The Next Morning

Marriage Is For Lovers ONLY





Sungmin woke up too early for the day. When she opened her eyes, she saw Kyuhyun lying beside her, facing her actually. She couldn't help but admire the handsomeness of this man but at the same time, she remembers how annoying this brat is.


Yes, he has a face of an angel but remember, looks can be deceiving.


"Aish. If only you're a good person. I would probably dare fall in love with you."


She said. What she didn't know was the man she thought was sleeping peacefully was now wide awake and just pretending to sleep. He heard what she said and somehow, Kyuhyun smiled at the back of his head.


Sungmin got out of the bed and went to the kitchen, wanting to prepare breakfast since she was the only one "awake" at that moment.


Meanwhile at the Eunhyuk and Donghae's room, Hyukjae was the one awake.


He didn't sleep much actually. He didn't know why. He knew he was practically tired because of the things the did yesterday, but he suddenly woke up and didn't get back to sleeping again.


He was busy staring at the sleeping Donghae and admiring her beautiful features. Her beautiful forehead, down to her perfect nose, those cute cheeks, those eyes that sparkle even if they're closed, and her lips. Her plump, pink lips.


He was curious on how those lips taste like. How it would be like when he kisses it.


Without knowing, he had this urge to get closer to her face, if that was even possible. He lips were just a few centimeters away from Donghae's. He his lips before he attempted to close the gap between their lips and th---


Donghae suddenly opened her eyes and pushed Eunhyuk off the bed, nice and hard.


She was shocked. Definitely shocked. She was having a good dream. She and Eunhyuk were on a park, walking while hands intertwined. It was peaceful, until she saw Eunhyuk staring at her, or rather her lips. Eunhyuk was leaning. She couldn't move a muscle.


When Eunhyuk was about to close the gap between them, her eyes opened. But she was still too shocked because the situation was nearly the same in her dream.


She was so shocked that even if she may or may not (read: she did) like to have been kissed by Hyuk, she pushed him off the bed.


And speaking of Hyuk, when he fell, he fell hard. That hurt. Well he thinks he deserved it. After all, it's not nice if you wake up with a face of a man so close to you.


Eunhyuk got up from the floor and looked at Donghae, silently saying he's sorry for what happened.


"Eunhyuk, I'm so sorry to have pushed you. Uhm, I really didn't mean to, you know. I was just too shocked to see you uhm,,,, c-close to m-me like t-that." Donghae said, with so much nervousness.


"No Hae, I really didn't mean to do that." (Donghae somehow got disappointed when Hyuk said that.)


"It's just that........... uhm,,," He didn't know how to explain that he was practically LEANING IN and ATTEMPTING TO KISS her.


"What Hyuk?" Donghae encouraged him to say something.


"Uhm, nevermind. I'm sorry again."


"It's okay Hyuk. I'm sorry too for the sudden pushing. By the way, are you okay? Did it hurt? Where?" Donghae changed his tone from the nervous one to the now concern one. Ang Hyukjae liked it. He thinks it's "Cute."


"What did you say Hyuk?" Oh my god. Hyuk didn't realize that he said the word aloud. Oh, too much embarassment for the morning.


"Did you say cute Hyuk? Who's cute?" Donghae was really oblivious. Of course she was the one Hyuk was referring to!


"Oh nothing. Don't mind it Hae. And I'm okay. Nothing hurts. Except, here, here, here, here, here, and here," Hyuk kept pointing to the parts of his body.


"Oh my god. I'm so sorry Hyuk. Wait let me just get my first aid kit. I'll help y---" Donghae was about to get out of the room when Hyuk caught her wrist and stopped her.


"No Hae, I was just joking! Nothing hurts, really. You don't need to get your first aid kit."


"Thank God. I thought you really got hurt!"


"Now Hae, let's go down, I'm sure you're hungry. I'm also sure that one of those two is awake now, preparing breakfast, probably it's Sungmin."


"Oh, okay. I'm pretty much hungry too."


Then they walked to the kitchen and saw KyuMin there, already eating breakfast.


"Seems like you're already getting close, huh?" Eunhyuk said, probably to tease the two.


"No we're not!" Both of them said, and then looked at each other annoyingly.


"Are you sure? You're both in sync!" Donghae also tried to tease them.


"No!" Again, they said it at the same time.


"Sungmin, you annoying bunny! Why are you copying what I'm saying?!" Kyuhyun said, suppressing the blush that's forming on his cheeks.


"I'm not copying you. Why would I copy you? You annoying Cho!" Sungmin retorted.


"Now, now. Just eat. We want to eat too you know. Not watch you annoy and irritate each other." Donghae said and she and Eunhyuk sat down and started eating.


"Oh by the way, why did you two suddenly woke up early? Weren't you tired from yesterday?" Eunhyuk asked.


"Well, I was tired. I know you all were tired too. So I just woke up early to make breakfast." Sungmin said.


"Oh. How about you Kyuhyun?"




*kring kring*


Kyuhyun's phone suddenly rang. He got up and went to his room to answer it.


"Oh. You're telling something?"


"Yes. I get it. I'll tell them."


"Good bye. I love you too."


Kyuhyun went back to the dining room and all eyes were on him.




"Who was that? What did he or she tell you?" Eunhyuk said.


"It's dad. He told me to say something to you." Kyuhyun said, looking at Sungmin.


"What did he say?" Sungmin suddenly felt nervous.


Kyuhyun was smiling, but inside, he was sad, he didn't know why.


"It's cancelled."











hello there friends. yeah yeah, I'm sorry, but I'm still on hiatus. SHORT UPDATE IS SHORT. I guess this was to keep my subscribers. keke ^^

I keep saying this but, I'm really sorry. Hahaha. I know I said I'll update many times. I just couldn't get any thought/idea to my mind.

and about that oneshot. It's kyumin this time. I'm trying to make it more realistic, because Kyumin is real. keke ^^

Comments and Subscibes are really appreciated. :D


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I'm a bit upset about chapter 11. I think it's going to bring my fanfic down. hahaha. But I'll still fight. Win win win!! FIGHTING!! :D


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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 17: Well I'm sad cuz this won't be completed but I can complain, right? So maybe ill see you in your next fic :)
Cute!! I enjoy it.
Chapter 16: an award for the coffee XD
haha kyuhyun was cute misunderstanding about Jin
I hope kyumin's fathers won't find new fiances for them!! D:
Chapter 16: Fox , Bunny, Moenkey and Fish hahaha LOL
iSuperJuniorART #5
Chapter 16: Ahh... Kyu! Minnie! Just get married faster!!! I'm waiting here..!
ichathoriqlover #6
Chapter 16: Wow, kyu admits he is embarassed because of thinking sungjin as minnie's boyfriend, he is finally feeling more than friends now towards I hope kyumin will get more closer and willing to continue the marriage...
Chapter 16: I love your updates :"""">
let the marriage continue authornim! >/////<
Chapter 16: Woahhh!!!
Fluffy kyumin...*jumping like kids*
Ehemmm....sorry I'm too happy~~~

Btw its nice update *clap*
Chapter 16: Ohhh chapter 16! Hahaha you are so fast ><
Yeppp let the marriage continue but pls let kyumin confess their feelings