Accumulation 4

Accumulate This Love


"Go away," Kibum whined, as he took a step down the gravel trail, just so Jonghyun, who were close behind him, could also take one, so they kept the same distance between them.

"But your grandmother told you to take me with you," Kibum turned around just in time to see Jonghyun smirk satisfied at him, making Kibum groan in response.

Usually he would be busy enjoying the hot summer sun, which shone through the huge tree crowns many meters above them, as they covered the trail, they were walking down to get to the village, but it was hard, as Jonghyun had been following him since he had left the house.

Jonghyun sped up a little so he could catch up to Kibum, who had once again turned around to walk even faster than before to get away, "I'm really curious about, what I've done to you to make you this mad?"

"Nothing really," Kibum shrugged, as he slowed down once again, as it seemed impossible to get rid of the older boy anyways.

"Then what is it?" Finally they were walking side by side, and Kibum glanced over at Jonghyun, before he once again sighed looking up into the tree crowns, which were filled with bird chipper making the sound of summer reach their ears.

"I don't know," Kibum finally admitted, as he ran a hand through his hair regretting it immediately, as he was sure his hair lived a life on its own, "it's just easier that way."

Kibum felt the glance Jonghyun sent rather than he saw it. Aware of himself he scratched his arm feeling like he was shrinking, "you don't like letting people get close to you?"

"Something like that," he replied in a muffled voice - almost close to a mumble - wishing that the older boy soon would let the subject go, as he hated the fact, that the path to the village were that long.

"But you don't know me," Jonghyun tried, as Kibum without the intention sent him a glare, but hurriedly looked down at the ground once again regretting it.

It was true, that he didn't know Jonghyun. It was also true, that he hadn't given him a chance, but what should he do? Every time he tried letting people close to him, he always got hurt. The only persons who had always stayed in his life had been his grandmother, Jinki and Taemin. And it had been no good sign that his heart had raced, when he had seen Jonghyun the first time.

"I know," Kibum sighed stopping up, as they were about to enter the small village, so he could look at Jonghyun properly, "and to be honest - I really don't want to."

Not waiting for a response Kibum turned around on his heel and walked into the village leaving Jonghyun behind, but he didn't miss Jonghyun's comment, "I'll make you."



"No Junior! Bad boy! Come back here!" Kibum could hear Taemin's voice, before he even turned the corner to the younger boy's street and shortly after a small furry ball came running towards him.

"Juniooooor!" Kibum screeched in a high pitched voice, as he kneeled down to greet the small Tibetan dog. The only animal Taemin had convinced his parents to let him keep, "I've miiiissed yooou!"

It didn't take long, before Taemin rounded the corner following the dog, "oh it's just you."

"Yeah I missed you too," Kibum rolled his eyes at the younger guy, who smiled happily at him walking towards them, before he stopped in his track looking over at Jonghyun, who was standing a few steps behind Kibum observing them, "Who is he?"

"Just a random person I found on the street," Kibum shrugged, "do you might have a place, where he can stay?"

Jonghyun pushed himself past Kibum making sure he shoved the younger's shoulder, before he reached out his hand, "Hey, I'm Jonghyun. I'll be staying at Kibum's place for awhile."

"Kibum?" Taemin was obviously surprised by the lack of honorifics looking confused at both of them.

"It's kind of a long story," Kibum sighed, as he walked over to them with a happy Junior dancing around his feet, "I'll fill you in another time."

"Oh okay then," Taemin shrugged his questions off, as he just smiled cutely at Jonghyun signaling that he should follow them inside, instead of staying behind. (Even though Kibum wouldn't had minded that part.)

Taemin's house was different from Kibum's by the fact that Kibum's house was really old, and Taemin's were newer in its design. Taemin's mom liked new things, and if she grew tired of something, she wouldn't hesitate to go buy something new in Seoul, when she had the time.

"Mom Kibum brought a friend," Taemin called throughout the house, as they walked into the kitchen, where they were met by the scent of new baked bread, "we'll be in my room."

Walking through the kitchen, where Kibum couldn't help but notice, that there were new curtains hanging, they passed into the living room to finally enter Taemins room.

Taemin's room hadn't changed at all since Kibum's last visit - which was kind of a surprise, as his mother loved renovating her sons room the most, even though Taemin hated it.

Taemin meant that there was no reason to flaunt their money like that, and they should use it to help all the animals in need, who had no home to go back to anymore. - Just like he used all his free time on finding the animals he found a new home.

Taemin's walls were painted in a creamy white, but what was most impressing was his ceiling, which was painted with a midnight blue, where his mother afterwards had hung up all those fluorescent stars, which lit up in the darkness of the night.

One of his walls was covered with bookshelves filled with books about animals and comic books. Taemin wanted to become a vet, when he grew old enough, so he could have his own animal shelter, so he could help all the helpless animals, who needed a home.

The wall out towards the street, they had been walking on a minute ago, had two huge windows where the sun could shine in through lightening the room up with its warmth.

"Where did Jonghyun Hyung go?" Taemin, who had been walking in front of Kibum, finally turned around, as they entered his room to face the two older guys behind him - the only problem was that it seemed like they had lost Jonghyun somewhere.

"I don't know," Kibum shrugged, not really caring where the older guy had gone. He was old enough to take care of himself. (If they looked away from the fact that he had almost drowned the day before.)

Rolling his eyes about Kibum's indifference - which he was used to by now - Taemin walked out of his room with Kibum right behind him to find Jonghyun in the kitchen kneeling down beside Junior, as they were playing tug-of-war with one of her toys.

"What are you doing?" Taemin lit up as he saw Jonghyun playing with his precious Junior. (Actually Kibum had no idea why she was called Junior, but had never asked.)

"I'm sorry," Jonghyun apologized without letting go of the toy, "she was just so adorable, and I couldn't help but play with her."

"So you love dogs?" This just brightened Taemin's mood even more, if it was even possible by then. Taemin just loved when others liked animals just like him.

"I love dogs  - they're just so cute," If it was possible Jonghyun was almost wiggling his own tail, as he answered making Key roll his eyes for the millionth time that day already.

Both Taemin and Jonghyun was now sitting on the kitchen floor making a conversation about dogs leaving Kibum out, as he never really had had an interest in animals. Sure they were cute, but he didn't like using all of his time on all those small weird smelling creatures.

He still remembered back when he had to help Taemin rescue a turtle. It had been so weird, as he didn't know how to hold it, or what it was supposed to eat. He had even thought, that it was supposed to be under water the whole time - just like fish - until Taemin had told him that that wasn't the case.

Instead of trying to break the two's conversation, Kibum jumped onto the kitchen counter, so he could silently watch the two of them talk about the small furry ball of a dog, which was the only animal he would ever like a little.

"-and then she ran all the way into the woods," Kibum had no idea what Taemin had just told Jonghyun, but he laughed at it.

God he looked cute, when he laughed.

Shaking the thought of him again Kibum trailed his eyes over the two boys in order to think about something else, but that didn't help at all.

Jonghyun, who once again had had to borrow some of Kibum's clothes, had borrowed a pair of Kibum's skinny jeans, which was fitting tightly, but apart from the folding on the pants legs, it looked incredible on him.

But as Jonghyun was kneeling down to talk with Junior it highlighted his cute , making Kibum shallow his saliva twice telling himself, that it was rude to stare, but God that .

Forcing himself to look somewhere else his eyes roamed the one year older's chest area instead, as the black tank top he had borrowed as well showed off his well built chest.

Once again Kibum swallowed his spit, crossing his legs in case he had something he needed to hide for the other two, but not once did his eyes leave Jonghyun.

Why was he so God damn beautiful?

"Kibum?" Hearing his name Kibum finally broke his stare shifting uncomfortable on the kitchen table, as he blushed up a little glancing in the direction of Taemin for the first time in something that felt like hours, "aren't you going to get that?"

"Huh?" Dumbfounded he just stared at the younger, as he heard a small chuckle from the person beside his really good friend.

"Your phone," Instead of saying it out loud Taemin mouthed it to him pointing towards his pocket.

"What?" Kibum's phone was indeed ringing, and he looked surprised up at Taemin, "OH!"

The chuckling had now turned into a loud laughter, and Kibum glared in Jonghyun's direction. He hadn't seen him stare earlier, had he? He couldn't have, right?

Making sure to send Jonghyun another glare, Kibum answered his phone, "Hi grandma!"

"Kibum, you have to come home and feed the chickens," it wasn't really a proposal or anything - it was something he had to do, but he hated it, so it was hard not to complain.

"But grandma-"

"I'll see you in fifteen minutes," Interrupting Kibum she hung up on him, before she had to listen to his complaining. She always did that.

"We have to go," he mumbled to the two others, who had been following his conversation openly. Taemin nodded in understanding, as Jonghyun just stared at him with confusion written all over his face.





A/N: Okay so first of all I have to thank you all for subscribing! I really didn't think, that I would get so many subscribers by now. Thank you so so so much! ;-;

And then I would like to apologize to you all, since you had to wait so long for this chapter. I really wanted to update last week (since I've been writing on it since then.), but I've been so busy with work, that you can't even imagine. 

And the part where they visited Taemin was really really hard, but then Legende wrote me: "Did you know Jonghyun likes dogs?" - And I didn't. And then I thought of his . Yes. Yes, I'm weird. 

Well you guys should seriously look forward to the next chapter, because it's going to be really good, long and hopefully funny :D (And maybe I'll tell you a bit about Jonghyun's past?  - But I won't promise anything! LOL)

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AudrayLiAr #1
Oh, please write this to an end! I'd like to read what happened to Jjong and how they'll come together! I see, maybe it's not that easy after a year, but I know you can do it!
KPOPMonstahh #2
Chapter 18: So like, you're not going to talk about how dinojjong ended up in the river at all? No?

Are you gong to keep writing this??
Chapter 17: omg I'm in love with you story <3 gishhhhh i loooove this.chapter you're a great author
Chapter 18: Ohhh.. really good story^^ :) I love a lot^^ <3
Kekke.. now jjong is key's BF??? I hope it^^
Chapter 18: This story is so adorable! I can't wait to find out why Jjong was in that river *-*
magicbananas #7
Chapter 18: lol dummy jjong >.<
"you want me to go drown in the river once again?"
lol love that line!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Miji96 #8
Chapter 18: FINALLYYYYYYYY! Good going Oppa! :D <3
eunhaeshipper15 #9
Chapter 18: Jonghyun, please. xD Not so early in the morning. This chapter was adorable~ Thank you for updating :D
Milielitre #10
Chapter 18: WTF are they talking about so early in the morning XD