Accumulation 18

Accumulate This Love

"Sleep in the chicken cage," Kibum told the older guy, as they were finally released from their prison by the three persons, who had locked them up to start with.

"Why?" Jonghyun asked rather confused knowing he hadn't been completely forgiven, but still had thoughts of finally sleeping with the younger in his arms this night. Realizing that wouldn't be the scenario, he decided to try and settle, "Can't I just sleep in your parent's old room again?"

"Then where should Minho sleep?" The blonde boy asked glancing at the frog trying desperately to get eye contact to get him on his side. It wasn't that he didn't want to sleep with the boy, he had longed so deeply for - he just wanted to at least pretend he was worth more than just a kiss.

"Minho could sleep at my place if-" Taemin was the only one who saw Kibum's pathetic try at getting help, but he decided to ignore it. Winter was just around the corner, and he was not going to have Jonghyun's death on his consciousness. It wasn't like he would actually mind having Minho staying over, and at the same time it would give Jonghyun a chance to get closer to Kibum again.

"There's no way the frog is going to sleep near you," The blonde boy snarled glaring at the frog prince telling him by telepathic, that he shouldn't even think the thought.

"I'm not dangerous," Of course Minho didn't get the memo.

"Kibum, be a bit reasonable," Finally the older brother in Jinki stepped in trying to reason with his brother, who he had never won an argument against. Kibum were always right, "It's really cold in the nighttime - it isn't summer anymore."

"Then where should he sleep?" He wasn't forgiven yet, so the chicken cage seemed perfect for the guy, who had made him cry for weeks. He could have had the basement, if it wasn't because of all the boxes with all the useless collections he and Jinki had collected over the years.

"I'll sleep with you in your room, and then he can borrow my bed for a few days at least?" The two of them usually ended up sharing a bed, when they had watched dramas together all night, so there was no difference from then - the only hindrance was Kibum being the most stubborn person alive.

Crossing his arms over his chest, he tapped his left foot against the cold ground impatiently, "Why should you leave your room, because of this jerk?"

Kibum didn't understand everyone's need to interfere with his and Jonghyun's argument. It only served the older right to sleep outside in the cold - it wouldn't even amount to the cold he had felt, when he had been left behind. The brunette probably wouldn't even start crying from staying outside.

"I thought you guys had made up?" The frog prince asked, but he was interrupted by a very insulted Jonghyun.

"Stop calling me a jerk!" He childishly demanded blowing air from his chubby cheeks, "You could at least be a bit nicer."

"I still haven't forgiven him," Of course he ignored the other. The kiss they had shared not so long ago had been forgotten in the heat of the argument, and the name calling was suddenly a bigger issue than being forgiven.

"Please move on already," pouting the blonde boy glared at his very own frog. After having been such an annoyance to him on his trip to Seoul, couldn't he at least be on his side in this matter? "Jonghyun can sleep with me in my room then."

"FINE!" They literally both screamed into each other's faces, before turning around on both their heels and with big steps walking straight to the house, while pushing each other.

"Stop following me!" Jonghyun snarled, as they approached the front door. They had both attempted entering through the door at the same time, which mostly should have been a part of a very bad comedy movie. Sadly this was how their romance had turned out - for now at least.

"This is my house," this was for some reason the best comeback the usually sarcastic king could come up with, and the younger face palmed himself in his mind repeatedly. Jonghyun was the only person, who could melt his brain into nothing but oatmeal.

"Ladies first then," Jonghyun smirked taking a step back, so Kibum had a better access to the entrance without him being in the way. With no clever comeback on his tongue the younger pushed him harshly aside while childishly pulling a face at him. Angrily he stomped all the way upstairs to get ready for bed, where he probably would get close to no sleep at all, since the most perfect boy in the whole world was now sleeping under the same roof as him again.

"How long do you think this will go on?" Taemin pondered out loud, as the three of them watched the two of them fighting to be the first to enter the house. All of them couldn't help but chuckle a bit, as Kibum finally won and entered first. They also started moving towards the house, as the youngest had decided to stay over as well. He wasn't one to miss out on all the fun.

"They're still kids - give them some time. It'll all turn out alright," Jinki patted Taemin's head in a brotherly manner earning a glare from Minho, who didn't like the gesture at all. Maybe there wasn't only going to be one love drama in the house this winter. Jinki might enjoy watching drama, but he hated having it happening around him. He sighed heavily as he dragged himself upstairs to get ready for bed, as he knew Taemin would tell the frog, where he was meant to sleep that night. Hopefully tomorrow would be less dramatic.



"Is this seat taken?" A very sleep deprived Jonghyun asked his soon-to-be boyfriend, who sat at the kitchen table consuming the cereal, he had poured himself minutes ago. The older's eyes were barely open, his hair could be mistaken for a bird's nest and the t-shirt he had borrowed from Jinki had crept up a bit revealing some of his lower abs making it hard for Kibum to shallow his breakfast.

"Yes," he looked away for a minute to get his breakfast down, before staring straight at those perfect shaped-

"Then how about this one?" Cutting his thoughts off Jonghyun pointed at another chair, and the blonde boy shook his head no taking another spoonful of his cereal praying he wouldn't choke on it, "Kibum, please just let me sit down. I barely slept last night, since I kept thinking of you, and I'm just so tired."

Kibum felt a bit flustered - maybe even a tiny bit flattered - that he could make the other stay awake worrying about their relationship like that, and his heart melted for a second, before he got himself together, "You only got what you deserve, and if it's making you lie awake-"

"That isn't why," Suddenly the older seemed a lot more awake than a minute ago, and a small glint had appeared in his right eye, which definitely hadn't been there a second ago, "I had those urges, and I just wanted to go to your room to- you know what I'm talking about - but I don't want to mess anything more up than it already is."

The younger stared in horror at the older, as he explained why he hadn't been able to sleep. It went from heart melting romance to hardcore in a matter of seconds, "OH. MY. GOD! Please refrain yourself from telling me about your- your- URGES. I was trying to eat!"

"It's only normal Kibum," Jonghyun winked at the other, whose cheeks had turned cherry red by then, "and I didn't exactly come to your room, did I? That's why we have ion."

Just like the blonde had expected from the start he finally choke on his cereal. Tears came to his eyes, and he coughed uncontrollably trying to not spit it all over the table in front of him. How could he talk about those things so casually? Of course, he was aware, that they at some point in their relationship, they would end up having , but did Jonghyun really have to be so graphic about it?

"Don't kill yourself," Jonghyun had rushed to the other's side to pat his back in a try to be helpful. Maybe he had taken the joke a bit too far, but all he really wanted was to have everything back to the way they used to be - or even better than that. Instead of being refused a chair to sit in, he would like for the younger to sit in his lap, while he fed him his cereal.

"Then don't stop talking about that," Kibum shot back in between coughs trying to get his breath back, "why are you suddenly telling me about your urges? Where's the Jonghyun, who wrote me songs? I liked him a lot better - not that I don't like this you either, but the other you was definitely better."

For a minute they both stole glances at each other. The coughing had stopped, but the brunette was still resting his hand on the younger's shoulder wondering if it would be okay, if he caressed his shoulder blades with his thump lightly, but decided against it. The tension between them was tense and none of them felt like talking, but at some point and Kibum finally leaned a bit forward, so he could rest a hand on the older's thigh, which got him the eye contact he needed.

"I'm sorry," the younger started out, and as the other was about to protest, he squeezed his thigh lightly before continuing, "I'm at fault too. I'm so afraid of getting hurt again, that I keep pushing you away. I really really like you, but as I said yesterday, I can't forgive you just yet, even if I wanted too, but I don't want things to be this way either. I don't want to deny you to sit at the same table as me, and I want you to stop making jokes about ing, when trying to make a conversation with me."

"Then what do you propose we do then?" Jonghyun couldn't help himself and stated the younger's back lightly, and as he wasn't told off, he took it as an okay to keep going.

"Let's start all over - from the start," he stated with happiness hidden in the corner of his smile and a glint in his eye.

Jonghyun seemed to be a bit confused by this statement though, and couldn't help but ask, "So you want me to go drown in the river once again? I don't think, I can do that. The only good thing I got out of it was meeting you.

The blonde couldn't help but grin a bit, before he shook his head and held out his hand to the boy in front of him, "Let's start here and make a whole new beginning. Hello, my name is Kim Kibum - it's really nice to meet you."


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AudrayLiAr #1
Oh, please write this to an end! I'd like to read what happened to Jjong and how they'll come together! I see, maybe it's not that easy after a year, but I know you can do it!
KPOPMonstahh #2
Chapter 18: So like, you're not going to talk about how dinojjong ended up in the river at all? No?

Are you gong to keep writing this??
Chapter 17: omg I'm in love with you story <3 gishhhhh i loooove this.chapter you're a great author
Chapter 18: Ohhh.. really good story^^ :) I love a lot^^ <3
Kekke.. now jjong is key's BF??? I hope it^^
Chapter 18: This story is so adorable! I can't wait to find out why Jjong was in that river *-*
magicbananas #7
Chapter 18: lol dummy jjong >.<
"you want me to go drown in the river once again?"
lol love that line!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Miji96 #8
Chapter 18: FINALLYYYYYYYY! Good going Oppa! :D <3
eunhaeshipper15 #9
Chapter 18: Jonghyun, please. xD Not so early in the morning. This chapter was adorable~ Thank you for updating :D
Milielitre #10
Chapter 18: WTF are they talking about so early in the morning XD