Realizing Love?

Marriage Is For Lovers ONLY

Kyuhyun’s POV


After I told Sungmin what happened, I went to the EunHae room. I was somehow sad that I will be alone in this house again. They were only here for about a week, they will be gone that fast? Maybe happiness does not always last.


As I went inside the room, the monkey and fish bombarded me with questions.


“Hey Kyu! What exactly was canceled? Was it the wedding? Heck! It’s only a week that you two were arranged! Now It’s suddenly canceled?” Eunhyuk said raging.


“Yeah Kyu! Was the wedding really canceled? Why? What’s the reason?” Donghae said too.


“No. I don’t think that the wedding is canceled. But I think Sungmin’s not my fiancée anymore.”


“WHAT?!” The two both said.


“Yeah. Dad said he had an argument with Sungmin’s father and because of that, her father withdrew from the arrangement.”


“What did you say? Were you happy that she’s not your fiancée anymore?”




I was not really sure. I know I said that I wanted to marry Sungmin. I didn’t know why I said that either. It just came out of my mouth. I didn’t know if I meant it or not. Am I really happy about this? Or is there a part of me that’s saying that I don’t want it to be over?


“Kyuhyun? Why? Are you not sure about what you’re feeling right now?” Looks like Eunhyuk read my thoughts. Should I tell the two about it? Should I tell them what I said?


Well, here goes nothing.


“Uhm, I need to tell you something. But please, don’t tell Sungmin about it. Please?”


“I won’t Kyu. You know I can keep secrets. You should ask Donghae, she’s Sungmin’s best friend. I don’t know if she’d tell her or not.” Eunhyuk said. Donghae. Would she really tell Sungmin?


“Monkey! I can keep secrets too! Are you underestimating me?!” Donghae said.


“What? I only said that maybe you’ll tell Sungmin about it!”


“Hey! Stop there. We’re talking about me and Sungmin here, you know?” I said. I can’t let them do that now that I’m about to tell them about it.


“Oww, sorry Kyu. So what was it that you wanted to tell us again?” Donghae said. Finally, they stopped.


“Uhm, I kind of told Dad that, uhm..... I kind of said to him....... that..” How should I say it? HOW?


“What Kyu?! You’re taking time here!”


“IkindoftoldDadthatIwantedtomarrySungmin.” Got that?


“What Kyu?! I don’t understand it.”


“Yeah Kyu, I can’t understand it either.”


“I kind of told Dad that I wanted to marry Sungmin.” My face is really red now. It’s really embarrassing! I don’t know what to say anymore so I just covered my face with my hands.


“Did you really say that Kyu?! Oh my God. I should tell Sungmin so you can get married now!!!” Donghae squealed like a girl finding that her crush likes her too.


“Hey! Kyu said don’t tell Sungmin! Let him tell her himself! I’m proud of you Kyu! It was just a week, and you fell in love with her in a short time.” Love? Do I really love Sungmin that fast? I don’t know.


“I don’t know if I love her Hyuk. I really don’t know. I don’t really know either why I said that, because I’m really annoyed with her. She irritates me.”


Yes, that girl really irritates me. She keeps on doing things that make me irritated.


“Well Kyu, let me tell you the signs.” Signs? What signs?


“Signs? What signs are you talking about Hyuk?”


“Signs that you are in love.”


“Do I really have to know that? I know when I’m in love or not!”


“Yes, you have to know them, seeing that you are going nuts there thinking about how you feel for Sungmin.”


“So, what are they?”


“First, you feel those butterflies flying in your stomach when you’re around her.” Butterflies? I have felt that once. When I was chasing Sungmin around the house yesterday, I felt something in my stomach. Like butterflies flying in it.


“Second, you find your heart beating fast when you’re with her.” At times I do find my heart beating fast when I’m with Sungmin. I thought it was only because I’m nervous.


“Third, you feel happy when you’re with her.” Even if I was irritated and annoyed at Sungmin, I feel happy when I’m with her.


“And lastly, you’re thinking about her right when I started saying these signs.” All I’m thinking about this time is Sungmin. Only Sungmin. Does it mean that......?


“WHO are you thinking about Kyuhyun?” Donghae asked.


“I was thinking about no one Fish! Why would I even think about someone?! I won’t think about someone because I know that I’m not in love!” I defensively said.


“I know you’re thinking about Sungmin right now Kyu. You don’t need to hide that you love her. We won’t stop you, you know.” Hyuk said.


“I don’t know Hyuk. I don’t know.”


I love Sungmin? I’m in love with her? I, CHO KYUHYUN, am in love with LEE SUNGMIN, that annoying and irritating BUNNY?


A smile spreads across my face.


“Hey Kyu, don’t forget, you’re not engaged to her anymore. You need to do something.” Donghae said. Oh, I forgot about that.


“Yeah Kyu. What are you going to do about it?”


“I don’t know. For the mean time, pack your things. You’re going to your real homes.”


“WHAT?!” Again, they both shouted.


“Well, since her father backed out from the engagement, Sungmin will be leaving later. So you two should leave also.”


“Even me Kyu?” Hyukjae said.


“Yes, you too. So get up there and pack your things now. I’ll just be in my game room, playing games.” I can’t take all this drama anymore. I want life to be peaceful, even if just for a moment.


When I walked outside the room, I saw Sungmin standing outside. She’s all packed.


“Are they finished packing?” She said.


“They just started because they wanted to hear the story.”


“Ohh. Okay. I’ll just wait for them in the living room.”


“Okay, I’ll just go to the game room.”


When I was about to leave, she called me.


“Uhm, Kyu. T-thanks for the t-time we s-spent. You know, you’re not that annoying anymore.” I noticed some blush on her cheeks.


“You too. You’re not that irritating now. Keep it up and maybe we can be closer friends. Hahaha. Thanks for the time too. Mostly on yesterday because you made my birthday special.”


“Oh, you’re welcome. It’s also nice to see you smile, not scrunching your face.”


“I’m going now.”


“Good bye.”


“Good bye, Lee Sungmin. Hope to see you next time.”






so yeah, I'm so, so sorry. I've been preoccupied this days. BUT! I have an announcement!! I will post 3 or 4 more chapters today!! Yeah, because in our province there's no internet connection, that's why I haven't updated that much. so yeah, wait for the other chaps. :D


I am so really happy with our boys' performance in KBS Gayo Daejun!! I love how they mashed up some of my favorite songs of SJ. :))





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I'm a bit upset about chapter 11. I think it's going to bring my fanfic down. hahaha. But I'll still fight. Win win win!! FIGHTING!! :D


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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 17: Well I'm sad cuz this won't be completed but I can complain, right? So maybe ill see you in your next fic :)
Cute!! I enjoy it.
Chapter 16: an award for the coffee XD
haha kyuhyun was cute misunderstanding about Jin
I hope kyumin's fathers won't find new fiances for them!! D:
Chapter 16: Fox , Bunny, Moenkey and Fish hahaha LOL
iSuperJuniorART #5
Chapter 16: Ahh... Kyu! Minnie! Just get married faster!!! I'm waiting here..!
ichathoriqlover #6
Chapter 16: Wow, kyu admits he is embarassed because of thinking sungjin as minnie's boyfriend, he is finally feeling more than friends now towards I hope kyumin will get more closer and willing to continue the marriage...
Chapter 16: I love your updates :"""">
let the marriage continue authornim! >/////<
Chapter 16: Woahhh!!!
Fluffy kyumin...*jumping like kids*
Ehemmm....sorry I'm too happy~~~

Btw its nice update *clap*
Chapter 16: Ohhh chapter 16! Hahaha you are so fast ><
Yeppp let the marriage continue but pls let kyumin confess their feelings