Accumulation 7

Accumulate This Love


A slow, unbearable week had passed by since the day Kibum and Jonghyun had been locked up inside the chicken cage together. And Kibum had used all week trying to avoid Jonghyun the best he could.

They had all gotten used to having Jonghyun around in the household, and as soon as their grandmother had returned from Seoul, she had given him responsibilities of his own, so he could be a part of the family.

This had only made it easier for Kibum. When Jonghyun would be feeding the chickens, he would sneak out the back and only return late, so he wouldn't have to answer any more questions that he didn't want to.

It wasn't like Kibum kept pestering Jonghyun about why he had been in the river, or what he had meant by, that he had tried getting hurt too. Neither had he followed him round for a whole day - like Jonghyun had done to him.

What wondered the younger boy the most was, Jonghyun hadn't mentioned anything about him being gay. Not once when they had been in the same room had the word '' been said out loud - or any other hurtful things for that matter.

But just as much as Kibum wanted to avoid the older boy - just as impossible did he know that it was. Ignoring the fact that they lived in the same house, Kibum's grandmother had felt the weird vibrations going on between them. And just as meddlesome other old people were - his grandmother was no exception.

"I expect you and Jonghyun makes the dinner tonight," she declared at the morning table, where they all were seated, "and you have to go buy the ingredients yourself - I didn't had the time yesterday."


"No buts' Kibum!" Nodding slowly in agreement Kibum kept silent not daring to take up the discussion with his grandmother. She could be pretty scary, when people didn't listen to her.

Feeling the stare of Jonghyun Kibum looked up from his plate filled with the food, he still hadn't had the chance to touch, to stare back through his blonde fringes.

Neither of them wanted to budge, but as Jonghyun's smirk played over his lips, Kibum couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

Had this been all of Jonghyun's idea? Had he been manipulating his grandmother, or was he just being paranoid?

"Kibum eat your food," his grandmothers fierce voice invaded his thoughts, and he glanced over at the older woman, who returned with a firm stare. Sometimes she didn't seem as old, as she probably was.

Returning his attention to his plate, he started poking the food with no interest at all with his fork. He knew his grandmother probably would soon tell him to stop playing with his food, but he couldn't help it.

He had no appetite in the mornings, and it had only gotten worse after he had been honest towards Jonghyun. He felt kind of uneasy, and he was just waiting for some kind of snarky comment to reach his ears from the other side of the table.

"Kibum stop playing with your food!"

A loud sigh escaped his lips, and he ran frustrated a hand through his blonde locks. He was annoyed, frustrated, angry, and he was about to let it all out on his grandmother, if he didn't leave soon.

He stood up ignoring the comments from his grandmother about, how he should start eating some more, and in the process he caught Jonghyun staring at him. His eyes expressed nothing but confusion, making Kibum feel even more uneasy.

What right did he have to feel confused? Why was he even at their house in the first place? Didn't he have a place of his own, that he could return to? A family of his own?

Taking his leave Kibum went to take a cold shower, before he and Jonghyun would have to leave. No matter how many tantrums he threw, he knew that his grandmother would make him go anyways, so he could just as well get ready, as the others finished their breakfast.

It was a quick shower. He just wanted the day to finish as soon as possible, so there was no need to postpone it - he could just as well face the music as he had the chance.

Leaving the cold shower still deep in thought, he dried himself off, before he wore the clothes he had taken with him into the bathroom. Other than his pink boxer shorts, he had decided to wear a pair of black fitted jeans, which highlighted his . Over it he wore a plain loose green t-shirt.

Kibum would probably never admit it to anyone - not even himself - but in the back of his mind, he remembered distantly that Jonghyun had said, that his favorite color was green.

But of course it was only a coincidence, that he was wearing green today.

A coincidence.

What took him the longest was of course his hair. It didn't matter that it was so hot outside, that his hair would look like , when he arrived at the neighbor village - nor did it matter that the wind would probably help as well - he just wanted to look perfect, when he left the house.



"So why is it that we have to go to the neighbor village?" Jonghyun curiously asked Kibum, as they stood at the bus stop in their own village waiting for the next bus to arrive.

After Kibum had left the bathroom, it hadn't taken the older guy long to get ready - and he still looked incredible good. It wasn't fair. Not at all.

Once again he was wearing some of Kibum's clothes - and it annoyed the out of the younger boy, since the clothes looked so much better on Jonghyun than on himself.

Especially since his got highlighted in all of the jeans, he had borrowed so far. And the t-shirts he always chose to borrow always had v-neck showing of his well built chest.

"Because we only have a small shop in this village, and it doesn't have all the ingredients we need. The other village is quite larger, and therefore has a lot more shops," Kibum explained quickly without even glancing at Jonghyun. He found it hard to communicate with the older boy after his small outburst the other night.

He was embarrassed and scared about bringing it up, as he didn't want to hear Jonghyun's thoughts about it. What if he would start hating him?

It wasn't like he was the first one to hate him, but it still hurt.

"Is there any clothing stores there?" Jonghyun pondered out loud stealing a glance at Kibum, who was still looking in the other direction trying to do his best ignoring the older guy.

"Yes there is," Kibum nodded finally regaining some of his lost interest for Jonghyun once again, "why? Do you have any money?"

"Your grandma gave me some money for helping out," Jonghyun beamed, as he proudly showed off some of the money he had earned.

Kibum's grandmother had probably just felt sorry for Jonghyun, as she wasn't the type to go flaunting her money around. She had most likely decided that the older guy needed some clothes of his own instead of walking around in Kibum's all the time.

"I'll help you find some clothes then," Kibum smiled for the first time at the thought about which clothes to find for Jonghyun. It was something Kibum was very proud about - that he knew what clothes looked good on others.

"Thank you," Jonghyun smiled as well, as he watched the younger just as the bus pulled up beside them.

Waving Jonghyun off Kibum smiled a bit to himself, as he greeted the bus driver, who always had been this elderly man, who had had the same boring job for the last fifty years at least.

"It's seriously new to me," Jonghyun laughed, as he sat in the seat next to Kibum, who had found space in the far end of the bus, "in Seoul we don't have to travel this far to get the ingredients to make dinner."

"Do you really find it that amusing?" Raising an eyebrow slightly Kibum noticed in the back of his mind, that this was the first time Jonghyun had mentioned anything about himself - even something this trivial.

Shrugging the smile didn't leave the older's lips," it's not because it's amusing. It's just a new experience for me. That's all."

"Well I'm sorry, that I live so far away from everything," the younger pushed his lower lip a bit forward forming a perfect pout, as he glanced at Jonghyun, who couldn't hold back another laugh.

"I forgive you," he teased earning himself a light punch from the petite boy beside him, but a smile had found its way to both of them, as they enjoyed the bus ride in a comfortable silence.



"We just have to find all of the things on this list," Kibum announced, as he gave the list with a lot of ingredients on it to Jonghyun, as he pulled out a cart, so they could transport all of the things around in the supermarket without problems.

It was a super cheap place, which his grandmother loved the most, as they didn't have that money. It was huge, and there would always be some kind of discount on everything.

"Why do we need this much?" Jonghyun wondered out loud, as he read through the list, which contained food for at least the next month, if you considered that their household only had four persons.

"It's because we can't go this far everyday to shop, so we have to shop a lot every time we go," the younger guy explained, as he motioned for Jonghyun to follow him inside the chill supermarket - letting the temperature change from unbearable hot to the feeling of being on the North pole.

 From the corner of the eye Kibum noticed that Jonghyun found everything very exciting, as if it was a new experience for him to go shopping for himself. It couldn't be that he had never gone to a supermarket by himself before, could it?

Just the thought seemed so ridiculous to Kibum, that he dropped it right away. Maybe someday when both of them felt ready to open up about themselves, he would get to know more about the strange boy he had saved from the river just a few weeks ago.

Just maybe. Because that would mean he would have to open up about himself as well.

"Your grandmother has written something about Mrs. Cho's harvest not being too good this year, so you have to buy tomatoes and cucumbers," Jonghyun read out loud, as Kibum cringed at the mention of that horrible woman's name, "what? You don't like her?"

Nothing escaped Jonghyun's eye, "it's not that I don't like her, I hate her. She's just the biggest hag in the world."

"Why?" Jonghyun pressed, as he wanted to hear more about her. Kibum did seem like a person who didn't get along with that many, but Jonghyun didn't have the impression of him, that he would go around badmouthing others, if there wasn't a good reason.

"Just because," Kibum finished the conversation by pushing the cart forward heading towards the green department, so they could start by finding the tomatoes and cucumbers, Jonghyun just had told him that they needed.

As the silence caught up to them again, Kibum started listening to the radio, as he walked around finding the stuff, Jonghyun would once in awhile read up, that they needed, when one of Train's songs started playing.

"I love this song!" Jonghyun exclaimed, as he waited until the chorus, before he started singing along, "She went down in an airplane, fried getting suntanned, fell in a cement mixer full of quicksand, help me, help me, I'm no good at goodbyes."

As Jonghyun had been singing, Kibum had stopped up in his own trail, as he had been in awe over the older's singing ability. Not even once had he imagined that he would have the voice of an angel.

"You're really good," he pointed out, as Jonghyun looked questioning at him. It was the good thing about Kibum being this frank - he wasn't afraid of acknowledging other's, when they truly deserved it.

"But?" Jonghyun smiled, as he ran a hand through his dark brown hair, before he pushed Kibum to the side, so he could push the cart for awhile.

"Your English pronunciation is a bit off," he admitted, as he walked along with Jonghyun, who was already on a new quest of finding the remaining groceries.

"I would love to see you give it a try then," Jonghyun challenged teasingly, as he finally found the aisle with bread.

"Okay then," Kibum nodded, as he listened a bit to the song, before the chorus came up once again, and he picked up from where Jonghyun had stopped, "She met a shark under water, fell and no one caught her, I returned everything I ever bought her, help me, help, I'm all out of lies, and ways to say you died."

"Your English is amazing," Jonghyun acknowledged, as he pushed the cart forward while pulling himself up, so he was skating down the aisle, "where did you learn to pronounce it so well?"

"When I went to study in Seoul," in the spur of the moment Kibum had mentioned the subject, he had hoped the two of them could have stayed away from, but it seemed like he was way too relaxed when around Jonghyun.

"I see," Jonghyun nodded, but instead of nagging to get to know more, he moved on, as if he knew it was a place Kibum wasn't ready to go, "when I was in school I pretty much at all subjects."

"Really?" Kibum quirked his up towards Jonghyun - after staring intensely at his shoes - to show his interest, "Why?"

"My head was always clouded with music. Nothing else mattered to me," he shrugged, as he bit his lower lip pondering how to continue, "I always felt like me, when I was playing the guitar or writing some new lyrics for a song. I was true to myself, if you understand what I mean?"

Their eyes locked for a short moment, but in the moment where Kibum was staring into the older's chocolate brown orbs, he realized, that he was opening up to him. He was telling him something, he hadn't told that many others, and Kibum felt grateful from the bottom of his heart.

"I understand," Kibum nodded sincerely gaining himself a smile, which probably belonged in a commercial for toothpaste. Was it even legal to be that close to perfection?

"Shall we finish shopping?" Jonghyun asked, as he skated a bit further with the cart making himself look like a three year old, but what did that make Kibum? His parent?

"Stop playing around like that. You'll get us kicked out," he scolded, as he embraced his role. Why not just have fun, when he had the chance?

"But mom it's fun," Jonghyun pouted, as he pushed his lower lip out into a perfect pout.

"Jonghyun I'm telling you, this is the stupidest thing-"

"Kibum? Aren't you Kibum?" Kibum looked up in panic into Jonghyun's eyes, who raised his eyebrow in question trying to figure out what was going on, "you're really him! I haven't seen you in over a year!"

A deep breath of air filled his lungs, as he straightened himself up, before he finally turned around to face the guy, who had called out his name, "Hi."

It may have seemed cold, but he couldn't remember the guy or his name, and there was a reason why this boy could remember him.

"How are you?" The boy clapped Kibum on his shoulder, as if they were old friends, but the only reply the boy got was a scuff, which he ignored as he carried on, "I see you've found a new target."

Eyeing Jonghyun the boy winked at Kibum, and it finally hit him - this guy had been amidst all of the other people at his school, who had been busy making all of the rumors worse.

"He's not my-"

"Hi how are you? I'm Kim Jonghyun?" Jonghyun interrupted both of them, as he snuck an arm around Kibum's waist, while he reached out his hand towards the boy, so they could shake hands, "I'm Kibum's boyfriend - not target."

Kibum stood frozen at his spot, as he glanced up at Jonghyun, who smiled at him without saying anything else. The boy, who had been quite cocky until then, didn't say a word, before he finally got himself together and said something about the two of them being fags, as he ran off.

"You shouldn't really have done that," Kibum reprimanded Jonghyun, as he pushed the older guy away from him with a heavy sigh, "Now a lot of rumors will start about you too. This is a very small place, so that's something you don't want to try. Don't ever lie for me again, okay?"

"But what's wrong with true rumors?" Kibum raised an eyebrow at Jonghyun, who elaborated with no questions asked yet, "I'm biually, so I don't mind people calling me gay. It's close to the truth anyways."

 Gaping at the older guy Kibum exclaimed loudly, "So I've been afraid of you finding me disgusting for nothing?"

"I guess so?" Jonghyun shrugged teasingly, as he stuck his tongue out towards Kibum.

"But guess what," Kibum snarled, as he glared at Jonghyun, "I hate you."

But somehow he couldn't stop the smile that crept upon his lips, as Jonghyun pushed him a little with his shoulder, as they went down another aisle. Maybe Jonghyun wasn't as bad as he thought.  



A/N:Hi everyone! I'm so sorry, that you had to wait this long for this chapter, but I made it extra long as an apology :) 

In four days I'll be on my way to Spain for two weeks, so for good reasons, I won't be able to update, so I hope you guys can wait for a bit! I'm really sorry though :(

I love you all and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'll update as soon as I get the chance! :) <3

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AudrayLiAr #1
Oh, please write this to an end! I'd like to read what happened to Jjong and how they'll come together! I see, maybe it's not that easy after a year, but I know you can do it!
KPOPMonstahh #2
Chapter 18: So like, you're not going to talk about how dinojjong ended up in the river at all? No?

Are you gong to keep writing this??
Chapter 17: omg I'm in love with you story <3 gishhhhh i loooove this.chapter you're a great author
Chapter 18: Ohhh.. really good story^^ :) I love a lot^^ <3
Kekke.. now jjong is key's BF??? I hope it^^
Chapter 18: This story is so adorable! I can't wait to find out why Jjong was in that river *-*
magicbananas #7
Chapter 18: lol dummy jjong >.<
"you want me to go drown in the river once again?"
lol love that line!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Miji96 #8
Chapter 18: FINALLYYYYYYYY! Good going Oppa! :D <3
eunhaeshipper15 #9
Chapter 18: Jonghyun, please. xD Not so early in the morning. This chapter was adorable~ Thank you for updating :D
Milielitre #10
Chapter 18: WTF are they talking about so early in the morning XD