Accumulation 1

Accumulate This Love


"Hey," Kibum poked to the lifeless body, who were lying at the riverbed in the green freshly cut grass, as the hot burning sun played over the skin of the two boys, "are you alright?"

It seemed as the stupidest question, which could have left Kibum's mouth figuring he was sitting beside a lifeless body, but as he had never encountered such a situation before, he didn't know what to. (Could it even be called a situation?)

'Is he dead?' a horrible thought formed in the back of his mind, as he once again poked the possible death body, but this time he made sure to back away quickly, so no one upstairs would be able to accuse him from playing with a deaths human remains.

In his twenty years of living this got to be the worst thing, he had ever experienced, as he had lived on the country side quite isolated from everything around him.

"Hey," He tried once again, but this time he took a firm hold of the boy, who seemed to be around the same age as him and turned him around, so the boy, who had been lying on his stomach until then, finally got better access to breathing, "are you alright?"

Leaning in towards the boy Kibum were almost pressing his ear against the boy's lips, trying to be able to hear, if he was breathing. Low rapid panting filled his ear and tickled making Kibum shift away to send the boy a relieved glance, before he once again started trying to make contact with the boy, "hey, hey are you alright? Do you need anything?"

Kibum jumped up in surprise as the boy violently turned around, so he was hold up by his right elbow on the side, as he started coughing like there was no tomorrow. His body shook uncontrollably and soon water came up his throat covering himself in acid regurgitation.

Even though Kibum knew that he probably should help the poor boy, he was gotten lost in his own tracks, as he just stared at him coughing like crazy. Asking himself over and over what he should do, he decided that he at least could take a step to begin with.

Hastily Kibum went to the boy's side to pat him on his back making circular moves with his other hand on the boy's lower back. The feeling of caring about a stranger, he had never even seen around before, was close to nonsensical for Kibum to even accept.

The boy, the stranger lifted his hand in order to tell Kibum that he should stop comforting him, before he turned around to once again lay on his back gulping for air, making Kibum believe this was the boy's first time to breathe properly ever.

This was also the first time Kibum got the chance to look at the boy, since he had rushed to his side to see whether or not he was alive. The boy's chocolate brown hair was damp after he had been floating around in the river for God knew how long. It was stuck to his forehead, as small drops of water (or was it sweat?) made their way down his temples to finally end in the spring scented grass.

His clothes were still wet from his swimming trip making his simple white v-neck t-shirt into a see through revealing a well built chest and stomach. (On the borderline to become a great six pack.) And his dark jeans, which only had become darker from the water, were plastered to his legs.

"Are you okay?" The overused question got asked once again, as Kibum hovered over the boy to make eye contact, so he could make sure that he was conscious.

A pair of dark brown orbs glanced at Kibum through dark eye lashes, as the boy shielded himself from the sun with his right hand, so he could get a better view of his savior, "I guess."

It sounded as a melody had just left the boy's lips, as it was deep but had a light twitch to it making it sound higher and more melodic, than it probably was.

"Oh," a complex look covered Kibum's facial features, as he confused glanced around them. What was he supposed to do now? Leaving him by the riverbed didn't seem as an option. (No matter how soft the grass looked.)

Loud birdsong from the nearest tree made Kibum wake up from his thoughts once again, as he looked down at the boy with the most perfect pair of brown orbs, he had ever seen, "Can you walk?"

A snort left the pretty boy followed by a sarcastic rolling of his eyes, "Of course I can walk. It's swimming, I got a problem with."

What was supposed to be a joke turned into an awkward silence between the two of them, as they just stared blankly at each other. Kibum wondered if the boy was checking him out, as he had checked the boy out a few moments ago.

To break the silence Kibum turned his back to the boy to fake cough just to turn around to see the boy struggle with getting up by himself. He had probably lost all of his strength after being in the water for so long, after nearly being dead.

 Effortlessly Kibum grabbed the boy's elbow and helped him stand up, secretly thanking his brother for always fighting with him, so he had the strength to do so.

"I can walk by myself," The boy pushed him away just to take a few unstable steps, before he was about to fall again, but Kibum had been ready and grabbed him by the elbow once again to help him get his balance back.

Eyeing the boy Kibum snickered a bit, "and just where were you planning to go in that state?"

"I-" the questions, which had been hanging in the air for some time, caught the boy by surprise. He shifted uncomfortably, as he slowly put his arm around Kibum's shoulder, so he could keep standing.

"I thought so," rolling his eyes Kibum decided, that it probably would be best to get him some dry clothes, before he got sick, so he started to take small steps hoping the boy could keep up, as he seemed to have no strength left in his well built body.

"Where are we going?" Helpless, pathetic, lonely - Kibum could make a whole list of the emotions, he thought he heard hidden in the boy's voice, but deciding to ignore them, he took a firm grip around the others waist, as he kept on walking.

"My house."



Kibum had for as long as he could remember lived on a small farm with his grandmother and his older brother. It had been his home for what felt like forever, and this was the only place, where he felt, he could be himself without getting judged.

The farm was placed a little outside a small village, where there lived about 400 people. It was painted white and the roof was getting old, but his grandmother had always said, that there was no reason to get it changed when a few buckets could keep the rain away. (But of course it wasn't her, who had to change the buckets all the time.)

Even though the house was far from the biggest in the world, there was plenty of space for only three people. They each had a room with its own distinctive features telling the story of each person. The kitchen was small but with a small table in the middle of the room, where they all would gather at the end of day to tell each other, what an exciting life they lived.

"Grandma," Kibum called throughout the ground, but he was met with hens cluck and the black cat (he still didn't know, where came from) stared blankly at him with its yellow eyes.

"Grandma," he tried again, but this time a little louder, so his voice echoed throughout every inch of the ground, "I need your help!"

Kibum was aware of the weird glances, he got from the boy beside him, but he decided to ignore it the best, he could. By the time they had reached his house, he had gotten wet from being that close to the boy, and he wished fervently, that he could get to change his clothes soon, as he hated the feeling of cold wet fabric against his skin.

A loud thump could be heard from the chicken coop, and the hens clucking only grew louder, revealing his grandmothers hiding place, "Key, I swear to God, that if it's another one of Taemin's homeless animals-"

Taemin was the younger boy from the village Kibum had played with a lot over the years. There was just one problem with their friendship - Taemin tended to find homeless animals and make Kibum's home into theirs, which his grandmother was getting tired of, so Taemin and her would always bicker, when they saw each other.

Kibum's grandmother rounded the corner of the house to take in the sight of two drenched boys - one of them being her grandson and the other being a total stranger, she had never seen before. (Which was pretty strange to her, as she knew everyone in the village.)

"I found him by the river - can I keep him?" Trying to joke the tension away Kibum chuckled nervously, before he bit his lower lip in anticipation.

"What happened?" Eyeing the two of them, she quickly decided to save the questions for later, "never mind! Quickly get inside so the two of you can get a hot shower and some dry clothes on!"

None of them waited for her to repeat herself, as they made their way to the house. Despite the weather being quite hot that day, they still felt a cold shiver go through their bodies every time a breeze would pass them by, so they were already looking forward to the warm shower.

"You take a shower first! - I'll find some clothes you can borrow," showing the boy where the bathroom were, Kibum left him to get to his own room. Deciding that he just could change his clothes without showering, he quickly changed into a pair of skinny jeans and a big t-shirt with a lot of random English words written all over it.

Afterwards he found the boy a pair of dark grey sweat pants, Kibum hadn't used for awhile, before he turned around to his chest of drawers quickly looking through it for a white v-neck t-shirt. (Since the stranger looked incredible good in the one he was wearing already.)

Shifting uncomfortably Kibum realized, that the boy probably also needed underwear, but just the thought made Kibum blush up furiously. Should he really find him a pair?

Opening another drawer Kibum glanced at his underwear, wondering why the most of it was pink. Closing the drawer and opening a new one he rummaged his underwear for a pair of decent ones, which wouldn't make a boy of his own age die from laughter.

Finally he found a pair of black boxers underneath his other ones. It had been hidden away for quite awhile, and Kibum even doubted, that he had ever worn that.

Sighing in relief he walked to the bathroom to knock on the door, "I'm leaving the clothes in front of the door - come to the kitchen when you're done!"

Not even waiting for a reply Kibum went downstairs met by the nice scent of soup. Going into the kitchen he threw his arms around his grandmother to show her his love, "Grandma! I love you so so so much!"

"I know Kibum-ah!" Patting his arms she kept on concentrating on the soup making Kibum pouting go to his regular chair by the dining table - it wasn't until the boy finally entered the kitchen with damp hair and dry clothes, that Kibum finally lit up again.

The boy scratched his arm unconsciously, as he shyly looked at them through his bangs, "I'm really sorry about this incident. My name is Kim Jonghyun."

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AudrayLiAr #1
Oh, please write this to an end! I'd like to read what happened to Jjong and how they'll come together! I see, maybe it's not that easy after a year, but I know you can do it!
KPOPMonstahh #2
Chapter 18: So like, you're not going to talk about how dinojjong ended up in the river at all? No?

Are you gong to keep writing this??
Chapter 17: omg I'm in love with you story <3 gishhhhh i loooove this.chapter you're a great author
Chapter 18: Ohhh.. really good story^^ :) I love a lot^^ <3
Kekke.. now jjong is key's BF??? I hope it^^
Chapter 18: This story is so adorable! I can't wait to find out why Jjong was in that river *-*
magicbananas #7
Chapter 18: lol dummy jjong >.<
"you want me to go drown in the river once again?"
lol love that line!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Miji96 #8
Chapter 18: FINALLYYYYYYYY! Good going Oppa! :D <3
eunhaeshipper15 #9
Chapter 18: Jonghyun, please. xD Not so early in the morning. This chapter was adorable~ Thank you for updating :D
Milielitre #10
Chapter 18: WTF are they talking about so early in the morning XD