Accumulation 5

Accumulate This Love



"Wait - so let me get this straight," Jonghyun crossed his arms, tilted his head a little to the left and let a hint of amusement show in his dark brown eyes, "your grandma asked you to feed all these chicks?"

"Yes, " Kibum had never felt more ashamed in his whole life, and he felt like digging a hole all the way to America, but he couldn't help the sarcasm that left his lips with each word, that he spoke, "that kind of explain all the chicks around us, doesn't it?"

Jonghyun glanced down at the small baby chicken in front of him, before a smirk appeared as he looked back up at Kibum, "but what confuses me is, that you just said that your grandma is the only one with a key."

"Yes," groaning Kibum ran a hand through his hair not giving a damn about, how it looked, as their situation wasn't the brightest, and of course Jonghyun had to make fun of him. Like he never had done any mistakes in his life.

"And your grandma just left for Seoul, right?" Jonghyun was having too much fun at Kibum's mistake, and he had a hard time not blowing up at the older boy, as he did realize his mistake. (And in some weird way, it had actually been Jonghyun's fault, as the older boy's kept getting into Kibum's view making him lose his concentration.)

"Jonghyun I do realize my mistake, okay?" Kibum sneered, as he looked around the huge cage with around 100 chickens inside - there was more than enough space for the two boys, "it's not like I locked us inside on purpose!"

"You're sure, it's not because you wanted to spend some time with me?" A snort left Kibum, as he glanced over at Jonghyun, who of course was wearing the biggest smirk ever, but before he got a chance to come up with a smart reply, Jonghyun continued, "You know - you really didn't have had to go through all the trouble for this. All you needed was to ask."

Rolling his eyes Kibum pulled his cell phone up from his pocket, so he could text Jinki to come and save them, but sadly he was on the night shift that day, "have you always been this annoying?"

"Annoying isn't the word," Jonghyun announced proudly as he winked at Kibum sending a shiver through the younger boy, "it's called confidence."

"No it's called being-" a loud buzzing sound from his phone interrupted Kibum, before he got the chance to further insult Jonghyun, as he had to look down at the screen to read the text message, he had just received from his brother, "he tells us to play with the chickens, so they'll taste better later on."

"What's wrong with your brother?" Jonghyun's facial expression were priceless, as he looked at Kibum's screen as well to make sure that he wasn't being fooled.

"He just really love eating chicken," Kibum shrugged, as he elaborated without even thinking it through, "he always have, so our grandmother bought a few some years back, so we could make our own, and somehow it turned into this many. Somehow Jinki came to the conclusion that they tastes better, when they've felt love at least once in their life."

Shaking his head in disbelief Jonghyun looked at the chicks once again feeling sorry for the poor animals, who didn't know what would happen to them in the future.

"Don't worry," Kibum tried to assure Jonghyun in a somewhat awkward way, as he patted the older's back a few times, "they live a good life."

This time it was Jonghyun's turn to roll his eyes at Kibum for the first time, since they met, "Of course they do. It's not normal to give chickens this much space to start with."

Shrugging Kibum stuck his tongue out toward Jonghyun who was standing with his back towards him being busy observing some of the newborn chicks play around in their nest.

"Isn't it fun, how carefree they seem?" Confused Kibum tilted his head a little as he kept staring at Jonghyun's back, as the older spoke in a husky but rather quiet manner, "as if they have all the time in the world."

Kibum had no quick smart reply ready, as it seemed really important to Jonghyun, and it would be beyond disrespectful making fun of it - even Kibum was aware of that.

Instead he shifted uncomfortably in his position, crossing his arms just like Jonghyun had done earlier, and taking a deep breath, before he was ready to answer, but Jonghyun beat him to it, "It's okay - it was just a quick thought."

Jonghyun was once again wearing his playful smile and his invisible tail, which was probably attached to his incredible cute , was wiggling like crazy, as if he hadn't said anything just a moment before.

"Are you ing bipolar or something?" Kibum blurted out staring at the older, whose mood had just changed 180 degrees at once leaving no signs behind from what he had meant earlier.

"How about we play 20 questions?" Jonghyun changed the topic smoothly with such a perfect transition, that it annoyed Kibum more than it probably should.

How could anyone that annoying have such a cute ?

It wasn't fair - not at all.

God damn it.

"20 questions?" Kibum knew perfectly well what Jonghyun meant, but it seemed pretty childish to play something stupid like that.

"You know the game where we ask each other 20 questions about things, we're curious about," it was making Kibum a bit uncomfortable how eager Jonghyun seemed to be about playing it, "can't we play it?"

Getting tired of just standing around Kibum walked over to the dark beech bench, Jinki had made a year ago for their grandmother, so she could sit down, when she got tired, as she used a lot of her time working on the farm. It would usually worry the two brothers, but instead of saying anything, they helped her out the best they could - just like Jinki had made this bench.

"I know the game," Kibum sighed, as he sat down looking over at Jonghyun through his bangs, "I guess, it's a good way to waste our time, as we wait."

A big happy smile over won his usual playful one, as he close to skipped the few steps over to Kibum, where he sat down next to the younger guy, and started the game without any kind of warning "What's your favorite color?"

"Easy - pink," Kibum smirked replying straight away, "yours?"

"Green," Jonghyun smirked back, before he shot another question back, "is that why all your underwear is pink?"

Kibum's cheeks took the same pink color as the boxers, he was wearing, as he embarrassed looked away, "Maybe."

"And the next question is?" Jonghyun chuckled at Kibum's sudden shyness about the situation, but Kibum quickly got himself together and looked straight at Jonghyun not locking their eyes together.

"How did you know the color of my underwear? I'm pretty sure, that I borrowed you a black pair yesterday!"

"Actually it would be pretty gross to wear the same pair two days in a row, and your grandmother told me to just go and borrow a pair from you, when I asked her," it seemed like it was no deal to Jonghyun that he had entered Kibum's room without his permission, but it was. It was his private space and no one, no one was allowed to enter without him there, but as he said nothing Jonghyun took it as if they were okay, and continued with the game, "Why aren't you attending school?"

Kibum should probably had known, that the question would pop up at some point, but he was surprised about how straightforward Jonghyun was, "I'm taking a year or two off."

It wasn't totally a lie. He was taking a year off, but it was only because they didn't have the money, and Kibum was aware of that, so when his grandmother had suggested college, he had thanked no telling her, that he needed a break from school. Never had he seen his grandmother so relieved, and he couldn't get himself to ever bring up the topic again.

"Why don't you know how to swim?"

Jonghyun snickered by this, as he stared openly at Kibum, who shrugged in innocence at him pushing his lower lip out a bit forming a perfect pout, "I know how to swim."

"Really? Because it doesn't seem like that to me," it was an undeniable fact, that Kibum had saved Jonghyun from drowning in the river the day before. (It seemed pretty unreal that only one day had passed, but Jonghyun had almost glued himself to Kibum, since he got there.)

"Stuff happened," Jonghyun replied in a muffled voice, as he nervously played with his own fingers without looking up. It felt nice for Kibum to finally be the one, who wasn't in a pinch.

"Stuff?" Curiosity took over Kibum and he couldn't help but ask, even though he didn't want to get too involved with this guy beside him. It only brought pain to Kibum each time he got closer to another person, and he didn't want to experience that once again.

"It doesn't matter," Jonghyun finally looked up again, as he removed his bangs from his eyes, before he asked Kibum a question to change the topic, "what's your favorite ice cream flavor?"

"Strawberry or vanilla - or preferably just both," Kibum pondered as he tried to decide which flavor was the best. He had decided that there was no need to pry, and if Jonghyun really needed to tell someone about it, he probably already would had said something, "will you someday tell me, why you were in that river?"

"That depends," another playful smile, "will you ever tell me, why you push people away? There's a story, right?"

Avoiding the question Jonghyun had shot back at him in defense, Kibum tugged his shirt down a bit, as a shiver went though his body from the coldness of the night that had closed onto them and asked a new question, "what did you do before you ended up in the river? Were you a student?"

"I was a poor musician," Jonghyun sighed dramatically, as he shrugged a bit, "I was nothing big though. My family was pretty much against it."

"That explains while it almost sounds like you're singing every time you open your mouth," Kibum blurted out without thinking - the last thing he wanted was to compliment Jonghyun, as he probably would get all cocky about it.

"So you think I have a nice voice?" Jonghyun raised his eyebrow in confusion, as he looked over at Kibum in wonder - he didn't really expect to get that kind of compliment from the younger boy.

How should Kibum explain Jonghyun, that his voice wasn't just nice, but freaking amazing? That it almost sounded like an angel, when he spoke. The only good thing about it was, that he wasn't going to tell him, "It's normal, I guess."

Jonghyun shook his head in pure wonder over how fast Kibum's mood changed, as a small smile played over his lips, "Are you cold?"

Of course Jonghyun had noticed that Kibum had been shivering from the cold. Kibum was sure nothing escaped the older's attention, as he had noticed, that Jonghyun seemed pretty observant. Instead of replying another shiver ran through the younger's body causing him to pull his knees up to his chest and hug them to keep himself warm.

Without saying a word Jonghyun inched closer to the shivering Kibum, so there was no space left between them. Scratching his neck awkwardly Jonghyun defended himself, before Kibum even got the chance to speak up, "Just so it's easier to keep warm."

"Yeah sure," Kibum mumbled baffled, aware of the fact that Jonghyun's firm cute was next to his.

"It's your turn," Jonghyun pointed out still not looking at Kibum as a lot of other things seemed a little more interesting at that point. (Or just less embarrassing.)

"Do you have any siblings?" Thinking about his usual clumsy brother Jinki, Kibum wondered if Jonghyun also had some kind of weird sibling, he found annoying sometimes, but couldn't help but love.

By the mention of siblings Jonghyun smiled brightly at Kibum once again, "I have an older sister. She's called Songdam, and she's so meddlesome, that you can't even imagine. She would always confront me, if she thought something had happened, until I told her. Afterwards she would usual fix my problems for me right away!"

Taken back by Jonghyun's sudden stream of words a small smile crept upon Kibum's lips. It was just as he had imagined. Jonghyun really cared about his sister even though, he said all those bad things behind her back.

"She sounds really nice," Kibum chuckled, as he covered his lips with the backside of his mouth out of habit - not that he knew why. It wasn't like he found it embarrassing to laugh in front of others.

"She is," Jonghyun chimed continuing to brag about his sister, "and she's really pretty! Almost as pretty as me even though that's kind of hard - but you're different however - I think you're really beautiful!"

Instead of showing a reaction Kibum simply blinked a few times staring at Jonghyun in pure confusion: "You think I'm beautiful?"

"Yeah," Jonghyun beamed without showing any sign of being a little bit shy about it, "and now it's your time to compliment me!"

"What?" befuddled the younger boy stared at the older, who asked for compliments out of the blue perplexing him, but he quickly regained his confident self, "I thought we were playing 20 question - not who could compliment each other the most."

 "Come on you must have at least one thing you like about me?" It was closer to whining, than it was an actual question, as Jonghyun leaned in towards Kibum making sure, that there really wasn't any space left between them at all.

"No," Uncomfortably Kibum inched just a bit away. He wasn't going to admit it, but he liked having Jonghyun that close, so he didn't want to move to far away - not that he had needed to be afraid of that anyways.

"Not even one thing?" Once again Jonghyun closed the distance between them, but this time he rested his head on Kibum's shoulder, so the younger couldn't move away. His invisible tail was almost wiggling so much, that it would probably fall of, if he continued like that for much longer.

"No," moving his attention to the chicks, who were busy hunting each other around the big cage, Kibum tried to ignore that their butts were almost stuck to each other.

"Please?" Jonghyun pushed his lower lip out a bit to form a perfect pout making Kibum's heart flutter for a short second. It seemed close to impossible to deny Jonghyun anything with that kind of pout, big begging eyes, and with his head resting on his shoulder.

"You have a cute , but-" heartbeat increased, eyes widened and Kibum found himself staring at Jonghyun with his mouth open in surprise from his babbling.

A second, two seconds, three seconds.

The air was filled with silence, as they both stared at each other in shock - until Jonghyun let out a weird letting the air out of a balloon kind of sound followed by a loud laughter making Kibum look down in embarrassment.

"You think I have a cute ?" It was hardly words that left the older's lips, as he even found it hard to breath from the laughter, that he found hard to stop. Tears were starting to form at the corner of his eyes, and he held his stomach from the pain of the continuing laughter.

"Yes," Kibum stated bluntly, as he decided that he could just be honest, as he already had said it out loud, "you have a really cute ."

This time it was Jonghyun's turn to be embarrassed, as he hadn't expected Kibum to be so blunt about it - at least he could have pretended to be a little bit ashamed of saying something like that out loud. Scratching his neck in embarrassment (Kibum had noticed, that Jonghyun did that lot, when he got nervous, embarrassed, nervous - you name it.), before he looked up at Kibum with a shy smile, "Thank you I guess."

"You're more than welcome," Kibum glanced at Jonghyun, before they both broke into laughter once again.

It was also by now that it occurred to Kibum, that maybe Jonghyun wasn't that bad after all.

That maybe they could be friends.

Just maybe. 

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AudrayLiAr #1
Oh, please write this to an end! I'd like to read what happened to Jjong and how they'll come together! I see, maybe it's not that easy after a year, but I know you can do it!
KPOPMonstahh #2
Chapter 18: So like, you're not going to talk about how dinojjong ended up in the river at all? No?

Are you gong to keep writing this??
Chapter 17: omg I'm in love with you story <3 gishhhhh i loooove this.chapter you're a great author
Chapter 18: Ohhh.. really good story^^ :) I love a lot^^ <3
Kekke.. now jjong is key's BF??? I hope it^^
Chapter 18: This story is so adorable! I can't wait to find out why Jjong was in that river *-*
magicbananas #7
Chapter 18: lol dummy jjong >.<
"you want me to go drown in the river once again?"
lol love that line!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Miji96 #8
Chapter 18: FINALLYYYYYYYY! Good going Oppa! :D <3
eunhaeshipper15 #9
Chapter 18: Jonghyun, please. xD Not so early in the morning. This chapter was adorable~ Thank you for updating :D
Milielitre #10
Chapter 18: WTF are they talking about so early in the morning XD