We Meet Again (EunHae's Part)

Marriage Is For Lovers ONLY

Donghae’s POV


It’s now 11:25. Sungmin will come any minute now. I better go to the living room.


My thoughts came back to the person Sungmin said we’ll be meeting with. I really wish he is Hyukjae. I really miss him so much. I just wish that he misses me too. But, I know he won’t. Why will he? He just became close to me because we were supposed to help Kyu and Min.




I opened the door. Sungmin’s already there waiting for me.


“Hey Hae! Ready to go now?” She really seems enthusiastic.


“Yeah I am. But Sungmin, who are we going to meet? Do I really want to see him?” Really, who is he? I’m dying of curiosity here.


“It’s a surprise. So, you must come with me! We’re going to the coffee shop near Kyuhyun’s house.” That coffee shop. It’s the place where Hyuk and I first planned about Kyu and Min. We really had fun there. He even called me Fish while I called him Monkey. Well, those nicknames do suit us.


“Hae?? Are you still there? You’re spacing out.” Oh, I must be looking weird while reminiscing those memories.


“Oh, sorry. I was just thinking over things.”


“What things Hae?”


“They don’t matter. Let’s just go. I’m dying of curiosity because of THAT PERSON.”


“Hahahaha. If you insist. Let’s go!”


We went inside her car and she drove to the said coffee shop.


Hyukjae’s POV


“Kyu! Who are we meeting actually? Why isn’t she here yet?” I ask Kyuhyun as he sips his latte calmly. Seriously! That said girl is not here yet! I don’t really know why Kyuhyun asked me to come here if we won’t meet anyone!


“Just relax hyung. They’ll come here any minute now.” Kyuhyun said. Wait. THEY?!


“THEY?! Are they many Kyu? I thought you said there’s only one girl?”


“Yeah, but she said she’ll have to bring her friend because she doesn’t want me to be “out-of-place” when you two talk. I don’t want to be left alone either. I will only look like a chaperon.”


“But you do look like one!” Hahaha. I want to make fun of him. :D


“Yah! I’m helping you here you know! If it wasn’t for that girl. Tsch....” He looks annoyed. Too annoyed for a reason actually. I only see him like that when there is....................


“Yah! Are we going to see Sungmin and Donghae today?! Are we?! Are we?! Are we?!” I felt so excited. Maybe we’re going to see them today!


“Stop acting like that! It doesn’t suit you. You don’t look cute. You look like a monkey there, begging for a banana.” Now it’s his turn to laugh. Tsch. This brat!


“Hey! I’m your hyung! Respect me!”


“Why would I? When you look like a kid there? And also, I think I’m more matured than you.”


“Really! You brat!!! I’ll get back at yo-------“


“Hello Hyukjae-ssi.” Someone interrupted me. That voice. I recognize it. It’s....


“Donghae!!!” I stood up from my seat and immediately went to the owner of the voice and hugged her.


“Uhm, Hyukjae-ssi. I........ can’t....... breathe...” Oh. Ooops. I must be too excited.


I let go of the hug as I looked at Donghae. She looks cute.


“Hello again Hyuk.” Sungmin said from behind Donghae.


“Errr, hi Sungmin.” I didn’t notice her. I was focusing on Donghae, which by now, is blushing. Maybe because I just hugged her too eagerly. Wait..




“Oh my God. Hae, I’m so sorry for hugging you too eagerly. I guess I just missed you.” I said straightforwardly. What?! I really missed her.


“Err, thanks for the very welcoming hug Hyuk. Hahaha. So, how are you?” She asked as we sat down.


“I’m fine. Perfectly fine. Well, it’s just that I got bored after you know, we moved out of Kyu’s house.”


“Oh. Hahaha. You can always come back there Hyuk! You just have to clean my house!!” Kyuhyun butted in.


“Hey! Let them talk you brat! They missed each other you know.” Sungmin said, and Donghae blushed. Why do I suddenly feel that they are so close now? What happened?


“So Min, who really planned this? Was it you Kyu?” Donghae asked. Right. Who planned this? Was it Kyuhyun or Sungmin?


“No. It isn’t me. Ask this bunny here. She suddenly called me and BEGGED me because she wants to see you two together.” With that, Donghae blushed again.


“Hey! I just want them to see each other! It’s so obvious you two.”


“What’s obvious?” Both Donghae and I asked.


“You two! You like each other! And don’t you dare deny it!” Sungmin. You’re really straightforward.


Kyuhyun suddenly stood up, held Sungmin’s wrist and walked out of the coffee shop.


“I’ll see you later Hyuk! Hae, don’t mind this bunny here! I’ll take care of her. Enjoy your time together!!” Kyuhyun shouted when he was at the door.


“Hey you fox! Let go of me! I wanna see them talk and confess to each other! Hey! Wait!!” Sungmin said, but when Kyuhyun went out and didn’t reply, she followed. Seriously, those two. They are planning to get me and Donghae together, but they themselves can’t plan for their own.


Donghae’s POV


Seriously Sungmin?! You really have to say that?! Heck!! what will Hyuk say now? Will he think that I came here to confess?!


As he looked at me, I blushed. There really is something behind those eyes that makes me want to melt every time they look at me.


“Uhm, sorry Hyuk. Sungmin is so talkative sometimes.”


“Hahaha. I think she just wants to see you happy.” Huh??!




“Ahh, nothing Hae.”


“Oh. And also, Hyuk. Can you please forget what she said? I don’t know what’s on her mind and she said that.” Really! Please forget it!


“What exactly do you want me to forget Hae?”


“Err....... uhm.... the c-confessing p-part.” Hae! What’s wrong with you?!


“Oh. I thought what she said was true.” Hyuk said. What? Huh?!


“What did you say Hyuk?!”


“Nothing. Uhm, do you want to go to the park? I think it’s getting hot here.” He’s red. Is he blushing?


“O-okay.” And we headed to the park.


When we got there, he bought us ice cream, both of strawberry flavor.


“I didn’t know that you also like strawberries Hyuk.”


“Oh, they are really my favorite. They’re sweet, but not too sweet like chocolate. You know, too much sweetness can kill you.” Why do I feel like he’s referring to some other things?


“Are you really referring to chocolates Hyuk?” Suddenly he laughed. Oh, How I love that laugh. He turned to me and got something from his pocket.


He then wiped the side of my mouth.


“Y-you’ve got some i-ice c-cream on the s-side of y-your l-lips.” He said while stuttering and blushing.


“Oh. T-thanks H-hyuk.”


“That’s nothing Hae.” I didn’t know why, but I suddenly kissed his cheeks.




He seemed startled. Then he turned to me again, looked at me straightly. Next thing I know, there’s this sweet-strawberry-flavored thing on my lips. It was just a brief sensation, but I can’t help to smile because of it.


“Uhm, I’m so s-sorry Hae. It’s just that....... uhm....... I think I love you.”


Did I just hear him say he loves me?!


“What did you say?!”


“Err....... I think I love you Hae.” He’s definitely blushing right now. Well, me too.


“Do you love me too? Don’t worry Hae. You don’t have to give me your answer yet. I can wait.” He smiles at me. I can’t help to smile at him too. But, can I really give my answer that fast?


“Uhm Hyuk. It’s not that I don’t love you. In fact, I like you so much! It’s just that I can’t make up my mind right now.” It’s true. My emotions are still mixed.


“I can wait Hae. There’s still a lot of time to make you fall in love with me!!” What is he? A bipolar? First he was blushing, now he’s acting like a kid? Nevertheless, he’s still so cute. :))

“You think I’m cute Hae?” He then blinks his eyes like that of a kid.


“You are cute. It suits you.” I say honestly.


“See?! I told Kyuhyun I’m cute. I really am!!”


Then we finished eating our ice cream. After a while, we walked around the park, talking about things, mostly about ourselves. He then drove me home, because he insisted. I said I can go home by myself but he just said that he is a man and he should take her date home. I blushed when he said that. I kissed his cheeks before he kissed my forehead and bid goodbye. If only you can, Lee Hyukjae, make me fall in love with you more, Because right now I think I’m in love with you too.




sorry peeps, Hae is hard to get. Hahahaha. I don’t want their love story to be just like this, Hyuk confessing and then Hae confesses too. I want Hyuk to prove his love for Hae. Hahaha. I’M EVIL SO I WON’T LET THEM TO BE TOGETHER THAT FAST. *INSERT EVIL LAUGH HERE* >:))

Next chapter is going to be Kyumin!! I can’t wait for you to read what actually happened when Sungmin followed Kyu :D


Okay, if you insist. KYU JUST WENT TO MIN'S HOUSE. Hahahaha. No they didn’t! Waaaahh!! Me and my talkative mouth!! I spilled a secret!! Don’t tell anybody okay?!!




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I'm a bit upset about chapter 11. I think it's going to bring my fanfic down. hahaha. But I'll still fight. Win win win!! FIGHTING!! :D


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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 17: Well I'm sad cuz this won't be completed but I can complain, right? So maybe ill see you in your next fic :)
Cute!! I enjoy it.
Chapter 16: an award for the coffee XD
haha kyuhyun was cute misunderstanding about Jin
I hope kyumin's fathers won't find new fiances for them!! D:
Chapter 16: Fox , Bunny, Moenkey and Fish hahaha LOL
iSuperJuniorART #5
Chapter 16: Ahh... Kyu! Minnie! Just get married faster!!! I'm waiting here..!
ichathoriqlover #6
Chapter 16: Wow, kyu admits he is embarassed because of thinking sungjin as minnie's boyfriend, he is finally feeling more than friends now towards minnie...so I hope kyumin will get more closer and willing to continue the marriage...
Chapter 16: I love your updates :"""">
let the marriage continue authornim! >/////<
Chapter 16: Woahhh!!!
Fluffy kyumin...*jumping like kids*
Ehemmm....sorry I'm too happy~~~

Btw its nice update *clap*
Chapter 16: Ohhh chapter 16! Hahaha you are so fast ><
Yeppp let the marriage continue but pls let kyumin confess their feelings