went to appa's office.

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As my father hugged me and greeted me a happy birthday, I felt so happy. I felt so loved by him.

"Happy birthday son. Now, since it's your birthday and I love you so much, what would you want to get?" Eew. Now my father's being so cheesy. Eew. It doesn't suit him.

"Stop being cheesy appa. Uhm.. What do I want for my birthday?" I tried to think what I want. Well, there's this new version of Starcraft. But I can buy that whenever I want. Ahh! I know what present I'd like.

"If you'd permit, can we postpone the wedding with Sungmin? Since you can't cancel it then might as well postpone it. PLEASE??" I begged him, and used my acting skills. Which I think is not so bad as what Eunhyuk thinks right now, because I saw him with a shocked and disgusted face.

"I don't think that that's a good idea Kyuhyun, but seeing that you really want to know Sungmin more before you marry her, I'll think of it. I'll talk to her father first and then I'll inform you later if he approves." He said. He said that I want to know Sungmin more? Is he out of his mind? If I know Sungmin more, I'll know that she's so evil and bad! No way! It is only ME, CHO KYUHYUN, who can be evil in this life!

"Okay appa. So, we're going now. Sungmin and Donghae already prepared a feast for us at home."

"Bye son. I love you!" 

"Eew appa. It doesn't suit you. You're too old for that. But, I love you too." 

"Well, I think it doesn't suit you either." Eunhyuk suddenly in.

"Let's just go home already."

"Impatient to see Sungmin are we?"

"No. I'm just hungry, I think."

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"We're home!" I heard Eunhyuk said.

"Hello Eunhyuk. Happy birthday Kyuhyun! Why didn't you tell us that today's your birthday? We got the news from Eunhyuk." Donghae greeted the two as I set the table and put the food we cooked there. Apparently, today's Kyuhyun's birthday and Eunhyuk asked me and Donghae to cook our lunch for today.

"Let's go to the dining room. I'm sure Sungmin's there bored waiting for you to come home."


Then I saw them walk towards the table and sat down.

"Let's eat!" Both Donghae and Eunhyuk said. And I can see that the three are already dying to eat those food on the table. Well who wouldn't? They looked delicious. And they are, really. Because I was the one who cooked them, because Donghae is a bad cook.

"So Kyuhyun, what do you think of the food?" Donghae said. And I felt nervous. Seeing that he doesn't know that I was the one who cooked it. Does he even like it? Wait! What am I even saying? I don't care if he likes the food or not!

"It's great Donghae! Were you the one who cooked all of this? I bet you'll be a great cook. It's so delicious! I feel like I could drown eating this all day. Really I do." My thoughts were interrupted when Kyuhyun answered the question, which sent millions of thuds in my heart. Now it's beating fastly.

"Kyuhyun's right Hae. It's delicious." Eunhyuk said.

"Well....." Donghae was doubting if she'll say it.

"I didn't cook them. In fact Sungmin did all the cooking. I only helped prepare them." NOW IS THE END OF THE WORLD. WHAT WILL THEY SAY NOW?!

"Well Sungmin, t-thank you f-for c-cook-king these d-delicious f-food. I really l-like it." Kyuhyun said, while stuttering. Why is he stuttering?! It makes me nervous.


"Yes Sungmin. He really likes your food, seeing that he wanted to drown eating them all day." Eunhyuk said smirking.

"YAH! MONKEY!" Kyuhyun is definitely red right now. So am I.

"Well I'm glad that h- I mean YOU all like my food." That was close. I almost said HE, and by he I meant KYUHYUN, that annoying man.

"Then let's continue eating! After that we have some more desserts that Sungmin made!" Donghae happily said.

"You made dessert?" Kyuhyun said, with a wide grin on his face. I bet he's so excited right now. He even looks like a 5-year-old.

"Yes I did."

And after that we ate again. They're so excited for my dessert.

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Strawberry Cake Wallpaper

"Yah! It looks so cute Minnie! Is that for Kyuhyun?" Both Kyuhyun and I looked at Donghae. What she said is true. Afterall, it's Kyuhyun's birthday, he must have a cake. But I don't know if he'd like a STRAWBERRY cake.

"Yah! Hae, he will not eat it. Besides, I think he doesn't like strawberries. And Hae, stop calling me Minnie."

"Oh really?" I heard Donghae said.

"Look Kyuhyun, I'm dying to eat this strawberry cake Sungmin made, so if you won't eat it, I'd be happy to." Eunhyuk said. And then he looked at me. "Sungminnie, I can eat this strawberry cake right?" I can definitely say no. Because he's trying to do aegyo, which doesn't even fit him.

"Yah Hyuk! Stop doing aegyo, it doesn't suit you. And I don't like strawberry either. So it's up to her if she'd let you eat the cake." Kyuhyun said and went to the couch.

"See Minnie? He doesn't like it. I think you should give him the CREME BRULEE instead." Donghae said, emphasizing the creme brulee part, which I don't know why. She even begged me to make some.

"CREME BRULEE? Oh my god." Eunhyuk said.


"Well Sungminnie, creme brulee is Kyuhyun's FAVORITE dessert." 

"Yeah? Okay." I said, and then walked to Kyuhyunn holding a two ramekins of creme brulee.


"You want one?" Wow. I'm the one who asked him? Wow.

"Are you sure it doesn't have any poison?" He joked.

"Yah! I love food! Why would I put poison in it?!"

"Well, seeing that I annoy you, maybe you'd put one in there?" He said pointing to the ramekins.

"No Kyuhyun. There's no poison here."

"Okay then." Then he got one of the ramekins and started eating. 

I can't believe I'm saying this but, he's cute while eating. He looked like a 5 year old kid munching his most favorite food. I saw some stains on the side of his mouth. Aish  this kid. He can't eat properly. I stood up and wiped the side of his mouth. He seemed shocked and then stopped eating, and then looked at me.

"Why are you staring at me?"

"Why did you wipe the side of my mouth?"

"T-there's s-stain on it."

"Ow. Well, Minnie, I mean Sungmin. I don't want to say this but I have to. Yes."

"Yes what?"

"This is my favorite dessert and this creme brulee that you made is the best so far." He smiles.

"What do you mean so far? That's the best creme brulee in this world!" I feel like bragging. Haha.

"Well. You can say that it's true."

"Now, just continue eating. I'll eat mine too."

"Yah! Can't you just give that to me? I mean, it's my birthday afterall, and I love creme brulee." He doesn't want me to eat? Well who can't say no, when he looked all-so-cute with that pout of his.

"Okay okay. But let me have one bite first!"

"Yes. Just one bite." Then I ate a spoonful of the creme brulee. Wow. It really tastes so good. 

"Now give it to me." He was getting the ramekin but I stood up and ran as fast as I can to the room. Yeah, I liked the dessert. So I wanted this one for myself.

"Yah! Get back here! You said you'd give me that one!"

And we ran inside the house. He tried to get the ramekin from me, but he just couldn't. Haha!


Kyuhyun and Sungmin were running around the house as the former was trying to get the dessert from the latter. They were noisy because the were annoying each other, but for the first time they are having fun with each other. What they didn't know is that there were two eyes that were shining brightly because of happiness. Eunhyuk and Donghae were finally happy that Kyuhyun and Sungmin are starting to get close, and for the first time they were not angry at each other, and instead wide smiles are planted on their faces.

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hello there my readers. i know you were all anticipating the story. and i know most of you wants to hit me now *hides behind* I am very sorry for not updating this for two months I guess? *dancing sorry sorry* . I really am. I wish you'd forgive me. 

Anyway, who are ELFs here? I'm dying to see the SPY MV already!! CAN'T WAIT !!


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I'm a bit upset about chapter 11. I think it's going to bring my fanfic down. hahaha. But I'll still fight. Win win win!! FIGHTING!! :D


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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 17: Well I'm sad cuz this won't be completed but I can complain, right? So maybe ill see you in your next fic :)
Cute!! I enjoy it.
Chapter 16: an award for the coffee XD
haha kyuhyun was cute misunderstanding about Jin
I hope kyumin's fathers won't find new fiances for them!! D:
Chapter 16: Fox , Bunny, Moenkey and Fish hahaha LOL
iSuperJuniorART #5
Chapter 16: Ahh... Kyu! Minnie! Just get married faster!!! I'm waiting here..!
ichathoriqlover #6
Chapter 16: Wow, kyu admits he is embarassed because of thinking sungjin as minnie's boyfriend, he is finally feeling more than friends now towards minnie...so I hope kyumin will get more closer and willing to continue the marriage...
Chapter 16: I love your updates :"""">
let the marriage continue authornim! >/////<
Chapter 16: Woahhh!!!
Fluffy kyumin...*jumping like kids*
Ehemmm....sorry I'm too happy~~~

Btw its nice update *clap*
Chapter 16: Ohhh chapter 16! Hahaha you are so fast ><
Yeppp let the marriage continue but pls let kyumin confess their feelings