Accumulation 14

Accumulate This Love


It's common knowledge that our subconscious mind usually connects with our dreams, while we're fast asleep. It helps us realize our desires, solve our problems, and it compels us to be honest about our feelings; so it was no surprise to Kibum, that he was dreaming about Jonghyun constantly.

The chest-nut haired guy would walk towards him in an all white room with his usual boyish smile, but within a few seconds he would be gone from Kibum's sight once again. He would stumble a few steps reaching for the older boy, but he would only grab thin air. A few seconds would pass as a huge hole starts building up in his stomach making him feel miserable, and as he finally looks around him again, he's surrounded by millions of strangers. Once in awhile he would notice the chest-nut colored hair and run towards it, but just as quickly it showed up, it disappeared again.

Sweaty and out of breath Kibum would wake up in a small almost empty hotel room, where he had been staying for about a week. He would then lie in the hard bed staring into the darkness, as thoughts filled up his already numb mind with images and feelings, he would rather live without.

He would try to analyze his dream, but it made no sense to the blonde boy, since he hadn't seen anyone who even reminded him of Jonghyun. He knew the older's boy's features better than anyone; how the chest-nut colored hair would have just enough gel in it to stay in place, how he's height would make it harder for Kibum to see him in a crowd, and how his lips would purse, when he was in deep thought.

More than once had he considered giving up, as a week had already gone by without him finding even a clue about Jonghyun's whereabouts. He had known beforehand that it was going to be hard; Jonghyun had never really talked about himself, so he had no idea about where to look. Not once had they talked about the places the older boy would hang out, and it had been bothered Kibum at all, as he'd rather not talk about Seoul at all.

Until now he had visited several music stores asking for Jonghyun, but every time the clerks would shake their head softly, as they told him that they had never heard of the boy, that he was asking about. Then he started searching the music colleges in Seoul to see if the older attended one of them, but then again; shouldn't he had mentioned it to Kibum, if he attended school?

At one point the blonde boy realized that it wasn't for sure that the brunette would attend a music college, but it just seemed wrong to him, if he didn't. It seemed to be his whole life.

It bothered Kibum, as he searched for the older boy - what had they been talking about? He knew nothing about Jonghyun, and exactly how much did the older boy know about him? More than he knew about him that was for sure.

 At least he knew where he lived.



"Go away!" Kibum turned around on his heels, as he snarled at the other boy, who had been following for a week by now, "Minho, I'll go buy frog, if I need someone to follow me around! Leave me alone!"

Minho had somehow managed to figure out which hotel the blonde boy was staying at, and every single day he had showed up just to follow Kibum around.

Of course he had wondered why the other didn't have other things to do, but he really didn't care either, so he had just accepted the fact that a lost frog had nothing better to do.

"But I'm bored!" Minho pouted cutely as he stomped the ground.

"I don't care," Kibum stated matter of factly, as he studied the map over Seoul in his hands, where he had marked all the places, he already had searched for Jonghyun.

The frog like boy observed how the blonde boy's face showed nothing but sadness, as he stared at the map, making him go and pull his fashionable black cardigan by its sleeve, "Let's go have fun!"

"I already told you, that I don't have time for that!" Kibum sighed, as he folded the map neatly together.

"Why?" The frog pushed his luck a bit wondering how someone could end up seeming as lost and sad as Kibum did most of the time. It was all written in his eyes even though the strong-willed boy didn't want to admit it.

Minho was sure that was what had got him so interested in this strange friend of his. He was aware, that Kibum didn't see them as friends, but somehow he knew that was how they would end up, and he felt happy knowing that, so he wouldn't leave the other alone for even a minute, when he had the chance to do so.

"Just because," Kibum stated dryly running his fingers through his hair leaving it slightly messy.

"You're doing it again," Minho couldn't leave his gaze from a strand of hair that looked slightly out of place compared to everything else on Kibum, but it had a certain kind of glow that made it stand out.


"You always get that sad distant look, whenever I ask you, what it is you're searching for," His eyes went from the blonde strand of hair to the other's deep brown orbs, "Please tell me what's bothering you!"

"It's none of your business," The blonde boy crossed his arms over his chest trying to protect himself from the big cold world all around them, which only made him look even more like a small lost child, that had been left behind by someone he loved dearly.

"What if I can help you?" The brunette pushed his luck over the limit, and he knew it, but he had to try; He couldn't just leave the other behind like this. He wanted to help.

"You can't," A small tear left Kibum's eye, but he quickly removed it in order to have at least a bit remaining pride, when this all had ended.


"In all honesty you're seriously starting to piss me off, so please leave me alone, before I call the cops," He finally snapped at the frog, as he turned his head around to face him again. He didn't need a therapist, he didn't need a friend, he didn't need any of this - he just needed to find Jonghyun to get some closure. That was all.

At least that was what he was telling himself, but his heart was telling himself something different, and he knew that.

"I just wanted to help you," Minho muttered slightly embarrassed after being told off like that. He hid his thumps in the pockets of his skinny jeans, before he looked a bit over Kibum's head not knowing where to put his gaze.

"No thank you," The blonde boy turned around on his heels, as he was about to walk away from the other, but Minho quickly grabbed his shoulder in order to stop him.

"All I'm saying is-" Minho was cut off by his ringtone, and he quickly answered it, but his grip on Kibum's shoulder didn't loosen up at any moment - they weren't finished.

"Hello?" He spoke softly as the two boys started staring at each other angrily trying to win an imaginary battle inside their heads, "Jonghyun! It's been such a long time! How are you?"

Kibum finally snapped out of it. Did he hear correctly? Minho had said Jonghyun's name, right? He tried hard not to get his hopes up, but it was hard. He had been searching for the older for so long by then, that he would cling onto any hope, he could find. But then again - there were probably a lot of other boys with the name Jonghyun, so why should it be him?

Mindlessly he grabbed the phone out of Minho's hand and put it to his ear listening for just some kind of tiny evidence, that it was Jonghyun on the other line. The short chocolate brown haired boy, who he had come to know over a few months - his Jonghyun.

"Jonghyun," He finally breathed out waiting for some kind of response, but he was met with nothing but silent. He heard a sharp intake of breath, but that was it.

He felt Minho's eyes staring at him curiously, but he made no attempt to get his phone back. Maybe this was he's kind of an idea of a truce between the two of them?

"Jonghyun is that you?" Kibum was desperate to finally end his search. He wanted an end to his dreams, an end to this trip and an end to all of his miseries, "please answer me."

"Kibum," His heart stopped for a moment as the hoarse voice, he had gotten so used to spoke through the speaker and caressed his ear with the soft melody of his blood finally defrosting and making him coming back to live.

Simultaneously they both breathe out the air they had held in waiting for the other to continue, but neither of them did.

Kibum had had so many different scenarios inside his head about, how he was going to confront the other boy, how confident he was going to be; He would show the brunette that it was his loss - that he didn't need him in his life either, but at the most crucial time his heartbeat increased by a million and his tongue decided to twist; How come he couldn't decide by himself, who he wanted to be in love with?"

"Let's meet up?" His voice croaked as he spoke making him sound like a young boy, who had just hit puberty.

Jonghyun sighed loudly into the phone, "We can't."

"Why not Jonghyun?" The blonde boy asked harshly, as any hope he had gotten by finally hearing the other's voice again disappeared into thin air again, but the only reply he got was a loud beep, as the brunette hung up.

Without a word Kibum handed back the phone to Minho, as he sat down on the sidewalk ignoring all the unfamiliar faces that stared down upon him, probably judging him for something they knew nothing about, and it was getting to him. He couldn't stand any of it anymore.

The frog prince sat down next to him, but he didn't say a word, he just sat there in silent.

Not a word was spoken in what felt like decades. Minho didn't ask what was going on, Kibum didn't tell him anything either. It was utter silence, and it was as if the rest of the world had agreed to it, as everything just seemed black in the eyes of the blonde boy.

"I love him," He finally spoke up without looking at the boy beside him - he would rather pretend to talk to thin air than acknowledge the fact, that he was telling his story to someone, who had hadn't known for more than a week, "Or I used to love him. I really don't know anymore."

He ran his fingers through his hair, before resting both hands on his knees staring down on his lap, which was covered by a new pair of skinny jeans, he hadn't had had the chance to wear before then.

"He just showed up one day, and he walked straight into my life without my permission," Kibum couldn't help but smile a bit, as he remembered the first day that he had met the older boy, "He was just so honest, and he respected my past, which I had never experienced before. He made me smile, and even though I didn't want to let him in, I did, so I guess it's my own fault."

Once again they were covered in silent, but Minho decided to end it quickly this time, as he couldn't stand it at all, "I've actually heard about you from Jonghyun."

"What?" Kibum snapped out of his thoughts to stare at the frog in disbelief, "You knew who I was all along?"

"No, I didn't," Minho clarified making eye contact with the other in order to show, that he wasn't lying, "He just mentioned a boy; I had no idea it was you. I really wanted to become friends with you, which is why, I've been following you around - I didn't know you were Jonghyun's love."

Kibum didn't say a word, he just nodded to show, that he was listening, as he found everything very hard to grasp. How small could the world be?

"I know you probably won't believe me, but I'm being honest," Minho fiddled with his fingers nervously, but he didn't break the eye contact once, "I won't tell you what's going on with Jonghyun, because that's his story to tell, but I'll help you find him. I know where he's working tonight."

Without a word the blonde boy stood up startling the frog prince, but he just kneeled down beside the other and hugged him, as the tears slowly descended down his cheeks, "Thank you Minho. You're a true friend."

"So we're friends now?" Minho grinned patting the other's back lightly.

"Yes, we're friends."



A/N: Hi everyone! I'm so sorry for the long wait once again! Lately I've been finding it very difficult to balance everything in my life, so I haven't had the time to write at all, but I think I'm finally back (hopefully). I hope you're bearing over with me! 

Are you all ready for Jonghyun's comeback in the next chapter? I know, I am! Hehe~! 

As always thank you so much for subscribing, commenting and voting up this story~! (I'm still surprised anyone are voting it up!) 

Until we meet again remember to have fun! Bye! 


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AudrayLiAr #1
Oh, please write this to an end! I'd like to read what happened to Jjong and how they'll come together! I see, maybe it's not that easy after a year, but I know you can do it!
KPOPMonstahh #2
Chapter 18: So like, you're not going to talk about how dinojjong ended up in the river at all? No?

Are you gong to keep writing this??
Chapter 17: omg I'm in love with you story <3 gishhhhh i loooove this.chapter you're a great author
Chapter 18: Ohhh.. really good story^^ :) I love a lot^^ <3
Kekke.. now jjong is key's BF??? I hope it^^
Chapter 18: This story is so adorable! I can't wait to find out why Jjong was in that river *-*
magicbananas #7
Chapter 18: lol dummy jjong >.<
"you want me to go drown in the river once again?"
lol love that line!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Miji96 #8
Chapter 18: FINALLYYYYYYYY! Good going Oppa! :D <3
eunhaeshipper15 #9
Chapter 18: Jonghyun, please. xD Not so early in the morning. This chapter was adorable~ Thank you for updating :D
Milielitre #10
Chapter 18: WTF are they talking about so early in the morning XD