They Miss Each Other. Aww.

Marriage Is For Lovers ONLY

Hyukjae’s POV (A/N: ‘Cause I love his real name. Hahahaha. XD)


It’s been a week that I moved out of Kyuhyun’s house. Life was okay, except that I’m
getting bored because I have no one to talk to. Yes, since I, Sungmin, and Donghae
moved out of Kyu’s house, we haven’t talked much. I haven’t seen Donghae since then. Sungmin, I don’t really see her either. And Kyuhyun, he’s always in his house and he doesn’t even come to his father’s office.


Since then, my life was dull. I miss them. Especially Donghae. She was the one
I was closest with. She helped me make Kyuhyun and Sungmin closer. If it wasn’t even
for her, I would be annoyed by those two. She was also the girl that I became
comfortable with. And when I’m almost thinking that maybe I was in love with her, yes
love not like, we moved out and didn’t communicate again.


Argh, I wish Kyuhyun’s father would reconcile with Sungmin’s dad so that everybody’s happy again.


I can’t stand this emotional part of the story!


I miss Donghae. I miss being with her. I miss sleeping with her. I miss hugging her. I miss her fast flushing cheeks. I miss calling her Fish. I miss everything about her.


Oh, how I wish I could see her again.


I really miss you, Donghae-ah.




I answered my phone. It’s Kyuhyun.


“Hello Hyukjae? Come to the usual coffee shop where we got to this 11:30. I’m meeting with a girl that I know you would also want to see. So see you at 11:30 okay? I’ll wait!”


“Hey Kyu! Who is she? Is she Donghae? Is she---” The call suddenly stopped. I didn’t even had the chance to know who that girl is. Is she really Donghae?


Could I possibly see Donghae again?


I got up and prepared. I wish she really is Donghae.


Donghae’s POV


It’s been a week that I haven’t seen the two. Kyuhyun and Hyukjae. I kind of miss those two. I haven’t heard anything about them since we moved out of Kyuhyun’s house. Well, who am I to know about them? I was just a helper to get Sungmin and Kyuhyun close. And now that it’s over, I don’t have to help anymore.


But I still miss them. Especially Eunhyuk. He was the one who helped me with Sungmin and Kyuhyun. He was really a good friend to me. He always insists that he should sleep on the floor, because I’m a girl and I must sleep on the bed. He was really kind to me. He also makes me laugh. He lifts up my mood. He makes me happy.


I really miss you, Hyukjae. I hope to see you soon.




I picked up my phone. It’s Sungmin.


“Hey Hae! Want to go out? About lunch time? I wanna talk to you!” She said enthusiastically.


“What’s with the bright mood? Did something good happen? Is the wedding continued?” She’s suddenly happy and bright. Maybe the wedding’s really continued.


“I don’t know about that Hae. Dad’s still pissed off on Kyu’s dad. They’re still talking things over.” So it’s still not continued.


“So, why are you suddenly happy?”


“It’s because I’m with someone and I know you also want to see that someone! You’ll surely be happy when you see him!” HIM? Could he be possibly Hyukjae?


“Who is he? Is he Hyukjae?”


“I won’t tell you who he is. So you must come okay? I’ll pick you up at 11:30.”


“Okay I’ll come. See you later Sungmin.”


It’s only 9 am. I still have time to prepare. I can’t wait to see who he is. I certainly wish he is Hyukjae because I really miss him right now.


Sungmin’s POV


Today is the day that I’m making Donghae happy. She’s my best friend and I know that she really misses Hyuk. So, I called Kyuhyun and told him that I want to make Hae and Hyuk together, because I really see in their eyes that they like each other. Kyuhyun agreed.




I don’t know how to do this. I really love Donghae so I want her to be together with Hyuk. But, how can I call Kyuhyun when I know it’s been a week after I moved out of his house? Yes, dad really told me that Kyuhyun isn’t my fiancé anymore. But does that mean that we can’t communicate anymore? I mean, we became friends right? And friends talk to each other.


Fighting Sungmin! You can do this!


I called Kyuhyun.




“Hello?” Here goes nothing.


“Hi Kyuhyun. Long time no talk.”


“Oh hello Sungmin. Why did you suddeny call? Are you going to annoy me? Did you miss annoying me?”


“You brat! I didn’t call to annoy you! I called because..... uhm, it’s about Donghae and Hyukjae.”


“What about them?”


“Well, since you know, we moved out of your house, they really didn’t talk much and I see that they really like each other.”


“So? What does that got to do with me?” He’s so arrogant.


“Uhm, nevermind. I knew that you won’t be interested in this topic. So thank you. Bye.” I was about to end the call when he suddenly spoke.


“I’m joking Min! I know you want to make Hyukjae and Donghae together. So, you want me to help?”


“Exactly. So, will you help me?” Please say yes. Please say yes.


“Because you said “Please say yes” two times and that means that you really desperately needed my help, I’d gladly say yes, Sungmin.” Oh my God. Did I just say those words aloud?


“I’m not desperate, Cho! I just want them both to be happy! If I can contact Hyukjae, I wouldn’t need your help!” I said defensively.


“Oh really? I won’t help you then.”


“Hey! You already said yes! So you should help me!” That’s right! He already said yes.


“Hahahahaha. Okay Sungmin. I’ll help. So, I’ll call Hyukjae to meet him later at the coffee shop near my house, and you call Donghae. Is it okay with you?”


“Okay. I’ll call Donghae.”




“Uhm, Kyuhyun. Thank you. You know, for helping me in this. We’re still friends right?”


“Yes, we’re still friends. That is, if you’ll not irritate me anymore. Hahahaha. So, see you later?” He still thinks I’m annoying.


“Yeah, yeah. See you later. Bye.”




So that’s how Kyuhyun agreed. Well, I have to prepare now. I will fetch Donghae later and got to that coffee shop Kyuhyun said he’ll meet us.


I can’t wait to see them again!








another update..... :))

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I'm a bit upset about chapter 11. I think it's going to bring my fanfic down. hahaha. But I'll still fight. Win win win!! FIGHTING!! :D


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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 17: Well I'm sad cuz this won't be completed but I can complain, right? So maybe ill see you in your next fic :)
Cute!! I enjoy it.
Chapter 16: an award for the coffee XD
haha kyuhyun was cute misunderstanding about Jin
I hope kyumin's fathers won't find new fiances for them!! D:
Chapter 16: Fox , Bunny, Moenkey and Fish hahaha LOL
iSuperJuniorART #5
Chapter 16: Ahh... Kyu! Minnie! Just get married faster!!! I'm waiting here..!
ichathoriqlover #6
Chapter 16: Wow, kyu admits he is embarassed because of thinking sungjin as minnie's boyfriend, he is finally feeling more than friends now towards I hope kyumin will get more closer and willing to continue the marriage...
Chapter 16: I love your updates :"""">
let the marriage continue authornim! >/////<
Chapter 16: Woahhh!!!
Fluffy kyumin...*jumping like kids*
Ehemmm....sorry I'm too happy~~~

Btw its nice update *clap*
Chapter 16: Ohhh chapter 16! Hahaha you are so fast ><
Yeppp let the marriage continue but pls let kyumin confess their feelings