Accumulation 6

Accumulate This Love


"Kibum? Kibum, wake up," a loud rattling from the steel fence around them could be heard, as he still sleep drunken lifted his head a bit from Jonghyun's shoulder to look around in the dark.

"Who's there?" His mouth was dry, and his throat sore, as he blinked a few times to adjust his eyes to the darkness surrounding them.

"It' Jinki," finally Kibum recognized his older brother's voice, and he stood up quickly making Jonghyun fall down from the bench in the process, as he also had been leaning against the younger, as they had been resting,

The chickens around them had also found peace - some sleeping side by side to keep warm and others in their nest together with their baby chicks.

"Hyung!" Kibum exclaimed almost devastated, but his voice broke in the middle of it. He tried sinking some of his saliva, but it didn't help at all. He would kill for a cold glass of water. "Please get us out of here."

It was also around here Jonghyun had come fully to his senses and stood beside Kibum waiting hopefully to get out, so he could find a real bed. A warm, soft, comfortably bed.

"Jinki Hyung please tell us, that you can get us out," Jonghyun whined jumping a bit up and down in a childish manner to show the oldest of the three, that he had to hurry.


"It's not good that he's dragging it out, is it?" Even in the dark Kibum could see the panic in Jonghyun's eyes, as if he was starting to get claustrophobia.

"What's wrong?" Kibum whispered loud enough for only Jonghyun to hear it, as Jinki left to look for the extra key, that their grandmother had once told them, that they were supposed to have somewhere near the cage.

"It's nothing," Jonghyun smiled, but the panic didn't leave. Kibum knew better than prying into Jonghyun's business and decided to keep quiet - but it was hard not to worry.

Kibum didn't try to hide his stare, as he worriedly observed the older boy, who had chosen to sit down on the bench once again bending forward to rest his head on his hands, as his elbows were firmly placed on top of his knees.

Even though Kibum had decided not to meddle (and all his principles went against it.), he went over to stand right in front of Jonghyun, who only briefly glanced up at him, "are you sure, that I can't do anything for you?"

"Maybe," a small smirk - not the usual smirk but a smirk at least - played on top of Jonghyun's lips, as he weakly looked up at Kibum, "can you hold my hand?"

If it wasn't because Kibum were genuinely worried about the older boy, he wouldn't even had considered the request, but Jonghyun seemed so lost and with the bit of panic written in his eyes, Kibum took his hand without considering the consequences about it.

Their hands held each other's loosely, and it felt rather awkward, as if it were by accident that their hands had touched, but no one ever let their hands fall down into their place beside their bodies.

But Kibum felt it. The heath that spread through his entire body by the older's touch.

Trying to think about something else Kibum glanced curiously at Jonghyun, before he decided to speak up, "so you can't swim and you have claustrophobia... is there anything else that I need to know?"

"Claustrophobia?" Jonghyun's shoulders were shaking by now, and Kibum couldn't help but put a hand on his shoulder to help him relax - until Jonghyun looked up at him.

Stupid ing jerk.

"Why are you laughing?" Letting go of both his hand and shoulder at the same time, Kibum made sure to hit him once on his shoulder - hard, before he took a step back. How could he even have been so stupid so believe that guy?

"I'm just surprised that you could come up with something that stupid!" Clutching his stomach Jonghyun snorted loudly trying to hold in his laughter, which just made his shoulder shake uncontrollably, as he didn't break his stare at Kibum.

"What? Haven't you ever watched a drama in your entire life?" It was supposed to be a witty, sarcastic, quick remark, there could shut Jonghyun up, but instead it ended up as one of the dumbest thing Kibum had ever said in his entire life.

Recalling how he usually told Jinki to stop watching all those dramas, he mentally slapped himself, as he felt the karma hit him in the form of a very good looking boy in front of him - with the cutest ever.

The older boy had calmed himself down, as Kibum had traveled into his own world - he kind of figured it was easier on the inside of his head, than in the real world where the biggest jerk alive was laughing his at him.

"You do realize that I-"

"KIBUM I FOUND THE EXTRA KEY!" Jonghyun's sentence got cut short, as Jinki yelled happily through the whole property to tell Kibum the good news, so he wouldn't suffocate staying too long with Jonghyun near him.

"Okay, but remember to walk-" A loud crash could be heard followed with a lot of swearing words, which probably matched Kibum's shirt perfectly, and at last a loud 'I'm okay' could be heard nearby.

Shaking his head in denial over the fact that the clumsy Jinki was his brother Kibum mentally slapped himself - who wouldn't?

"Is he okay?" Now standing by Kibum's side to look through the fence to check on Jinki, Jonghyun stood on his toes holding his balance by resting his left hand on Kibum's shoulder.

Staring in disbelief at the older boy Kibum took a step aback, so Jonghyun wasn't touching him anymore. How could he even imagine that he was allowed to touch him after making such a joke?

Luckily none of them got to speak up as Jinki finally came running with the key, he had been searching for in ages. Quickly he unlocked the fence, as he felt the deathly aura surrounding the two of them.

"I'm off to bed," Kibum mumbled loud enough for the both to hear, as he pushed his older brother out of the way. This day had already been way too long.



The cold water dripped down from Kibum's face, as he leaned down over the sink, as he cleaned his face. The cold impact did well and he suddenly relaxed in every muscle and nerve in his whole body.

He took a deep breath stretched for the towel, he had laid out beside the sink, so it was ready.

As he stood up straight a pair of dark brown eyes stared back at him from the mirror - it was close to devastating facing himself like that.

"What are you looking at?" He snarled through his teeth to the reflection - who of course had no snarky comment ready for him other than the mocking eyes which stared right back at him.

Emotions flashed through Kibum's mind, as his eyes changed for each emotion he felt.

Sad, lonely, betrayed...

"I hate you," it was a mere whisper, which barely left his lips, but he knew the words. The words he repeated to himself everyday to himself. The reason why he didn't like other people getting close to him.

He'd rather be lonely than ever getting betrayed again.

"I ing hate you so much," he wasn't crying, and he wasn't going to - or rather he couldn't. The hallow feeling inside him prevented him to cry, it kept telling him that no one would care if he did. That no one loved him. He hadn't cried since that day.

Being with Jonghyun the whole day he had forgotten it all for a very small moment, and it had finally felt like he could breath properly again. It had felt nice. (Even nicer than when the summer finally wins over the cold winter.)

Jonghyun, who had made his heart flutter for a short second, was oblivious to the fact that Kibum didn't want him near him, and it was starting to frustrate the younger guy. He wanted to be left alone. He wanted to drown in his own despair by himself.

Shaking his head a bit in denial Kibum finally broke the stare with himself, as he woke up from his trance like thoughts, he still had no control over. His thoughts were shattered into small pieces, and he had no idea how to protect himself from them, when they all visited him at once.

"But why does he keep pushing me away?" Kibum quirked his head up in surprise by Jonghyun's sudden voice outside the bathroom door.

It didn't take long for Kibum to realize that he was talking to his brother - the biggest telltale in the whole village. Not that he ever meant anything bad by it - he only wanted the best for Kibum, but he just wanted to keep it all to himself.

"Things..." Jinki held a short break, as he thought his words through, before he finished, "just happened."

Holding his breath Kibum tiptoed to the door so he better could hear their conversation, as they both had stopped up by Jonghyun's door just beside the bathroom.

"What kind of stuff?" Jonghyun tried to push Jinki, but his brother must had hesitated, as Jonghyun kept on persuading him, "please tell me Hyung. I really want to get closer to Kibum, but every time I think, that I'm getting closer to him, he pushes me away."

Kibum bit his lower lip nervously, as he waited anxiously for his big brother's reply. It had taken months for himself to even open up about it, so he wouldn't just give it away, would he?

One of his options was of course to interrupt them, before Jinki even got a chance to tell the other what was going on, but something inside Kibum was stirring - and not sure if it was just a gut feeling or something else - he wanted to find out, how Jonghyun would react.

He wouldn't be surprised, if he ran away.

"Kibum once went to a summer school in Seoul," Jinki started off. It was kind of a good start. At least it was where it started. "I guess, you've already noticed, but my brother is different. He likes being his own, so he really wanted to leave this village for just a bit. He worked his of three summers in a row, so he had the money to leave for the summer - and so he did."

"What happened?" Jonghyun sounded close to breath taken choking the syllables out one at a time. Kibum would have done anything to have had the chance to see the boy's facial expression, as he couldn't figure out, how he was taking it. Not that anything had been said, there were considered weird. Yet.

"It's...." Jinki stopped himself midsentence considering his words, as he tried once again, "it's complicated... when he arrived in Seoul, he..."

Once again he choked on his words, and Kibum tensed up, as he just wanted to get it over with. He couldn't take the anxiety, and he hated waiting for his stupid big brother to finish. He usually talked a lot, so why stop now?

Slamming the bathroom door open Kibum walked out to see two really surprised guys stare at him, as if they had seen a ghost for the first time in their entire life.

"What?" He mocked them, as they gawked at him, "isn't it alright that I eavesdrop, when it's me you're talking about?"

"How much did you hear?" Jinki asked nervously, as he played with the hem of his t-shirt. He knew better than messing with Kibum.


"It's not Jinki's fault! I persuaded him into telling me," Jonghyun interrupted after getting himself together once again. He took a step towards Kibum in order to stop the younger boy, if he got too mad, but nothing alike happened.

"Listen up," Kibum sighed, as he looked down letting all his emotions flash through his eyes once again, before he with a weak smile looked up at Jonghyun, "I went to Seoul, I met this guy, I fell in love with. It was the first time ever I fell in love, and it was with a guy. Try imagining coping with the fact that you're gay, when you didn't even know yourself. Stuff happened and he hurt me like ."

Kibum hadn't imagined that he would stay so calm and cold about it. He felt so emotionless, as he spoke each word, and he lost the eye contact with Jonghyun, as he slowly crept back into his own shelter, where no one could hurt him.

"What did he do?" It was Jonghyun - Kibum could recognize his angel like voice, but he was long gone. He didn't know what to answer, as he relived it all inside his head.

"Kibum," Kibum somehow registered that Jonghyun shook of Jinki's hand on his shoulder, as the older strange no swimming boy placed a hand on each of his shoulders, but he didn't really notice it, "I don't know if this will help you, but I've also been hurt before. You can't live your life like this. You have to let people in."

The words were spoken softly but certain - leaving no room for discussion. Kibum felt a strange form for relieve wash through his body. It had felt nice telling someone else about it - even though it wasn't everything. The whole truth.

Without another word Kibum walked away from the two older boys searching for the comfort of his duvet. A lot had happened that day, and he was tired.

Both mentally and physically tired.

Nothing felt more right than sleep at that moment. Closing his eyes, forgetting everything that happened and just sleep it all away. 


A/N: Hi everyone :) I really hope that you're enjoying the story so far, as I'm seriously spending a lot of time on it :) I would really appreciate hearing your opinion about the storyline, and if you think, that I could improve on something :) Just be honest! I love you all! Thank you. 

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AudrayLiAr #1
Oh, please write this to an end! I'd like to read what happened to Jjong and how they'll come together! I see, maybe it's not that easy after a year, but I know you can do it!
KPOPMonstahh #2
Chapter 18: So like, you're not going to talk about how dinojjong ended up in the river at all? No?

Are you gong to keep writing this??
Chapter 17: omg I'm in love with you story <3 gishhhhh i loooove this.chapter you're a great author
Chapter 18: Ohhh.. really good story^^ :) I love a lot^^ <3
Kekke.. now jjong is key's BF??? I hope it^^
Chapter 18: This story is so adorable! I can't wait to find out why Jjong was in that river *-*
magicbananas #7
Chapter 18: lol dummy jjong >.<
"you want me to go drown in the river once again?"
lol love that line!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Miji96 #8
Chapter 18: FINALLYYYYYYYY! Good going Oppa! :D <3
eunhaeshipper15 #9
Chapter 18: Jonghyun, please. xD Not so early in the morning. This chapter was adorable~ Thank you for updating :D
Milielitre #10
Chapter 18: WTF are they talking about so early in the morning XD