Accumulation 16

Accumulate This Love

"This is the worst drama, I've ever watched!" Kibum bawled into the pillow he was holding tight, as his older brother patted his back to comfort him, while they both were watching the drama from his bed, "Why did he leave her just because he's father told him to? He should have stayed for the girl's sake!"

"Sometimes people decide to leave, because they think it's better for the other person Kibum," Jinki said, as he gave his brother one of those sideway hugs Minho had given him on the night, he had seen Jonghyun for the last time ever.

"That's just stupid! He should have discussed it with the girl, and then they could have decided to depart like two mature grown-ups!" The blonde boy said angrily, as the tears kept streaming down his face.

Jinki glanced at his brother through the corner of his eye, as he kept on patting him on his back, "Just like you gave Jonghyun a chance to explain himself, before you came back?"

"He left me first!" Kibum snarled, before he started crying even harder than before, "he ing left me without giving me a choice. Why should I have given him one?"

"Because then you might not have been sitting here crying your eyes out you little brat," Jinki sighed, as he handed him another handkerchief that probably would land in the big pile, Kibum was making beside his bed. He already knew, who had to clean up the mess, but he didn't care, since his brother needed him right now.

"I have my pride too," the blonde boy pouted before blowing his nose. His eyes were red from crying so much, and he knew his brother and grandmother was genuinely concerned about him, but he didn't know how to handle a loss, he had decided for himself. The worst part was that he really missed Jonghyun.

Why had he kissed him? He didn't like him like that. He hadn't missed him, as much as the blonde had missed him. He had no rights; but now all he could think about was how he wanted his lips on top of his once again.

"All I'm saying is that you should have let him speak," Jinki said, as he stood up to clean a bit after their whole day being spend in bed watching dramas, which only had let his brother feel even more miserable, than he felt to start with.

Kibum just glared at Jinki for stating the obvious. Yes, he should had let the older boy had explained himself, when he had come that far, and he regretted it a lot, but it was a bit too late for that now, wasn't it?

"Life isn't like your dramas Jinki!" The younger boy almost screamed at his brother, as he quickly stood up from the bed to storm out of the room, down the hallway - just to smack the door to his own room. Not completely satisfied by the sound it had made, he opened the door once again just to smack it the right way this time.

He didn't know how to handle it. This time it had been his own choice to be left behind, and he should be out celebrating instead of hiding in his room, but he was unsure of what feelings he should be feeling. Happiness? Sadness? Should he laugh or should he cry? He wasn't sure at all.



"Kibum you promised me," Taemin complained as he wiggled his shoulders from side to side cutely trying to get the older boy to go with him down to the river to see, if there was any animals there needed their help, before the winter kicked in.

The blonde boy stared at the cereal in front of him. He wished he had the heart to deny the younger boy, since he really didn't feel like leaving the house at all, but he didn't: "Just give me a minute to finish my food, okay?"

"But you haven't touched it, since I came to pick you up half an hour ago. With your speed a turtle will reach the river before we do," the younger boy kept complaining stomping the ground to make a point. (A very poor one indeed.) He knew how his best friend was feeling at the moment, and he believed it was better to go out than sit at home and feel sorry oneself, so he had come by every day, since Kibum came home to pester him.

With a glare Kibum stood up from the table and threw the cereal out in the garbage can underneath the sink. Why couldn't everyone just leave him alone already?

At the entrance he threw on Minho's black cardigan, he had basically stolen from the frog prince, but he didn't really care - he saw it as a payment for all the time Minho had wasted by talking all the time. He and Taemin should never be allowed to be in the same room together, since there would never be a quiet moment.

"Let's go," Kibum muttered, as he went out the door leaving Taemin behind, who was still busy tying his shoelaces. He didn't even consider waiting, since the younger boy knew the way just as well as he did.

As he slowly walked down the small paths down to the lake from the farm his thoughts wandered back to the day, where he had found Jonghyun at the river. Maybe he really should have let the older boy have some time to explain himself. At least because he was curious how the idiot had gotten himself to the point, where he had nearly drowned. Then again they had both locked themselves inside the chicken cage once. He couldn't stop the smile that appeared as the thought crossed his mind.

Maybe he was the idiot? He hadn't even let the boy explain himself Maybe he should have? But what if he had gotten hurt again? He slowly realized that he shouldn't have been so quick to leave, but he also had to move on from then. He couldn't keep on asking himself all those "what if's" questions, or he would be stuck in the past forever.

"Kibum wait up!" Taemin called from behind him, and he stopped in his tracks, before he approached the river by himself. He had promised to go with the younger boy.

"So what exactly are we looking for?" Kibum asked as the younger boy finally was by his side, "Any animal that will drive my grandmother crazy, since they're going to live on the farm?"

"Yes, that's about it," Taemin nodded seriously before breaking into a smile. It seemed like the old days before Jonghyun and Kibum finally smiled for the first time, since he came home from Seoul.



A week passed and the farm had slowly turned into a zoo, since the first day he and Taemin had gone out to save some of the helpless animals around the farm. If you asked Kibum he wasn't so sure, if they were as helpless as Taemin made them out to be, but every time, he tried to bring it up, Taemin would just start tearing up.

"Kim Kibum!" His grandmother roared through the entire house, as she stood at the end of the stairs, so she was sure he would hear her, "it's your turn to feed the chicks, and if you don't take care of all the animals that brat Taemin brought into our house, I'll make them into a stew! Do you understand me?"

"Yes grandma!" Kibum sighed to himself, as he pushed himself of the bed, where he had been reading the newest fashion magazine that had come with the mail earlier that day. He was trying to forget all about Jonghyun by doing the things he liked the most.

Seeing that his grandmother had washed Minho's cardigan he took it from the pile of clean clothes lying on the kitchen table and put it on, before he went out into the chilly autumn air to feed all the animals.

As he went into the chicken cage, he thought of the brunette, who he had spent hours with in here. Why did everything remind him of him? A loud sigh escaped his lips as he went over to the other end to pick up the bucket with food, before he started spreading it all over the floor.

"Kibum!" He heard Taemin's voice a bit far away, and he decided just to yell back instead of leaving his duties: "The chicken cage!"

Minutes passed and Taemin was finally standing in the opening to the cage just staring at the back of the older, who didn't turn around once, "Taemin don't just stand there - it's your fault that I have to feed so many animals, so you better help out!"

"Kibum, I have something-" The younger boy was cut off by a very familiar voice, the blonde boy had been sure he would never hear again in his life.

"Here I came all this way to get my cardigan back just to see that you're still wearing it," he slowly turned around to face the Frog Prince behind him, "but I guess, I'll let you keep it, since you seem to have grown very fond of it. I'm just regretting that I didn't get you to buy me that green hat then!"

"Minho! What are you doing here?" Kibum exclaimed still holding the bucket of chicken food in his hands, so his feet were surrounded by hungry chicks.

Minho just smiled his boyish smile, as he leaned against the opening of the door to the cage, "I missed you."

"How did you know how to find me?" He didn't stop the questions. He had decided to leave them all behind, so why did they keep on catching up to him from behind, when he was running the fastest he could.

"Jonghyun told me about Taemin, so I just contacted this cutie over here, and he helped me finding you," The Frog winked at Taemin, whose cheeks turned slightly red from the attention he was getting. Kibum sent him a death glare, and the youngest quickly forgot to be charmed by the Frogs flirting techniques.

"I didn't come alone," He added quietly investigating if his shoes had gotten any dirt on them intensely, so he wouldn't have to look Kibum into his eyes.

The blonde boy's heart beat increased, gulping down huge chunks of air, he finally muttered quietly: "What do you mean?"

"He's here too," Minho said knowing he would be understood even if he didn't elaborate any further.

"You should go home," Kibum turned around, as he continued feeding the chicks, while his eyes got filled with tears, "Both of you."

Why couldn't it all not just come to an end? Every time he thought he had finally come to a point, where he was sure, he would be able to find some kind of closure, there was always someone who would come and shake up his reality. Why couldn't he just get to live in peace all by himself? Maybe it would be a lot easier, if he decided to become a monk.

As he had been caught up in his thoughts once again, he hadn't heard the two of them leave, so when he turned around just to find himself all alone, he felt abandoned for the millionth time in his life.

Suddenly he didn't need a drama or music as an excuse to cry and the tears started flowing down his cheeks. Why couldn't he just let himself be happy? He kneeled down and hid his face in his hands as the tears kept flowing. Loud sobs left his mouth and he couldn't stop the heartbreaking sounds that left his throat. He didn't care if anyone heard him anymore; He just needed to let go of it all.

"Key?" Jonghyun's crystal clear voice filled his ears, and he couldn't believe it. Hadn't he asked them all to leave? He slowly looked up just to see the brunette standing in front of him once again. He had dyed his hair once again, so his dark roots couldn't be seen anymore.

Kibum slowly stood up, as he tried drying off his cheeks with the back of his hands with the help of Minho's black cardigan, "What do you want? Please leave me alone."

"Key, Kibum - please listen to me," Jonghyun begged, but Kibum just started walking past him ignoring his presence all together even though it hurt him more than it should. How can someone let another person fill so much in one's life?

"Kibum, I'm serious! Listen to me!" Jonghyun took a firm grip on the blonde boy's arm, which only made him turn around to glare angrily at the older boy with his bloodshot eyes from crying.

"LET ME GO," Kibum screamed on the top of his lungs, but Jonghyun only tightened his grip.

"We need to talk," Jonghyun muttered softly, as his eyes didn't lose eye contact with Kibum, "I'm begging you."

"I don't want to listen to your excu-" A loud bump interrupted Kibum, and he quickly turned around fearing what just had happened. At the entrance of the chicken cage the Frog Prince, Taemin and Jinki stood side by side smiling mischievously, as if they had done something they knew they shouldn't, but couldn't help being proud of.

"What do you think you're doing?" Kibum snarled at all of them having a bad feeling about what was going on.

"You two go on and have a good talk," Minho smiled, as he nodded in their direction, "we won't let you out, before you've at least listened to each other. You won't get anywhere, if you keep this up!"

"I'll take care of the key until you do," Jinki grinned swinging the key from side to side trying to make a point, but he only pissed Kibum even more off, than he already had.

"We'll come back later," Taemin said, before he added: "Please become friends again quickly! I miss the happy Kibum!"

The three of them left leaving a furious Kibum behind together with Jonghyun, who still had a tight grip on the younger's arm afraid that he might break down the whole cage just to avoid him.

"Let go of my arm," Kibum snarled shaking the brunette off him, before he went over to the bench to sit down frowning over his bad luck, "I'm not going to talk with you."

"I don't need you to talk to me," Jonghyun sighed, as he went over to sit beside Kibum, who just moved further away from him on the bench, so they didn't touch at all hurting the older boy more than he knew, "I just need you to listen to me."

"I don't want to," Kibum muttered angrily staring at his feet.

"Then I'll just talk to thin air, but I really think you should listen," Jonghyun sighed leaning up against the fence behind taking a deep breath, as he prepared for a long night alone with a furious Kibum. 


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AudrayLiAr #1
Oh, please write this to an end! I'd like to read what happened to Jjong and how they'll come together! I see, maybe it's not that easy after a year, but I know you can do it!
KPOPMonstahh #2
Chapter 18: So like, you're not going to talk about how dinojjong ended up in the river at all? No?

Are you gong to keep writing this??
Chapter 17: omg I'm in love with you story <3 gishhhhh i loooove this.chapter you're a great author
Chapter 18: Ohhh.. really good story^^ :) I love a lot^^ <3
Kekke.. now jjong is key's BF??? I hope it^^
Chapter 18: This story is so adorable! I can't wait to find out why Jjong was in that river *-*
magicbananas #7
Chapter 18: lol dummy jjong >.<
"you want me to go drown in the river once again?"
lol love that line!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Miji96 #8
Chapter 18: FINALLYYYYYYYY! Good going Oppa! :D <3
eunhaeshipper15 #9
Chapter 18: Jonghyun, please. xD Not so early in the morning. This chapter was adorable~ Thank you for updating :D
Milielitre #10
Chapter 18: WTF are they talking about so early in the morning XD