Accumulation 13

Accumulate This Love


Leaning in against the cold window Kibum stared out into the cold rainy night, as the train slowly but steady made its way towards Seoul.

Being in the middle of the night the train was almost deserted for people - a few was scattered around and a few words was spoken once in awhile, but aside from that Kibum felt all alone in the whole world.

He tried his best to stay brave, but it was harder than he thought it would be. Going back to the only place that he thought he would never return to, brought back a lot of unwanted memories and thoughts that usually was buried deep inside him.

Sighing deeply to himself, he clutched his ticket tightly in his hand, before he once again stared outside the window. There was no reason to think about the past, when he was trying this hard to fight for his future.

Kibum was watching how tree and mountains areas passed by in haste and gradually got replaced by buildings, some bigger than others, as the train entered the suburban and continued towards the center of the city.

Looking down at his ticket, Kibum couldn’t help to feel nervous. Seoul was a big city after all, and finding Jonghyun seemed almost impossible. But yet, he had never felt more determined about something, as he did right now. He knew that Jonghyun would be out there somewhere, and he was not planning on going home again, before finding him – or at least trying.

Next station Seoul Station…

Chaos erupted as soon as he left the train, as he pulled this pink suitcase behind him, since it wasn't even possible to take a step without bumping into another person. How was it even possible to gather that many at one place?

Yes, chaos was really the only way Kibum could explain the huge gathering of that many people. People who screamed after each other to get the attention of their friend, and children who was bawling their eyes out, was scattered all over the place, but it seemed planned as there was at least one of each at every corner the blonde boy passed by.

Once again he stopped up to give way to a mom and her two children, who was pulling her by her arms to get to the kiosk for some ice cream.

A loud sigh escaped his lips, why was it he was back here again? Nothing had changed at all.

"Hi," the hot breath of another boy caressed Kibum's ear sending a shiver down through his spine. The voice was husky, as if the person had just woken up from a long slumber, "you seem lost."

Kibum quickly took a step to the side to distance himself from the stranger, who now stood with a huge smile plastered all over his face, as if he had no worries left in the world.

The boy was a bit taller than Kibum with a very slender body, who gave away right away, that he worked out quite a lot. His dark chocolate dyed hair reminded the blonde boy of Jonghyun, as the color was so similar that the two boys could have used the same bottle of dye.

He was dressed very casually with dark tight jeans, a gray sweater and a dark t-shirt underneath it.

Eying him suspiciously Kibum tried not to blow up over the fact that a complete stranger had just walked into his comfort zone without his permission, "what do you want?"

"You just seemed so lost, so I felt like helping you," the tall boy shrugged with a playful smile playing on top of his lips, "aren't I nice?"

"No, you're a creep," The blonde boy remarked running his fingers through his hair with a loud sigh. He really didn't have any time for this.

A loud beep came from the strangers pocket indicating, that he got a text stopped Kibum to further insult him, as the boy held up a finger to stop him from talking, "Just a second."

"But-" Kibum tried once again to say something frustrated by the situation, but the brunette in front of him simply replied to the text, before grabbing Kibum's pink suitcase and started to walk away leaving him behind - possible even more confused than before.

"Wait, what?" He blurted, as his pink suitcase slowly left him behind pulled by a complete stranger, which he was still unsure of why was even talking to him, "Where are you going?"

It didn't surprise him, when his suitcase didn't stop moving away from him - neither when the brunette didn't even respond to his complaints even once. It probably should have, but he was pretty tired after the long train ride that he just wanted to get away from the complete weirdo in front of him, so questioning anything at the moment was a total no go.

"HEY! GET BACK HERE," Kibum screamed at the top of his lungs at the stranger, who finally stopped up to stare in awe at him, as if he had never heard anyone scream in public before.

The brunette quickly gained his composure, "I'll just take you to your hotel."

"You don't know where I'm staying," Kibum folded his arms across his chest, as he flatly noted the one mistake in the strangers plan. Why was it always him to have to meet all the weirdoes? First he had to save Jonghyun from the river and now this - couldn't his life just be easy for once?

"Then tell me," it was more of a statement than a question, which only got Kibum angrier than he already was.

"I don't want to," They glared at each other with no amusement hidden in between waiting for the other to give up, but it seemed like nothing Kibum did was of any use, as the brunette just came up with another plan.

"Then let's go explore Seoul together!" He happily announced, as he started to walk away from Kibum once again with no thoughts of leaving the blonde boy alone.

"Leave me alone," Kibum flatly said, as he walked up to the brunette and took his suitcase back, before walking ahead of the other this time.

"That's no fun," The stranger laughed, as he walked beside Kibum, who did his best to ignore the other, but it was harder than imagined, since the latter kept glancing at him waiting for a reply.

"I'm not here for fun," he simply stated with no further explanation.

The other frowned a bit biting his lips while staring openly at Kibum, who now stood still waiting for the brunette to go away, but as nothing seemed to happen, he sighed in defeat and rested his hand on his hip, "Who are you?"

"Choi Minho," a smile appeared on his lips, as he happily announced his name satisfied that he was finally making some progress with Kibum, "let's be friends Kibum!"

"I don't want-" he abruptly stopped his complaints about being Minho's friend, as he eyed him suspiciously, "How do you know my name?"

Not once did the smile leave Minho's lips, as he shrugged not wanting to explain himself further, but he couldn't help but tease the blonde boy in front of him, "Do you really think I'm so weird, I would walk up to anyone and start a conversation?"

Kibum squatted down in exhaustion, as he gave up on understanding anything that was happening around him. It was impossible for him to sort anything out in his head, and it was all just too confusing for him at the moment.

He sent a glare in the direction of the smiling brunette followed by a sigh, as he ran his fingers through his hair for the nth time that day (it probably looked more like a birds nest than actually hair by then.), "So what do you want?"

 "I want to go sightseeing with you," Minho pouted, as he squatted down beside Kibum just to pat his head, before he once again stood up, "I already told you."

"Okay," the blonde boy heard himself agreeing to the other's request. He didn't really understand why, but he knew that it seemed like a good idea to go with him. As if his whole body was telling him to go along with it no matter how much he just wished to go to his hotel and catch up on some sleep.

Minho raised his eyebrow slightly to question him; waiting for the latter to take back what he just said, but as he didn't, he couldn't help but smile to himself, "okay?"

"Sure," Kibum agreed once again, as he stood up in order to follow Minho, who was already on his way out of the huge station, so they could go have some "fun" together.



"You look like a frog," Kibum stated plainly, as Minho was trying on hats in front of a stall in the busy streets of Myeongdong, where the blonde boy literally had been dragged to.

Minho turned around to pout at Kibum, who just returned the favor with a glare, as his hand once again rested on his hip, "But a cute frog, right?"

"There is no such thing as a cute frog," He told the brunette, who now was busy trying on another hat - this time a green one, which just emphasized what he had just said.

"Of course there is," The other boy stubbornly replied, as he did some moves to appear cute; looking completely out of place, "I'm a cute frog."

"You're unbelievable," Kibum finally snapped at the complete stranger in front of him; if he hadn't known his name without him giving it away, he wouldn't be here listening to all of this nonsense. He turned around to start walking down the streets once again well knowing that Minho would follow him in matter of seconds.

"And cute!" The brunette exclaimed behind him, as he followed up close behind afraid of getting left behind.

"Cute my ," Kibum muttered for himself, as he thought about how much Taemin would had loved hanging out with Minho. Their personalities both seemed so bright and optimistic, that it almost scared him.

They walked in silence for a bit, as neither of them knew what to say to open a conversation. Once in awhile they would stop up to look at the stalls and sometimes the blonde boy would decide to go look in some of the shops. (Of course without telling Minho about it, which made the brunette keep a close eye on him at all times.)

Maybe an hour had passed by or maybe three but Kibum had lost all sense of time in the chaos of Myeongdong. It had been such a long time since his last visit, and he couldn't help but feel a bit happy about coming back to this place, and it wasn't until he felt someone tugging his jacket, that he realized that he wasn't alone.

"Kibum, I'm hungry," Minho complained loudly, as he glanced at the blonde boy, who confused stared back at him. Now that he mentioned it the thought about consuming any kind of food hadn't occurred to him, since he left his hometown many hours earlier, so a sudden hunger hit him as well in the midst of everything.

"Let's go eat then," he complied looking around for a restaurant, where they could get something to eat, but Minho beat him to it, as he already started walking in the same direction they just came from.

"This way," The brunette smiled; leading the way through Myeongdong's streets, as if he had done nothing his whole life but walking around there. He stopped at one of the exits, where they served Samgyeopsal.

"Let's eat here," Minho beamed walking straight into the restaurant, as if he owned the place, "it's my treat."

Kibum decided there was no reason to reply, as he just followed the latter in utter silence. It was all starting to seem ridiculous in his eyes, and he couldn't help but wonder what was going on inside Minho's head, as he lead the way through the restaurant.

It would be hard for the blonde boy to deny that a tiny little hope of the stranger knowing Jonghyun was leading him to walk around with Minho. How else should he know his name? Did Jonghyun know that he would come looking for him, so he sent one of his friends to get him? Maybe he regretted leaving him? Maybe....

"Let's sit here!" The brunette announced seating himself in a faraway booth, where they could get some privacy away from stranger's eyes, but the funny thing was; they were strangers to each other.

Apparently Minho had already ordered their food beforehand, and it didn't take long, before their table was filled with too much food for just the two of them, but Kibum just sighed, as he decided not to question it - he had had too much for one day.

They both started to consume the food slowly without muttering a word. Actually it was funny, how it didn't seem awkward anymore that no one of them was speaking - especially since Kibum was really starting to hate Minho's guts.

"Listen up Frog-" Kibum started off, but Minho cut him off, before he even had the chance to start his rant.

"You called me frog!" He beamed happily, "does that mean you find me cute?"

"No," the blonde boy sternly said; not even half amused by the fact that he got interrupted, "Can you please-"

"Then why did you call me a frog?" Once again Minho interrupted him, "isn't that because you find me cute?"

Kibum then stood up just to send Minho another glare. He really didn't have time for this, and he finally reached his limit, and before he would finally blow up on the other boy, he decided to leave.

He took his pink suitcase and was on his way out of the restaurant, when Minho's voice suddenly stopped him, "Don't you want to know, why I knew your name?"

Without a word the blonde boy turned around to face the brunette waiting for him to elaborate, as he didn't want to associate himself with stupid anymore.

"Your suitcase," Minho mouthed, as he pointed towards the pink box on wheels, which had been following Kibum, since he's departure from his hometown.


"Your name; it's written on your suitcase," Minho laughed out loud at Kibum's stupefied facial expression, which slowly turned into anger.

He somehow felt betrayed, even though he didn't know why. He felt angry at himself for actually believing that Minho had something to do with Jonghyun; why he hadn't told himself to be more realistic - but he found it really hard, when it came to the older boy.

It seemed wrong to blame Minho, but he couldn't help it. Why hadn't the frog lunatic been honest from the start, instead of getting his hopes up?

He felt betrayed by a stranger. How stupid.

Sending the brunette one last glare Kibum left the restaurant in a hurry; just wanting to get away fast; reminding himself to remove his name from the suitcase as soon as he arrived at his hotel.  

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AudrayLiAr #1
Oh, please write this to an end! I'd like to read what happened to Jjong and how they'll come together! I see, maybe it's not that easy after a year, but I know you can do it!
KPOPMonstahh #2
Chapter 18: So like, you're not going to talk about how dinojjong ended up in the river at all? No?

Are you gong to keep writing this??
Chapter 17: omg I'm in love with you story <3 gishhhhh i loooove this.chapter you're a great author
Chapter 18: Ohhh.. really good story^^ :) I love a lot^^ <3
Kekke.. now jjong is key's BF??? I hope it^^
Chapter 18: This story is so adorable! I can't wait to find out why Jjong was in that river *-*
magicbananas #7
Chapter 18: lol dummy jjong >.<
"you want me to go drown in the river once again?"
lol love that line!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Miji96 #8
Chapter 18: FINALLYYYYYYYY! Good going Oppa! :D <3
eunhaeshipper15 #9
Chapter 18: Jonghyun, please. xD Not so early in the morning. This chapter was adorable~ Thank you for updating :D
Milielitre #10
Chapter 18: WTF are they talking about so early in the morning XD