Canceled?! I don't think so.

Marriage Is For Lovers ONLY



"It's canceled."


Kyuhyun said that with a matching smile, but a sad heart. Why am I suddenly sad about this? I wanted this, right? He thought.


"So, what's cancelled?" Hyuk asked with so much anticipation. Heck!! Are you saying the wedding is canceled?


"Uhm, I think I should talk about it with Sungmin first. That is, if it is okay with her." Kyuhyun said, with so much seriousness in his voice.


"It's okay Kyuhyun. Donghae, Eunhyuk, go to your room first, if you don't mind. You can finish what you're eating there." Sungmin said, also being serious.


Eunhyuk and Donghae immediately went to their room not wanting to hear anymore of the story because they think it's really serious. They didn't want to eavesdrop anymore.


Now back to the both serious Kyuhyun and Sungmin.


"So Kyuhyun, what was actually canceled? Was it the wedding? If it was, then thank God." Sungmin said as if she was really happy that the wedding is canceled.


"No. It isn't canceled. The wedding is not canceled. What's canceled is......."


"What Kyuhyun?! Speak up!!"


"You're the one who's canceled, Sungmin."


Sungmin didn't understand. (A/N: I couldn't understand either!! XD) What's the meaning of that? She's canceled? It didn't make any sense to her.


"Can you please explain what you're saying? I cannot understand any of it."


"Well Sungmin, let me tell you how I knew about you being canceled." Kyuhyun said.




"Hello?" Kyuhyun said.


"Hi Kyuhyun. It's your dad. I called you because I wanted to tell you something."


"Oh. You're telling something?"


"Yes, it's about your marriage with Sungmin. You remember when you told me you wanted to postpone your marriage with Sungmin?"


"Yes dad. What about that?" Kyuhyun wishes for the wedding to not be postponed.


“Well Kyuhyun, I talked about it with Sungmin’s father. He really liked the opinion, because he also wanted you two to get close first so that there would be no worries about your marriage life. But.......”


“But what Dad?” He’s anticipating.


“We got into an argument.”


“And?” He’s really anticipating. He’s nervous too.


“He really got pissed off. Me too.”


“So?” He thinks he knows what the answer is. The wedding’s canceled.


“She’s canceled.”


“WHAT?! I don’t understand you father.” Kyuhyun didn’t understand. SHE’S canceled? Was he referring to Sungmin?


“What I mean is, Sungmin won’t be your fiancée anymore Kyuhyun. Sungmin’s father withdrew from the arranged marriage.”


Kyuhyun was shocked. He didn’t know what to react. Earlier that day, he was really happy that he heard Sungmin saying that if only he was a nice person, she’d dare fall in love with him. But now, he didn’t know what to say. He was to shocked to even talk about it.


“Kyuhyun-ah, are you alright? Do you want me to talk things over with Sungmin’s dad? Do you want me to tell him to still go on with the marriage?” His dad said, and he finally found his voice back.


He knew what to answer.


“Yes please dad. I know now that Sungmin is the girl I want to marry.”


“I know Kyuhyun. For the mean time, just tell them that she was canceled. Is that okay with you, son?”


“Yes. I get it. I’ll tell them.”


“Good bye son. I love you.”


“Good bye. I love you too.”




“So that was the reason? Your dad and my dad got into a fight?” Sungmin said.


Yup, Kyuhyun skipped the part where he told his father that he wants to marry Sungmin. What is he, an idiot? Why would he tell Sungmin that he wanted to marry her when he knows she doesn’t even like him?


“Yes. I think anytime today your dad’s badyguards will get you out of my house. So you better pack your things. I’ll just go to Eunhae’s room and tell them to pack too.”


“Even Eunhyuk?”


“Yes. You’ll be gone now. So there’s no need for the two to make us get closer. So Eunhyuk needs to go too.” Sungmin felt her heart flinched when she heard it. She’ll be gone. SHE WILL BE GONE.


She will leave Kyuhyun’s house in a bit. She will leave the comfort of Kyuhyun’s bed. She will leave the kitchen where she had so much fun in cooking for the three. She will leave Kyuhyun.


Didn’t she want this? Didn’t she want Kyuhyun out of her life? But, Kyuhyun is now a part of her life. He holds a big place in it. Would she really want it if Kyuhyun’s out of her life?


She went to Kyuhyun’s room to pack her things. She didn’t know the tears falling from her face.


“I think I love him already.”




hello there. i still don't know how to make this chap long. so i made it short. hahaha. XD

maybe if I get 70 subs after this I'll update again. AM I TOO DEMANDING? hahaha. XD

I said the word MAYBE guys. I'm not that sure either if I can update again tonight.

BACK TO TOPIC, heck! we're getting too dramatic here, right? I mean, KYUMIN IS SO DRAMATIC. I should stop them  and make them fluffy again, that is, if I want to. hahaha.


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I'm a bit upset about chapter 11. I think it's going to bring my fanfic down. hahaha. But I'll still fight. Win win win!! FIGHTING!! :D


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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 17: Well I'm sad cuz this won't be completed but I can complain, right? So maybe ill see you in your next fic :)
Cute!! I enjoy it.
Chapter 16: an award for the coffee XD
haha kyuhyun was cute misunderstanding about Jin
I hope kyumin's fathers won't find new fiances for them!! D:
Chapter 16: Fox , Bunny, Moenkey and Fish hahaha LOL
iSuperJuniorART #5
Chapter 16: Ahh... Kyu! Minnie! Just get married faster!!! I'm waiting here..!
ichathoriqlover #6
Chapter 16: Wow, kyu admits he is embarassed because of thinking sungjin as minnie's boyfriend, he is finally feeling more than friends now towards I hope kyumin will get more closer and willing to continue the marriage...
Chapter 16: I love your updates :"""">
let the marriage continue authornim! >/////<
Chapter 16: Woahhh!!!
Fluffy kyumin...*jumping like kids*
Ehemmm....sorry I'm too happy~~~

Btw its nice update *clap*
Chapter 16: Ohhh chapter 16! Hahaha you are so fast ><
Yeppp let the marriage continue but pls let kyumin confess their feelings