Accumulation 9

Accumulate This Love

Kibum almost threw himself down onto Taemin's bed as soon as they entered the younger's room. He kept on feeling a bit tired lately, and it was somehow like he couldn't find the time to sleep - even though he had nothing but time left on his hands.

Breathing in deeply he took in the scent of the younger's blankets and a familiar sweet aroma of the detergent his mother washed it with filled his nostrils, and he sighed in content.

All the shelves with Taemin's books had been moved around, and his mother had been busy painting beautiful pictures of animals on the walls - but to Kibum it mostly seemed like a poor parody of the Lion King.

"Just feel at home," Taemin snorted sarcastically throwing himself onto a blue chair that Kibum hadn't seen before, but it fitted the midnight blue ceiling well. (The only thing that never changed in the younger's room.)

"I am," he retorted shifting in the bed, so he was lying more comfortable before glancing over at Taemin, "Did you get it?"

"Of course," Kibum noticed the younger roll his eyes at him, but decided to let it slide, as he had done him a huge favor this time around - and he knew that he owed him a lot.

It wasn't because Taemin had ever done anything to provoke any hate towards himself. He was just like Kibum - different - and somehow it made it okay for others to bully him and call him tons of names.

The younger boy had always told Kibum about, how he wanted to become a manly boy, but it was really hard for someone with his body structure. Frankly he looked like a girl - and sometimes people even thought that he was cross dressing.

"Did something happen?" Suddenly the blonde boy felt bad for even asking for this kind of favor. He knew what could have had happened to his friend, and he regretted being so selfish.

Taemin glanced over at Kibum through his bangs and a really rare smirk played on his lips, "Was anything supposed to happen?"

"Hopefully not," Raising his eyebrow to question the younger further, he lifted himself a bit off from the pillow to get a better view of the boy, who shrugged in responds, as if it didn't matter. (Of course this only made Kibum worry even more.)

"Don't worry - nothing happened," Taemin finally gave in with a loud sigh, as he stared down onto the bright pink socks, he had gotten as a birthday present from Kibum this summer - together with a lexicon about turtles. An insight joke they would never grow tired of. "It would be great, if you trusted me more. I might be an outsider, but I do have friends."

"I know Taemin, but I wouldn't be able to forgive myself, if something happened to you," Kibum couldn't shake of the anxious feeling that Taemin was lying to him, and as he tried to lock the younger's dark brown orbs with his own, Taemin looked away, which only made him worry even more.

The brunette shifted uncomfortably in the chair trying to change the subject, "Do you want to see it?"

Bullying was a tough topic for both of them, as they really wanted to help each other, but they couldn't. They didn't know how to - they couldn't even save themselves let alone others, so they both welcomed any other subject to talk about.

"Do you have it here?" Kibum sat excited up in the bed, as he looked around the room to see if he could find it, "Where?"

"Isn't that why you're here in the first place?" Taemin chuckled a bit, as he stood up and walked over to the other side of his room, where he had been hiding it behind his shelves from his mom, "because you couldn't wait anymore?"

"Is that weird? I've always been impatient," Kibum admitted trying to hide his excitement from finally getting to see the thing, he asked Taemin to get for him days ago, "But is it strange that I'm trying to get a guitar for Jonghyun? I know I haven't known him for that long, but he just seemed so passionate about music."

"I don't know," Taemin answered truthfully after pondering for a second, "maybe it is and so what?"

Thinking it through once again Kibum decided to shrug it off just like the younger boy. He had gotten Jonghyun a guitar, and so what if it was weird? It was something he did to see Jonghyun smile. (And to finally hear his angelic voice sing again.)

But why was he so keen on seeing Jonghyun smile anyways? It wasn't like it was his problem - and not so long ago he couldn't stand the poor guy. Maybe he really shouldn't give him the guitar.

"You're going to give it to him no matter what," Taemin spoke up, as if he had read his thoughts, before dumping the guitar into his lap, "do you realize how much I had to go through to get it for you? You're definitely going to give it to him, or I'll hunt you down forever."

It was a threat, but Kibum felt himself smile, as he stared down at the auburn guitar that was lying in his lap. Running his fingers over the smooth surface all his doubts disappeared, and he was sure that he had to give it to the older boy, who probably was at home right now stressing about the right amount of food to feed the hens with.

"Thank you," He looked up at the younger boy, who had taken a seat in the blue chair once again, with gratitude written all over his face, "I owe you so much Taemin! I'll make it up for you - I promise."



"Where are we going?" Jonghyun asked a bit confused, as he stared over at Kibum, who was holding out his jacket for him to wear.

"To the chicken cage," Kibum shrugged making it no big deal - even though butterflies were shaking up his stomach, and he was nervous for the older's reaction to the present, that he had prepared.

For some reason they hadn't seen each other for a few days (despite the fact that they lived together), which only made it all a bit more awkward. More or less they had nothing to say; even though there was a lot they wanted to voice.

"Why?" The brunette asked, as he put on the pink summer jacket, which Kibum had handed him. Hiding his smile behind the back of his hand, Kibum tried hard not to laugh - pink wasn't exactly Jonghyun's color.

"Because," he smiled in reply before opening the front door to hold it open for the other boy.

Going through the front door Jonghyun raised a new question, "Because of what?"

"Because I said so," Kibum rolled his eyes slamming the door behind him, starting to get annoyed at all the questions the brunette was asking him. Why couldn't he just accept, that he needed to go with him?

"And why do you say so?" They were now a few steps away from the house on the way to the chicken cage, where Kibum had left the guitar waiting for its new owner.

Kibum stopped in his track, before he glared over at Jonghyun just as he rested his hand on his hip, "Are you seriously going to continue this?"

"Continue what?" The brunette blinked a few times feigning innocence.

"This discussion!" The blonde boy stomped childishly in the ground.

"But you're the one who keep replying me, aren't you?" The older boy knew that he was getting to Kibum, but he couldn't stop himself as it was too much fun. It was fun to see how the blonde boy could get worked up over nothing, and he enjoyed their small discussions - no matter how weird it sounded.

"Fine," Kibum had it. He was trying to be nice, but all he got in return was a sassy attitude. Like heck he was going to give him the present now. 

Blinking in confusion Jonghyun glanced over at the younger boy, who now was on his way back to the house, "Fine what?"

"I hate you," Kibum almost screamed on his way back trying to ignore him the best that he could.

Realizing that he had made Kibum more mad than he had imagined, Jonghyun quickly ran up to him and grabbed his wrist turning him around, "Please don't be mad Kibum!"

It wasn't like it had been his intention to be mad, but Kibum had just been looking forward to be giving the older boy his present for so long, that he couldn't take, that he just wanted to turn it into a joke.

He bit his lower lip ignoring the butterflies his stomach was creating from a mere touch.

"I'm not mad," he finally gave in with a sigh running his fingers through his hair not even caring about his hairstyle at the moment.

"Really?" Jonghyun lit up right away, as the words left Kibum's cat like lips in a pout, "let's go then!"

Turning around on his heels Jonghyun grabbed the younger's hand instead of wrist dragging him along. It was only a mere touch, but just why did Kibum felt like it was electrifying him?

It was stupid.

But why?

"I can go by myself, you know," Regretful shook of Jonghyun's hand - and just as quick as the butterflies had come, they left - leaving Kibum behind with an empty feeling of loneliness.

The brunette just shrugged, as they walked the last few meters over to the cage, where the gift was waiting.

"So what is it?" Jonghyun asked (not that he hadn't understood that Kibum was tired of all the questions - he was just curious as hell) with an excited tone beneath his arrogant attitude and with his hands in his pockets.

"Sit," Kibum ordered him, as he went over to the other end of the cage, "close your eyes."

"What's up with all the orders?" The older murmured in a teasing voice, before he did as he was told. He didn't want to upset Kibum any more that day.

"Just do it," The blonde boy called from the other end, as he struggled with getting the guitar from behind of the hen's nest, where he so cleverly had hidden it earlier that day.

It didn't take long, before he had the guitar with him, and he slowly made his way over to the older boy, "Are your eyes closed?"

"Yes," Jonghyun promised with a smile playing on his lips.

"You sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure," The brunette chuckled, as he held his hand over his eyes to reassure the younger boy.

"Okay," Kibum sighed in relieve, as he walked over to the other boy a bit nervous.

He waved his own hand anxiously in front of Jonghyun's eyes to make sure, that he couldn't see anything (even though it would be too late by then anyways), but Jonghyun grabbed his hand without looking at all, "Don't worry I can't see a thing Kibum. Now what it is? I'm seriously excited!"

That was all Kibum needed to hear, and he placed the auburn guitar in the lap of the older boy, who surprised opened his eyes to look down at the object that had been placed.

"I told you not too look, before I said to!" Kibum scolded him softly without really meaning it, since he could see the gratitude there was written all over Jonghyun's face.

"What is this?" Automatically Jonghyun's fingers ran down the guitar, and tentative he played a few of the strings - which honestly sounded horrible since it hadn't been tuned yet - but the brunette didn't wait for an answer - he started working on it right away.

"It's for you," Kibum beamed, as he sat down next to Jonghyun to observe what he was doing, "Since you said you enjoyed music."

The older boy stopped in his track to glance over at Kibum, who's lips were pulled up into a smile just from giving away a present. Was that even normal?

"Thank you Kibum," Jonghyun said with a lot of gratitude, as he looked down at the guitar once again, "I'll never forget this."

"You better not!" Kibum retorted, "I expect a huge birthday present!"


A/N: Hi everyone c: 

I'm sorry for another long wait - but somehow I keep gaining subscribers, so I guess you guys don't hate me yet, no? 

On the other hand - Happy Kim Key Kibum day! (There's still 13 minutes left of this beautiful day in Denmark!)  I hope you all had a great day :D

To be honest - I had tons of more ideas to this chapter, but I ran out of time, and I really wanted to update soon, so I'm sorry it's so short! I hope you enjoyed it though! <3

Thank you so much for your support as always <3

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AudrayLiAr #1
Oh, please write this to an end! I'd like to read what happened to Jjong and how they'll come together! I see, maybe it's not that easy after a year, but I know you can do it!
KPOPMonstahh #2
Chapter 18: So like, you're not going to talk about how dinojjong ended up in the river at all? No?

Are you gong to keep writing this??
Chapter 17: omg I'm in love with you story <3 gishhhhh i loooove this.chapter you're a great author
Chapter 18: Ohhh.. really good story^^ :) I love a lot^^ <3
Kekke.. now jjong is key's BF??? I hope it^^
Chapter 18: This story is so adorable! I can't wait to find out why Jjong was in that river *-*
magicbananas #7
Chapter 18: lol dummy jjong >.<
"you want me to go drown in the river once again?"
lol love that line!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Miji96 #8
Chapter 18: FINALLYYYYYYYY! Good going Oppa! :D <3
eunhaeshipper15 #9
Chapter 18: Jonghyun, please. xD Not so early in the morning. This chapter was adorable~ Thank you for updating :D
Milielitre #10
Chapter 18: WTF are they talking about so early in the morning XD