Accumulation 10

Accumulate This Love

In annoyance Kibum removed a tear, which was slowly falling down his cheek, with the backside of his hand, before he once again cut some more onions for the dinner that night.

It had been days since the blonde boy had seen Jonghyun - he hadn't seen him since the day he had given him the guitar - and it was starting to get to him. He could just had been honest telling him, that he didn't like the gift - and Kibum would had gotten rid of it himself. (Actually he would probably have had a fit, before burning it.)

It had been four days to be exact. Four slow unbearable days.

The first day Kibum hadn't thought too much into it. It wasn't like it was the first time that they didn't speak for a whole day. Jinki had once asked how it was even possible, since they all lived in the same house, but the blonde boy had no response. The possibility of neither of them being social could be really high, who knew?

Maybe the second day he had already started being a bit bothered by the fact that Jonghyun still hadn't left his room. He could at least had come and played a song for him, since he had gone through all the trouble to get him the guitar, which had been his motive all along - to get a chance to hear his  angelic voice sing again, but not even once had that happened.

His grandmother told him the third day that she had been talking with Jonghyun for a little while, when he had left his room for a bit to get something to eat. (At least he was still aware that he was human.) Somehow he had managed to leave his room, while Kibum wasn't there, and his annoyance only grew bigger. Maybe the older boy was trying to avoid him on purpose? But why? Had he done something wrong?

It was now the fourth day and Kibum still hadn't said anything; instead he stood crying over the onions, as they stung him in the eyes trying to cut them all into small pieces to come in the stew.

He had now come to the conclusion it wasn't his fault that Jonghyun obviously was avoiding him. Kibum hadn't even had the chance to do something wrong - so why would it be his fault?

Barely avoiding his fingers with the knife, as the knife almost flew out of his hand, he dried away a few more tears with the corner of his white sleeve, before glaring at the onions - waiting for them to cut themselves.

It was hard to feel like everything wasn't against him lately. (Or at least the past four days, but of course he was too proud to even admit that.)

Actually a month had already passed since Kibum had found Jonghyun at the riverside. The weather was still unbearable hot, and it was still uncomfortably to be outside in the middle of the day - but the last month had passed by quicker than the blonde boy had expected.

He was aware that secrets were still flying around everywhere between the two of them - and that neither of them was ready to speak up yet - but he had really enjoyed the other boy's presence. He hadn't felt as lonely as he usually would had, and it had even come to the point where he started questioning himself, whether or not he was starting to take a special liking to the older boy.

Sighing he picked up the knife and started cutting the onion into small precise square pieces. Being a perfectionist as always.

Kibum couldn't even imagine what he would do, if he someday were to wake up and the older boy wouldn't be there anymore. Jonghyun had been the one to drive away all his loneliness - and something like that was something this perfectionist didn't want to lose - even if they had only known each other for a month.

A month was actually a lot taking into consideration all the things, they had done together already. Kibum might have been against Jonghyun in the start, but they had still hung out a lot anyways. (Thanks to his meddlesome grandmother.)

Beside the fact that the blonde boy had saved the older boy from drowning, they had visited Taemin's house, been locked inside the chicken cage, where they played the question game - which absolutely wasn't Kibum's favorite memory, since both his liking for pink boxer shorts and Jonghyun's firm had been revealed.

They had gone grocery shopping, and he had finally realized that there were more to Jonghyun, than he had imagined (one of the things was him being biual.).

Actually even if Kibum summed it all up it didn't matter anymore, because right now Jonghyun was ignoring his mere existence, and he was ready to just kick him out of the house. If he didn't feel like being in the same house as him, fine. Just ing peachy fine.

"Jonghyun, you ," Kibum muttered under his breath as he dangerously close to his own fingers hammered the knife down on the last piece of onion, " you."



The fifth day Kibum had finally had enough, as he pulled some of the brunette's clothes out of the washing machine - it was time they settled the score, before Kibum blew up.

It was rare that Kibum waited that long to say anything and it had been hard on him to keep it in.

No matter what he was going to do to Jonghyun, he would make sure that he would feel his rage. If he was able to ignore him for so long, he better give him double - scratch that, five double - attention, or he would make sure, that he would never dare to even open the door to his room ever again.

After he had hung the clothes out to dry (because he couldn't just leave it - what if it got moldy?), he took a deep breath, as he decided that it was time to have a talk with Jonghyun.

On his way up the staircase, he took a quick look in the mirror making sure he could show himself to the older boy without making a fool out of himself. Discovering that he still had his fringes pulled back into a small ponytail, he pulled the elastic out and messed a bit round with his hair, so it looked acceptable.

His sleeveless loose white hoodie and tight black skinny jeans had to do for now.

Almost sprinting up the stairs he took a few more steps to turn the doorknob in the same motion just to discover it was locked. Furiously he started knocking on the door but there was no reaction from the other side.

"Open the door Jonghyun," Kibum almost yelled through it, before kicking it hard with his left foot, "We need to talk!"

Kicking the door once again he finally heard the noise from some kind of movement from inside the room. A chair could be heard being moved, and Jonghyun cursed loudly - leading Kibum to the conclusion that the older boy probably tripped over the chair.

The door slowly opened and Kibum moved aside as it swung outwards towards him. In the door opening a really tired looking Jonghyun appeared. He had dark circles under his eyes, his hair was really messy and his t-shirt was all crumbled up, as if he had just woken up.

"What is it?" He asked drowsily still looking half asleep.

"You were sleeping?" Kibum asked mesmerized by the cute look of Jonghyun's just awoken state, which made him forget all about him being angry at the older boy.

Jonghyun leaned up against the doorframe as he stared at Kibum with a questioning look, "Was that really what you came to ask me?"

Glaring at him Kibum took a deep breath, before he pushed Jonghyun aside to enter his room, "We need to talk."

"Can't it wait?" Yawned loudly brushing his fingers through his brown hair, as he turned around to stare at Kibum, who already had taken a seat in the chair, he had tripped over a few minutes ago, "I'm really tired."

"Why are you ignoring me?" Kibum was tired of their game of tag, and he cut right into the problem not giving Jonghyun a minute to even consider kicking him out of the room.

The older boy, who was far from awake, blinked a few times, as he looked with confusion written in his eyes over at Kibum, "What?"

"Don't play stupid," the blonde boy crossed his legs, as he looked up at the other boy through his fringes, "We both know, you've been avoiding me those past few days. Why?"

"I-" Before Jonghyun even got a chance to defend himself, he got cut off by the younger boy.

"Do you even realize how much trouble I went through to get that guitar for you? No? I had to convince Taemin to ask one of his classmates to get it for me for a cheap price! How do you think that made Taemin feel, when he gets bullied and all in school?" his voice was getting high pitched, and he stopped up to take a deep breath, so Jonghyun  took a chance, before Kibum got the chance to continue.

"Taemin get's bullie-"

Once again Jonghyun didn't get a chance to finish his sentence, "And then you didn't even play the guitar for me once! Do you even realize that the reason why I got it for you was because I wanted to hear your angelic voice again? No? That's because all you think about is yourself! And instead of hearing your voice all I can do is think about it. And do you even know how frustrating it is to think about you? No? Your God damn keeps-"

"You still find my cute?" Jonghyun smirked as he cut of Kibum, who slowly realized his own mistake, as he blushed a bit.

"Shut up." He crossed his arms, as he turned around in the chair, so he no longer was facing the older boy.

"Aw come on," Jonghyun teased as he walked over to sit in the bed beside Kibum, "you can't just walk in here all mad and then just ignore me. I'm too cute."

Kibum glared over at the older boy, who just shrugged, before giving him a wink. A shiver went through his body, and he quickly looked away, before he smiled, "But you were the one who ignored me."

"I didn't ignore you though," The brunette spoke softly, as he rested his hand on top of Kibum's shoulder to make sure, that he got his attention, "I didn't ignore you. Actually I was busy thinking of you."

Despite the fact that Kibum's cheeks turned crimson, he still turned around to glare at Jonghyun, before he responded with sarcasm dripping from every word, he spoke, "Oh, so that's why I haven't seen you for days? Because you were busy thinking about me? Of course that makes lots of sense."

They both tensed up, as they glared at each other, neither of them wanting to break the eye contact. They were both speaking the truth, but neither of them wanted to stop up and listen to the other, instead they piled up the misunderstandings, without even considering how stupid they both sounded.

Finally Jonghyun gave in with a loud sigh, before he looked away just to mumble, "It was because I wrote you a song."

"What?" Not sure whether Jonghyun made fun of him or really told the truth, Kibum stared over at the older boy in confusion. Why would he write him a song?

"I knew that you probably went through a lot of trouble to get me the guitar, so I didn't want to just sing any song for you," Jonghyun sighed, as he scratched his neck in embarrassment, "So I decided to write you one, I could sing for you."

"So the reason I haven't seen you, and why you're so tired is because-?" Kibum cut himself short, as he realized that it was him who was wrong. That he had been acting childish. That he was the one, who should apologize - not Jonghyun.

Nodding in embarrassment Jonghyun reached out for the guitar that stood by the bed, "Do you want to hear it."

"Yes," Kibum said with no hesitation. Yes, he would love to hear the song Jonghyun had written for him. It was the first time anyone would sing for him - and it was the first time anyone had written him one as well.

For the first time the blonde boy experienced Jonghyun blush, as he looked down at the guitar in his lap, but Kibum pretended not to see anything - just like all the times Jonghyun had pretended not to see his cheeks turn crimson.

 Clearing his throat Jonghyun played a few accords, before his angelic voice filled the room:

"I meet you in a chaotic time
Even though I couldn’t understand anything
I become angry at everyone
Telling me to quit because it’s hard
No boy, I only show you my foolish side all the time

Even if my body breaks
Even if my heart is torn
The promise to protect you

That promise will eternally be the same thing
The reason why I breathe is you, you
The reason why I sing is you, you
The reason why I live on is you, you

Why is it that the people beside you when it’s good
Leave one by one without looking back when it’s bad? Yeah
Like glass, a human’s heart is so weak
A heart hurts so much from the little things

Let’s not be like that
Even if we hate it, even if it hurts
The promise to be by your side
That promise will eternally be the same thing

The reason why I run is you, you
The reason why I dance is you, you
The reason why I live on is you, you"


A/N: Wasn't this chapter really cute? No? This is one of my favorite chapters this far~! 

Actually I wrote a bit more, but decided to cut it short, since I wanted to update tonight~! 

I'm leaving for Korea tomorrow morning on vacation, and I won't be back for the next two weeks, which is why you have to wait a bit for the next chapter! I'm really sorry though! (Not that you're not used to waiting by now - I'm really really sorry OTL) 

Please have tons of fun until next time! I love you~! 

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AudrayLiAr #1
Oh, please write this to an end! I'd like to read what happened to Jjong and how they'll come together! I see, maybe it's not that easy after a year, but I know you can do it!
KPOPMonstahh #2
Chapter 18: So like, you're not going to talk about how dinojjong ended up in the river at all? No?

Are you gong to keep writing this??
Chapter 17: omg I'm in love with you story <3 gishhhhh i loooove this.chapter you're a great author
Chapter 18: Ohhh.. really good story^^ :) I love a lot^^ <3
Kekke.. now jjong is key's BF??? I hope it^^
Chapter 18: This story is so adorable! I can't wait to find out why Jjong was in that river *-*
magicbananas #7
Chapter 18: lol dummy jjong >.<
"you want me to go drown in the river once again?"
lol love that line!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Miji96 #8
Chapter 18: FINALLYYYYYYYY! Good going Oppa! :D <3
eunhaeshipper15 #9
Chapter 18: Jonghyun, please. xD Not so early in the morning. This chapter was adorable~ Thank you for updating :D
Milielitre #10
Chapter 18: WTF are they talking about so early in the morning XD